It claims its overheating
Sep 1 20:41:12 kaja kernel: [2995794.251186] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (128 C), shutting down Sep 1 20:41:12 kaja kernel: [2995794.254251] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (128 C), shutting down
Overnight Kaja’s condition deteriorated and she fell into a coma. The hospital was able to recussiate her, but 3 hours later it happened again. This time she wasn’t able to be brought back.
Kaja passed away at 6h this morning.
Kaja - Her Current Situation | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay
Kaja has been getting fluids from the vet, she’s still not drinking on her own though. Random spirts of mobility, if the vet can’t get her past this then she’ll have to be hospitalised
Off the back of my previous post, I’ve put a bit more details in to this journal entry - Kaja
Kaja is in a very bad state right now, the vet did a blood test (and she put a hole in my thumb as he took blood). Diabetes on top of kidney, liver, and pancreatic failure. I’m watching her try to drink water, she’s got the whole bed room to herself now
Kaja is really unwell tonight and is showing no interest in eating, so we have a vet appointment first thing. 2022 is a cunt and it’s doing it to my cat
I’m sat outside with Kaja at 2h du mat because she is obsessed with being outside and trying to get to the bins
Kaja has been pretty chill about the situation today considering, I’m not exactly pleased though Enedis forgot to give me electric 🙄
Agency forgot we had the état des lieux to do so all postponed to this afternoon. Started to get some of Kaja’s things ready, and holy shit she’s fucking raging. Sat in the corner hissing and taking shots for moving her little bed to the side
and of course we have Kaja, she gets enraged about me moving things and cleaning up. So I have to move her first in to an empty flat, stay with her for a while to get comfortable with the new place, then start moving things
Lady Kaja is currently sheading because we had a short burst of warm weather, now that it’s cold again she’ll prepare another coat to explode everywhere in the next few days
Lady Kaja is in one of her McMoods, nothing says I love you like flinging everything off my desk
Kaja just jumped down to the desk, and I was screaming at her “I HAVE FOOD LADY, FOOD? I HAVE FOOD LADY”
I find myself tremendously bored, milked the streaming sites for all their delicious content, Kaja won’t talk to me, I look at my website and want to change, but no idea what to change 😭
Thursday April 22, 2021 -
Little Miss Kaja is storming about on the bed for whatever reason, meanwhile I’ve located some of the old images I used to do weekly back in the day for my personal site (circa 2001)
Window latch problem solved today, I also cleaned out what could be another cat entirely out of the clim so it will now breathe better and chill like it’s got Netflix. I had to chisel out 60 years of paint from the window lock and it’s screws. I’m sure I have lead poisoning ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Meanwhile Kaja just be chillin'
,Apple Newton
I had to have an hour long negotiation with Kaja today, a neighbouring cat came near her space, so she launched a full on war. Had to get her from their yard, only to find she managed to rip two claws out in the process of whatever she was doing. She’s currently sleeping it off
I lit up Miss Kaja’s garden for the night (and had to buy more candles to do so), so of course she decided that she’d rather just nip inside and bury herself into my bed
Miss Kaja’s been chilling in the sun bbs.yt/album/cat…
So just cleaning out Kaja’s water bowl and changing the filter
I empty out the water in to the bin, throw the old filter in the sink 🤷♂
I’ve got Miss Kaja à random sélection of treats, which in theory is great but in practice, it’s more like what her majesty is prepared to try. She is picky.
Miss Kaja is currently in the most rancid of moods, turns out keeping her up all day was counter productive. She’s very awake and not at all happy to be so