• @erkhyan chaos

  • @aral always the answer to "why is X thing so shit"

  • @JohnPhilpin I would have figured it would have at least been picked up by the media. It's a pretty hefty fine and a fairly big win for GDPR. Like I get it that it's not covered in France, FTV is begging for coin while having to juggle the government just imploding on itself and the Olympics for air time. The others around here are run by billionaires who aren't particularly fond of being held accountable

  • @erkhyan I can't un-see this and now I have so many questions about the catering facilities

  • @kc ja !

  • @clayote it's not a capitalism tax, it's a ✨ platform fee ✨

  • @ParadeGrotesque I can already see Gégé frothing at the mouth how the NFP have forced their ecological policies on us by, um, taking the most carbon efficient mode of transport down (question mark question mark)

  • @SpaceLifeForm normally yes, but in this case it's a malformed tool (some SEO type bullshit) they created and don't give a shit about the consequences. On the bright side this taught me better ways to block other bots completely

  • @SpaceLifeForm well funded is the problem there. My normal usage is about 10$ for 6 months, FB ate that up in about 10 days. What's on my web host also had a massive hit to bandwidth allowance. Blocking is improving it, DNS blackhole for FB's ASNs will solve it for good

  • @SpaceLifeForm I also wrote a bit more detail in this blog post mmn.ca/~/English...

  • @SpaceLifeForm following on from what I posted a couple days ago, but this is one of many similar complaints on the FB dev forum that go ignored


  • @thestevepbrady I figured it out, I had to set hourly posting schedules in Buffer. IFTTT reads the RSS, sends to Buffer and Buffer triggers it on the next run.

  • @thestevepbrady it's a tiny bit better than copy-pasting I have to admit

  • @thestevepbrady and it does not at all like images

  • @thestevepbrady yes, but the IFTTT recipe only feeds it in to Buffer, from there I have to actually click buttons myself to publish www.threads.net/@kdwc/pos...

  • @jnv I fear that spam bots have basically put a nail in that coffin, which is a massive shame. If it wasn't for six different plugins checking a bunch of blocklists before the page is served, I wouldn't have comments open for 90 days on my Wordpress site

  • @maique it's like a rich people party over there, the concept is great but the people make it a god awful time 😅

  • @kc not sure if mod_security is still being a dick

  • @kc it works

  • @martycoote about the only thing that impressed me too

  • @taber you've just described 95% of the Finnish population there

  • @taber it is perfectly acceptable in this place to use your mother's name Mr Björksson

  • @taber well we did get the Turkey once

  • @rickcogley fun fact, Jarod over here used to be a stray too. Far too many coincidences

  • @af such an ethical and low cost solution to a problem that they created by poor policy, underfunding, and that effectively just lives in their own tiny brains rent free

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