God I hate people sometimes
I let a friend (or so I thought) use my iPhone to log in to his Facebook account.
Little did I know he used other apps on my phone, which of course are all linked in to MY Facebook.
He uploaded some images that I hadn't a bloody clue about, until today when the prick reported them to Facebook.
So imagine my surprise when I get a message like this from the "Facebook Resolution Service" (so the link advised)
Bonjour Kévin. Je pense que cette photo n’a pas sa place sur Facebook. Pourrais-tu l’enlever ?
Rather than being a big boy and actually saying something like "I've uploaded a couple photos by mistake, would you mind taking them down?" All I get is some asshole message from Facebook before they try and ban me under some pathetic pretence.
I was half tempted to click the no fuck you button but I just can't be arsed with it. So taking a queue from his book, I used Facebook's automated "WHATEVA TREVA" message. All he got was a string of messages that said Bonjour Daly, merci de m’avoir prévenu(e) que vous vouliez que je retire ma publication. C’est chose faite.
You can speak to me in two languages, but I'm not fluent in the asshole dialect in either.
Listening to:
Vibe: NoMoodTag
LJ ItemID: 1487515
Tuesday January 28, 2014