Random is as random does
Let me take you back to a day called Friday, it was a nice time, work had finished and alcohol was of course flowing. There was a work people related outing which involved loads of booze and food.
How was I to decline? I didn't expect however to walk right in to a potential rumour moment. Bad times.
Let me explain, there is a guy at work, we shall call him D (for his name contains one) we're getting on quite well in the friendly sense. He of course is a gay.
I sit next to him, we have conversations that are pretty extravagant and we laugh. Nothing on the old attraction front and I've got nothing back from him. So most platonic.
However, Friday begins the rumour. We went out following the meal (the group) to Vodka Revs, which if you've not been is basically an over-priced shit pit glossed up. We met another group (a part of a different team) and stayed for about 3 minutes, Me and D were queuing up when I mentioned "it's fucking expensive, fancy splitting a shot stick for a fiver" he then suggested we go elsewhere as the atmosphere was a bit shit too.
So we popped across the road to another nicer pub and met up with one of his friends. We had a drink and a chat before D and his late headed off.
I however headed home for another gulp of the 3L bottle of cider I had and a bit of munch. I texted another friend with the main group to say "you still out or at home?" and I got convinced (ok, I just went) to go to a 80s bar.
Hooked up with the main group and when I went to the bar for a drink, I got dragged to one side (I couldn't say no, he had a free pint for me) by another guy I work with and that I get on fairly well with.
He basically just threw that flag up the proverbial pole, "did you just sleep with D? I ain't judging!" I of course gave the run down of the evening and he says "you did, didn't you! Liar I can tell".
This of course went around in a drunken circle of conversation, pretty much in that order back and forth.
Once we both get out of that mental loop of "Yes! No!" the conversation moves on to that this is the result of a few things.
That my sexuality has been the second worst kept secret (although I haven't kept it a secret, I just haven't found it relevant to my day to day conversations and work) and that it turns out D is a bit of a dick.
We resume the "you're sleeping with him" thing again and I explain that he's good for a conversation and that no sexy teim has occurred. He still doesn't believe me, so the conversation continues on that one of my other colleagues (bless her, she is an extremely nice girl) spoke with him earlier and thought that I was getting a bit too close to D and didn't want me to get hurt.
We continued the conversation for a bit longer and it seemed genuine concern but they still think I sealed the deal on this one.
I don't think either of them would maliciously say anything but he's dating somebody who works opposite to me, so you just don't know what was said before I arrived and to who and what was said after he left.
And unfortunately these kind of things tend to turn in to a myth that is told through out time. So slightly nervous about the Monday morning walk of shame.
However, what oddly went un-noticed was the last time we all got absolutely wrecked, one of the other teams members (let's call him H) came on to me and we spent the whole night all over each other like a bad rash before making out in a corner somewhere.
Yeah that time a deal was almost placed.
I'm not entirely sure what to do here, I've of course taken the opportunity to re-evaluate if I do have feelings for D, which really I'd have to say no at the moment.
I also drunkenly texted D that night, giving him the FYI but not naming names. Because I might not care about rumour, but at the same time I don't know what he thinks and it's an ass to find out there is stuff going around about you and nobody has at least told you (says the voice of experience).
I think I know what I'm doing here, but this is a bit of a strange place even for me.
(this is also the 5th time I checked this is 100% friends only so it doesn't post on to my Facebook!)
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Vibe: awkward
LJ ItemID: 1429223
Sunday April 1, 2012