Last night I had a power blip, not enough to throw everything offline but just enough to restart the BBS machine it seems

    Wednesday June 12, 2024
  • BBS

    The BBS Xchange banners stopped working, so I used the Internet Archive to locate a suitable replacement for my site’s banner area

    Saturday June 8, 2024
  • BBS

    I’m having a weird issue with posting to usenet, I’m not sure if this is a Leafnode thing (althought it is having some problems too) or a Wildcat! problem. I repointed the BBS to my ISP’s NNTP service so I lost access to some of the weirder newsgroups

    Thursday May 9, 2024
  • BBS

    If you were wondering after the last post when I say the BBS has been sucking electric from the wall for a very long time, let me introduce you to how I setup HTTP redirections on mmn.on.ca

    Wednesday May 8, 2024
  • BBS

    Hmmm, I want to repoint mmn.on.ca over to the BBS server, but the problem is doing that will break a lot of things

    Wednesday May 8, 2024
  • BBS

    BBS server is now called winserver which is a success, but what isn’t a success is that this renaming broke the modem for some reason and it won’t come back 🫡

    Sunday December 10, 2023
  • BBS

    ARGH I’m having that fucking modem port not opening problem with the BBS again, it took months last time for the modem to vibe again

    Sunday December 10, 2023
  • BBS

    Very not great that the BBS lost all knowledge of the usenet server it is supposed to connect to

    Sunday December 10, 2023
  • BBS

    Also, yes the BBS is still down. I’ve not got around to dealing with it between cutting the power, doing insurance shit, and having a mental breakdown.

    Saturday December 2, 2023
  • BBS

    Somebody is desperately trying to connect to the BBS by phone and honestly my internet is next level fucked right now making that a challenge

    Tuesday November 21, 2023
  • BBS

    How I vision this - redirect oh.mg to a hosted website (rather than self hosting the WWW), om.gay becomes the gemini site, gopher / BBS / etc stays where it is. Awful branding but it works.

    Sunday February 6, 2022
  • BBS

    Working on the BBS today, and also starting to mirror out my journal to FTP / the BBS file area

    Saturday November 27, 2021
  • BBS

    I’ve done it, well most of it, the BBS' domain has been changed to free.mg and next step is to get the static site hosting working (gotta do a ftp server) and kiln to run on a crontab

    Saturday October 2, 2021
  • BBS

    I had to shutdown the BBS server for about 15 minutes, something has started to seize a connection with the modem again

    Saturday October 2, 2021
  • BBS

    I’ve got to do some work on the BBS over the weekend, some of the mail areas are acting up probably riddled with file locks too. I’ve also got to reset the domain as well from bbs.ec to ix.oh.mg or maybe bbs.oh.mg, not decided

    Friday October 1, 2021
  • BBS

    In the sea of bad news, there is good. When I setup the BBS machine in the new flat, the modem started to respond again, if the internet comes back then dial-up service can resume

    Sunday September 26, 2021
  • BBS

    Monday September 13, 2021
  • BBS

    I’m having a little play with hosting static sites for my bbs users, but using only gemini content, a site generator, and FTP. Not really sure how I’m going to do it, but I am.

    Sunday May 2, 2021
  • BBS

    I’ve also been playing with monitisation with Coil, if I can figure out how to hide my BBS’s web front end behind a Coil paywall I would consider opening it back up to the outside web. The amount of money raked in is still pretty small, but it would limit the server to genuine users if anything. Plus it helps a little towards the management of the web server, which is the most time intensive part of running a BBS

    Monday December 21, 2020
  • BBS

    I totes need to work on my BBS having invested a lot of time with postfix getting email running

    Saturday December 19, 2020
  • BBS

    Redoin' the BBS Login Screen - Awful ANSI screen ahoy

    Saturday December 12, 2020
  • BBS

    The File Area / FTP is b0rk3d - The joys of technology #bbs #bbsing #files

    Friday December 11, 2020
  • BBS

    I’ve finally found out how to get mailcow to properly relay mail to bbs.ec without causing all kinds of havok. Next step is figure out how IP filtering works on Freebox and we’re there!

    Sunday November 15, 2020
  • BBS

    Moved the BBS website to gemini with some HTTP2Gemini voodoo, now mirroring the content over on the gopher server at gopher.is

    Saturday October 24, 2020
  • BBS

    The internet is quite intense in 2020 and I’ve got to do life things today. Already got the cat litter done, shopping next, laundry to come, and after I think working on the BBS

    Saturday June 6, 2020
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