First ever filtered friends post
So this is the first time I’ve done this, and you’ll know why in a moment.
Today at work my MD called into my manager saying his freeserve at home didn’t work, well who actually cares, there is a tech support line to call right? well not for him, my manager who is also my friend (who is not apart of this filtered post for various reasons) delegated me to go and do this over lunch. Now this has upset me greatly, for one thing I feel like a slave, last time my MD had me fixing his 10 year old’s laptop which of course I’m not paid to do because it’s not business related, I was angry but not as angry as I am now because I was on company time being paid by the company. But this time is different, nobody bothered to ask me if I wanted to do it, nobody thought that I might object, they just pushed it on me. So it was decided that I must have no life nor do I need my lunch therefore I should goto my MDs house on MY LUNCH and fix his fucking internet access.
Well thats all fine and dandy, but you know what I want to quit now, I don’t care if I have no money, I don’t care if I end up only having £10 to my name, I don’t care anymore, how dare anybody treat me like this, when I signed the contract for my employment I did not say “I hereby wave my right to be treated as I person, I also agree to give 100% of my personal time to the MD of the company for any reason he sees fit.”
I feel like a slave, like I’m nothing.
I’m slowly becoming un happy with this situation, It’s distroying my self-esteem to be used in this way.
just a minute ago I was asked (or demanded) to know what I was doing, of course I said ‘nothing’ but I should have said “I’m writing a journal entry you’ll never see because I may be writing up my resignation letter this afternoon.”
I’m not liking this one bit, just because one of them makes over £100,000/yr doesn’t give him the right to use me because I get £16,000 a year. McDonalds managers get £24,000 a year and aren’t subject to this treatment.
I may get a McCareer.
Oh yes, and of course my manager has no clue what he’s just done, not like you can see me sitting here upset.
I don’t deserve this. Full Stop.
Listening to:
Vibe: angry
LJ ItemID: 198424
Monday November 18, 2002