Fucking murderous rage
Seriously, I’m going to go fucking spare on this cunt.
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 10:26: Off work again?
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 10:31: not very well :(
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 11:04: Awww :( What’s up?
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 11:55: dunno, headachey and sore :(
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 12:06: Poor Ben :( Well, 55 minutes and I’m done for the week.
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 12:46: oooh early finish!
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 12:51: Sort of. I’ve got loads of days to take off and can only carry a certain number over to next year. Off this afternoon, tomorrow and next Wednesday.
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 12:52: very nice, and over xmas?
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 12:56: In on the last Friday, probably until 12ish, then out until the 2nd. In for one day, then off again until the 11th!
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 13:00: sweeeeeeeet what are you doing?] still rid of Kevin?
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 13:05: The days at the start of January are a flying thing down near Turin again. Kevin is sort of back, until the end of January. I’m free of him for on day between now and then I think, except when I’m off in Italy.
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 13:10: blimey! why did you allow that then fella?
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 13:11: Don’t ask. Moment of madness :(
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 13:13: You are going soft ;-)
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 13:15: Hmmm. You going to do something to reverse that? ;)
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 13:18: I can do yes ;-)
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 13:19: Promises, promises ;)
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 13:19: well you keep letting the canadian back in lol
From Him on Thu 14/12/06 13:24: I’d let you in any time ;)
From Whore on Thu 14/12/06 13:30: hehehe
Want to see a “moment of madness”? Well when I fucking smash your face in dirtbag then you’ll see one.
Listening to:
Vibe: NoMoodTag
LJ ItemID: 735683
Thursday December 14, 2006