• We Are Fucked


    Eat the Rich

    After two long ass years, I’m one step closer to getting back to normal (as one can be in late stage capitalism). My CDI starts with the cooperative and my first three months of salary is impressive, then back down to a more normal amount in 2025. I can actually have a social life AND pay bills

    Tuesday September 17, 2024
  • Eat the Rich

    My landord who basically never responds to my emails has increased the price of my rent by the usual 33€/month to continue avoiding replying to my emails. I’m not saying all landlords are bastards but my current ones ain’t trying to dispute that

    Sunday August 11, 2024
  • We Are Fucked


    Eat the Rich

    I need to start getting ready to go to the supermarket because of course it closes early today, trying to balance getting enough sleep with capitalism is difficult. I wouldn’t have to do this if we just ate the rich already

    Sunday June 30, 2024
  • Eurovision


    We Are Fucked


    Eat the Rich

    I can’t believe that was only an ad free segment, y’all with capitalism TV missed out #esc

    Saturday May 11, 2024
  • Eat the Rich

    Fuck, I got bated twice in the same day by algorthms, first YouTube and the second by Facebook

    Wednesday January 10, 2024
  • Eat the Rich

    Will somebody think of the landlords ? This CBC puff piece is almost comedy youtu.be/tuvb-ZmUy…

    Tuesday January 9, 2024
  • We Are Fucked


    Eat the Rich

    Because capitalism Cities Skylines won’t load any more on my laptop it seems. The launcher just hangs permanently. Every update removes me further from my purchase

    Thursday December 28, 2023
  • We Are Fucked


    Eat the Rich

    #capitalism breeds such innovation youtu.be/qUaD4u1b-…

    Tuesday December 26, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    Capitalism brings the best innovation - the Carrefour seems to be stocking up on full price own brand and brand name products while the discount versions get pushed off the shelf

    Sunday December 3, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    Remember when having a webcam in your house uploading every 5 minutes was a thing before surveillance capitalism ruined our fun ?

    Monday November 27, 2023
  • Bezos The Baby Eater


    Eat the Rich

    My Freebox has voice controls which never work because it doesn’t listen (good). Today however, Alexa decided to get involved and try to push me to connect my box to Amazon while I’m watching TV. No thanks rude ass capitalist spy

    Saturday October 21, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    I’ve ended up going back to bed, neo liberal capitalism fatigues me

    Saturday September 16, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    Landlords : People are so mean to us, we’re just good people 🥺

    Also landlords : youtu.be/8vpiuB0GW…

    Thursday August 31, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    If you’d like to know more about Greatest Manager Ever Celia and her great work (maybe this should be on her LinkedIn page) have a read of this, now you know a name - blog.sus.fr/~/English…

    Sunday August 27, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    Oh and the hilarious irony - I make “too much” to get assistance from a food bank but too little to actually buy food. Maybe mental breakdown wasn’t a fair assessment, more like life ending nuclear meltdown brought to you by capitalism and some bitch called Celia (get run over by a bus bbz xx)

    Sunday August 27, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    Another day in dystopian capitalism “hey thanks for applying to this job you’re qualified for and that you need to remain in a house. Anyways, we’ve decided to not talk to you because you don’t have arbitrary thing we never asked for in the job ad xoxo stay funemployed babe”

    Friday August 25, 2023
  • FR


    Eat the Rich

    Au lieu de réduire les prix et de rendre les voyages en train plus abordables la SNCF permet désormais de payer en trois fois. Bienvenue dans l’enfer du capitalisme que nous avons laissé prospérer 👍

    Sunday August 13, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    Cool cool, a tablet in perfect working order I just found was killed off and can be effectively bricked because capitalism

    Tuesday August 8, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    Also, regular reminder - fuck capitalism and may the wealth horders get what they deserve

    Monday August 7, 2023
  • Eat the Rich

    If you didn’t think it was time to eat the billionaire class, it is, the energy companies are ripping us off, the landlords are spiking up rents because they can, and multimillion euro companies are destroying the planet

    Saturday July 30, 2022
  • Eat the Rich

    Everytime I play Animal Crossing I learn to hate that capitalist trash panda Tom Nook and his shitty family even more

    Saturday November 7, 2020
  • Imported




    Eat the Rich

    My Former Landlord Drama

    I got a message today from one of my friends cleaning out my flat that my landlord has cleared out my flat without even a call, text or email of warning.

    To say that I am pissed off is an understatement.  I have now done what any reasonable person would do, go ape shit with a demand on where they have my deposit and full on reading them out for their absolute scumlord activities.

    I won’t give you the whole email, but the highlights include:-

    As I am sure you can understand I am extremely upset by this, considering the treatment I have had to endure from your lack of management and repair to the property, your illegal attempted eviction December 2009 from Flat 3 and the on going un-managed rodent issue due to the placement of the refuse for the entire building.

    and the kicker:-

    I have made every effort to make arrangements with you for my departure and you have not even had the decency to respond to my calls or texts.

    It’s not that I didn’t figure that they would be the biggest douchebags ever, it’s just I didn’t thik they’d be this big.  I guess I was proven wrong, now it’s another set of calls and possibly even having to take them to small claims court from France when I have other shit to be getting on with.

    I am not pleased about this at all.


    Listening to:

    Vibe: NoMoodTag

    LJ ItemID: 1484388

    Sunday December 15, 2013
  • Imported




    Eat the Rich

    I believe I might knock somebody out

    After spending all summer without a problem, thanks to some asshole neighbours it seems the mother fucking mouse problem is back.

    This time rather than just piled rubbish, they've been woo'd in by freshly left pizzas.

    Not to forget the festering kebab and cheesy chips that I don't have photos of.

    I put up a letter calling out the bullshit and of course that just resulted in a skank bag of fouls food waste left last night and a strewn pizza this morning.

    There is clearly somebody in this building who needs a punch to the face to grow the fuck up.

    I've now taken it as far as I can, let's hope the landlord will help out.

    « Hi Joe, I'm having a problem with another tenant. But I'm not too sure who it is.

    After the mouse issue last year I'm keen to keep the rubbish under control and Flat 2 is also very much on board. However, there is one of the flats leaving bags in there for weeks and not taking them out like myself and flat 2 has been for months.

    They've also started leaving pizza boxes regularly in the hall.

    This is now the fourth week the rubbish has been left by them and the third instance of them leaving open food waste in the public area.

    I'm coming to you as between myself and the flat above me we've tried to tackle the problem on our own. But whoever is doing this (flat 3 or flat 4) is decidedly against living as a civilised person.

    Is there anything we can do with your help to stop this as I've run out of ideas/options? »


    Listening to:

    Vibe: fucking angry

    LJ ItemID: 1482399

    Monday September 16, 2013
  • Imported




    Eat the Rich

    Delayed Drama BACS

    If it's not already been clear by my postings, my landlords are shit with any kind of time frames.

    For example, February 2012 I reported a leak to them, today the council are threatening action unless they make some kind of effort.

    But that's of course when they ain't waiting for money, my rent payment leaves my account on the 28th. This is mainly because that's when I get paid and I ain't paying them earlier because, I ain't got no cash (and I fucking hate them).

    My current account will send standing orders by BACS, that's just the way it is and quite frankly I couldn't give a fathom of two shits about it since I'm not responsible for the way out corrupted banking system works.

    So imagine my surprise, when after a year of telling these goons the same bloody thing in February, April, May, August and December that they'd remember that three working days is slightly longer than normal.

    Hi Kevin. Just to let you know the rent hasn't arrived yet. Would be grateful if you could chase up and arrange for them to pay today. Thank you. Joe

    I almost replied with "Hi Joe, I couldn't give a shit, you know with shit dripping down my kitchen ceiling for the last year and all." or even "Hi Joe, thanks for the prompt reminder at 0815 on a Friday morning you're a complete bell end, as if the list of shit wrong with this place in itself wasn't a constant reminder. I think you'll find that February is short, the banks are slow and you're broke for another 2 working days jack ass.

    The mice say hi too."

    Instead I was all diplomatic hoping that this douchebag would make some kind of bullshit argument that I could tear his face off with.

    Fortunately for him after ignoring my

    Hi Joe, the funds leave on a standing order through my current account on the 28th. S/O payments are sent by the bank via BACS which takes up to 3 working days to clear. Normally you wouldn't notice as there is two/three days before the first but with Feb being short it's a bit different. So the third working day from the payment date will be the 4th (Monday) but it has definitely left my account on the 28th.

    he listened to my voicemail and came back with Hi Kevin, just picked up your voice mail - thanks for getting back to me. Joe

    Not a problem Joe, now fix my fucking flat.

    Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

    Listening to:

    Vibe: interfered

    LJ ItemID: 1463290

    Friday March 8, 2013
  • Imported




    Eat the Rich

    Abruptly Wanting Rent

    So my landlords have decided to forgo sense and business practice by dumping my agent.

    Now I have to deal with them directly. And by directly I mean through the council's current action against them.

    Rather annoyingly this not only means having to record every call to them (as my letting agent actually did act on everything we spoke about) but also for this next farce.

    They left a note Friday evening that all payments must now go to them with new bank details. No big deal, if you have a transitional period realising that the next working day is most people's standing order day.

    But not with mine, basically it means that I have to go through the trouble of seeing if the credit union can stop the payment or recall it if its too late, because they've not bothered to give reasonable notice or arrange for the letting agent to forward on anything latent.

    Good job. My visage now:

    Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

    Listening to:

    Vibe: annoyed

    LJ ItemID: 1458096

    Sunday January 27, 2013
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