It’s time for a real thought provoking post… or not.
Anyways, Recently I have been quite ill, which sucks but I have a feeling my lack of spending a few straight days in bed is to blame for this was well. What has been happening is I get really sick after I eat and when I wake up in the morning. It gets really bad sometimes like when I went over to have dinner at a friends house I almost heaved up my dinner because I had ‘too much’ (or at least that is what this pathetic excuse for a organic lifeform - aka my body thought).
It’s not good at all because I’m eating much less than normal and I feel crap all day, and to make it worse I had to run to the toilets in the cinema when I went to see 28 days later because I felt I had to throw up.
Even now I feel shitty, I can’t have anything else to eat and the lunch I buy will take me at LEAST 3 hours to pick at. I could just avoid buying lunch, but that makes it worse because although I find it hard to keep food down I still get hungry, and if I do without lunch then I’ll end up eating a fair bit when I get home. And thats when I regret it because all night I feel completely pants.
Ah well, thats life. Back to my tea.
Listening to:
Vibe: sick
LJ ItemID: 191565
Thursday November 7, 2002