Oh alcohol you make me hate the next day
Last night I did my birthday drinks with Rachel, Jenny, Damien, Dan, April, Chantelle, Tommy, James (for a bit), Geoff, Harriet, Tim and Tori.
The evening started off with, to quote Theresa May, preloading and of course the Nintendo NES. I fraped Rachel while she was playing as you do, but it's an alright photo!
We then collected a few more people before heading off to The Bank Tavern, it was absolutely rammed in there and there was some reports of fluctuating bar prices. While we were drinking there we noticed that Arc was also a bit rammed and a bit weird!
A few of us popped down to have a look and quizzed one of the dancers, it seems there was a Bollywood themed night going on.
We headed out to The Apple which promptly closed its outdoor area so we headed down to the Duke and made the decision to hit up omg.
That part of the evening was fairly standard, drinking to excess and dancing as you do.
Most of them managed to keep going until 3.30 but me and Harriet did the proper thing of partying all night long. I was going to leave but ended up chatting to a bloke outside and I ended up staying. More hilariously was when Harriet called me heading back in to the club and the bouncer just took my phone off me and had a random conversation with her!
Me and the newly acquired chap headed back in to the club once the bouncer declared that we should get back in and just get on with it and shag. It was much funnier in person and perhaps slightly more alcohol in the blood stream.
Spent the last half hour dancing to the classics, having odd conversations and dropping my number in to chap's phone before the club closed down for the night.
Outside I continued talking to the guy I just met, he wanted a fag so mega credit to Harriet for managing to get one for me from probably the strangest Irish people I have ever met.
After spending probably another half hour or so in the cold and wet we headed back towards home via Cheesy Chips and a few taxi drivers trying to rip her off.
I got in about 5 something and promptly fell asleep.
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
Listening to:
Vibe: drunk
LJ ItemID: 1436935
Saturday May 5, 2012