• Jarod

    Jarod on the other hand insists on taking up half the bed or get buried under the blankets until it’s suffocatingly hot, for that is his ideal sleeping temperature

    Thursday August 29, 2024
  • Jarod


    Samuel L Catson

    When Samy first came here he couldn’t jump, he wasn’t very good at being a cat, two years later with the help of Jarod he’s learned how to be extra

    Sunday August 18, 2024
  • Jarod

    And Jarod farted, like really let some nasty cat food fart run wild

    Monday August 5, 2024
  • Jarod


    Samuel L Catson

    I thought I played Samy by hiding the pill in his wet food, turns out he played me to give him and Jarod more than normal. No problems swallowing that pill when he’s stuffed

    Tuesday July 30, 2024
  • Jarod


    Samuel L Catson

    It also doesn’t help that for Samy’s appointment he’s not allowed to eat this morning, which means Jarod can’t either until we get back later this morning. Jarod is not at all happy about this change in his life plan

    Monday July 29, 2024
  • Jarod


    Samuel L Catson


    L enfer a Paris 2024

    Today I have a long day, get Samy up to the vet for the day, bring Jarod along for his shots, come back work all day, go back to get Samy. Normally should be an easy job but you see with the Olympics hell it could be a very very long experience

    Monday July 29, 2024
  • Jarod


    Samuel L Catson

    Samy had a rough day at the vet, 45 minutes to move 2km, then he had a shot, and we discovered he gingivitis. He has to go back for a tooth removal and cleaning on Monday. Jarod is joining for shots

    Saturday July 27, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod is being some next level pain in the ass right now. I’m sure he’s doing it intentionally because he didn’t get the rat he invested so much time into not catching

    Friday June 28, 2024
  • Jarod


    Samuel L Catson

    Jarod has located and cornered a rat, Samy is “helping” but he’s not exactly aware of how serious Jarod is with this event. I have never seen him so still, quiet, attentative, and ready to fuck some shit up

    Friday June 28, 2024
  • Jarod

    Before you ask, yes Jarod is missing a tooth. Nobody knows exactly when but that’s how he is

    Wednesday June 26, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod is in his asshole mood, screaming about everything and nothing because having dry food is not in his life plan

    Saturday June 22, 2024
  • Jarod

    One of my neighbours was arguing with somebody from the restaurant. Neither of them were impressed when I had to hold Jarod over the fence because he was screaming at them both for attention. He saw, he shut up, and he’s been chill ever since

    Thursday June 13, 2024
  • Jarod

    I’m dealing with an angry Jarod, he’s being a next level dick today - screaming outside and biting - probably because he can’t play in the bins to look for the mice

    Wednesday May 8, 2024
  • Jarod

    This would be Jarod’s current unmovable position

    Friday February 16, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod is in a mood tonight where he’s being clingy, which is nice, but street cat nice isn’t as pleasant as you’d hope. He’s clawed in to my body and bit me pretty hard, now he’s insisting on sleeping on me and becomes a 6kg dead weight when I need to move

    Friday February 16, 2024
  • Jarod

    Considering that Jarod isn’t exactly a 6ft man, I’m kind of shocked how he’s able to have not only spread out over 3/4 of the bed, but is also hogging all of the blankets. He also goes from 5kg to 495kg dead weight when I try to recover a couple of mm of duvet

    Saturday February 3, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod has decided that I’m the best heat source today

    Wednesday January 17, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod has this way of going from being nice to being a problem

    Wednesday January 10, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod is currently sat on my chest hunting the rat in the wall. I’m stuck under an immovable object. Send help

    Wednesday January 10, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod is very much doing his own thing now

    Saturday January 6, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod has rat brain overdrive right now

    Friday January 5, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod normally doesn’t cover his poos, but this one he attempted to hide his shame with anything he could find and is currently bouncing off the walls to escape it

    Friday January 5, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod has got rat brain because this old Parisien building has rats in the walls

    Friday January 5, 2024
  • Jarod


    Samuel L Catson

    Samy goes to bed and Jarod wakes up, they’re on a shift change

    Friday January 5, 2024
  • Jarod

    Jarod is screaming that he’s not outside like the door isn’t wide open.

    Sunday December 31, 2023
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