Bush a Moron
A canadian offical states what the world has known for a very long time
PRAGUE - An offhand comment by a senior member of the Chrétien government may have a lasting effect on relations between Ottawa and Washington. A top aide to the prime minister has been quoted as referring to U.S. President George W. Bush as “a moron.”….
…..It began when President Bush made a speech in the Czech capital calling on NATO countries to spend more on defence.
Canadian officials saw that as a veiled criticism of Ottawa’s military spending. The Prime Minister’s director of communications, Francoise Ducros, said of Bush, “What a moron.”
The comment apparently was made in the presence of at least two reporters…..
…..White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, who is accompanying Bush in Prague, dismissed the comment as coming from “somebody who obviously doesn’t speak for the Canadian government.”
The problem is Francoise Ducros does speak for the Canadian government, usually on background and off the record. The quote first attributed to a government official was soon linked to Ducros and widely reported….
Of course the opposition parties were quick to jump on the anti-liberal bandwagon (again):
…In Ottawa, Canadian Alliance MP Jason Kenney wanted to know if the quote was accurate. And if it is, “does it reflect the views of the Liberal government?”
Conservative leader Joe Clark said if such a statement was made the offending party “should be on a plane home right now.” ….
But it also seems the Prime Minister is not in complete agreement that Bush is a complete utter moron:
… The disparaging comment from Chrétien’s inner circle has shaken the Prime Minister’s Office. Prime Minister Jean Chrétien was forced to say on Thursday that President Bush is “a friend of mine. He’s not a moron at all.”….
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Vibe: excited
LJ ItemID: 203975
Friday November 22, 2002