Picardi Slang
On my road trip series, I have taken the opportunity to bring out the driving licence and get behind the left hand wheel, and explore the France.

It started with an accidental trip down to Orléans, thanks to a missing recharge card for the Nissan LEAF I rented, and has begun to form an actual plan to see how far and what we can reasonably see in an Electric car. Mainly because the rental price is a lot cheaper, but you know, reasons or something.

This time around we went for Compiègne, 77km away from Paris and frought with a series of speed traps, that even Satan himself might feel are a bit unfair*.

The area is quite nice, small little town vibe and of course Jeanne D'Arc was there too, because she seems to have gone everywhere.

Our plan was to walk around, see somethings and have a picnic in the large forest behind the Palais de Compiègne, the weather was kind of OK, somewhat opressive humidity but in the end it cleared for the sun. Considering the outlook from Météo France was full on monsoon, I think it certainly could have been worse.

During our pre picnic walkaround, because our two hours of free parking** was going to expire and there was no way in hell I'd miss out on free parking by paying for it, we saw some of the google recommendations of what to do in this tiny place. Spoiler : not a lot.

After the car was paid up and we went off to the palais, it was a very beautiful experience, sure could have got a nice park in Paris, but it was just a bit different. And the guys, well we played Uno and they enjoyed all the

they could.
Yeah I got busted in an area that was totally not sign posted.
It turns out that since there were no police municipale in the area, everywhere was free parking for the day. So in the end, we were the only idiots to pay.
Also in case you missed the reference, here it is
Listening to:
Vibe: NoMoodTag
LJ ItemID: 1536132
Monday June 11, 2018