Bad fucking day
Today is a really shit day. Why, this is how it started:
Got in my car, shifted it in to gear and tried to reverse out of the drive got it up to the biting point and gave it enough gas to move out slowly going backwards. Now this isn’t too bad unless of course you did what I did, the car was in 1st gear now 1st gear goes forward as we all know and the drive is on a slight hill so the speed I would have been going backwards ended up being twice the speed going forwards and what was in front of me? Well David’s Jimny which I scuffed up the bumper a little and probably dammaged the garage door.
As for my little car, well, I cracked the bumper. However, I don’t know how exactly David wants to deal with this, I promptly pointed out he could get my insurance details out of my glove box and claim from them if he so wished (by claim from them, I mean inform them and they’ll send me a shitty “You fucking owe us £400 of that” letter), but he said “We’ll deal with this later” which I assume isn’t a bad thing.
So that aside it only got worse really, he was ok with most of my driving until we got to a roundabout in town, my exit was blocked so I waited until I could sucessfully make it through the roundabout without blocking it, I had cars on my right which I gave way to, until a silver peugot was unable to go as another car was going straight ahead of it.
So I promptly made my way in to the roundabout whilst he was still not able to proceed, however, once his obstruction had passed he went in anyways ignoring the fact I was at this point in the middle of the roundabout and he was coming right at me, David thought I had “done it again” and attempted to gain control of the car, which I promptly told him off as I had already been within the roundabout before this person had had a chance to move. Nothing more was said about it.
Then I get into work only to find some people view my position in this company not as what it is, but as a human voice mail system. Oh yes, I transfer messages to everybody, wanker.
Then the “Engineers” (I use quotes as they’re not fit to mop a floor let alone engineer their way out of an open box) rang me with their usual “The internet is down” (exact words) calls. These generally happen to be a single website being down or their email not working, every time I get one of these calls it takes alot not to stab them to death with a pen for their idiocy.
Yes, it’s been shit so far, managed to dammage two cars and a suspected garage door, been belittled by co-workers and irritated by others.
Listening to:
Vibe: depressed
LJ ItemID: 321079
Wednesday August 27, 2003