,Eat the Rich
Last night
So last night we ended up going out to the pub, big mistake on my part.
At first I had thought he was actually going along with what I asked earlier as around half eight he said “Do you still want to go out and eat?” and of course I said yes. We ended up going to the pub that he’d rather not go to prior to half 5.
I thought nothing of it as we know the landlords and they’d be more willing to do a quick meal when we arrived at 9pm. Once we got there I didn’t think of it for a while untill of course I found out his friend was working in the washing up room that night, I was slightly irriate about that as I had thought he may have realised what a complete twat he sounded like earlier.
Anyways, this doesn’t become a problem untill about 11pm when he got off working in the back. Then it all started, first he did the general “push Kevin out of the conversation” by speaking about topics he knows I know nothing about, not on and off but for most of the night and then the “physically move in the way of Kevin to remove him from the picture entirely” I’ve had words with him about that on a number of occasions.
What he does is if I’m standing in between him and another person he’ll start moving in and after a good 10 minutes I’ll be literally pushed right out of the way, so I end up standing against the wall looking standoff-ish and like a complete fucker as I generally have had enough at that point.
So that had started to put me into a not-so-happy-bunny mood, then he got a round for everybody, his friend, his friend’s father, the father’s girlfriend and his friend’s friend but managed to “forget” to get me a simple pint of coke even though he did claim on a number of occasions “…and I got a pint of coke for you.”, another one of his not-so-brilliant ways to fuck me off was to suddenly turn around and tell me shit that needed to be done for WORK.
Yes, work, not attempting to start a real conversation just “note this shit down or you’ll be responsible if it doesn’t happen” sort of crap.
At one point I almost got up, went out to the car and left, but then I thought “he’s not worth driving without insurance (I would have voided my policy) and losing my licence” and stuck it out for that little longer.
At around 12:15 I had already been ready to leave for a good hour as I didn’t want to be there all night and at some stage some sleep was in order, however, he “asked” if it would be okay to have another pint, at that point I imposed my will and said “only if it’s a quick one” in that “it will be fucking quick or I’ll force it down your fucking throat” way.
Needless to say we got out within 30 minutes, but only after I had spent a good 5-10 minutes standing by the door with my keys in my hand.
Then, in the car he had the NERVE to say “you didn’t like me speaking with Nick and Ed” well, no I didn’t, mainly because you made a fucking effort to keep me out of all conversations AND when I asked you if you wanted to go out you got shitty with me. But I only answered “Umm, I had no problem with it”.
Hopefully he got the point I was not impressed with him when I boomed down the road in first gear to quickly leave.
I’m not getting my knickers in a twist over nothing, if he had actually said in a polite way “oh, I don’t feel like going for dinner, how about another time?” instead of being a twat I would have been more “understanding” when he said “oh, Nick’s back, lets go out to the pub” only minutes later.
Listening to:
Vibe: annoyed
LJ ItemID: 322652
Thursday September 4, 2003