,Tim Apple
My tweets
- Sun, 13:35: I am watching Cats & Dogs (2001) on five 3:35pm Sunday 5 December with @tvguideshows
- Sun, 13:47: Almost everytime I use TTYtter it needs an update. Granted it's not a difficult task, but this is how I started to hate iTunes.
- Sun, 13:58: RT @VizTopTips: .@MsMetcalf PRET A MANGER has a throw away policy of day old food. Rummage through the bins for some free packed lunches.
- Sun, 16:16: The new Andrex puppy is missing that cute factor #advertisingfail
- Sun, 18:30: I am watching Bermuda Triangle: The Mystery Revealed on five 8:00pm Sunday 5 December with @tvguideshows
- Sun, 18:30: I am watching XXX2: The Next Level (2005) on five 9:00pm Sunday 5 December with @tvguideshows
- Sun, 19:42: The heating has been on all day. hand washing clothing probably isn't as cheap as one would think.
- Sun, 19:45: You will never guess what is on ITV4! Raise the lightening shield!
- Sun, 20:13: RT @dw_english: Madrid street drinkers test neighbors' patience
- Sun, 20:41: RT @kilburnmat: When Fergie says 'I Had The Time of My Life' you expect her to be covered in puke with eyes like pissholes in the snow # ...
- Sun, 22:33: I totally forgot my formspring details and appearently I have questions waiting. Oo er.
- Sun, 22:45: Washing now dry, tired and listening to the Chicago Police radio via iPhone app.
- Mon, 06:50: Train cancelled at last minute again, due to signal issues on a line we're not taking. Another canx so a London train can go on time #fgw
- Mon, 07:00: Thanks #fgw your service is brilliant sending a car to pick me up. Oh wait, sorry that was my frantic call to a work colleague. #fail
- Mon, 07:38: Cancelled, cancelled, platform Bus. Sorry, you're going to raise fares. #fgw
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Vibe: NoMoodTag
LJ ItemID: 1341828
Monday December 6, 2010