• L enfer a Paris 2024

    “The French don’t want the Olympics to end” no, we’re pretty much done with all of it thanks, it’s Macron who wants to keep flogging this dead horse as it distracts from the utter shit fuckery the French government is currently in. Let’s not even start on Bruno Le Maire and the national accounts

    Saturday September 14, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    I have to say, fuck the Olympics, but Paralympics as an atmosphere is much better. The couple next to me didn’t really know anything about wheelchair rugby when they walked in but were mega invested by the end of it. That’s cool

    Saturday August 31, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    I swear to fucking god these Olympics assholes need to reel it in with this fucking helicopter over my fucking house

    Monday August 5, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    I’m trying to hype myself up to go and get my haircut. Normally this would be a one hype deal, but the place is in the centre de l’enfer des Olympiques and quite frankly 😩

    Saturday August 3, 2024
  • Jarod


    Samuel L Catson


    L enfer a Paris 2024

    Today I have a long day, get Samy up to the vet for the day, bring Jarod along for his shots, come back work all day, go back to get Samy. Normally should be an easy job but you see with the Olympics hell it could be a very very long experience

    Monday July 29, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    Because I’m a sadist, I’ve booked the cats in to the vet for their shots during the Olympics before the vet is closed for the summer. I had to do it separately cos there is a possibility I could be walking these fuckers all the way there if I can’t get a taxi

    Wednesday July 24, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    L10 is getting Olympics ready - contrôle between L8 and L10, 100 screaming kids, and trains every 10 minutes to extend this experience 🥰

    Sunday June 16, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    Olympiques de merde - I was rejected even though my front door is metres away from the SILT and I can’t access 90% of my neighbourhood because it is behind this (literal) wall. Seriously

    Wednesday June 12, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    LOL Best Olympics ever, they sent a fucking emergency alert to tell people to get a QR code to walk around www.threads.net/@maximeha…

    Monday May 13, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    I just checked out the latest update from Macron’s Personal Olympics and honestly, I’m basically in a prison for most of July. If it isn’t the QR code to exit, it’s the fucking AI cameras

    Monday May 13, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    Pas d’augmentation du tarif à condition d’acheter ses billets à l’avance, mais pas plus de 30, ou de souscrire à une abonnements qui refuse tout IBAN autre que FR (néo-banques et résidents ayant un compte bancaire dans l’UE). Selon #IdFMobilité, il n’existe pas d’autre solution technique #FuckLesJO

    Saturday February 10, 2024
  • L enfer a Paris 2024

    I started to look up how everything is going to become absolute hell during the Olympics and I ain’t disapointed www.paris.fr/pages/per…

    Saturday January 6, 2024
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