A great start to the year
The usual new year fun of walking home as, although the RATP likes to shout that everything is free and easy to get home, it very much isn't.
Not a single bus or métro runs near my house from the 1er, so lolz.
But to add on to this, my phone decided that life was too hard and completely died, meaning I'm slowly being locked out of accounts and unable to do anything at all. Plus I'm completely uncontactable outside of my house, and for Whatsapp, just not at all contactable anywhere. Happy days.
The irony is that I can't even buy a new phone on a contract, since my banking app is tied to that piece of shit, it won't allow me to authorise the transation.
So fuck you 2018, you're already being a pain in the ass.
Listening to:
Vibe: NoMoodTag
LJ ItemID: 1532276
Monday January 1, 2018