: That freelancer moment when you look at a quote you’ve lovingly put together, did the maths …

: I should mention in October, so really I just got to freestyle it for another 40ish days until that …

: After two long ass years, I’m one step closer to getting back to normal (as one can be in late …

: Oh nevermind, Brigitte wanted to go to bed, party over

: I’m not complaining but wasn’t this event only scheduled until 0h 🤔

: Iconic

: Rerun but still iconic

: Aya Nakamura better be exploding out of l’Académie Française again or FTV have really dropped …

: Just as a reminder this whole thing cost 5 million plus whatever policing this thing is racking up. …

: I’m not entirely sure where this broadcast is going, it seems like a cacophony of ideas thrown …

: My logo posts hit Threads and now I’m swimming in offers. 1) don’t try and sell me shit …

: Also, listen if anybody at france.tv is reading this, just pick up the phone and call the BBC. …

: Who the fuck is this guy, a fucking VO, my dude, you have a 20% approval rate probably less now. We …

: I’m so glad to hear booing and whistling at the King and Queen of France (selon eux même)

: You know what, fuck it, let’s talk Bruno “I’m fucking off to Switzerland to …

: Take your VSA and Gendarmes back home and return our public spaces. While you’re at it, return …

: “The French don’t want the Olympics to end” no, we’re pretty much done with …

: Remember if you’re watching the Paris 2024 Merci event on TV tonight that is surely going to …

: Granted it’s a logo from Canva and honestly I wish I was in the successful enough category to …

: Today I’m like, I should really exit the grind set mindset and just vibe. Anyways, I’ve …

: Here I am like I ain’t got to wake up tomorrow at 5h for a very very very long day of work

: I appreciate the end of this one, having the athletes up there vibing is where it needed to be

: Those mascots are so cursed I’m glad this is the last time we have to suffer under their reign

: Macron must be so anxious about this song. Last time he was in the same place they had to ban …

: I might be jaded but I am feeling this vibe for a closing ceremony

: This is actually still better than the Olympic closing ceremony

: But only with Visa because fuck you more ✌️🥰

: The Paris 2024 closing ceremonies is basically “pay to watch some videos in Stade de …

: I had such grand ideas for today (manif) but then I didn’t sleep until 6h and this asshole …

: Modern problems require modern solutions

: Jessie Gender said something about AI art in her latest video, and honestly, I ran a couple tests in …

: Because I have psychotic firewall rules, I managed to accidentally block Bunny from connecting to …

: Speaking of work, I absolutely forgot to do my monthly invoicing routine - upload proof that I sent …

: I also need to work on my Malt profile, I’m literally number one on a keyword and ain’t …

: I’m also going to be the first to admit my long term business goal is a lofty idea - a …

: So my .coop domain was approved, now I have to turn the mess of a professional website I currently …

: How did we miss that Uber got dropped hard with a massive GDPR fine triggered by our friends at CNIL …

: Schools are woke for not teaching about the mines and other stupid shit from another billionaire to …

: That of course doesn’t cover the state of “social cleaning”, the insane corporate …

: I have to say, fuck the Olympics, but Paralympics as an atmosphere is much better. The couple next …

: At least I got to keep the flag

: Don’t ask how this happened

: Jarod on the other hand insists on taking up half the bed or get buried under the blankets until …

: I’m starting to have a new relationship with Samy, he’s began a new routine of settling …

: Chica you go for it, I’m here for this anthem now

: I got socially pressured to stand up, my back hurts, I’m covered in sand, and it’s 23h 💩

: I wonder if this flag will be the right way up 🤣

: I’m not sure if it was intentional, but I see London, I see France, and I can see all the …

: Yeah he got booed hard there. Get fucked Macron and give us our fucking NFP Prime Minister ✌️

: I’m just sat in front of a big TV in the dirt on the Champs Élysées like my house ain’t …

: No tickets but better view than when I did 🤔

: How did we collectively miss this ?

: The indignity of having to buy smashed crisps because that’s the only 99cts snack my budget …

: I’m about to drop a blog post, a real one this time, and all I’m asking is don’t …

: Why the absolute fuck do I need to constantly opt-out of fucking commercial crawlers. You’re …

: Yesterday afternoon during work a mega headache took me out, I finished my shift in bed and promptly …

: When Samy first came here he couldn’t jump, he wasn’t very good at being a cat, two …

: Also also Amazon : we only provide poorly dubbed versions of films that exist in VOST because fuck …

: Amazon : fuck you we’re adding ads for a service you pay for at the end of August Also Amazon …

: “Retro 90s charm” sorry while I just vanish into dust

: Since most of the tourists and Parisiens are gone, this afternoon turned into a strangely pleasant …

: It’s been at least a few hours since I last saw my cats and honestly it’s like their …

: I love it when the UI just moves a thing I was clicking on and I end up clicking on something I …

: I locked in so hard to #CitiesSkylines that I basically forgot what time it was and I’m now …

: Because the real world is bullshit, today I will be working a new map in #CitiesSkylines and my city …

: Opening ceremony pushed the envelope, caused a lot of boring people to complain, and saw Aya …

: Forgetting to properly light the Paralympians while everyone leaves the stadium is peak insult

: I forgot about Leo, traffic on the périf is a bitch like that

: Snoop Dogg has been in Paris for this whole time and they can’t even put him on stage in the …

: This is unbelievably harsh and I certainly hope they’re about to burn the place down for this


: Of all the yee-haw Americana that they could have done for this handover, they went for literally …

: What the actual fuck is happening with the audio tonight. Did they just give up?

: Nice of the scientologists to let Tom stay up past his bed time

: Are we actually having an ad break here

: I love how the Olympic ceremony went from sending American right wing grifters into a wheezing fit …

: I don’t know what it is but something about the properties of smoke seem to be a very hard …

: Let’s honour the volunteers who basically worked full time jobs for a multi billion euro …

: If this closing ceremony doesn’t include every trans person in France guillotining the …

: My landord who basically never responds to my emails has increased the price of my rent by the usual …

: Oops I just realised I broke the fediverse for mmn.on.ca when I force redirect CloudFlonk to Bunny

: By contrast, a friend and I went up to a bar in the 11ème because they were doing a huge deal for …

: I don’t even know what my autocorrect was doing here “and don’t even get me started at …

: My rage posting is basically four weeks of this bullshit, low flying aircraft all day, random …

: Bye bye JO don’t come back 🫶

: They just spill out on to platforms not following instructions, blocking all the barriers with their …

: Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick I’m glad that this is the end of this fucking nonsense …

: I don’t normally like to use French VOD sites, like is the name of the film Cocaine Bear or …

: Now that I’m fucking furious again, I think I’ll write my blog post about the opening …

: It’s worth mentioning that I’m pretty white and if I’m not comfortable in this …

: Other than my destination being a pain in the ass to get to and from, I just missed the earlier …

: It would absolutely not surprise me if the pick up in speed on 4G had something to do with a middle …

: Unintentional JO benefit ? I’m doing my semi-regular battery draining by wrecking some …

: Samy crawled into the cupboard in the bedroom, as he normally does. I closed the door for him, as I …

: Like I’m all cool with these athletes kicking it, and good on all of them. My beef is with the …

: Also JO update. Got an email yesterday, apparently they’ve decided after fucking us all …

: JO update. When I went to the supermarket yesterday they had totally redone the station near Parc …

: The part I enjoy about living the JO dream is all the heavily armed people just chillaxing in my …

: And Jarod farted, like really let some nasty cat food fart run wild

: So I had a weird burst of insane motivation this afternoon. Anyways it ended in me changing the …


: I swear to fucking god these Olympics assholes need to reel it in with this fucking helicopter over …

: Also fuck ta trêve politique sale parasite 🖕

: What suspiciously looked like a presidental motorcade just blew through here full volume. …

: Unanticipated walk tonight. Paris is great when the tourists are rounded up in one place 🫶

: At least I’m no longer hair stressed 🎉

: Hair done, probably going to get a QTF for walking too fast through this fucking bullshit. Also …

: I’m going to be so pissed after traipsing through all these cops, AI video surveillance, and …

: I’m trying to hype myself up to go and get my haircut. Normally this would be a one hype deal, …

: I say a lot of things about France, but while it is a chaotic place, I have to admit the efficency …

: I thought I played Samy by hiding the pill in his wet food, turns out he played me to give him and …

: Trying to feed Samy pills is literally the hardest thing ever, but here he is now able to open his …

: As if Samy didn’t hate me enough already, he has to have antibiotics for five days, two pills …

: It also doesn’t help that for Samy’s appointment he’s not allowed to eat this …

: Today I have a long day, get Samy up to the vet for the day, bring Jarod along for his shots, come …

: If you’re reading this on threads you might notice that some of my posts don’t make …

: Samy had a rough day at the vet, 45 minutes to move 2km, then he had a shot, and we discovered he …

: Oh look, another problem fixed by blocking a certain ASN

: I’ve been chatting with friends about the Opening Ceremony - our brief run down is : fasho …

: Perfect weather for a perfect view 🤣

: Got my free tickets and got in “visibility not guaranteed” might as well have been …

: I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re not an “AI artist”, …

: Fuck sake Mark fix your fucking shit

: Also vibe

: Current vibe

: And through out all these donations and loans I’m giving to the 5ème République, Bruno Le …

: At least I’m finally caught up, oh and the government already owe me for next year, I already …

: The irony of receiving the money I over paid to the government only to repay most of it back to …

: There is no métro between us either, but honestly, taking Samy on one if there was would just be …

: Don’t even say the word BUS to me either, the line between here and the vet is no longer …

: Because I’m a sadist, I’ve booked the cats in to the vet for their shots during the …

: Genuinely, going freelance and working with the Cooperative have really taught me to value my own …

: I should also note it’s a three part interview process with extra work, so obvs they’re …

: As seen on a Freelance job ad “A 30-minute video call with our Talent Acquisition Manager to …

: When you block GAFAM from your website, suddenly it’s not so expensive to run 🤷‍♂️


: Macron riding in his little military car cosplaying as a war time king with his failed government …

: Getting in to the weekend like

: Once in #Bristol Gromits were a thing and I miss the simplicity of that

: Yes, I’m making a breakfast pizza. What of it ?

: “Unfortunately, we do not handle this type of structure [of freelancing]” - then your …

: Had this great idea to do all the housework that has been outstanding since April. Anyways, freezer …

: Considering there is a high probability we’re going to descend into a fasho fuckfest triggered …

: Could this be a sign that the bourgeois are terrified of the monster they have created 🙄

: Between Mastodon and Bluesky, I’ve never seen such a creative use of domain names

: What I absolutely know what will happen is that I’ll get an offer for some long ass 80 hours a …

: I don’t expect to pick up anything, but one or two little projects that would otherwise be …

: This is to say I am super concious that my rate is substantially lower than the market rate on the …

: I’m trying to word very nicely on a professional site that I’m available for small …

: Rishi is such a coward, he’s just hiding at home behind the telly. Can’t even face the …

: It’s almost time to see what new level of fuckery the UK is up to

: Long story short, went to work but had to divert half way to the A&E. Not exactly the morning I …

: So not only did they setup a way to DDoS the internet, they don’t even sanity check the URL …

: So checking my logs, blocking facebook resulted in 1,268 403 requests answered and a drop from 34GB …

: The only line I’m willing to wait 7 minutes for

: Surprisingly nice outside today, I arrived at the right time to the supermarket, weather improved, …

: I need to start getting ready to go to the supermarket because of course it closes early today, …

: I’m considering how much rent I can get out of this arrangement 🤑

: I took a shower that turned in to a bath that turned in to nearly falling asleep in the bath that …

: Like yeah I posted the same photo twice as a test, but there will be different content for each

: I’m still working out a few things but one of the immediate changes I made was to split my …

: Perfectly normal #cat for a perfectly normal #caturday

: I set up a second micro.blog for my French posts to send things in the right place. I only have …

: Now that I go back in to the reports, to give you an idea of how much resources Facebook has been …

: facebookexternalhit ddosing our webserver(s) with crazy amount of requests

: I’ve discovered that Zuckbook has been leetching bandwith at an insane rate, can’t stop …

: Jarod is being some next level pain in the ass right now. I’m sure he’s doing it …

: I think I figured out the whole sending things to Threads through Buffer. Just means that posts are …

: Jarod has located and cornered a rat, Samy is “helping” but he’s not exactly aware …

: Before you ask, yes Jarod is missing a tooth. Nobody knows exactly when but that’s how he is

: The cats have been inside all day, I don’t yet have the heart to bring them in from enjoying …

: I’m not sure if using IFTTT will work sending this post to Threads. Probably not but …

: Tumblr keeps on crying how I’m using an ad blocker, maybe if my “For You” tab …

: Lol les flics sont hilarant - feu rouge grillé sans gyrophare car pourquoi pas, a vitesse super …

: Jarod is in his asshole mood, screaming about everything and nothing because having dry food is not …

: I reactivated and setup a couple freelance site profiles, trying to see if I can find a small little …

: Listen, it’s 22° outside and 30° inside. Forgive me for installing the clim this evening

: Bristol, I offer my recommendations with love from New Zealand


: I’m just on here trying to get cheap cat litter at the big hypermarché, not the Sunday Funday™ …

: L10 is getting Olympics ready - contrôle between L8 and L10, 100 screaming kids, and trains every 10 …

: FaUt AnTiCiPeR

: One of my neighbours was arguing with somebody from the restaurant. Neither of them were impressed …

: If you’re not in to French politics, you should get into it. The conservative party leader has …

: Last night I had a power blip, not enough to throw everything offline but just enough to restart the …

: Olympiques de merde - I was rejected even though my front door is metres away from the SILT and I …

: lol Autoshattic - makes a promise then doesn’t deliver BuSiNeSs ExPeRtZ

: Reason I lost count as why to never take #Jetpack seriously ever again


: The BBS Xchange banners stopped working, so I used the Internet Archive to locate a suitable …

: It always amazes me how companies and people in general just don’t report known phishing …

: I have made the most unintuitive phone IVR that has ever existed and I’m both proud and …

: I went to check up on the library I used to get internet access in, went to their account on …

: Today I’m working on a gopherzine thing, not really sure what it is supposed to be but I like …

: I’m absolutely fucking done with #Jetpack, moved one of my sites, Jetpack broke. I deleted it, …

: Here is why it is a dumb fuck idea - ohmg lives on a different server to mmn.ca. The domain itself …

: IMMA NEED SOME SOH-DA (fizzy drinks for the rest of us) BEFORE I DO THIS DUMBSHIT IDEA

: OK IMMA TRY SOMETHING STUPID - moving the oh.mg site from a subdomain to a subfolder of mmn.ca …

: I’ve had a licence for the software that runs my photo album site for ages and every time …

: The last death of #ICQ signals the death entirely of the Internet. I’m sorry it’s all …

: Absolutely not, get fucked

: Ten human days later and CIRA has finally CIRA’d

: uuuggghhh, I forgot to block fediverse.blog’s IP address and now it flooded my Plume instance …

: See, I found it in a cupboard. Other than never being able to transfer images, I’m sure it …

: Because I’m a content creator seeking content, I found a shonky photo from around early Y2K I …

: Two of my #Plume instances found each other and now I have to block them from each other 😅

: Success !

: Also, if you’re interested on how to import posts to #Plume via the API, I wrote a guide which …

: Parabola is running the import, it’s got through a decade in half an hour. Here’s to …

: Case in point, from this post I was able to locate some of the 90s Swedish Dance era

: Because I’m running through the old LJ archive for like the 19th time, while sanity checking …

: Another morning, another #Plume instance being launched blog.mmn.on.ca

: Oh Zuckerbot, you’re so funny

: LOL Best Olympics ever, they sent a fucking emergency alert to tell people to get a QR code to walk …

: I just checked out the latest update from Macron’s Personal Olympics and honestly, I’m …

: And the trophy broke, a fitting tribute to the #EBU #esc #Eurovision

: Fair play to them for wearing the Irish crown to perform #esc #eurovision

: Another daring robbery from the Jury voting #esc #eurovision

: Also because I sent that as they announced Ukraine, they are not the shitshow, that’s well …

: How did Ireland only get 136 points but that shitshow got 300 ? #esc #eurovision

: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS #esc #eurovision

: Oh they found the boo filter button again, kind of #esc #eurovision

: What the fuck is with the televote points #esc #eurovision

: Now the real voting begins #esc #eurovision

: Sounds like they forgot the booing filter again #esc

: #Switzerland shouldn’t be celebrating just yet, the Jury vote is out of touch and the public …

: If the UK wins, Joanna Lumley needs to host it #esc #eurovision

: Lol did they not expect him to be booed and forgot to audio wash that #esc #eurovision

: The jury bullshit commences #esc

: Lol what just happened, the video froze but still has live audio #esc

: Not the headache, yeah this is actually alright #AUS #esc

: #AUS is kind of alright, but that could be my headache talking #esc

: Cette chanson, je n’aime pas 🤷 #FRA #esc

: #CRO bookies favourite for a reason, and #GEO shows up to put out the fire #esc

: #SLO is starting to grow on me, slowly #esc

: #SWI dancing around on a satellite dish #esc

: I’m having one of those brain exploding headaches as if I actually did anything relevant …

: Something something bland repeat #CYP #esc

: #ARM Trumpet daddy needs more camera time #esc

: #POR more like Bored-ugal #esc

: Yay #FIN #esc

: Bored on a rock #SER #esc

: I have a headache and #ITA isn’t making it better #esc

: Of course they ski #NOR #esc

: I’m still impressed how they set up this performance, looks too professional for #esc #GBR

: I’m just here for Pop Triga #GBR #esc

: Ah yes, Greektok that managed to take up a place in the semi final #GRE #esc

: That’s to say #LIT is techno twink and #LAT is whatever the opposite of that is, I guess …

: I also confused #LIT for #LAT earlier, knowing people from both countries they find this …

: Now for a bit of meh from #LAT #esc

: #IRL jst keeps on getting better every time #esc


: I make fun of Estonia a lot, but not for this. Their redemption arc #EST #esc

: Bring on the strange #EST #esc

: ¡ Zorra ! ¡ Zorra ! ¡ Zorra ! #esc

: I was mean to the geriatric #SPA entry last round, but it’s actually quite banging #esc

: I can’t believe that was only an ad free segment, y’all with capitalism TV missed out …

: #LAT going for twink techno, and that should be the new name for #esc

: Not sure why my phone is posting ezc instead of esc but it happened

: Unexpected ad break, guess it’s time for a slash #ezc

: Lol I forgot #BEL didn’t make it through, bref, this is basically their entry too #LUX #esc

: We could just save a bunch of time by having #FRA #LUX and #BEL perform the same variation of song …

: Didn’t post during #UKR because it’s just an amazing song, #GER however I have all the …

: At least we get #SWE’s totally forgettable entry out of the way from the start #esc

: What the feck is happening in Malmö ? www.france24.com/en/live-n… …

: I tried to raise a complaint about how stupid this is, but you can’t complain unless you …

: Day two of La Poste unable to find La Poste and deliver my package to a post office operated by La …

: SMIC+ pour un billet 🖕

: Just keeps on coming back worse and worse

: We restart the mmn.ca process and hope for the best again. Ain’t no bureaucracy like Canadian …

: #Denmark and #SanMarino got robbed #esc

: Cha cha cha cha #esc

: Done much more better than the failed mexican wave on the Champs-Élysées in December #esc

: #AUS #DEN #SAN #ARM #NET #EST #NOR all yes, maybe for #GEO, poubelle pour les autres #esc

: If this doesn’t win, I don’t know what will #NET #esc

: And violently Dutch is the choice #NET #esc

: #NET could be quirky, could be violently Dutch #esc

: #NOR forest witch vibes, that’s my retirement plan, vanish into the forests of Norway #esc

: It’s got a start #NOR #esc

: #NOR it’s either going to be a banger or just fizzle #esc

: Aaaaand it’s not broughted #ITA #esc

: That one time people thought #ITA was bringing the cocaine 80s, that vibe bring it #esc

: I’m here for this #EST #esc

: It’s a vibe alright #EST #esc

: #EST had a fucking great song in 2020 but COVID got it cancelled. They need to bring that vibe #esc

: I joked about #LUX and #BEL, but basically they’ve all just sent different versions of #FRA …

: Other tiny France, show us #BEL #esc

: #GEO everybody loves firefighters but I’m only 50 / 50 with this song #esc

: #SAN isn’t exactly pulling an #IRL but you know, acceptable #esc

: Take notes #FRA #SPA #esc

: Geriatric Spanish couple, this should be a thing #SPA #esc

: For a guy in a hoop wearing plastic abs, I kind of expected more movement #LAT #esc

: I’ve always wanted to buy one of those for my cats #LAT #esc

: Let’s go #LAT #esc

: I video the for flutey trumpet daddy #ARM #esc

: I have high hopes for beardy trumpet daddy #ARM #esc

: Acceptance #DEN #esc

: #DEN has some good build up, but she’ll be pulling sand out of everything for weeks from now …

: You know they could have won with this 24 years ago #AUS #esc

: At least it isn’t a power ballad #AUS #esc

: It really is a hard call so far of which ten of these car crashes will make it through, assuming I …

: Another classic #FRA song 😴 #esc

: I should say #CZE but anyways I don’t know if it’s supposed to be the dull semi final …

: We are Domi got robbed that one time #CHE #esc

: It’s differently different #esc

: Let’s see if #SWI can come up with something not dull this year #esc

: Oh TikTok references #GRE #esc

: If Portugal can make it through then there is no stopping #ALB 😴 #esc

: ni #MAL ni bon, it’s ok I guess #esc

: Only two minutes to #esc, get your judgement on and let’s enjoy

: Also managed to fuck up that last post too, being outdoors is hard work

: I managed to fuck up taking a snus out of my mouth, ended up dropping it down my shirt and …

: The Algorithm™ dropped two documentaries in my way today which are worth the time. Also fuck Regan …

: I’m having a weird issue with posting to usenet, I’m not sure if this is a Leafnode …

: “What’s your infra built on”

: Also sweet internet, as I’m catching up on things, let me share with you the success of having …

: Every so often I check on my account on Nostr to make sure something is working, and let me tell …

: Samy has started this new habit of jumping on my laptop and scratching. Not an issue when it is …

: I also now made a few extra little changes on micro.blog to fix the speed of cross posting. This …

: If you were wondering after the last post when I say the BBS has been sucking electric from the wall …

: CIRA moved mmn.ca over to PendingDelete so I guess I’ll find out what extra hoops I need to …

: I think I managed to keep the activitypub account set to mmn.on.ca, but um, not so sure

: After uncareful consideration, I’m about to move my micro.blog from mmn.on.ca over to a …

: There is no cloud, only an old computer that hasn’t yet exploded

: Hmmm, I want to repoint mmn.on.ca over to the BBS server, but the problem is doing that will break a …

: I’m dealing with an angry Jarod, he’s being a next level dick today - screaming outside …

: What’s wrong with you Europe ? #esc

: There must be a data analyst out there who can corilate the increased amount of man tiddies from the …

: Wait, I don’t get the voting blocks. France can’t vote this round but we can for the …

: Oh boy, somebody should have autotuned those last few seconds #esc

: Also because I’m not in the voting block this run, I better see #UKR #CRO #FIN #ISL #IRL #AU …

: #LUX oh yeah I forgot we can’t vote for our own country #esc

: #LUX I’m sure FRA sent this song in before #esc

: Let’s see what tiny France has to offer #esc

: #POR 😴 #esc

: #AU of this doesn’t make it to the finals we better start talking about Frexit again #esc

: #AU (but not AUS because reasons) that neighbour that you never invited to the party but keeps up …

: #AZE this guy needs more than a “feat” credit here, he’s doing all the heavy …

: #AZE strange but not in the fun way #esc

: #SWE she might be unforgettable but this song I’ve already forgot about #esc

: #SWE just going for the Jury vote huh ? #esc

: #MOL scraping in there with a violin, acceptable #esc

: No sax, no thnx #MOL #esc

: #MOL if this doesn’t have sax, I’m out #esc

: And #FIN wins again, shut the party down and everybody just get to Helsinki #esc

: #FIN they found the winning combination and Finland intends to absolutely go for it #esc


: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh #slo #esc #fuckmyneighboursiguess

: Still waiting for the beat to drop here #SLO (w as fuck) #esc

: #SLO better bring something new to the table this year #esc

: I knew the price of heating in #GER was fucking crazy, but my guy that ain’t safe #esc

: I feel as if the semi final shows aren’t putting a lot of effort in to the commercial breaks …

: #ISL a classic club banger, vibe #esc

: Also if this doesn’t win, Eurovision lost its way #CRO #esc

: #CRO I don’t know what’s in the water down there but I’d drink it #esc

: #POL if Lady Gaga was really in to chess and from Krakow #esc

: #UKR is coming out with some super impressive songs, but would it kill them to send us Verka again …

: #GBR stole Ireland’s idea and went ultra queer #esc

: #IRL is really going for it #esc

: I’ve been in bed just living my life feeling a bit down that I’m not being productive …

: Today is an in bed kind of day. Great part of being back in society is getting seasonal viruses 😷

: I’m watching a YT gamer play the jankest game ever, but the Dev put a lot of effort in the …

: I think I did a good job on creating a site for mmn.ca when it’s not in registry limbo

: If you ever have a third level .ca and you want the second level .ca, just, um don’t. Pure …

: Of the 5,507,870 Norwegians knocking about, not one of them thought to register nei.lol

: In the end after hours of working on it, then getting randomly blocked from my own site, I managed …

: So so close, now I’m not sure of the next step here since this is a story that is 24 years in …

: Lol, I’m going to call this project as a failure, everything is fucked - the content is …

: WP’s import tools are just painful. I’m trying to move oh.mg over to a self hosted …

: Has #Apple added some kind of AI bullshit to its autocorrect ? Because it’s making some wild …

: Proton Pass for Android forgetting all my passwords then taking an hour to redownload them is …

: Oh look, firstname.randomcharacters has liked my post on Threads. Such valuable engagement from a …

: It would appear there is such thing as too much raclette. All of my TGTG paniers have had kilos of …

: And here we go, I had to trick Medium into creating an account with AppleID + Private Relay and this …

: Anyways, Samy has taken up residence under the covers on the sofa which is not a usual thing for …

: Oh yes, I also turned back on micro.blog to social.coop reposting - the fediverse experience is meh …

: Medium is a perfectly functional website that respects privacy and the user’s choices

: Speaking of YouTube, Usagi Electric covers a lot of retro computing, that if I’m being honest …

: I’m subscribed to an urban explorer YT channel because one of them is next level hot, content …

: The motor of this métro sounds like a group of people howling at the state of their existence. …

: Man just in front of the doors of the métro causally just downed an entire beer. Honestly, I respect …

: I’m having to do a shop of shame for all the important shit I forgot to buy at the same …

: Tumblr complaining that I use ad blockers and cries that I should pay it to have an ad free …

: Look at me being adult person

: I appear to be a real person again

: KidPix never gets old archive.org/details/k…

: Hey kid, u wanna make some pix then dynamite it ?

: Irony of ironies, I get the modem working again after my Vonage service was forcefully cancelled

: I naturally woke up at 4h, then unnaturally made the decision to remain in my warm bed covered in …

: Woke up a bit late, but more normal hours

: If you ever needed any more proof that UBI works, its that rich people fucking hate it

: Related meme

: Thankfully, I’m just numb to this feeling now, just another day that ends in Y so I’m …

: This time its a small thing - my Vonage account was closed due to non-payment, I lost a phone number …

: Poverty and precarity is just a constant state of having things stolen from you with a feeling of …

: I’m a hero 🤩

: Got comfortable and warm to watch a video and then I ended up having a nap that has made me even …

: This I don’t mind so much, sleeping early evening and being up early morning - the same effect …

: The main character of Sons of the Forest is Kelvin and there is no room for disagreement on this …

: Well this is a strange turn of events in my sleeping patterns, I woke up mid day on Saturday and …

: Broken sleep again 💩

: Hooray

: The sleep drama is coming full circle with a hard reset day, since waking up yesterday at midday …

: Oh good

: This would be Jarod’s current unmovable position

: Jarod is in a mood tonight where he’s being clingy, which is nice, but street cat nice …

: My internet is having that ultra destabilised problem, so I’m on and off my regular VPN and …

: A whole pillow, a jacket, Samy sleeps in his comfort domain

: I just had to translate a French word to find the English word, because I forgot what the word was …

: Pas d’augmentation du tarif à condition d’acheter ses billets à l’avance, mais pas …

: Apparently this is too radical of an idea for Threats, I mean, Threads

: I’m writing up my offering for the freelance / coop thing and I feel that this should be the …

: I have a meeting with the coop in a couple hours, of course it’s raining so walking 90 minutes …

: I’ve pretty much finished Farscape and honestly, struggling to find a purpose

: The super fucked up sleep schedule is back with a vengeance, great

: Considering that Jarod isn’t exactly a 6ft man, I’m kind of shocked how he’s able …

: Uuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhhh

: 1999 Ben Browder is still the hottest man in SciFi, fight me

: I’m not dead, bref, I’ve been busy with this business thing and heading to the coop next …

: You’ll never guess who can’t sleep because his brains are full of ideas and motivation. …

: YouTube has been pushing “mewing” at me for weeks, like really really really, pushing …

: The job market turns, ghosting is out, one click rejecting is back in. Nature is healing

: You might wonder why I’ve spent all this time doing this, I will not be told what to do by …

: It is done - while the old Macbook can’t encrypt shit on iCloud, Cryptomator can. So the ugly …

: To be able to encrypt my iCloud drive I had to delete my old Macbook that can’t update to Big …

: If I can move this an hour earlier, I’ll be in the good zone

: I feel this right now. Instead of doing one big go (supermarket), I did a lot of shorter trips so it …

: Drifting to 7h 🙃

: Getting better at posting in both French and English

: This morning, because I’m an idiot, I synchronised everything not having battery. My laptop, …

: I’m considering when I will go up to the supermarket today, I certainly during the morning to …

: This is all the free labour I do to get #ghosted by a #recruiter This is one I’ve had minimal …

: This isn’t good, the trend is getting wake up later go to sleep later. It’ll just end up …

: 🙃

: Close enough

: Job search is going great. Also big up to @Firesphere@cloudisland.nz for creating this tool My Job …

: Sleep just get sleepin

: Watching YouTubers play Lethal Company is my new kink

: Waking up at 6h is not what I was aiming for 😞

: I did not intend for this to happen, the food I bought will bring no joy, but this at least did

: Unintended consequences of snow, the RATP site thinks it’s under attack and because of that …

: Vibe

: 10km round trip by foot to the supermarket. Wish me luck #fml

: You’d never know this one sits in the window screaming to get outside when he’s spending …

: Jarod has decided that I’m the best heat source today

: I need to get around to modifying the Auntie Social reposting bot to stop sending my bookmarks as …

: Easy life for some

: As far as sleeping patterns go, this isn’t as bad as it could be. Technical success ?

: Decisions were indeed made

: I’m debating if I spend another 10 hours working on my city in Cities Skylines

: In my dream I had a yogurt drink and let me tell you how angry I was when I woke up and I …

: Vaguely human, only took weeks to get here

: Somebody is trying to scam Tumblr users by lifting IG hot boys and impersonating them. Epic fail …

: Hilariously, doing a check on the IPs of most of these spam comments, they’re originating from …

: Ah AI bots writing #spam, excellent, what a future we exist in 🥰

: Better, I woke up again at midnight but at least I managed to get to sleep again

: How am I so bad in interviews, jésus christ, you’d think I’ve never had a job in my life

: I’m always up at midnight, not just waking up but full on out of bed alert at the strike of …

: Dobby has received doughnuts from the panier surprise from Franprix. 2024 sucks but at least it has …

: Jarod has this way of going from being nice to being a problem

: Pure rat brain now

: Jarod is currently sat on my chest hunting the rat in the wall. I’m stuck under an immovable …

: Fuck, I got bated twice in the same day by algorthms, first YouTube and the second by Facebook

: I will never financially recover from, checks notes, trying not to freeze to death Donations are …

: Will somebody think of the landlords ? This CBC puff piece is almost comedy …

: I also look forward to hiking up to the supermarket in a couple hours to get affordable cat food

: I had six hours of sleep during the evening, I’m tired now and I want to sleep but I …

: LiveJournal reminds me on this day with a hint of irony “It’s SNOWING!” from 2003 …

: I’m trying to give Samy time to explore and understand snow for cat science. He’s not so …

: DS9 S3:E11 - they have such a quaint idea of what 2024 looks like

: This sleep schedule has to stop

: We’re currently not on speaking terms because while I was trying not to choke to death on my …

: Today I received two phishing emails and one SEO spam email that sailed through the filters - …

: The joy of one cat is only half of the joy of being the living bed for two cats

: I’m early from the supermarket to my Phenix pick up. So I had a little rest near the Eiffel …

: The streets might be empty, but the supermarket at 8h30 on a Saturday morning is heaving

: I started to look up how everything is going to become absolute hell during the Olympics and I …

: Jarod is very much doing his own thing now

: Jarod has rat brain overdrive right now

: I don’t think I can fully describe the danger an agile airborne post shit former street cat …

: For the record this power move of leaving his turds in the open air is foiled by the automatic …

: Jarod normally doesn’t cover his poos, but this one he attempted to hide his shame with …

: Got called a PD multiple times from one guy as I walked back from the shop and I should probably …

: Jarod has got rat brain because this old Parisien building has rats in the walls

: Samy goes to bed and Jarod wakes up, they’re on a shift change

: My cat isn’t normal. This is the coldest room in the house

: Samy has been awake with me all night, I was hoping he’d be too tired to fight the brush, but …

: Samy is transfixed with his dinner plate eyes looking through the door and I’m honestly now …

: Amazon emailing me to tell me a 370MB update to my Kindle that brings “new features and …

: When I got my Too Good To Go pack from Carrefour yesterday, they gave me kilos of veal which I mean …

: Samy is discovering the concept of a fan and now I have a cat scientist

: I still very much need a better way to repost things to the social networks though, I’m doing …

: Now that I’m more awake, I’m starting to do things and write crap that has been on my …

: My sleep is so fucked right now I don’t even know if I’m awake or dead

: Watching a NES Tetris player blow up on YouTube in real time, yesterday he was amazed by having 300 …

: Samy is just going to go where he wants to go

: Macron a pris conseil auprès d’Elon Musk pour rebranding 🤡

: I’m in that brain state of mind where I want to do everything but lack the brain ability to do …

: I have a referrer of docs.google.com in my web stats and I’m wondering what scammy Google …

: Jarod is screaming that he’s not outside like the door isn’t wide open.

: I just found a really simple multi-language wordpress plugin and it seems my remaining of the year …

: This’ll be today’s vibe

: It is worth noting I am very sober so not even a December thing

: I appear to have lost the ability to speak and when I can force it out I can’t even words

: I’d like to say I’m disapointed, but having to figure out another four days of food with …

: I was supposed to get some money today, I did not. I don’t think it’ll be coming before …

: I just want to build my island district and chill

: Six reboots later and I manage to get in, this is absolutely fucking stupid

: Because capitalism Cities Skylines won’t load any more on my laptop it seems. The launcher …

: Credit to Louise Fletcher for portraying the character so well, that 30 years on, I still have …

: I’m rewatching DS9, anyways, we got to the part where the long standing villain Kai Winn shows …

: Another morning and the FN are invited on to Francetvinfo in a prime hour. We are severely fucked

: I also plucked my Westfest 2011 pics (and video !) from Flickr - oh.mg/b/3V1

: I love how MacOS puts a preview of a video right in the middle of the icon either forcing audio to …

: Debating getting out of bed

: Gone done put up the photos (including the ones I didn’t send) for the Live Blog yesterday …

: The live blog was quite fun to do


: Gonna do a live blog because I can and I will, should start around 18h oh.mg/b/3Tf

: I have to get off my back side to walk 10km to the supermarket and honestly the mental effort to put …

: Samy joined me in bed, came for a little snuggle, then used me as a stable surface to jam his foot …

: #capitalism breeds such innovation youtu.be/qUaD4u1b-…

: The financial enshittification begins

: Simple life - outside in a box

: Samy gets the door open and a box outside for him this afternoon, for it is Christmas (and 12°)

: I cut a copy of my LiveJournal posts to import in to micro.blog, better to have more than one …

: Infomaniak called me twice at 8h30 on Christmas day to remind me to pay a bill and quite frankly …

: This is how #AWS responds to an X-ARF spam report including SSH intrusion attempts. The internet has …

: Went on LinkedIn to apply for a job, did that, and also unfollowed every employer and / or potential …

: He’s screaming because I’m out here with Samy and he isn’t outside. The door is …

: Jarod is awake, Jarod is screaming, and it is 6h on a Sunday morning thank you very much sir

: Jarod has found himself somewhere warm and quiet to go sleep in. Obviously, I took the opportunity …

: Fuck

: Micro dosing sleep, clearly

: Today’s Limited Success™ was using the server I set up with Proton Bridge for WordPress to use …

: You wouldn’t think this is the same Jarod I had to pull off the fence while he screamed at me …

: Looks like today will be another one of those “only sleep is micro sleep” kind of day

: After wandering off in annoyance, Jarod realised the bed is far more comfortable anyways

: Samy decided to join Jarod on the cabinet, you’ll notice that Jarod isn’t there. He was …

: Vibe check so far

: Did a thing, checking I didn’t break a thing

: Samy is out in the flat chirping around, he waddled in to the bedroom with his little ball in his …

: Until I become a Wordpress / PHP guru, I don’t think I’ll get my Yeets concept to work. …

: The James Somerton now deleted non-apology video critiques are slowly becoming the entirety of my YT …

: Vague success of the day, kind of figured out the Listmonk API, installed Matomo, worked on my …

: and before anybody starts, I’d search for it (which I have) but search engines can’t …

: And no, I won’t be using Jetpack, for the exact same reasons they can jog right on. Firing …

: Because everything is ultra enshittified now, I can’t seem to find a #WordPress Plugin that is …

: In the last 24 hours IFTTT changed Web Hooks from a free to a premium feature without warning. IFTTT …

: I just discovered why my WP Backup plugin was taking forever to do anything and it’s because …

: As I started to write my great success that was Yeets and tell you how I did the amazing thing of …

: Tootin' from my #Newton (Technically)

: I had to use bleach on the toilet and because I do this rarely I forget the reason why I do this …

: Time to get using Grocy again in anger

: Jarod : I’m upset that my claws keep on getting stuck in fabrics Also Jarod : I’ll fight …

: 18 hours is all it took for Threads to throw racism in to my feed, for the absolute first time it …

: Samy is looking out the window like he wants to go outside, so I let him out, he had a good five …

: I setup my threads account because there are a few people who migrated there I follow. For the most …

: I never quite understood why my phone outside on the terrace in the pitch black is always lit up …

: Hey #Hachette, #HarperCollins, #PenguinRandomHouse & #Wiley: Instead of suing libraries like …

: Jarod is currently screaming because he’s not allowed to climb through the restaurant window …

: While Jarod is sleeping I thought I’d be nice and spend some time with Samy in the dark …

: I’ve had a couple days of paralysing dread that basically kept me in bed and awake all night. …

: Of course I fucked up my Apache config and had a subdomain running as oh.mg and thus breaking …

: BBS server is now called winserver which is a success, but what isn’t a success is that this …

: and when I say vibe, I mean I moved house and it was shutdown for weeks in between

: ARGH I’m having that fucking modem port not opening problem with the BBS again, it took months …

: The whole email thing is internally working surprisingly well

: Yes, I do run a mailing list, why do you ask ?

: What goes up must come down and the algorithm loves a downer invidious.fdn.fr/watch

: This stuff will never get old invidious.fdn.fr/watch

: Very not great that the BBS lost all knowledge of the usenet server it is supposed to connect to

: I also had to find another contact form anti-spam plugin, because the modern internet

: At some point I need to get around to getting out of bed and out of the house to go find out what …

: “The mobile underground” at one point pocket rectangles were novel …

: I’m already writing my survey response in my head, the kind that would make Karl Marx shead a …

: I’m not talking the smaller city shop either, the full big surface mega supermarket

: Capitalism brings the best innovation - the Carrefour seems to be stocking up on full price own …

: Remind me again, why the mother fucker who sent water through my ceiling is being a fucking pain in …

: Other than everything not going right today, I did do this right. Postfix header checks regex is …

: Also, yes the BBS is still down. I’ve not got around to dealing with it between cutting the …

: To say I’m furious is an understatement

: The guy who flooded my place earlier had his music up like he’s got a party happening. Some …

: Update - I did have a nuclear meltdown, it was in the post office trying to print the fucking …

: Getting to print this fucking contstat amiable dégât des eaux is going to put me in a grave I swear …

: omg I just got in to it

: Yeah this is going to be the trigger for a nuclear meltdown. Thanks asshole neighbour, merry fucking …

: Fuck, because I had to switch off the electric and it has been a long fucking time I can’t …

: You know that thing that just might push you over the edge ? Let me present “I’m late on …

: That is certainly an interesting method to, um, woo back advertisers to your (morally) bankrupt …

: Because job searching and ghosting is a thing, I set up a Marketing CRM to do all the leg work. …

: I’m absolutely bricking it for the next electric bill, I’ve had to switch on the …

: Samy has a bit of an update, if anything it is very good and partially will confuse his vet and say …

: So I’m going to have to write my experience about this shitshow in both French and English, …

: I’d live toot but I’d probably be sanctioned

: So I’m at my thing after a 90 minute walk and let me tell you I have a blog post coming about …

: I’ve started to try and recover some of the sites I made in the past and put the details on …

: Remember when having a webcam in your house uploading every 5 minutes was a thing before …

: I’m asking again for #MutualAid, I’m getting to the freezer section of what food is left …

: LOL I love how optimistic I was back in 2002, “savings” what a muppet 😂

: I’m down to the dregs of the freezer, today’s was salty haddock with guacamole. If …

: Ok, I’ve just found the coolest personal webpage in existence

: I love when this happens

: Hey babe, the copaganda merch just dropped on the Black Friday deals

: LiveJournal likes to send me things like “Remember what you wrote on this day, 22 Novembre, in …

: Best internet ever

: Started to watch this to have some background sound, but then she got my attention. Worth watching …

: Somebody is desperately trying to connect to the BBS by phone and honestly my internet is next level …

: Having been told for the absolute last fucking time “we’ve taken great care to read your …

: Sleep schedule just doing whatever at this point

: It’s pitch black in my room, warm under the covers, cats strewn about, and I am violently …

: My alter ego has written a little post on the OH.MG sus Tech blog that I just invented about the …

: Yep, the blog.sus.fr server is very much dead. I only get a message “fan error” before …

: I forgot ProtonMail has the ability to schedule emails, so anyways that’s how I’m …

: I also need to get out of bed and walk over to the supermarket ☹️

: Today I need to really deal with the blog.sus.fr problem, until I can get the machine fixed I think …

: Ok I think I’ve done enough job shit today, I’m already on the edge of catatonic …

: Equally “you can’t apply to this job because LinkedIn decided that the vibe wasn’t …

: “Sorry you can’t have a job because we don’t know how the internet works” is …

: I stumbled upon this film tonight. Weirdly lovely y mi español no este bueno so thank god for …

: Annoyingly in this process they demolished 2 weeks of wet food in a few days because they were so …

: The cats haven’t been eating their dry food so I assumed they needed to go to the vet because …

: I’ve had to shell out for a métro ticket because we have yet another everywhere closure for …

: Overheating kernel panic and blog.sus.fr is down again

: Keeping the Plume server from not switching off is becoming a bit of a drama, I might need to open …

: I’ve gone full tilde sus.fr/~kevin/

: So far my little idea isn’t panning out

: What if, hear me out, I went from kevin.paris to a simple user directory on a little computer in my …

: My machine that runs blog.sus.fr seems to have a bit of a fan problem and will just switch itself …

: I’m getting fed up of all these water outages that are as a result of non-declared line work, …

: I now know two things right now, that I’ll probably be awake for a long time and that I very …

: And of course now I’m crying about that straight boy I loved in high school, because of course …

: This would qualify as a full night sleep according to my body that is very much awake right now

: One of my risqué tumblrs decided to go full MAGA and quite frankly I don’t go on Tumblr for …

: When picking the post that LiveJournal reminded me of, I skipped another one. But I did go find the …

: It seems like I’m roaming and my phone has this weird idea considering that I haven’t …

: Nothing more uplifting on a Sunday like a calendar reminder that it is time to explain to your Pôle …

: Semi-irregular #MutualAidRequest call to try and make my life not trash - Eur via Bunq GBP via Bunq …


: I’ve spent three days watching a year or so of soap operas, because why not, anyways …

: I put up a contact form on my website and I now immediately regret putting up a contact form on my …

: Also apologies to everybody (who hasn’t already blocked me) for being such a downer on the …

: Still in shock about the job considering it was so positive for weeks until it wasn’t and also …

: That’s not even addressing the underlying system of if you can’t find a job you become …

: I’ve been awake for nearly 24 hours, I’m tired but very very awake. I’m not sure …

: Overqualified, not qualified, ghosting. I’m running out of ideas here, how the fuck am I …

: If anybody is feeling the vibe to get me a pizza to drown in the hopeless state of affairs that is …

: I’m violently depressed about this, I just want to eat a fucking pizza in bed but all I got is …

: “We don’t see you as a good fit for the role”. Anyways, I’m having an …

: I’ve had no news yet 😞

: I’m following a rabbit hole on my own blog and honestly it is fun ec.je/b/2zZ

: oh and not just blog everything, also make sure it tells the internet archive when you do …

: Just a reminder to blog everything all the time, this is me holding tickets to an opening of a now …

: In 2013 I had a string of invites to openings of a new chinese takeaway, I documented them : …

: My Freebox has voice controls which never work because it doesn’t listen (good). Today …

: Since this timeline is shit, I’d like to be in the timeline where this had more than the pilot …

: I’ve not had the official convo, but I get the impression that I probably didn’t get the …

: It is looking like I’m going to probably have to beg online for change forever now so anyways …

: You’ll never guess who didn’t sleep and its almost 5h

: My references haven’t heard anything yet so I’m still no wiser to my success (or not) of …

: I’m tired and would like to go to sleep, but of course I’ll probably be awake in bed all …

: Samy has been good to me this evening, feeling low and the fluff ball cometh. Except now where …

: Guess who can’t sleep because reasons

: I’m in that ultra self critical stage after an interview where I think I’ve done …

: I love this new feature in Firefox where it decides it won’t go to a website I typed in. It …

: I’m starting to upload all my flickr photos to my self-hosted gallery, there is a bit of a …

: I’m so glad that I installed Sonoma so now I can enjoy this feature where my wireless mouse is …

: I got word back, final interviews are in - two and a half hours in one sitting next week. It’s …

: It’s nearly 30° in my flat, I can’t sleep and I’ve had to turn on the air …

: Don’t want to jinx things, but I’m waiting for confirmation of a final step 🎊 May be out …

: Last night I started a project on trying to get Delta Chat to work with ProtonMail for the lolz. …

: My obnoxious neighbour has rats that scuttle around his place all night. The cats can hear them and …

: Not one to be paranoid but it seems that my ISP is routing my traffic through an IP address that …

: Thank you to the person who made a 50GBP donation 🙏 It was a nice surprise to wake up to after a …

: No fucking jokes I have to pass this again to get to and from the supermarket 💩

: Which of course means I need to take the real fucking long way back dragging 10kg on my back by …

: Just had to make a 2km walk around because my path to cross the Seine is closed so some bourgeoise …

: Another #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest ping, nothing has come through lately and I’ve accepted …

: “I’m not bored, why do you ask ?” thesims.kevin.paris

: Uninstalling was a mistake, as is the absolute saturation of my connection right now as a result

: I’ve done a fair bit of work on the Taste of Poverty website by bringing across all the …

: I stumbled across this randomly fingerprint.garden

: One of the cats let out the most rancid turd that they’re both in the litter trying to hide it …

: Bump for the #MutualAidRequest, I’m down to my last 10€ now that needs to stretch for a little …

: I’ve got a paranoid feeling that I have bed bugs. The truth is I have something worse, cat …

: Calling out again for #MutualAidRequest for October, I didn’t make the Sept target and now …

: I have so much cool stuff from a decade ago, I used to write about any old shit. Why don’t I …

: Going on the Bristol Pound rabbit hole, I’ve found a few entries back in the archives. A …

: Cloudflare is destroying the internet it claims to protect - web.archive.org/web/20231…

: I can not stress how awesome this is www.colino.net/wordpress…

: Earlier I was researching a potential employer on the down low. That was until I triggered an …

: Side note I wasn’t intending to go outside today but since Too Good To Go finally had some …

: I’m hearing back about two jobs over the next two weeks and I hope that at least one of these …

: Taxes, I’m going to get fucked by that one hard which is something I don’t need right …

: For the electric I’m praying they’ll be appeased by a token payment and not shut me off …

: Usual monthly post for assistance - I’m trying to figure out how to pay the electric, my …

: Cheesy 80s film and not leave bed ? Obvs


: MacOS people, do I take this risk of bricking my laptop or are we all good on this one ?

: Also I did the import from en.journal.kevin.paris over to blog.sus.fr now that I’ve been able …

: I made a grave error. I lifted Samy up to see what’s on the other side of the fence and now …

: Seriously ?

: JFC, Samy (the mostly black cat) just scared the shit out of me when I went to the toilet. Just saw …

: youtu.be/VKBYKddav…

: I thought Phony Stark didn’t like people mentioning the bird name 🤷‍♂️

: Almost 30° in October and everything is totes fine right ?

: This was going to be a status update, then I had a rant en.journal.kevin.paris/2023/09/2…

: lol worse, its ads and brexit because of course

: Any particular reason a bunch of big name companies are sending me privacy policy updates ? Is there …

: Semi-regular #MutualAid post about the current situation, I only made 41% of the €600 goal. While it …

: This is an interesting new development in the sleeping pattern department

: Spinning Circle TV is my favourite channel - 3 bars and -107dBm we’re in the “could do …

: It would appear that I’ve got to the time of day where SFR has decided to tank out its data …

: I also say annulé like it didn’t take 45 minutes for anybody to realise the prestataire …

: Annulé sur place, I do love making extra effort for nothing ❤️

: The 12ème is the worst ème because there is literally nowhere to sit if you’re say half an …

: J’ai fermé l’onglet, je ne peux pas être en colère si tôt le matin. Jupiter vit sur une …

: “Le chef de l’Etat a décidé de “se concentrer” sur la création …

: Je regrette déjà d’avoir lu cela www.francetvinfo.fr/politique…

: I woke up at 5h to walk my ass over to the Pôle France au Travail by Macron and I swear to god they …

: In other news, I’ve been putting off going to the hypermarché since 7h this morning. At some …

: Felt cute, made a Wordpress en.journal.kevin.paris

: I’m not one to be paranoid, but when three different connections (4G router, 4G mobile, fixed …

: I just found out the very hard way Tumblr will now only let you attach a domain that you buy from …

: Obvs can’t sleep because I just spent half an hour in the rain fixing the 4G box on to the …

: Internet just got cut off, now on 4G for a while F My poor-ass Life. This afternoon’s remote …

: Always, and I can not stress this enough, ALWAYS, read the company’s Glassdoor page before you …

: In other news I have two interviews lined up now, as I got the “lol on a annulé” SMS …

: If you cancel last minute with the Pôle emploi (France Travail™ by Macron), they’ll sanction …

: There is a YouTube content creator that makes great stuff, but has a huge and repetitive watermark …

: God always has the worst fans youtu.be/hz3ewboYp…

: I’ve spent the last few months spending so little on food (8-10€ every week or so), that going …

: I’ve ate and I’m starting to regain my ability to be coherent. So, processed dinner not …

: I’m struggling to put my thoughts (or lack there of more accurately) down, I’m going to …

: In the interest of transparency, this is what I grabbed from Aldi. Not a great shop honestly and I …

: Plus at this point I’m so brain dead my capacity to handle anything is hovering around …

: I’ve ended up going back to bed, neo liberal capitalism fatigues me

: Super desperate #MutualAidRequest plea - this is all I have left until the end of the month, …

: I love how Bluesky implemented that great Twitter feature where the screen refreshes as you’re …

: Speaking of mild panic, I’m down to my last 7€. As in literally 7€ to live on until October, …

: One of the cathartic things I’ve been not panicking to (when I really should) is my mildly …

: I received a junk email about 10 minutes ago that actually fucking offended me, the audacity to send …

: MacOS likes to complain that my disk is almost full constantly. Yes, I know, you’re supposed …

: My little blog server on the shelf has some attitude to just peace out and shutdown when it gets a …

: I just evicted a spider, I don’t know what offended me about it the most - it’s size or …

: I figured out why Jarod was screaming at me all morning, he wanted his box outside. He demands …

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 9 Septembre, in the past (a late one) …

: My TV did an update this morning, all my quick select favourites were replaced with upsell streaming …

: I also considered the option of going through Champs de Mars to save time and effort m, but a …

: Having to leave so early in the morning for a supermarket hike means I miss all the discounts. Other …

: “Let’s think of government as an industry, where countries are firms and citizens are customers!” he …

: Because I’m still super far from scraping by this month, I’ve had to choose again …

: How long this might last, no idea, honestly, since I’m still back to the wall and I’ve …

: I’m in a kind of upward peak after probably the last few months of non stop dark level …

: TotalEnergies who made 246 565 307€ in 2022 lost 46,71€ I already paid them and is trying to demand …

: At least the cats are enjoying themselves

: Motivation is in such a negative today that I can’t even do anything let alone commit to …

: I’ve been putting off the great walk to the supermarket all day, mainly because its going to …

: We should all be angry about the our current timeline not having that 1970s future aesthetic amongst …

: www.theguardian.com/culture/2…

: Today not a great day, I intentionally overslept and the dread is still very much back. I missed my …

: It claims its overheating Sep 1 20:41:12 kaja kernel: [2995794.251186] thermal thermal_zone0: …

: Very strange that my machine that runs blog.sus.fr decided to turn itself off, no crash, full on …

: I have a sleep hangover today, woke up super early which isn’t bad. What isn’t great is …

: Landlords : People are so mean to us, we’re just good people 🥺 Also landlords : …

: “I’m tired I should probably go to sleep” Best I can do is a terrible nap

: I had so little sleep my watch didn’t recognise it, so just having a very calm day. Just …

: The positioning of these action items are the dictionary definition of violence

: I’ve been looking at ways to monitise (🤮) and I think my Taste of Poverty blog is where its at …

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 28 Août, in the past That time I used to cycle …

: I was finally able to trim some of the fur on Samy’s paws. Now he’s got full grip on …

: I just received a donation in GBP, I won’t mention names for privacy but thank you so much for …

: September begins and waits for nobody, clearly. If you can help I’d appreciate it, I’m …

: After I had my little meltdown, spent most of the day with the cats vaguely watching TV, then …


: If you’d like to know more about Greatest Manager Ever Celia and her great work (maybe this …

: I’m going to slide the laptop away before I say something that somebody else (who deserves …

: Oh and the hilarious irony - I make “too much” to get assistance from a food bank but …

: “Guess I can eat once every other fortnight” this isn’t hyperbole, I literally am …


: THIS IS FINE as I rock back and forth in a corner unable to sleep even after being awake for more …

: So anyways, don’t mind me, just going to have an absolute mental breakdown on the basis I …

: Lol I just got the electric bill and let me tell you I look forward to living in the days before we …

: Another day in dystopian capitalism “hey thanks for applying to this job you’re …

: In related news, I’ve started to rewatch the original Indiana Jones films because reasons

: I haven’t been able to sleep and I’m still very awake, so today is going to be quite …

: I stand corrected, it is from the building. I had a smell of the electric cupboard and its being …

: It transpires the smell may actually be the clim itself, somewhat chemical and not so much fire …

: Something outside stinks and because my clip sucks in air from outside my house stinks inside

: Je suis trop fatiguée pour réfléchir, mais pas assez pour avoir des idées géniales pour mon site web

: I have a French and English account on a certain other network (not Xitter) and the difference …

: I still find it weird after months of being cut off the net and relegated to 4G hell at this point …

: I switched #Pixelfed instances from my own (lol money) over to @kevin@pixelfed.fr

: Firefox appears to have some kind of bug where if you leave a tab too long it will still display the …

: My sleep schedule switched to early mornings (which is great) so I should have left for the …

: I’m having a lapse back into what I can only describe as deep depression where I just …

: I was really enjoying the dream I was having, and with nothing else to do, I slept for 12 hours 🤷

: Samy is living the #caturday life

: Ugh it is a triathlon, obviously

: I have no idea what special event is happening that the police helicopter is low flying around my …

: My sleeping patterns are absolutely shanked again, so obvs I’m speed watching three series on …

: I’ll file that next to “walking 10km to go buy 4€ of discount food because locally is …

: Something moderately embarrassing about being selected contrôle caisse automatique with 4€ of …

: What the fuck is wrong with the water in Silicone Valley ? Don’t answer that, it was …

: Sure, I’ll spend 15 minutes rehashing my CV because your site can’t parse shit only for …

: Also added benefit is that you have all the time in the world to find new interesting films and …

: The only good thing about being unemployed and ghosted for jobs is that I got a whole lot of spare …

: I like my new version personal website that Geocities puked up, especially when I talk shit about …

: I did the 10km walk up to Carrefour earlier and my left leg still has not recovered. I didn’t …

: Annoyingly I must go to the big super market again, not looking forward to hauling back cat litter …

: ““Without a response from the employer, the Labor Standards Unit cannot proceed with …

: Currently working on this monstrosity

: I reiterate my point Re: mmn.on.ca/2023/08/1…

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 13 Août, in the past redacted.id/s3pSP

: I saw this story crop up earlier on Mastodon, and honestly it is just wild - …

: Au lieu de réduire les prix et de rendre les voyages en train plus abordables la SNCF permet …

: Warp 9 to the DILF quadrant

: and I’m not even talking about Tom Paris, like 95% of the mens walking all over that place are …

: Star Trek Voyager really did have the market on the late 90s early 2000s hot men

: gmail does not equal email, so fuck you.

: Oopsie doopsies archive.ph/KjWsL

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 11 Août, in the past Gouranga Gouranga Gouranga! …

: Google has been sending a lot of policy change notifications and quite frankly the amount of evil …

: I got ChatGPT to hallucinate a story based on the rough notes of my dream, which in itself was also …

: I am in a state of severe fatigue but also violently awake because a spider just tried to stroll up …

: Fucking corpo bots are the worst headline.com/legal/cra… user agent pretends to be Firefox

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 10 Août, in the past blog.sus.fr/~/English…

: I did all this walking and of course I forgot to buy dishwashing liquid

: Having changed browsers and not installed a plugin to block checkmarks on a certain letter site, I …

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 9 Août, in the past Work hard for your employer …

: git clone git.joinplu.me/Plume/Plu… && pray

: lol I killed my Plume

: client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe384/730: time, rocket_http, rocket_codegen, walkdir Always …

: Samy not content with not being a part of climbing on a rather important piece of software trauma …

: Excellent, this is going wonderful

: Even more so that Jarod is trying to climb all over my laptop while I’m doing this

: I knew this was a real bad idea

: yeah this is going to be an utter shitshow of epic varieties

: Oh look I have to reinstall Rust cos it has to be a nightly or dev version

: Oh this is painful, very very painful already. Rust just giving different versions based on the …

: error: failed to compile plume v0.7.3-dev (/home/plume/Plume), intermediate artifacts can be found …

: This will either go super easy or super painful

: I’m trying to rebuild #Plume to use with Postgres, taken my backups and prayed

: I also imagine this is a symptom of both more traffic and also the database growing in size. Each of …

: I think I need to really get back and revisit the #Plume database thing. I’ve discovered when …

: A new #Plume server has discovered mine, but since I’m having a weird database issue it means …

: Very dated technology as you can see

: It still has Google+ installed and a load of notifications stored up from when I stopped using it

: Cool cool, a tablet in perfect working order I just found was killed off and can be effectively …

: I really don’t understand Nostr

: Ok so I think I did a thing right to add a seperate feed for my blog posts depending on the language

: In celebration I made a page totally not making fun of Xlon Xusk oh.mg/x/ that is 100% hosted on my …

: It hasn’t fully set in yet, but one of my friends covered my internet bill this month so …

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 7 Août, in the past An interesting one from 22 (!) …

: We might have a mousey in the housey

: Anyways, I’ve been putting off walking in to the forest again (and going to the cheaper …

: Also, regular reminder - fuck capitalism and may the wealth horders get what they deserve

: Another part of this crisis is that I like the idea of what I was doing with gemini, but the main …

: I’m having a life crisis, I’m not happy with any of my internet presence (again). I …

: #CloudFlare has arbitrarily decided to constantly check any request I make to a site that uses this …

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 6 Août, in the past “OMFG I DON’T EVEN OWN THAT …

: Who in their right mind would pay Quora for Quora answers ? Might as well have Yahoo! knocking at …

: Perhaps one day this rebrand will be complete or not, bankruptcy (moral and otherwise) comes at you …

: Quelle surprise youtube.com/shorts/rh…

: Jarod is a bit weird, he enjoys chilling out with me and then suddenly realises he’s not very …

: This is where we are

: Jarod is in grab at things mood. His target, my laptop keyboard

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 5 Août, in the past blog.sus.fr/~/English…

: Proton Bridge seems to be wanting to download my entire 70GB mailbox on to my hard drive, which …

: Google removing their X-Complaints-To header in Groups USENET posts certainly does say more than …

: The creativity of the internet always amazes me …

: I’m making a serious consideration if I switch my email client to Alpine

: Yesterday, I went for a 10k walk to the only big (read : cheap) supermarket in the area so I …

: #LiveJournal Remember what you wrote on this day, 3 Août, in the past Complaining about the early …

: The side effect of this is that Samy and I get to look forward to the nuclear turds that come after …

: Jarod seems to be having issues eating his croquettes, his dental situation isn’t great from …

: Of all the insults that could be thrown, I found a new one “We would like to get to know you …

: and because lol, I washed all my bedding yesterday evening and obviously it rained last night. Very …

: I’ve got to the point where waking up isn’t that important, so just do it whenever, …

: It is 2023 so why does Windows need more than a day to extract a 2GB zip file my Macbook took …

: A large percentage of the internet being behind CloudFlare is totally a great idea. Especially when …

: A half assed rebrand that never stops giving

: It has been sat like that for over an hour, so yeah not exactly going well

: Proton Drive for Windows seems to be struggling to get started

: It has been over two months since I heard people calling themselves AI artists, and I’m still …

: Hey babe the new Honest Government ad just dropped

: I made a complaint against Uber to the CNIL like three years ago, and since a lot of people had the …

: I can never make up my mind how I want to do things, but what I can make my mind up on is how tacky …

: Nous vivons dans une réalité absurde où la majorité doit souffrir tandis qu’une petite …

: The Toaster and the Chimney Sweep A Victorian Love Story This post is entirely written by an AI based on some pretty loose terms thrown at it for fun. Once …

: Irsquove grown weary The new internet is shit and we all know it, that’s why I’m having an inspired moment to …

: Christian Parker Theatre AI Story This story was written by an AI using the original Christian Parker Theatre dream as its base. It …

: The Rise and Fall of the Eternal King of Mars This post has been entirely created by an AI and as such it would like to reiterate the following …

: This Migration is susfr Some small progress has been made in the eternal migration of all my content all over the place. …

: I gone done some changes to the BBS I wrote not that long ago on the unsocial medias that I was working on the BBS over the last few …

: I'm struggling to pull the content from ... I'm struggling to pull the content from the main W8.org site, obvs, so it looks like a fresh start

: Hello new w8.org

: Trialling redacted identity on Plume Fediverse Blogging for the Win I’m going to try moving my posting to [redacted identity] …

: Bringing the Technology Home /*! elementor - v3.8.1 - 13-11-2022 */ .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked …

: Bringing the Technology Home => ift.tt/VRnzQe3 Cover Image Please don’t judge the lack of dusting For a while now …

: Im a Tech Guru I have been reconsidering moving my little archive back on to a shelf in my house, you know, modern …

: Christian Parker Theatre I’ve been meaning to properly break this into a proper entry, but I have a feeling that I …

: My cat isn’t normal

: I went too far and I got overwhelmed That subject is quite frankly the best of Vaguebooking I can do, but fear not it’s on a purely …

: I went too far and I got overwhelmed

: After doing a lot of hacking around I’ve almost completed my OH.MG move. Just waiting on the …

: I, of course, did all my work in an all night frenzy that lasted until I passed out at 6h. You can …

: I’m waiting for my host to install the domain cert (manual job) so if you’re visiting …

: Last night I decided to fully redevelop my site from the ground up. I’ve gone full hog, change …

: UK politics at this point is a tragically hilarious shuffle of out of touch posh clowns

: Incidentally, Total Energies who not long ago emailed me to say that my tariff was no longer …

: If you didn’t think it was time to eat the billionaire class, it is, the energy companies are …

: Moving to a Cooperative World I’ve been rethinking what I’m doing online and how I’m doing it, this has been …

: Cats - always photogenic

: Because I fell asleep on the sofa all day, I’m now getting around to moving OH.MG over to …

: I’ve been in the office all week and the cats have been stuck inside for a while. This …

: For the last couple days I’ve been having this weird obsessive dream about a domain name …

: They’re doing their own thing and yes, Jarod is sleeping in their toy box

: Jarod is getting caught on the sofa again, of course trying to trim 1mm of claw to fix this has …

: I have two things happening today - Samy seems to have this game of trying to stick his backside in …

: I’ve got a whole god damn bag of mice, various colours, but if blue mouse isn’t there, …

: I just had to crawl around on the floor to try and find Samy’s blue mouse. He picked this toy …

: In other news, my electric went up three times in the last two months, but am I here with the Aircon …

: Also, here is Jarod’s fat face

: I technically quit smoking, just don’t ask me how many of these I’ve got through

: Update. He’s rolled out of bed to drop a turd, anyways guess I’ll be haunted by thoughts …

: Having one of those shitty nights, brain focusing on the 💩, cat curled up on bed with me. Trying to …

: Anyways, I obvs had to dispose of the thing but at least it’s looking like this small part of …

: My cats are pretty hilarious sometimes, the older one got the younger one to flush out a rat for …

: Well don’t I feel old

: Lets celebrate My blog is 22 years old <img style="max-width: 100%" …

: This raises more questions than answers

: If you didn’t feel old, you will now - Sailor Moon at 30: Looking Back at the Iconic Series

: I finally got all my sites out of one text repository. Tonight, two years late, I work on getting …

: I’ve started to upload my photo albums to a self-hosted photo system.

: Well wasn’t Eurovision a bit wild tonight ?

: Jarod after his vet appointment, rather unamused

: Strange floof

: Also cos I got bored I wrote a thing about What’s Running OH.MG

: You’re all now caught up to the last month or so of my life

: Jarod also has the occasional nightmare, either Samy or I have to rescue him from them every so …

: Samy the shy guy, is no longer shy, he’s now really opened up, we spend time together, and he …

: Jarod my former street cat friend seems to have got worms at some point and they came back, two …

: Brief internet fame, getting that dopamine is harder than it was in the 90s

: Changes to the System

: Kind of proud of the new site, you don’t notice much (maybe except all the permalinks have …

: I’m going to try and totally rebuild my web / gemini site today. Wish me luck, it could be a …

: Haven’t updated the content on my site for a month or so, but did I just add a mailing list …

: Email Changes - Micro Edition OK, I finally settled on the new email provider and I’m slowly moving over the domains one by …

: Today I was a cas contact for the first time, as if COVID isn’t done with us, contrary to what …

: Jarod and Samy have been here for a week now, and today is the first proper lazy day we’ve …

: I’m fed up with the state of the internet now. I just blocked incoming HTTP/S + Gemini ports …

: Hey @fitbit awesome product you have there! Love how the Ionic can apparently can start fires and …

: For anybody wondering the follow up to the CDG problem. No direct way to Paris, had to take a rail …

: and oh.mg’s website is kind of down cos a small problem setting up the CDN

: Unable to parse record: Internal error happened. because CF won’t do AXFR

: Trying to move zone files from CF to elsewhere is no fun

: In an effort to Europe-ify my web presence I’m trying out an EU CDN provider, it seems to work …

: Who can I petition to run this on every screen on a loop in the baggage collection area in CDG with …

: I have had zero problems on the other end of each flight, always some kind of transport that is …

: Keeping in mind that I’ve flown from CDG pretty consistently for the past three months, and I …

: I fucking can not with La RATP right now. I get back to Paris on Friday after 22h, buses are on …

: So Noctilien, other than the driver deciding not to pick up people randomly and being at Gare de …

: Considering that the RATP app in general is so awful that it some how recommends the absolute worst …

: Nothing more safe than ditching people at Gare du Nord at 3h du mat to wander around to find a stop …

: Having to take a series of Noctiliens to CDG in a few hours, and RATP tried to send me to a bus stop …

: Air travel, kthnxbi

: Il fait beau

: To Ski or Not to Ski ? That is the direction

: This box is almost a dating profile.

: Cat Related Entry | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay

: Playing with Geographical Load Balancing | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay

: Seems that the deployment worked pretty well, the response time for visitors in Australia and South …

: It does mean I’ve had to kill of some subdomains that the ssl cert isn’t for, and …

: Doing it on www.om.gay this time, if it works maybe I’ll do oh.mg too

: Just got to setup the deploy script, sync the hosts, and push the new NS servers and we good

: I’m using some of the things I figured out when I originally mirrored oh.mg

: Because I’m curious, I’m trying geodns to offer up a server closer to the visitor. I …

: If anything we’ve learned in the last few years, we’re all helpless passengers in a car …

: I Should Write | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay

: Particularly the PSF site is taxing me a bit, how do you remain funny when reality is a clusterfuck …

: My posts for a while are going to be erratic at best, so keep with me for the moment. I’m …

: Overnight Kaja’s condition deteriorated and she fell into a coma. The hospital was able to …

: This is the photo the ASCII art is based off of, can’t remember exactly when this photo was …

: The ASCII art of her looks better in the txt file

: Kaja - Her Current Situation | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay

: Hopefully she’ll pull through this at home / with the vet as being alone in a strange place is …

: Kaja has been getting fluids from the vet, she’s still not drinking on her own though. Random …

: Off the back of my previous post, I’ve put a bit more details in to this journal entry - Kaja

: Kaja is in a very bad state right now, the vet did a blood test (and she put a hole in my thumb as …

: Kaja is really unwell tonight and is showing no interest in eating, so we have a vet appointment …

: “Votre compte PayPal est actuellement restreint. Nous vous avons récemment demandé de prendre …

: It’s late, I found a directory “corp” in my source files for the site, so I …

: Today I learned the difference between a blocked pipe and piss poor plumbing by dropping two bottles …

: I’m such an idiot. I was thinking I couldn’t make www.oh.mg work because LE on DH …

: OH.MG Moves | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay

: It’s also nearly 1h, the streets are filled with fireworks and assholes honking. PSG did …

: Turns out content was the easy part, now just adding all the redirects is going to be the annoying …

: I’ve commenced work, that means that gemini://om.gay is a bit broken until all the updates get …

: It also means I need to install the new version of kiln on the homebox which I’m not excited …

: How I vision this - redirect oh.mg to a hosted website (rather than self hosting the WWW), om.gay …

: I think tonight I’m going to do some work on moving everything around, I’m having too …

: My first two cities weren’t great, but who cares

: I’ve downloaded Cities Skylines and I’ve been obsessed for the last few hours

: Got some LED candles, set them out side and I’m happy with the results

: Struggle Bussing with the OH.MG Gemini Server

: Rodents are always a possibility, it is Paris after all, but she’s not been like this since we …

: She’s storming around quite upset, so not exactly sure what she’s been smelling …

: This would be my epic security system

: We were outside for about half an hour before she decided time was up. Still not at all happy about …

: I’m sat outside with Kaja at 2h du mat because she is obsessed with being outside and trying …

: I’ve been doing some house cleaning and started to use my internal usenet server / groups with …

: Finance Crime is Annoying A couple days ago one of my card details were breached somewhere and it was used to make a 230 000 …

: I’ve got to the stage of being disconnected from Facebook for so long it’s started to …

: The Spam Just Won’t Stop | Redacted Identity by OH.MG

: Birdsite is going ultra anti-vax, to the point it’s trying to constantly shove me into one of …

: Stompwatch is now my new life, not because I actually care about his life, he just makes it …

: I’m having a real struggle bus trying to keep up the gemini server on OH.MG, I have a feeling …

: For reference, I’m not anal, if you have a party here and there, whatever. If you have one …

: Understand I never thought I’d be here CALLING THE FUCKING POLICE ABOUT A NIGHTCLUB IN LY …

: I live less than 500 metres from a massive police station, and here we are 4 hours in to upstairs' …

: Round 2 of doom scroll replacement, I searched “macintosh” on geminispace.info and got …

: Adios Facebook | Redacted Identity by OH.MG - I wrote a thing about what I do with my phone, and why …

: This is the new setup, hidden some work and financial things, but trying to cut the screen time on …

: I’m probably going to write a post to Redacted.ID for this, but tl;dr I’ve deleted a …

: I went to boot up my old Macintosh PPC, it seems to be running but these modern monitors won’t …

: Forever Distracted | Redacted Identity by OH.MG - “Drag and drop to cloud providers and have …

: I hate this part of the night, where I have so many bright ideas but far too tired to put them in to …

: Ah the internet 💖

: Forever Distracted I find myself constantly looking at blogging options and what crazy things are out there to make …

: The Hell of Dating Apps | Be Gay, Do Crime by OHM.GAY - “The internet sucks boys and there is …

: Inexplicably twitter decided to remove my homepage address from my profile. No warning, just …

: This might be a long shot, but my cat is on a treatment this week which needs her to take a pill. …

: Almost back to reality | Redacted Identity by OH.MG

: Well Hello | Be Gay, Do Crime by OHM.GAY

: Almost back to reality My time off from work is almost over and I have done literally none of what I planned to do. Kaja is …

: As I’m working on reorganising everything OH.MG (I wrote about it), I’ve actually …

: Trying to make changes to OH.MG

: Trying to make changes to OHMG It's been over a year since I put together OH.MG and so far it has been quite a mash of things. …

: leave.eu dot lol

: leaveeu dot lol In the latest installment of "Brexit is totally working" it seems that leave.eu has lost it's …

: Happy New 2020 Variant

: Happy New 2020 Variant |_| . |) |) \./ | | /-\ | | | ' '' '' ' ' . . _ | | |\| |- \/\/ ' ' ~ \./ _ . |) | |- /-\ |\ ' ~' '' …

: 2021 found another way to be horrible at the very last moment Betty White, veteran actress who …

: Can’t go anywhere without doing one of these, great times with Omicron 🙄

: Merry Christmas to all!I tell you from heart, not like those chain messages that is only copied and …

: It’s Christmas or something, but here I am installing a potential home email server if I can …

: My 2021 in LJ My blog statistics for 2021 <img style="max-width: 100%" …

: The guy upstairs really needs to invest in carpets, or at least not wearing shoes in the house At …

: #30DayWritingChallenge - Day 1

: I have been doing many things except maybe writing on my journal

: Day 1 19:17 Paris - 5.0˚C Brume Pick a color, any color. Write about that color as if it were a person. …

: I have been doing many things I've been working a bit on the journal here that's being managed by Logarion …

: The Boredom is Real Here we are again, a year later, same shit, and a new variant for the lolz. The only thing …

: Is there anybody out there who knows much about leafnode? I’m trying to work out how to get …

: AWS - The Trash Heap of the Internet #SpaceTwatBezos

: I need to figure out how I can do this at the high firewall level, but without having to manually …

: Saturday is clean up day, so I blocked all of Bezos' IP ranges from my Web server. Trash connections …

: I didn’t believe the yee haw attitude of quarantine protocols in Promethius and Alien …

: Speak of the devil and she’ll materialise to have a 💩

: I live in an apartment that is just shy of 30m2 and yet somehow I’ve lost my cat in here. She …

: Working on the BBS today, and also starting to mirror out my journal to FTP / the BBS file area

: Before I go to bed (which I should have done hours ago), I’m considering a mailing list as a …

: The Import Begins Today - Reliving your traumatic youth through publically available blog posts 👍

: If you haven’t seen Alf’s Room you should, unless your Japanese is good enough a …

: I’m Still Awake - more stories from insomnia

: New Blog / Archive

: I am most done with gmail

: Just had to change the SPAM settings on my self-hosted mail servers to treat gmail.com emails more …

: I like picking up flags of places I’ve been, but I think on this occasion I may have gone a …

: Returning to Paris from the airport is always a vexing experience, and today was no different

: Update : the troll was seen

: Last day in 🇳🇴 obvs gonna go up a mountain to see a troll

: It’s raining this weekend

: Made some casual changes to OH.MG to drop the images and go full text, it’s droped the overall …

: It’s been a bit of a wild ride this week, but here I am about to go out just as it’s …

: Wondering why today was such a struggle, totally forgot the clocks went back an hour

: I finally got back online, the cause of the outage - an ancient copper cable desperately holding my …

: To give some context, the internet struggle bus is real

: My Freebox seems to be having a bit of a night so it’s questionable if any of the servers are …

: I started the solution to my previous post, I created The Eternal Archive which is in IPFS space. …

: I need to revisit the project of pulling all my old LiveJournal posts and properly archiving them …

: I did not realise that the gemini server had been offline for so long. I’d normally get …

: Yey I did it (and all the links are broken cos I did it all fixed like)

: Trying to work out how I push OH.MG into the IPFS sphere, still barely any idea but I’m …

: I’ve done it, well most of it, the BBS' domain has been changed to free.mg and next step is to …

: I need to plan things better, I trigger purchased a domain, set it up, changed my mind, and now I …

: I had to shutdown the BBS server for about 15 minutes, something has started to seize a connection …

: I’ve got to do some work on the BBS over the weekend, some of the mail areas are acting up …

: Ô.LU has also been updated, not sure when that’ll go live though

: Five weeks later, my ISP got their shit together and I can say that OH.MG is back !

: In the sea of bad news, there is good. When I setup the BBS machine in the new flat, the modem …

: Every so often I hear about the Drop Bear, today more than once

: Pour une raison inconnue @freebox ne semble pas pouvoir se connecter à mon internet. Je vis au …

: I love it when @free just not tell me shit and I get a surprise 🥰 “Accusé/Réception de la …

: Free Saga : cancelled the appointment yesterday afternoon, won’t activate my ADSL line, wall …

: I’ve been left without Internet for three weeks, two failed installs, and one again on Friday …

: OK, awesome, so you get to fuck around, but if I ask for something it’s rude 🙄🖕

: The part that really got me is when I pushed them to at least get the ADSL switched on, I was told …

: More glorious fun with Free today, they showed up to install then vanished without telling me. Still …

: BBS Offline due to internet feckup - OH.MG

: Only problem with that is sometimes the sound becomes desynchronised and it’s absolutely weird …

: I’ve also improvised TV, streaming from a laptop, HDMI cable out, then use bluetooth to …

: Still without real internet so I’m improvising

: Things are much more settled now with the lights on, still running of 4G, but at least I don’t …

: Oof, so they came to install the fibre to find out what shit fuckery another company pulled to make …

: No longer will I have to live by candle light, for I finally have electrcity in my house

: Kaja has been pretty chill about the situation today considering, I’m not exactly pleased …

: will they just fuck off already, especially Les Fucking “Patriotes”

: Her tempertantrums are the part of this whole affair I was dreading the most, and I haven’t …

: Agency forgot we had the état des lieux to do so all postponed to this afternoon. Started to get …

: The things I’ve just had to do to get internet access tonight is a fucking joke, I’m …

: Hooray, my Internet has been cut off a week early. Merci Free 👏

: I don’t know why, but I really hate the word “automagically”

: At some point in the next 2 weeks I need to take down OH.MG for a couple days as I physically move …

: and of course we have Kaja, she gets enraged about me moving things and cleaning up. So I have to …

: I found, got accepted by, and will be signing for a new appartement next week. I haven’t …

: I did not realise the perfect flat exists until I’ve seen it last night, now I must live …

: I was really concerned with all the plague parades around that when traffic was stopped and there …

: For the lolz I made Vaovao OH.MG® using a new template with the same content. It’s a fat load, …

: Of course this doesn’t mean defeat, I’m going to try and strip it down as much as …

: My current site is about 83kb give or take because of some link backs I have to webrings and link …

: I want to change the HTML template of OH.MG and I found a good looking one but it’s so meaty. …

: I’ve started using twtxt and it’s a bit nice. oh.mg/twtxt.txt

: Lady Kaja is currently sheading because we had a short burst of warm weather, now that it’s …

: I had a nap earlier, so of course I’m going to be awake all night

: Pro-disease protesters and the far right seem to be hand in hand

: I can’t even associate it with accidentally watching a random video, all I’ve seen for a …

: No matter how much I block the channels and tell it I’m not interested, it’ll just find …

: Yet again Google’s algorithm is trying to seed in far right videos into my YT feed. Normally, …

: I’m also possibly going to try and build a version of OH.MG that is able to be run on classic …

: Looking at flats around my area, it’s a bit of a mixed bag, some really good ones and of …

: Le Walking Delta Variants

: The Rules of Acquisition an OH.MG essay on doing stupid shit under the influence, now with corrected …

: Become a sex object

: I tried this as well but apparently we’re uploading things in 1992 as it’s not going …

: Facebook seems to have totally locked me out of my own account, and I think this is the moment I was …

: To put it into context, I’ve had to do so many of these tests recently, my friends now use me …

: Today has been nothing but COVID related, get a PCR test, get the second vaccine, get the paperwork …

: I’m also not sure who submitted OH.MG to theforest.link but thank you kind person. I saw it in …

: I’m trying to convince my WhatsApp group (I KNOW) to do a podcast like its 2011

: Crypto seems to still be crashing, I’m still up, so I pulled out my funds and bought two …

: I thought I reset my #gemini server since the last down alert I got. Turns out I very much did not …


: Just spent an hour scrubbing two cat fountains only to be thanked by her majesty with a hiss for …

: I also really need to get my photo site properly up and running

: I have done so much walking this past few days I think my feet are going to fall off

: I’m feeling all the Pfizer side effects today

: Quite literally every time I post a link on here, these are the immediate visitors to the exact …

: My last task for the night is pulling off a copy all these posts and uploading them to OH.MG, I know …

: For anybody remotely interested in #eurovision at this point, the Press Conference is live

: Oh boy there are a bunch of Mastodon instances now synching with mine, and the whole night’s …

: That was wild #eurovision


: This year’s voting is absolutely brutal #eurovision

: THAT WAS ICE COLD, at least he got a huge round of support in the auditorium #Eurovision

: LOL France fucked over Switzerland for their 12 points, I hope they take that personally next year …



: Malta looks pissed, probably should have hit it with 90% more French and it seems they could have …

: Lithuania isn’t every giving that up #eurovision

: If Italy doesn’t set fire to the place on their way out, they’re not rock and roll …

: Iceland just having a great time for the lolz #Eurovision

: Australia trying to to move into the vacuum created by #brexit, boss move guys, join the song …

: “You’re at the top of the score board” not for long Nikkie, the Jury has no taste …

: Estonia got robbed, I loved their last year’s entry #Eurovision

: And here we have why #GER should win this one #Eurovision, thank you Birdsite for delivering

: Lordi was 2006, holy shit bags I’m old #eurovision

: I guess it’s not #eurovision without Mans sexy pants around

: Did we just forget all the people who won the country competitions for the cancelled ESC 2020 ? …

: So wait only the orchistra need face masks ? Continuity guys, continuity #Eurovision

: Wasn’t that some socially distanced fun feat. Flo Rida. Off to the votes and my dirty socks …


: Last one, I shant be commenting on the voting malarky this year for I have laundry that needs to be …

: That’s one way to get around the six on stage maximum rules on #Eurovision #SWE

: This isn’t exactly my cuppa tea music wise, but #SWE is getting a vote from me this year …

: An intermission from your friends at OH.MG - A nice recap of all my #Eurovision shit posting to …

: The greatest thing to come out of #ITA since literally food ever made in Italy #Eurovision

: I don’t know why I like this, maybe the Milli Vanilli fashion, but we like #NED giving it …

: Like genuinely #NOR it sounds better in Norwegian, so should have just ran with it #Eurovision

: I’m out of this one, I’ve heard the #NOR song in Norewgian and I really really really …

: OH YEAH IT WAS YOU #AZE #Eurovision

: Didn’t somebody do a diddy about Cleopatria before in #Eurovision not long ago #AZE ?

: Ironically as I pour my Pierrier in my Parisien flat, I send that message out into the void …

: Usual fayre from #FRA as expected, at least #SUI joined into the Francofest #NotByYourselfAtLeast …

: When the #ukr beat drops #Eurovision

: Her stare is like “I know where you live, vote now” and it’s everything #ukr …

: Imma break this app #Eurovision

: This song is literally #Eurovision and #LTU read the room before they showed up to win

: What else is getting old #BUL ? This song #Eurovision

: “Life is just dying slowly” and other happy songs from the nation of #BUL #Eurovision


: Of course she’s going to visit her neighbours #Den 🙄 #Eurovision


: Gotta be careful #fin you might have rock peaked with Lordi so some big shoes to fill #Eurovision


: I don’t hate this #ger but I am considering muting it #eurovision

: Oof that did not go as planned #mda #eurovision #letshopeforpittypoints

: Unintentional mic drop from #mda while they’re trying to get Europe to come over and see them …

: There is a Spanish boyband that is missing a lost member somewhere #ESP #Eurovision

: I felt this in 2020 and I’m feeling it again in 2021, if #Eurovision isn’t in Reykjavik …

: I mean, there are no green screens, but at least it’s not just France being French on their …

: GREEN SCREEN DANCING MAN FUCK YEAH #gre #eurovision Watch your shadows though #MoreChromakey

: Finally some fire to get us to pay attention, thanks #eurovision

: Happy clappy trumpety wumpety from the #UK I guess they made a post-Brexit attempt to try and keep …

: I forgot to mention #cyp earlier, but tl;dr it’s what we’d expect if Lady Gaga was born …

: This is about as loco loco as your aunt who has a sip of proscecco once a year at Christmas #srb …

: Well thank god that’s done now #por #eurovision

: Oh La Noire quão original #por #eurovision

: Sorry to everybody on micro.blog and Mastodon, but Eurovision is gay christmas and this is how we do

: Here we go with #MLT trying to woo the French vote #Eurovision

: I know, I know Russia, but for this song I can’t slap the applause button hard enough …

: If arriving at Bruxelles-Midi was an actual song #eurovision

: And #esc begins

: Today I’m doing some cleaning up and I realised that it’s been a while since the …

: I’m having some random problems pushing out updates to some of the OH.MG mirror sites, which …

: I accidentally stayed up all night playing Fuser and I have no regrets

: Oopsies, my VMs rebooted and disconnected the cloud mounts with the content. All fixed now.

: Also got bored, so created G(o)URL, that would be gurl.oh.mg, a self-hosted url shortener.

: Investing in OH.MG - There be no bitcoin in these parts

: I am doing rather poor at this “must write at least one thing a day”. Counter resets …

: I bought Mario Kart 8 for entertainment, what I got is a lot of hate for every cheating Nintendo …

: Je recherche des restaurants qui acceptent Swile, je complète mon panier après avoir soigneusement …

: Storj, S3 Gateway, and Share Permissions are driving me mental

: The Good Old Days of Webrings - Stop feeding the machine

: Today I’m kind of doing whatever. Tomorrow I have things to do

: Lady Kaja is in one of her McMoods, nothing says I love you like flinging everything off my desk

: Concerningly, this was the first time I updated my twitter pic in 14 years. Fourteen. Years. Think …

: I updated my twitter pic cos ACNH has been the closest to going anywhere for the last year, and thus …

: Ah a day off, where all I’ve done is laundry

: Go me, I moved k.cymru (and k.mba)’s content over to my beta members page concept, so 90s

: Being awake is tough, especially when it’s raining out 🙄

: For context, she was about to smash down on to my food. Now she’s angry at me, because you …

: Kaja just jumped down to the desk, and I was screaming at her “I HAVE FOOD LADY, FOOD? I HAVE …

: Crap I forgot to post yesterday, at least I enjoyed my second confinement birthday because this is …

: Ah Amazon, Your Number One Choice for Launching Spam and Vulnerability Attacks 👍 “Because …

: members.oh.mg is where one can find the initial deployment

: I’m having a little play with hosting static sites for my bbs users, but using only gemini …

: Online shopping while bored is never the solution

: I should probably make an effort to write at least one thing a day. Today, this is that thing.

: I’ve got to the point where I’ve run out of content so I’ve cast my net wide to …

: I’ve created a script that should now reboot gmnisrv when it crashes out, because you know, …

: I find myself tremendously bored, milked the streaming sites for all their delicious content, Kaja …

: I’m having a solid think about hosting the main oh.mg Web site on Storj (Tardigrade). Bringing …

: Kaja’s Little Emergency - 💩

: Trying to keep sane Because confinement is not easy (Note : I am writing this in Mac OS text editor, so I am really …

: Trying to keep sane - Because confinement is not easy

: I also have to continue on with the Norwegian course I paid for to get some kind of routine back in …

: I might just write a blog post on all of this, but let it be known that I watched a happy film to …

: Confinement is the gift that literally keeps on delivering a new level of crazy every so often. …

: Like no jokes, I genuinely broke down crying two hours after because this dude wouldn’t go to …

: Interesting lockdown side effect, best to avoid emotional films. Because fuck me, the vivid dreams …

: Домен LiveJournal.com был зарегистрирован 15 апреля 1999 года. В том же году вышел в прокат …

: This makes more sense in my head BTW, I want to start reducing my domain pool from being all over …

: In for round two of OH.MG weekend, start heaving over all the domains email to a new server and …

: I guess it’s time to put the Internet away and go to bed

: Well that was fun, pushed an update out on all the hosts, most of the certs work, some don’t, …

: CloudFlonk OH.MG - For the record, I didn’t want to do it

: I also really hope that I imported the zone file correctly, cos in like 48 hours we’re going …

: I didn’t exactly want to do it, but I needed to move OH.MG over to CloudFlare for some extra …

: Having a bit of a play with tardigrade.io, not exactly figuring out the SSL cert side of things for …

: I ordered Indian this evening, the restaurant included extra sauce because they thought they went a …

: The Andorian Mining Consortium runs from no-one!

: Last days before more nationwide restrictions and people are out and about behaving like we need …

: As if I didn’t learn when I moved all my domains over to OH.MG, it’s time to move all …

: On This Day 5 Years Ago On This Day 5 Years Ago, I've made this post: Oh Kaja, nothing changes Listening to: Vibe: happy …

: Backend Changes (WWW) - I feel a bit dirty

: Doing a bunch of things with domains I host content on but not under OH.MG’s file system, …

: In other site management topics, I’m working out if I should move my content off on to …

: I’m half tempted to try hosting OH.MG on Tardigrade, not because I need to, but because it …

: I’ve been staring blankly at OH.MG trying to get the creative juices flowing. What happened in …

: Seriously @rackspace, as Spamhaus.org says “Tip: Do not put your FBL or abuse@ account behind …

: Receives junk email that came from @rackspace ’s network, forward email, get a bounce back 🙄 …

: I’ve watched the last episode of Drag Race, so I’m permitted to go back on Twitter again

: I don’t know what I did, but whatever it was it’s fucked up the Facebook algorithm on …

: Doing a bit of house keeping and moving my Nimbus Notes instance from notes.mmn.on.ca to …

: Well I learned something rather interesting today, if my servers can’t contact their Object …

: Rachety Rachet - Fuck knows why I went for this title

: I love how @FactoryandCo charges 24€ for a cremated creature slab (this couldn’t have been a …

: Nothing more exciting than Google Pay freaking out and selecting random cards when you tap (ignoring …

: I’m really loving the @invizbox 2 and InvizBox Go with @ProtonVPN, between the InvizBox block …

: Hey @fedex thanks for making me wait at home all day because “you didn’t have my door …

: I’m probably more vexed by this considering I know how it’s going to go, the driver is …

: The definition of end of day is questionable at best, but clearly 18h was not only the promised time …

: Well lol, if you can’t make it on time, just change the goal posts : Scheduled delivery: …

: Scheduled delivery: Monday, January 18, 2021 by 18:00 Stayed in all day, curfew is about to start, …

: I think we can also confirm that yet again my sleeping patterns are back to April 2020 style …

: I also spent about an hour talking myself out of buying a new domain, so at least there is progress …

: The lj.gl server needed to reboot for some updates, plus it was going slow as shit so I figured two …

: Fitbit support I find is a bit “have you tried contacting somebody else about a problem that …

: Lolz, remembering that time I created acme.lu

: When I changed Freeboxes I lost some of my file areas, but thanks to the Internet Archive I was able …


: Because I’m a gluton for punishment, I’ve setup a Plume instance on lj.gl

: mmn The World of Blogs Lies All Before You <img style="max-width: 100%" …

: Also, before you ask she’s upset that I wouldn’t let her break in to the appartments …

: Drinking with your cat in 2020 is not ideal, when you get a bit down about having no social contact, …

: An official statement from OH.MG

: And to be brutal, I’m kind of glad Kent smells of piss right now, it’s the least they …

: Incidentally, already holding citizenship with a commonwealth country still gets you better access …

: I’m not concerned about getting kicked out, but I do have three options available, each one …

: Well the clown “got Brexit did” and now it’s time to start figuring out what …

: I’ve somehow gone from a night owl to an early bird, and I’m very confused by this turn …

: I’ve also been playing with monitisation with Coil, if I can figure out how to hide my …

: In my journey of self hosted email, I kind of forgot that I had wildduck.email running on one of my …

: Live streaming my cat ignoring me, the future is today

: In related news, trying to decipher Irish official documents from 1926 is a rather interesting …

: My job requires me to keep up with the COVID situation in the UK, and Holy moley, am I glad I …

: I totes need to work on my BBS having invested a lot of time with postfix getting email running

: RIP Self Hosted Mail Server, you dead now babz x

: Email Dramas - a tale of a crashing server in slow motion

: There is a high probability I give up on self-hosted email.

: Did a little distributed hosting of the oh.mg site like I did back in the day with ec.je. This time …

: Redoin' the BBS Login Screen - Awful ANSI screen ahoy

: Rebootsy Doodles - 404 This Site is Not Mounted

: Lolz both my VMs rebooted this morning, somewhat amusing because I forgot to add the mount to …

: The File Area / FTP is b0rk3d - The joys of technology #bbs #bbsing #files

: I’m starting to get the lockdown vivid dreams again, but since my life is ACNH, YouTube …

: I feel like I should do more

: Looks like I’ve found a shit load of fake Insta accounts that used my domains prior to me …

: Thank Baby Jésus a Christmas miracle, did some reinstalls and reboots and it’s backup like new

: These are the things I do not need in my life today

: Ugh, docker went nuts, Ubuntu stopped having it, and I’m pretty sure my self hosted mail …

: Will it last in production? Fuck knows! But you don’t learn by wondering 😅

: Yay, I did it, oh.mg is serving from it’s individual self hosted servers and using content …

: Cos I want to do this all on the root domain, and not have to create a bunch of subdomains

: The great issue crops up with IPv6 since gopher, gemini, and Web will have their own unique IP …

: It’s also worth mentioning that I’m looking at this to try and keep four different …

: I’m also considering my options to self-host OH.MG on all three protocols, gopher, gemini, and …

: I’m loving this gemini / html generator, it’s making my life more easy and pushing out a …

: Sweet baby jésus, I have far too many domains, I realise how many now that I have to redirect them …

: I’m so shocked right now, I bought 6 kinder eggs, and when I turned my back somebody broke in …

: The perfect domain name doesn’t exi… oh.mg

: And while I was there I started to sync the content of my gopher and two gemini servers over to …

: Sweet baby jésus, well I finally did it correctly. My DreamCompute Instance has more than enough …

: Ugh, I screwed up the DreamCompute Instance for the new Gemini server. So I had to delete it and …

: Speaking of still being awake, the fat one was slinking on the bed frame until she misstep. Dropping …

: I’m also fully aware it’s 3h30 du mat, but it’s 2020 and time doesn’t matter …

: The one over at DreamCompute isn’t meant to replace my home one though, I’m running a …

: I’ve started another Gemini server on a DreamCompute instance. I have a feeling my stability …

: Tikka Masala was a success, but it needed some fresh chilli. Learned for next time

: If any of my neighbours stuck around they’d be vexed

: Just downloaded a video game that recreates the festival experience we won’t be able to have …

: I’ve spent the past week or so watching Earth Final Conflict and you can certainly tell who …

: I’m going to work on that tonight so it’s probably going to have some weird knock on …

: I’ve finally found out how to get mailcow to properly relay mail to bbs.ec without causing all …

: I’m sat here watching a scifi series from the 90s and remembering the good old days when the …

: Has anybody out in the vast cyberspace had any dealings with finding a webhost that can handle an …

: I play games to escape reality, like I can get exploited in real life for less

: Everytime I play Animal Crossing I learn to hate that capitalist trash panda Tom Nook and his shitty …

: That was a surprisingly un-2020 turn of events… Not going to complain though #YoureFired

: Speaking of not being able to think Biden campaign cancels Texas event after Trump supporters …

: I’m working on a thing but my brains aren’t braining hard enough to make thinks to put …

: Obviously one of my neighbours is throwing a lockdown house party

: Urgence sanitaire and urgence attentat at the same time, 2020 the year that needs to slow the fuck …

: Tua madre fa una pizza terribile and other interesting things about your mum

: State Required Bedtime - I get it, we’re all done with COVID-19

: Moved the BBS website to gemini with some HTTP2Gemini voodoo, now mirroring the content over on the …

: I’m in that I want to do things, but I’m far too tired to get them done stage. And it is …

: I caved and bought a new TV to replace my long lived one that passed away recently

: It’s 45 minutes to state required bed time and I’m far enough from my house to start to …

: Not married but willing to be!

: Long Live ON.GY - a tale of blowing cash for nostalgia

: Update : no sirens, Macron / Hildago disappoint again

: oh and if 2020 wasn’t too much already, terrorism is coming back.

: Also today is not my day, left late for lunch, métro was stuck two stations away making me ultra …

: Curfew starts in 38 minutes and I will be thoroughly disappointed if the government don’t …

: My gemini server decided to crash out today, but it’s back online. Huzzah

: If anybody is interested in starting a random meme group (I have loads) on delta.chat with me, ping …

: Literally the best part of 2020 is ordering the Ben Cohen 2021 calendar

: Back in BCN The glorious, but short return to BCN

: Very much living the mañana experience today, woke up rather early, just chilled a bit, then slowly …

: I thought Hydroxychloroquine was the miracle cure ¯_(ツ)_/¯

: Genuinely considering whether or not I call a DKIM sector yomommaisagoblin

: Little Miss Kaja is storming about on the bed for whatever reason, meanwhile I’ve located some …

: I Want to Write Something But I Canapost Be Bothered An artistic depiction of my current state, but with a working television Much like the title says, I …

: I Want to Write Something But I Cant Be Bothered <img style="max-width: 100%" …

: Watching trashy scifi from the 90s and very early 2000s is my new life

: Mask4Mask After spending 18 days under the new "masks everywhere" regulations, countless hours on trains, and …

: Fat cat is snoring her brains out on the pillow next to me, for something so small she’s loud

: Moving LJ.GL a little story about moving a hosting account and the new choice of with (.gl) or …

: Things I’m watching many years too late, TekWar

: Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, and yes I had the pleasure of wasting my time with one of these …

: All kinds of fraud are evil, but this type is pretty violent, thankfully most of these scammers are …

: For anybody in the LGBTQ+ category, scammers aren’t really up to speed on gay sex, so if your …

: There are of course many other signs, some that I can share and some that, well, working in AML and …

: Top tip for dating scammers : I know French isn’t easy, but try not to forget your sex. Big …

: A Billion Stairs Climbed Since I don't have an automatic way to crosspost from my Logarion Archive, I present to you this …

: I’ve done a thing for anybody who wants to self host a gopher / gemini / BBS server but …

: A Billion Stairs Climbed a tale of climbing stairs in a château

: You really see the difference that confinement and remote work makes on your body when you’re …

: There were many stairs, but when admission is 11€50, you do them all

: The little lady is refusing to come in and it’s not exactly warm out

: Many things to do

: Speaking of random things, having seen a film review on the socials, it reminded me how much of a …

: 2020 has been a ball of shit, but if one good thing has come out of it, it’s the fact that …

: Been staring at screens all day trying to muster up a plan to update something. I did not, I did …

: Fixing Up Errythang - Doing a bit of work on the web for the lelz

: New Year, New Journal a blog post on the new version of my blog, run on Logarion

: Currently reworking my file areas on the BBS and mirroring them to the Web and Gopher sites. Never …

: The best part of the weekend, every television station is full of Policiers / Pompiers / …

: Part 2 of this is working out how I can get cloudflare or PHP to redirect visitors to the closest …

: I made a few changes to my website ec.je by adding a couple of extra mirrors (might as well use all …

: Anybody else out there using delta.chat?

: I have no idea what happened here, but my YouTube feed went from comedic video game plays and low …

: I’m currently waiting to get my haircut, which usually gives me anxiety at the best of times. …

: Currently avoiding my adult responsibilities by merging all my Logarion archives in to one big …

: I call this one Shitty Kitty Cam

: The great thing about living in Europe, is you can do stupid shit like last minute booking a trip to …

: #mbaug Blast from the past, Bristol 2012

: This #mbaug is perfect for little madame, it’s her favourite looking direction 🐦

: I finally booked a holiday, going to try my hand at the classic camping and traverse the country in …

: What a surprise Uber didn’t delete any of my account details, still can’t contact their …

: Some of the problems with running a home server is things can go down. My mail server dropped off …

: Window latch problem solved today, I also cleaned out what could be another cat entirely out of the …

: I’m determined if there is a confinement v2, I shall indeed shave my head. Quarantine hair is …

: Turns out spag bol was indeed in my future

: Tonight’s tv / film viewing has been somewhere between that looks nice and meh. Deciding on …

: I should really be doing real world things, but here I find myself wrapped up in the digital world …

: I have found my job for tomorrow, clean the aircon unit, try to fix the window latch, crawl out of …

: THE SLOW INTERNET I’ve been rather bad at getting on things, my server Geomyidae was at the end of it’s life span and …

: Changed the server gopher.is lives on, Geomyidae is going in to hibernation soon. Content obvs not …

: Why am I now only finding out about neocities.org?

: New Blog I've been meaning to post some new entries, or at least auto-post some of my entries on to my …

: I’m doing some work on various things today, re-organising which mail server does what, …

: The one day I sleep in, everything goes :poopfire: 😅

: In 2020 to get a single viagra spam in the slew of Coronaspam reminds me of the good old days

: A sneak peak of the old server farm : Top : mailcow Middle : WildDuck Bottom : BBS

: Trying out mailcow.email on an older server, it’s got some good points but not as easy to pgp …

: Because my email set-up is somewhat complex, the renaming is now done : Outbound MTA …

: I’ve also renamed all my internal machines under the mmn.lgbt domain, and in hindsight I …

: Of course the image didn’t quite upload…

: It’s pride week, so I re-registered mmn.lgbt and decided to rename the computer the BBS is …

: Blast from the past, Durand’s CommunityWare, one of the things I used in the 90s for a rather …

: wcOnline bonked out last night, so just restarted the BBS. Should be A-OK now.

: Got a leafnode server setup for the BBS, so it can collect it’s usual fayre and to try and …

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1559436

: Just pushing a small change out to mmn.on.ca, so locked the VM entirely between regenerating …

: So of course Uber still refuses to refund the full amount of the missing item and thanks me for my …

: Meanwhile Kaja just be chillin'

: Had a little poke around the gopher server, trying to map out how I want to make it better since …

: So Ubereats decided that providing an unacceptable service is fine, and ripping me off for a missing …

: My birthday it is not, like not even close, and @fitbit has been spamming me in English and in …

: No wait, postfix is killing itself now 🙄

: I’m having a battle of wills with CipherMail, but at least it’s running

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1559272

: Sometimes the small things in life do the greatest changes HandleLidSwitch=ignore

: The new mail server seems to be doing the job, stable, and with a little tinkering, is relaying …

: Been trying my hand at installing WildDuck.email server again, seeing as I got a spare server now. …

: Install Ubuntu server, encrypt disk because we’re good people, do security updates, all done! …

: Importing my entire WP instance to Hugo was both a good and bad move. Good because everything is …

: The whole computer noped out earlier on VNC as well, so I had to bring up backup interface TV 😅

: The BBS is acting up again, so imma have to go reboot that

: Just woke up, perusing the old interwebs (actually connected to BBOARD on SDF) and I found this …

: It’s friday and you all know what that means ! It’s time for the 48 hour Antarctic …

: I’m glad I did a pull of all my posts from LJ over to a Hugo friendly one. I’m presently …

: I just did a big old change to mmn.on.ca, I’ve moved the hosting to my main website (thnx …

: Did not notice all the work I was doing on mmn.vg was getting reposted here. I moved in a lot of …

: She’s hunting a bird in the tree, hiding behind the cat grass

: In the spirit of doing things : Periodic Update - June Edition can also be found via …

: In other news, this is a photo of the little lady I took last night. Adorbs.

: This is the problem with doing nice things on the internet, it’s generally full of jerks who …

: Some jackass got ml.gy flagged for malware and only two subdomains were ever flagged for SPAM by …

: Reminding me of things to do, I really need to push some stuff on to gopher.is as well. Also, seeing …

: The internet is quite intense in 2020 and I’ve got to do life things today. Already got the …

: I’ve surfaced from a long week in a Jira bubble, it’s wonderful, yet such an arse ache …

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1558900

: Ugh can’t sleep, so many ideas. I’m stepping up my game here, the official greeting to …

: I wish to prove my own point here, as the story was in fact written by Niklas and any coincidental …

: Writing fictional corporate propaganda whilst tired was a lot more difficult than I expected. I fear …

: Just when you thought I was done writing garbage on the internet, boum, I present The ACME …

: I got bored, so I created a fake multinational enterprise. I’m proud of my work here acme.lu

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1558659

: All her things outside today so she can enjoy the weather

: Oh lol the relay mx server hasn’t been responding for some time now. Good thing bbs.ec …

: Done a bit of a change to the bbs.ec site (in fairness also ec.je) to more align with hating …

: Her Majesty is having a nice little afternoon

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1558354

: Ugh, Ubuntu Disco is very dead and now I can’t upgrade my gopher server at all 😐

: Me : Make one small error on a URL in config.toml. Hugo for the 8th time in the last hour :

: How did I not know this was happening ?!

: I’m trying to Hugo a version of my journal that I exported from WordPress. See if I can get me …

: Micro Challenge 7/7 - Barrio Gótico, Barcelona (Catalunya) 📷🌈 #mbmay

: What do Since I made uldl.org pretty much what it needed to be I’ve done a couple things, not really …

: Found my old old old website in the web archive and it is so late 90s realness 😅

: Micro Challenge 6/7 - El Poblenou, Barcelona (Catalunya) 📷🌈 #mbmay

: 2021 be like…

: Micro Challenge 5/7 - Mairie de Dhuizon (41) 🇫🇷 📷🌈 #mbmay

: If you don’t believe me that basically the only people to use the +1 number space are robots, …

: Some of the more interesting things I’ve done today is get Nomorobo setup on my voice 416 …

: Micro Challenge 4/7 - Château de Chambord 🇫🇷 📷🌈 #mbmay

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1558072

: Micro Challenge 3/7 - Kick back to 2017 (Paris 2ème) 🇫🇷 📷🌈 #mbmay

: Still awake so I did some terrible ASCII art for one of the HELLO.BBS screens #port70

: Micro Challenge 2/7 - Oslo (again) 🇳🇴 📷🌈 #mbmay

: 📷 Micro Challenge - Oslo 🇳🇴

: And if she thinks she’s not under constant supervision, she is wrong

: Her second outdoor ban (heat cycle) has been lifted, and already she’s looking to start shit …

: Honest is the best policy, I guess. X-Pm-Spamscore: 2 X-Pm-Spam-Action: dunno

: I’m a terrible SysOp, I’ve only just got around to writing the BBS newsletter, like 24 …

: Always watching something this one

: Cat corner is a success, finally something she likes

: Thanks Amazon 👏

: Of course the teryaki sauce that wasn’t cheap would do a spectacular swan dive from the top …

: Trying to plan my post lockdown trip, obviously can’t book anything right now since everything …

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1557828

: I also forgot to show the efforts of my early morning Marie Konto style re-organisation

: Trying to work out if I can head down south next month, I need to escape Paris to the middle of …

: Couldn’t sleep so started to rearrange my flat

: Little lady got her outdoor fountain, and privlidges to be outside again after the incident. She …

: Ze #BBS is having a reboot, soz bot that is trying to fr34k my telnet port

: Another year, another greeting from my board ☺️

: Had a cheeky smoke out front of the building, completely dead in the middle of Paris at 1h in the …

: I love seeing apps jack up their prices for European markets. Oh it’s 8 dollars, awesome, mais …

: In other news, I’ve got to take down the BBS for a bit, corrupted file in message base 0 🙄

: I’ve got to keep clear of the Facebooks and Twitters. The comments are literally making me …

: Not terrible, although not good either. Needed much more sugar.

: I’m making doughnuts, might be mising an ingredient or two, and possibily winging it

: Oh boy www.nbcnews.com/politics/…

: Adventures in quarantine sleeping : I got a warning from my fitbit for not sleeping at all for a …

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1557549

: 👋@netflix what’s the chance we could kill the “are you still here?” thing for a …

: Um, real talk, what day is it today ?!?!

: Dealing with Kaja Today has been Interesting Brought you you in the medium of text message. [16:47, 21/04/2020] Kévin: So Kaja saw another cat, …

: I had to have an hour long negotiation with Kaja today, a neighbouring cat came near her space, so …

: Anybody have any idea how to get rid of ants without poison? My cat garden has ants living somewhere …

: It’s tax season, and like every declaration I vaguely have no idea what I’m doing here

: I’ve been in a mega reading trance over the past 24 hours, and now I’m sad. I’ve …

: 🍔 time

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1557146

: The Boredom is Setting in Other than my sleep cycle being utterly fecked up, during my waking hours I’m running out of …

: My morning routine : Téléachat Kids shows Téléachat Kids shows Téléachat Replay of documentary when …

: It’s been so long since I’ve used my Fitbit Aria that it’s struggling to remember …

: I can clearly still flip a 🍔

: Primer Entrade A causa de la quarantena a França, tinc molt temps per atrapar-me amb les coses. Em preparo per quan …

: Finally things are up, working, and looking good ! I announce my new centralised, and streamlined …

: Making a Load of Changes I started to get my shit together during what is now the fifth week of being locked in a box my home …

: The biggest move is obviously my site lj.gl right now, seems to be successful but I’ve had to …

: Finally after many hours, I’m pulling together a single Wordpress install for everything. …

: Le sigh, I found a great .com domain on backorder but it seems fate is not having any of it …

: No matter what anybody says, taking apart your air conditioner is a terrible idea, even to clean it. …

: Lockdown waiting is the hardest thing ever, something happening at 4h you want to watch ? Tough, …

: I lit up Miss Kaja’s garden for the night (and had to buy more candles to do so), so of course …

: I never thought this cuerentena would bring us to stop speaking moistly but it has, and there is a …

: Certainly this is one way to get out of the monotony of la cuerentena …

: In the spirit of spring cleaning, I’m securing my domains further. I started with mmn.on.ca by …

: Domain Security This was also posted to AQ.SB. In the spirit of Spring Cleaning and the shut-in effect of the …

: One of my neighbours is drunk house partying on his own, mad props

: I also gave Miss Katze another candle for her night garden, but it seems she’d rather camp out …

: I got up to a few things today, I managed to get back a domain from when I was much younger, I put …

: I Should Probably Write a Thing Considering I have not much else to be doing here, you know, cuerentena, I figured I’d take …

: I Got My Domain Back What wonderful news, I can hear my inner 17-year-old self say. After losing my personal domain …

: I Got My Domain Back What wonderful news, I can hear my inner 17-year-old self say. After losing my personal domain …

: Came up for a bit of breath since my Kindle arrived today, I’ve so far got through two books …

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1554444

: I managed to get an order in to KFC before it vanished back off of Uber Eats into the ether. It felt …

: That was a wild ride

: J’ai lu 78% de ce livre et je pense que vous pourriez l’apprécier : “Every Grain …

: Currently reading: Every Grain of Sand: a memoir by David P Wichman 📚

: Reading is Fundamental In the lockdown boredom and sudden liberation of social commitments on the old bank balance, I …

: Miss Kaja’s been chilling in the sun bbs.yt/album/cat…

: She’s just doing as she do 🐱

: This cuerentena got me buying a Kindle

: I think it’s safe to say as a species we’re just fucked at this point …

: I was having an issue logging into one of my web apps, I cleared my cache, killed all my cookies, …

: When I went out earlier on my Tabac hunt, there were a surprising amount of people out and about. …

: Avec plus des #hashtags : Cher Twittosphère, j’ai appelé de nombreux #tabacs dans la quartier et …

: Cher Twittosphère, J’ai appelé de nombreux tabacs dans la quartier et aucun ne répond, …

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1554137


: Now connecting to all the WP instances I run to update each bloody one before I get a tonne of …

: Oh joy, another wordpress update

: Sitting in bed listening to the radio while on my laptop, literally it’s like being in the 90s …

: Living vicariously though that time before the lockdown, I got around to uploading some of the pix …

: I’ve got to the point of listening to literally every reggaeton playlist on spotify. Sorry not …

: The Rona If you remember this, you are awesome Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1553735

: I’ve started watching Danish TV dramas. I don’t even speak Danish. #quarantinelyfe

: Let Me Share a Story This happened last night, told in the medium of text message. [23:48, 24/03/2020] Kévin: I just had …

: I might be going a tiny bit crazay #lockdown

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1553225

: H4X0R3D Many moons ago I created an account on vk.com, it basically just got shit from my Livejournal posted …

: Irsquom so so bored In France we are now kept inside our homes and only let out for specific reasons, obviously this is …

: At least somebody can go outside

: Working from home has affected one of us more than the other

: Helpful tips for the next 15 days

: Everybody be panic buying toilet roll and pasta today. People gotta calm the fuck down pls

: I restarted my Palace Server because I’ve run out of things to do in the homestead.

: The only good thing about corona is literally every thirst trap on Instagram have gone in to …

: When we said goodbye to 🇳🇴 because of Covid-19.

: This week has been interesting (hashtag 😷 hashtag 💩) I’ll do a real post later, but anyways, …

: Free single handedly ruined my 100% uptime streak with 18 hours of downtime, Merci Free.

: Although now I have to write a letter using a form (as if we’re not in 2020) to try and demand …

: Considering my appointment this morning for the fixing of my fibre was at 8h to 10h, I’m quite …

: My BBS and gopher.is are down right now because my fibre doesn’t seem to be working since …

: Steam is a load of shite, got a text that somebody is trying to login as me. So I go an change the …

: If you didn’t already need a reason to move off your big social media platforms, you may have …

: She’s surprisingly unamused by this

: I’ll need to take down the BBS at some point this weekend for half an hour, it’s file lock time and …

: Got bored, stayed up late, and redid bbs.ec

: Getting back in to some text based realness, found myself down the rabbit hole of articles, …

: 2/2 It got me remembering about some of my setups back in the day, living on St Claire Avenue and …

: Spending a little time with the angry one, she’s insisted that I pet her whilst demanding that …

: Let’s play Find The Feline, first prize is a surprise attack

: I think my #BBS is having some issues with file locks again, I just had to restart it. So BBS.ec …

: Tequila is Just Mexican for Liquid Regrets Seeing as it’s been a couple of days since I had a soirée, some how still have a hangover, and …

: I’ve left the window open all day, but as I’m preparing for bed, suddenly she’s …

: I decided to start a phlog on gopher.is, I also upload the writings to the Web using Markdown. Not …

: First Post Phlog I want to create a Phlog, so I did. I generally use content all over the place, because I’m …

: Try to do a thing and this is what I have to deal with

: First Post to my Phlog I want to create a Phlog, so I did. I generally use content all over the place, because I’m …

: I really need to work a bit more on gopher.is but I’m not too sure what I should be doing …

: One thing I like about the retro computing days is that anybody could learn code on those things, …

: Giving MarsEdit a Try I found out about MarsEdit from micro.blog (which you’ll also find a Twitter-esque style micro blog …

: Welcome back to Paris, trains stop from the airport early unannounced. Two left, one cancelled, just …

: There is a high probability I’ll need to learn Spanish or Catalan 🇪🇦 (obvs no Catalunya emoji)

: There is a high probability I’ll need to learn Spanish or Catalan 🇪🇦 (obvs no Catalunya emoji)

: Until à few minutes ago this is how we were living the Barcelona dream 😂

: After many many hours and some old chap trying to tap the electricity out of the wires himself, WE …

: We’re currently sat in 1850 without power, which is appearently a regular occurrence in 2020 …

: Manufacturer 1, Warranty 0

: Back in BCN A small update is needed, that new years resolution of writing more has certainly not happened it …

: Sunrise over BCN

: I’ve been on the interwebs for a while, and every so often LiveJournal will remind me.

: LJ 20th anniversary <img style="max-width: 100%" …

: Totally Stolen Content LiveJournal likes to remind me how long I’ve been around, if you’re reading this on my …

: If it doesn’t spark joy, blow it up.

: I found that Canal Séries has Season 1-3 of Versailles, not entirely sure if this is a TV show or …

: So just cleaning out Kaja’s water bowl and changing the filter I empty out the water in to the …

: Little update about why my WordPress is going a tiny bit slow : eu.sb/peanut-bu… …

: Decided to give write.as a try with eu.sb and it seems to be alright. Only hold back is no app for …

: I’ve got Miss Kaja à random sélection of treats, which in theory is great but in practice, …

: In a world full of bad news, there is finally some good bbc.in/30F2UPx

: I guess now this has died down in the news, I can post this with impunity

: Today I got bubble tea twice this afternoon, and I have zero shame🥤

: After sending in my letter August 2018, having my appointment September 2019, today January 2020 I …

: I set up (finally) an uptime page for the servers I got running - status.ec.je

: Nothing like a WordPress crash out to make a calm Sunday totally not calm.

: Obviously it’s late here in Paris (01h19) so this isn’t a right now thing, but I am …

: ThE dReAdEd MSVCR100.DLL ErRoR Microslop at it’s finest

: Miss Kaja is currently in the most rancid of moods, turns out keeping her up all day was counter …

: The tiny angry one is giving me evils from the bed. It looks like I’ll be sleeping standing up …

: If you haven’t heard Syphus, then you ain’t lived syphus.bandcamp.com 🎵

: Huzzah ! mmn.on.ca is back online, the SSL cert was pretty quick to get activated.

: One is unamused as usual

: I am also fully aware mmn.on.ca is uncontactable for the moment, it’s moving over to …

: Finished reading: Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson 📚

: Want to read: Sot.com by Wille Kuutti 📚

: Ignore me, the app is a little lagged…

: I could have sworn I just posted something

: I’m currently disturbing Miss Katze’s plans today, it turns out that even though her …

: The Breakage is Intentional I’m moving in to the world of micro.blog since I’ve got the Twatter and the Mastodon on …

: Getting my head around micro.blog

: How I Broke BBSyt One of my favourite past times is doing updates and breaking shit. If anything it is the pinnacle of …

: Gopher It For a while now I’ve been running some old school servers, very text-based things like the …

: Happy New Fitbit At midnight we entered into a new decade, well, except for my Fitbit that entered into a permanent …

: Hasn39t This Been Interesting The recent election is what we all kind of expected, Brexit was just the test the Conservatives to …

: BBS Tings World Tings All Dem Tings It’s been a wild ride up to this point in 2019, everything that’s happening in the US, …

: Better Late Than Never I heard things about the DMV, then I discovered this. Next challenge, get there while its open for 3 …

: Burnt to Feck Went out to the beach yesterday and swam in the sea, a nice little disconnection from the world …

: Bara Here are some images of the last run to Barcelona Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Original Registration of mmntorontoonca Well this is a blast from the past, a posting from UBC when they used to run the .ca registry : …

: The 80s Was Awesome Literally this photo has been bumping around all my feeds recently. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Kajarsquos Moment in the Sun Since again I kind of left this blog to fend for itself, I post you this picture of Kaja doing her …

: The Case of the Exploding Battery If you’ve recently tried to access ec.je, you might notice that the server is unreachable. …

: Hallo Internet Guys, guys, chillax I’m still here. I’ve been super busy in a new job, I’ve gone …

: Busy busy busy I’ve not had much time recently to be able to update some of my tings on the internets. So …

: Oknt fel Ett oknt fel intrffade I can’t get to sleep as usual, happy days, since I’m waiting for the liberating feeling …

: Tweaks and Changes I have done a few jigs and changes over this evening to this site, since I’m currently in the …

: I Did a Thing is it a Good Thing By now you must know I’m really in to using things in different ways than they are intended. …

: Irsquove Slapped a New Modem On Tonight after not being able to sleep without urgently finding a modem that I’ve been putting …

: Giving this a shot, showing off my

: Smells Like The 80s In a fit of getting my shit together, this evening I started to clear out the mess that is my …

: Thanks for all the Fish mmncx It’s time we said good bye to mmn.cx, the domain is gone because a lot of registrars need to …

: FIXED BBS Offline Unplanned 1003 The BBS is back online and I fixed the file lock on msg0.dat causing General on DOVE-Net to become …

: I Also Broke Crosspost I am now testing that this will make it over to LiveJournal. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: BBS Maintentance Complete I’ve completed the BBS maintenance right now, all is back in working order. Listening to: …

: BBS Maintenance Today I’m going to take down the BBS this afternoon for a bit of maintenance, moving the data files …

: Backend is the New Frontend I’ve been working questionably not that hard on a few things, mainly getting the images for a …

: Click Clack Canrsquot Get to Sleep Strange things have been happening here recently, like a week back the falling bottle incident …

: ljgl is Back in Europe It’s been a while since I wanted to give a Swedish web host, Binero, a try. Seeing as when I …

: How the crazy be crazy Via mastodon – LOL my psychotic neighbour, famous for her 3h rows with whatever man …

: ShitBit lrsquoApple Watch Pour des Pauvres Nothing I hate more than a FitBit issue, the thing is they are regular and their hardware along side …

: This Morning I Did Stupid Seeing as I never reboot my laptop masquerading as a server, I may have forgot the password to …

: Hard Shutdown is Hard The might Google decided to hard shutdown my VM instance for the BBS, unsurprisingly it corrupted a …

: I believe things are working The server move is now complete, hopefully all is not broken. Mirrored from LOAD …

: Oh ecje Yoursquove Changed Ok, so I wrote about moving the ec.je wordpress installation over to a new server, well joke is on …

: Going Back to DreamHost After a bit of a go on my own terms using my own server, it’s been a good run with the server …

: Version 10 Cometh A while back I registered a domain vx.sg, the name of the blog was Version X (eg Version 10) because …

: Text Based 4 LYFE I’ve been having a bit of an off week, as in when I get home there is literally nothing I am …

: Switchinrsquo Up The Email In my endless quest to go full on secure, move away from the GMail, AOL Mail (I genuinely still have …

: Waiting Hating It’s been a long old three weeks my friend, my bank account being more bare than my cupboards. …

: Itrsquos almost 2019 Mirrored from LOAD "JOURNAL",8,1 | Comments Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: mmn post more and you will find more subscribers <img style="max-width: 100%" …

: 27 Years Later Over the christmas holidays, I managed to complete Sonic the Hedgehog all the way to the end. …

: The Life and Times of AXPE I never really had a true plan for AX.PE, like really I did not. I’ve been doing things with …

: Woah ads One of the things I implemented last night on my site ec.je happens to be Google AdSense, I’m …

: Oopsies Not like it makes a lot of difference, but I didn’t realise that my plugin to repost my …

: Crappy Holidays Errberdy I’ve been spending the weekend eating snax and getting my arsewhopped by a game about as old …

: I always forget the title Oh what a long week this has been, but at least it's over for now.  And if anything, fnac being …

: Oh mer gherd Literally me, right now I have managed to do two things in the last twenty four hours that I have …

: Meet the New Usenet Server In it's little box glory.  Also remember you can also dial in to the BBS on (416) 548-4117 ! …

: New Usenet Server for the BBS Because it’s the weekend and I have some free time, I set up a news  server for the BBS to give …

: Working on Nanoblogger I have been diddling on and off with Nanoblogger for some time, if you don't know what it is, it's …

: BBSyt a free dynamic dns domain Being a cold parisien night and holding a tiny bit of cash in my wallet, I decided to do a troll of …

: API Issues So LiveJournal's API has gone wonky and I can't crosspost or pull all my posts from here to my …

: Finally a use for aotc 1 bought a short domain some time ago, it is ao.tc. I had some issues trying to work out where it …

: Little Miss in her quiet place Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1537216

: Back to the good old days So I made a strange post a couple days ago, if you haven’t guessed it was a test :D I have …

: This is a test I’m vaguebooking here, but shhh. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1536725

: Bordeaux The Long Way <img style="max-width: 100%" …

: Picardi Slang On my road trip series, I have taken the opportunity to bring out the driving licence and get behind …

: Email Changes Because I started MMN as a hobby, then started to move in to a business context slowly over the …

: I was going to write something but then I forgot, so I wrote this to justify staring at the screen since forever. <img …

: Miss Kaja will not be moving There is a new mezzaine bed here, and Kaja has decided that it's hers and only hers. …

: Miss Kajas Day Out Little miss bitch face had the opportunity to go outside and enjoy herself, she was thoroughly …

: Huzzah for short domains One thing I like is a good short domain, that is clear considering you're probably reading this on …

: That Face That moment when you get what you want but realise it was shit. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: What be new While I realise it has been a while since I last posted on my forever blog, I as usual am quite busy …

: Pizza fiesta Friday was pizza night, this is the photos. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1534056

: Boulevard du Montparnasse Doing what it wants to, this evening booming music and thousands of motorbikes, because, well just …

: Imma lose my shit This evening has been a total test of completely losing my shit, having run around before the …

: Meme post Because sometimes you just gotta post something and it happens to be a meme. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Watching Fatniss Neverhiss I'm cat sitting for the moment, with the beast. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Many many things have occured It's been a while (as usual) since I've had an update. Somewhat unsurprising to be fair, since I …

: Madame Katze is Displeased Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1532536

: A great start to the year The usual new year fun of walking home as, although the RATP likes to shout that everything is free …

: Sometimes you just got to blog it Considering that I have zero battery in my Nintendo 3DS, I decided to take this opportunity of a …

: 2 minutes mais non 13 lol Having started the day with SNCF (Sorry, Not Coming Fuckers) slamming the train doors in the middle …

: New CRM So having found a new CRM and really testing it out, I've been madly bringing everything across from …

: Four Days of Pure Hell If anybody has previously used any form of public transport in Paris, I'm sure you realise that it …

: Shameless Promotion Having somewhat over booked myself today, and unable to get back to sleep, I decided that I should …

: Cheesy Instagram Photo Because you just can't do a post without one Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1530722

: Changes to Reverse DNS and Server Names Nothing I do enjoy more on a Sunday is to get my DNS on. More so this weekend, when I originally …

: Tragic Situations As I do each night from the hike back in to Paris, I returned home to watch a bit of crap …

: Is anybody still on using LiveJournal here Im moving back there since me and Wordpress have Is anybody still on / using LiveJournal here ? I'm moving back there since me and Wordpress have‚Ķ …

: I tried this and got stuck in a gate Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1529631

: My WordPress has died I have some how managed to kill my wordpress site, it seemed to have gone in to a crazy spin of …

: The Roadblocks of Mixing Technologies The Roadblocks of Mixing TechnologiesOld machines, new screens, just ain't happening. Posted by …

: Inconnu Sarah Connor Odile Deray Cest ct Inconnu : Sarah Connor ? Odile Deray : C'est ct. Posted by KÈvin Costelloe on 19 Sep 2017, …

: My publications in Instagram for last week Transfered from instagram Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1528775

: Kvin KvinYaaaaaaaaaaas üçïüôè Posted by KÈvin Costelloe on 9 Sep 2017, 08:54 Listening to: Vibe: …

: Casual Sunday Never, ever, mess with a cat. Dramatic as fuck to begin with. Everything seems to go well. FUCK YOU …

: Oui ptasse  Travail We don’t get a lot of actual American television here in the France, other than the repeats of …

: Tourists GTFO Nothing I like more than bitching about than tourists. They are literally the only reason people try …

: La grande muraille de Kaja I’ve had some time with Kaja in the mornings to get a little cat time, she hates it mainly …

: Zelda 8211 Ocarina du Temps On my way back to the TGV station in Nice, I made a last minute splurge on my birthday, a Nintendo …

: Bonne Franceaversaire Creepy Google Photos has been sending me notifications of panoramas, stalkerish videos and the …

: Life With Cat It’s hard to live with a small creature that thinks it’s a bad ass lion and is pretty …

: Quarantine Getting back in to the good old days of video games, I went to search for my favourite game in the …

: The Great Escape to Nice Now commences the great escape to Nice on the idTGV (basically the front carriages of your average …

: LJ 18th anniversary #mylivejournal #lj18 #happybirthday 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1525984

: The Life and Times of Capote Girl When I started this post it was Paris fashion week (#fäshönë #hautebitch), incidentally it was also …

: Day Two This post is the second version, because it turns out when your tablet locks without saving the …

: 30 Days to Try Something New I will make an actual effort to try and find new things to do in Paris this next month. Mainly …

: Dreams are the Most Odd of Things Generally enjoyed a little bit of an extra sleep last night, which has been odd as I’m too …

: The Burn As the old saying goes « back your shit up », considering that this blog is …

: When Cats Donrsquot Like Yo Shit Being as nouveau riche as I am (LOLZ) I decided that spending a little extra on a tablet case was a …

: The Connected Lifestyle I just purchased a wireless keyboard and a case for my tablet, to finally be able to do actual …

: Kaja is comfortable the birds can wait until later 👍 Also available on ec.je. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1523351

: Updating the old school After having a tiny bit of time to myself today, I used this time somewhat wisely between watching …

: Easy D President in Cheeto (Trump) recently tweeted about Easy D. I genuinely have no idea why nobody …

: Free Hosting is Free With the acquisition of another rather short domain (say hello to cw.nf), I am starting a little …

: Crazy Neighbour Be Crazy My new neighbour is nuts, not the kind of normal nuts, I mean completely bat shit crazy. Like I get …

: Short Domain Joy I keep to my word and now I have moved on to the ec.je domain. The EC websites have been moved over …

: New Name When it Works My domain costelloe.ca was a big long and it transpires that in French most people get confused by …

: What is occurring It's been a while since I've had a proper livejoirnal update, I think it's far too easy to get lost …

: When in doubt change about I’m having a crisis of identity on the interwebs and I’m finding it hard to fix up one …

: Le prsident dsign Donald Trump est officiellement lu http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1006873/president-designe-donald-trump-vote-grands-electeurs-col …

: La beaut de la morte toxique Paris a l’air si beau sous un nuage de mort toxique. 💀 👍 Also available on costelloe.ca. …

: World Peace and Better Drawing Skills Today was uneventful, wake up, work, fill in a quiz and win a tablet. After switching over properly …

: You Nol Nothing Because it’s the festive time of year when zombie Jésus wasn’t quite a zombie just yet, …

: More love and kisses from Madame Hiss Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1519969

: Techno Parade Paris Yesterday was the techno parade in Paris, here are some photos. 👍 Also available on …

: 1 for hipster bread not bad Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1519625

: More Photos from The lsquoPeg 👍 Also available on ec.je. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1523566

: The state of pure evil This was after she bit my hand Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1519505

: Poses pas des questions et pars toute de suite sale humain viedeschats chatensac Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1519169

: Arriving in Paris before sunrise Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1518813

: Connected Just need a phone to attach to it Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1518878

: Leaving mtl at sunset Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1518589

: Deuxime sige window niques ta Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1518254

: Church Cat comes and goes as she pleases Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1517947

: Ive spoken English for about a week and theyve finally done it sacrifices Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1517581

: Libert bitches LIBERT Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1517465

: Toujours chez Tim Hortons Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1517094

: My one true love Under 20 minutes to my door Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1516894

: Holy portion size 20 vers 13 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1516717

: Un peu de Paris au Canada Caf et une clope Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1516428

: PlaceSeat 25A WINDOW Thnx Air Can Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1516251

: Hiding in the bag still like you cant see me so pack me too Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1516001

: NO YOU CANT COME ALONG Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1515540

: Im getting some real mixed messages here Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1515480

: Lazy Afternoons in Paris I am currently working near Bastille so I have the opportunity to have a sit down in Jardin des …

: The Spell of Distruction Thanks iPhone for not copying and pasting what I just wrote, so here we go again. It has certainly …

: You will not sleep you will pet me Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1514681

: I think this one speaks for itself Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1514327

: nofilter naturalbeauty iwillkillthat Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1514159

: There will be so much blood they wont even know where to start looking for you human Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1513756

: Marine Le Penn This is my new favourite picture of the epic bitch that is Marine Le Penn. I might make it my new …

: This it is mine sleep on the floor Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1513221

: I AM RESEARCHING LEAVE ME BE Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1513069

: I will kill you then I will kill that Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1512898

: And here is her miserable chops when I edged her back in Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1512632

: Miss Hiss is not happy that she is banned from outdoors on a count of her heat cycle Here is one of Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1512437

: When youre tired but you just dont want to admit it to yourself Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1511985


: What Has Been Occurring As usual it has been a long old time since I have actually posted something on to this long running …

: Oh I woke you up Touch me NOW FUCK OFF Quite literally what just happened Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1511229

: Shes staring evils at me from my own bed idontknowwhatshesplanning Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1511065

: Libert galit lacrymogne This is just outside my front door, quite literally, and seemed to be some of the worst kind of …

: Because France or something Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1510513

: Yes pet me more this I like its very nice LIKE THE SWEET TASTE OF YOUR BLOOD AND FLESH catthin Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1510154

: Pet me like your French girls Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1510004

: Pute Chouffe quest en train de regarder des boobies badass Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1509809

: Casually just got her self in between my arm while Im typing and went to sleep Shes just chillin Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1509600

: lifewithcat no matter how many times I try to get a photo of her miaow talking to birds she just t Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1509351

: Little bitch ran out of the apartment at 3h then cat screamed as I returned her back So obviously s Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1509069

: Paint me like one of your French girls Or I will cut your shit up so bad you wont realise I pooped Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1508801

: Party animal is trashed from her day of flinging cat litter everywhere Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1508563

: Fuck Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1508233

: Shes calling all the male cats to her yard Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1507861

: Story of my life Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1507589

: Greener grass is always better Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1507500

: Je suis en train de faire une soire tranquille Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1507095

: Hi Felicia Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1506978

: Tales of a New Years Disaster As is the custom on New Years Eve one must drink to excess and wake up the following morning …

: Finally found a telephone extension cable tidy Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1506317

: Obviously IKEA Carpet squares make for a vague level of carpeting Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1506196

: New Year new style in the flat It always needed more colours Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1505990

: Glorious Operating System Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1505725

: Paris as you do lesptassesquibrunchent mimos Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1505488

: Joyeuse Ftes Bitches Please find attached generic festivities greeting. Kind regards, Customer Services Services Clients …

: Saucy indeed incartades Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1504967

: Whore mouth christmasface Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1504693

: Selfie with the security guard Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1504365

: Crossfit Made Me Crazy Obviously start a post with a misleading headline to get some click baiting going on. I know how to …

: Hopes and dreams in convenient packaging Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1503797

: Finally got my shit together enough to rearrange my space to be usable and useful mondayisntsoshit Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1503498

: Windows na aucun fucks que je ferai des choses cet Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1503332

: Libert Yesterday I ate like a fat bitch because sometimes you just need to have a Menu A followed by a …

: Goussainville vieux village Being at some what of a loose end before starting work and waking up at 8h in the morning, following …

: Found objects selfie Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1502391

: Another day another dollar Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1502040

: Dorothy Zbornak is judging you Flipping through my iPhone photos and looking for new header images prompted me to make a post. Of …

: Shop in style at Les boutiques de Sèvres Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1501596

: Good bye functioning skeletal system Its been grate having you Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1501420

: Saisissez votre titre ici It’s rather easy these days to post absolute rubbish to Anti-Social Networks at a simple flick …

: The neighbourhood kids are clearly in to witchcraft not Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1500896

: Wait What Duroc durock Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1500547

: Bitches be like Friday Niiiiight SlutFace ViableCockFound BetterWithChampagne bespokeparis Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1500218

: Bitches be like poutine When there is nothing to be done during your lunch time, I have a recommendation. Fill your eat hole …

: Ive woken up early enough to make an effort at life Perhaps far too much V neck though which you Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1499888

: I came here to bang French Dudes I always get asked why I came to France, because the French are quite interested in why anybody …

: Who needs a gym membership when you can lift these bro beerissoheavy Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1499307

: Burgerday as you do solateatposting Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1499093

: Just so errbody be knowin Ive all grown up again shamelessselfpromition wheresthebirthdaypizzaa Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1498871

: Pass dcompos Finally an update out of my new Montparnasse HQ, after all that has gone on in the past year this …

: Netflixing to eternity Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1498201

: It lives Feel the OldSkool Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1498019

: I will burn like a bastard but I had wifi Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1497630

: Rapido Stupido dans le Jardin du Luxembourg pour le premier fois Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1497496

: Bespoke Sunday ionarevolver Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1497104

: Somebody just got herself a ticket to Pizzatown and Bakingville Auchan Oven AllTheThings Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1496845

: Dconnect Having been without a solid form of connection to the internet for the past while, I’ve …

: Une petite soire Having unexpectedly joined in to a rather long evening out last night, it was a pleasant relief to …

: Make it then break it I set up a blog on my personal homepage a while back, however, I some how managed to crap it out …

: Projects projects projects Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1495648

: Getting hit by cars is clearly my forte Rather hilariously two nights ago, I was thumped off my bike by a woman at a cycle/pedestrian …

: Welcoming 2015 Casually Went out this year, drank to excess, here are the photos of NYE2015. Listening to: Vibe: …

: I dont know what to write about I am currently waiting for some people to be all like, finished work.  So obvs I have to update …

: Uploading old skool mother fuckers Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1494539

: Breakfast of bloody champions this is Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1494366

: In other news bought a taco kit on my ride Welcome to Taco Town population my mouth Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1494218

: After I took this photo she looked at me with one eye closed As if to say when Im done pissing o Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1493887

: Post EmoDramatic Entry Having started a job I really enjoy, it's been made utterly crap by moving to another part of the …

: Just found some cash on the floor unluckyday Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1493321

: IMG_1517 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1492917

: She watch the TV like the peoples catladythings Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1493153

: Follow Up Post Explains All Obviously I won’t post everything publicly, because that wouldn’t be the best idea …

: The Amazing Weeks of Our Lives Nothing like a journey on the Noctilien to get your juices flowing and that extra “you …

: Sometimes we must Having spent the last 15 hours sleeping, I'm not entirely sure why I'm so tired. But I am and …

: Dear LiveJournal I believe I have sinned I have really started to get back in to another service recently, she is called Kakao Talk, the …

: Parisiens next door have seen my underwear I've been gleefully looking back at my posts from the past few months and noticed how sporratic they …

: Life Update Quick like cos I aint got battery 1) Worst Threesome Ever. But I got shit loads of tequila. Trade off. Now dealt with the Police …

: This is whats been happening As most of you may have noticed, I've been in a massive depression over the last few days. I'm not …

: DrFNFurter makes most awesome post 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1490748

: I wanted to go to Versailles today But then I slept until 18h, so this I'll have to do. 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: This was going to be a Facebook status Been awake (yay insomnia!) remembering my last 7-8 months at that international assurance company …

: This is going to be one of those sleepless days I always mean to write something here but I never have the time and it can be a bitch to do this on …

: Im about to ruin your life 👍 Listening to: www.lastfm.fr/music/kyary+pamyu+pamyu/_/tyantyakatyantyan Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Things I found working for a pub I've found out that my culinary skills are similar to that of a seagull having an epileptic fit, I …

: Near to Gare dAusterlitz Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1488455

: This is what happens when you block comments Somebody ends up blogging about you. Just sayin'. Yesterday I saw a story posted on noted Glasshole …

: That awkward moment When you don't remember taking a photo and finding it a couple days later. 👍 Listening to: Vibe: …

: France still very French People are all like “hey how’s Paris?” and by people I mean pretty much nobody. …

: God I hate people sometimes I let a friend (or so I thought) use my iPhone to log in to his Facebook account. Little did I know …

: Looking through my photo album means … pointless posts like this one! Huzzah! 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1487118

: Cat Memes Everywhere I've not left my bed all day and it's been rather pleasant. Mainly because of my abject fear I …

: Professional Bus Passenger Update: She started snoring. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1486724

: The Day Before Yesterday Out and About I wandered around, took some photos. So enjoy! 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Name LOL If it wasn't M. Bigay living in Place d'Italie, it'll certainly be the Faty's who are taking up the …

: Bristol Flashback Man in Dress on Skateboard 👍 Listening to: Vibe: okay LJ ItemID: 1485796

: I am most tired These hours are most killer. Working from 16h to 04h means I live a nocturnal life these days, Paris …

: France still taking it to the streets 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1485198

: Things to do with 5 Yay! I finally got my Carte Bleue back, so what was the best thing to do with it? Buy an awesome …

: Fuck Chtlet in Particular A few days ago I had the pleasure to experience first hand at being pick pocketed. Let me tell you …

: My Former Landlord Drama I got a message today from one of my friends cleaning out my flat that my landlord has cleared out …

: Finally I write Well this is new or at least this PC I bought from Fnac at bargan basement prices is. If you …

: I have time sort of It’s been some time since I updated the blog on the website. Mainly because I was playing with …

: Welcome ma vie Paris Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1483606

: Magistrates Court Demolition In an effort to Tarmac over Bristol completely and replace it will unlimited student accommodation …

: Paris Those in the know will know that I've spent some time in the French capital over the past few …

: Id buy this at full price Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1482848

: Carnage This is exactly why we can't have nice things Bristol. 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: I believe I might knock somebody out After spending all summer without a problem, thanks to some asshole neighbours it seems the mother …

: Paris revisited When I was in Paris back in May, I meant to buy the latest Têtu magazine. But couldn't find a kiosk …

: Just looked outside and it seems the moon is out already Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1481966

: Louverture dHotchaUK Swindon Samedi dernier j'ai allé à l'ouverture d'Hotcha à Swindon. Je n'ai pas séjour pour plus d'une heure, …

: Well fuck you then Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1481325

: BBS Downtime Report I have discovered why toronto.mmn.on.ca dropped off the face of the earth with no warning at all. It …

: Downtime torontommnonca 13082013 12h18 I am currently aware of an issue affecting toronto.mmn.on.ca, I will be unable to physically inspect …

: Je suis en train d8217crire un article honntement Je vais écrire un article en quelques heures (ou jours avec mon histoire) au sujet …

: The news makes my head hurt This is precisely why I can not tolerate stories about jobs + eu, it brings out the illiterate …

: Hello Bristol Today we are talking to a crane and a bridge. This may seem slightly mental to you, but now that …

: Changes to MMNonca I will be making a number of changes to the MMN website over the coming weeks. This stems from the …

: Autocorrect attacks again 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1479211

: Dinner roulette unnamed tin MealOrNoMeal Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1478976

: Im going to Instagram this shit while you do it hipsterlife Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1478753

: Almost good enough to give FFC a run for its money Almost Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1478524

: Inspiration it8217s inspirational 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1478194

: BURN Oh wait I did Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1477903

: I totally forgot that I won this Just listening to it on my PowerPC living the 90s Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1477834

: I may have gone a tad craycray with lunch Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1477514

: Bristol et mon livre en panoramique 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1477242

: Un renard Wapping Wharf 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1476662

: Voiture spectaculaire au centreville et bienvenue J’ai un nouveau blog dédiée à la ville de Bristol. J’ai …

: Bristol Blog J’ai créé un blog dédiée à la ville de Bristol ce soir et ajouté quelques photos. Pour mes …

: A bizarre moment httpgommnonca13zOISR Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1476324

: The Fox I have posted the full gallery here and I will be posting it independently to LiveJournal too. But …

: Stop Think This morning cycling back down the cycle path, I approach couple taking the entire path up side by …

: ManifPourQuoi Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1475355

: First you make the money then you hand it straight back Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1474873

: Eastbourne it8217s all that I have just this afternoon returned from Eastbourne from a conference. I had a bit of time to wander …

: Schindlers Lift Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1474750

: Jai une nouvelle puce pour mon iPhone 4 avec Orange Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1474482

: Les infos d8217Istanbul « I am writing to let you know what is going on in Istanbul for the last five days. I personally …

: Je suis Ninja Aujourd’hui j’ai fait la décision à changer mes serveurs pour mon BBS. Maintenant le BBS …

: Well hello I didnt think I would be seeing you so soon Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1473519

: Geese and baby geese goslings obvs Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1473160

: Paris has changed nothing Voulezvous tomate tout le monde Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1472945

: Bouteille de ros et EurovisionFR sur France 3 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1472580

: Marvellous Island Photos de Marvellous Island… J'ai pris photos des Catacombes aussi, je vais poster …

: Paris Vendredi 10 Mai Aujourd'hui, je suis allé à Sacré Cœur et j'ai prise quelque photos près de l'église. Sur la bas …

: Boulevard Auguste Blanqui streetart paris Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1471914

: Paris en photos J'ai pris plus photos avant hier et aujourd'hui, regardez… 👍 …

: Je me penser les voitures est interdit en cette direction StreetArt Paris Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1471272

: Say hello to the cat of the house Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1471145

: Paris deuxime jour J'ai pris plus de photos aujourd'hui que j'ai fait hier. Dans la matin, j'ai voyagé au Radio FG sur …

: En attente Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1470499

: Si je gagne je vais partir Angleterre pour France Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1470417

: This is why I love the euro each one of these coins Ive got as change here have come from outside Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1470026

: Vin Diesel is um a messed up clown Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1469696

: Paris premire jour Aujourd'hui je suis allé de mon hôtel à Montreuil à mon hôte pour le prochain trois jours à Le …

: Now its real flight still go bags packed and excitement uncontained Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1469353

: Steam on Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1469111

: Not that I am counting down the days BUT I IS Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1468849

: There is so much in this box that is crazy SpotTheCliffrence Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1468583

: I havent an idea what Ive done to cause this but it better stop getting all stigmata soon Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1468314

: Three days to Paris Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1468098

: This is the face of bad touch justsayin Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1467808

: First you get the money then you get the bitches Then you get the power Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1467442

: Its a duck just because Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1467351

: Thats my Bristol No change for you I'm walking back home a few minutes ago, as I do fairly regularly on a daily basis. As I'm coming up …

: Oh life youre so hard work I have been most busy recently but at least it's paying off, mostly in monetary recompense. Good …

: I will never tire of this video Oh how he loves to dance. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Good morning classic van Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1466167

: Hooray No wait So, it seems I have a chest infection. How delightful. In other news, I have no idea what these are …

: We need to talk immune system Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1465812

: I do enjoy watching Motorway Cops I do love watching Motorway Cops, it's got everything awesome in life. Fast cars, flashing lights …

: Oh Tesco I am going to mess this right up I wont even feel guilty Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1465332

: Bonjour Paris I have booked off my grand time in Paris over the last few days and I'm looking forward to my 18 …

: This is what three packets of meatballs looks like It cost me 60p Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1464756

: He still holds his fan like a geisha Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1464547

: Hello Sunday GetYourHardhatOn Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1464221

: Bob The Builder you most certainly are not I gather from this gem that the council have been all like "LOLZ WAT U FIX?":- Hi Kevin, the shower …

: Today is a long day I am just watching the rugby match before I head out to work again, after starting earlier today at …

: This is only going to end in tragedy Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1463534

: Delayed Drama BACS If it's not already been clear by my postings, my landlords are shit with any kind of time frames. …

: Statutory filtered food photo instatard Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1462846

: Fuck you world Im having a pizza Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1462684

: Summer time realness Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1462242

: Damn you science Yeah science, why is there no colour TV? Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Been staring at these things from the tills for the last two weeks So I caved and bought some Yum Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1461776

: Poprah Winidict XII Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1461701

: Retro handset obtained It was four quid off result Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1461321

: Euro account activated happydays Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1461001

: St George Now 0507 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1460816

: SORT YOUR LIFE OUT COMIC SANS Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1460457

: I have been most busy It’s been a while since I have been able to sit down and write an entry here. It’s been quite hectic …

: Tale of Woe Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1459543

: Things that happen in Mangotsfield Cycling back home from work at mid-day I saw what I thought was a dog playing in somebody's drive. …

: I AM THE GOD DAMN CRAB LORD Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1458914

: The last few days in pictures Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: Hungover LJ ItemID: 1458561

: Random SMS is going to get crazy I just received this text message, it's clearly to the wrong person. So would it be wrong of me to …

: Abruptly Wanting Rent So my landlords have decided to forgo sense and business practice by dumping my agent. Now I have to …

: I make blog I have a post that I am in the middle of getting ready on my iPhone this evening which will go back …

: Bristol Pound Evening This evening I've been down at The Yard (228 Mina Road) with the Ashley Vale Acton Group and …

: Everybody panic So it snows a bit and the UK collapses in a heap as a result. Another interesting year in Arctic …

: This is exactly why Europe does not respect us If you listen closely, you can hear the angered corpse of Brunel spinning in his grave. Posted via …

: Insomnia is good for something Considering I can't sleep, I've started to put together the first few of my series Landlord Drama. I …

: Brief I am getting tremendously fed up with life right now, it's far too complicated at the moment. Like …

: Hotcha WestonsuperMare Grand Opening What's cuter than a chow? A CHOW IN A POLOSHIRT! Yes that's right, I've finally got around to …

: Im lodging a complaint Arc bar has been closed down more than once for noise problems, so I have very little sympathy for …

: From Bike Repair to Chinese Food this post is all over the shop It's been a long few weeks off work and I finally need to get back in to a routine. Coincidentally I …

: Christmas gift from my landlords In this episode of Landlord Drama:- Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. …

: Christmas has occurred I made a post to LiveJournal some time ago and it vanished (although it claimed it posted it …

: Things occurred in WestonsMare today So it was planned that we go to Weston-super-Mare for a culture day last week at the pub.  It …

: Thats my Bristol Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1453802

: I hate you four legged twats Bastard mice I think are bastard rats. They woke me up banging about like Genghis Khan's army …

: Photos from the Rounds I have not done a whole lot today, other than making my rounds to ASDA, Better Food Company and …

: Well I guess that answered that then Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1452919

: The stale smell of democracy If it wasn't for the horrendous tiredness I happen to be suffering at the moment (I can't be dealing …

: I make yap yap I really must make an effort at this blogging business, after all it's impossible not to find at …

: Messfest and other happenings Last weekend I went out for Birthday drinks with Harriet and managed to get drunk enough just to go …

: Bad times are bad But BristolPound will fix it cycling This is an apt image of my last two days as all has not been well.  Last night on my way home …

: I hate myself sometimes Why the fuck am I so vindictive? He's dating somebody else so my immediate reaction is fuck his …

: Mice I hate them all It's been known that I have a mouse problem, not a lot to do with me considering my lack of food …

: SMS Post October 02 2012 at 0818PM I have spent quite a fair bit with Bristol Pound this week, now my wallet has none and I must …

: SMS Post September 30 2012 at 0426PM This is a test using ifttt.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1450614

: This is what has occurred today Here are many photos of the Community Railway Festival this afternoon. This dude just came up to me …

: Fuck you Tuesday Honestly, most people have an issue with Mondays but clearly me and Tuesday are not at all on …

: Bristol Pound launch On Wesnesday, like most of Bristol I partook in the Bristol Pound launch at St. Nick's Market. …

: Screwed by the Law Thanks Captain Cameron As I’m sure you all gathered some time ago, I’m pretty much broke all the time. …

: Customer Service works mostly Yesterday I raised a complaint with my bank over a direct debit cancellation that went quite wrong. …

: Today we went places Another cracking 54km ride through the countryside, took a bit more time as I took a few breaks one …

: Things have occurred today They are many Clark has been down this weekend, so the usual tourist thing had to be done. We started off at the M …

: 1448520 Oh Daily Mail, everything that is wrong in this country is written here. This is definitely a …

: Olympic Dreams Well now that the Olympics is finishing in the next 35 minutes, I’m not exactly sure what will …

: Many important things have occurred I have done so many things this weekend, which including getting horrendously drunk unintentionally. …

: Have you lost a friend Bristol Filton MOD Do you know who this is? Has some one lost their fluffy friend? Get in touch @livejournal.com …

: Cant Blog Must Make Important Sorry you haven't heard from me for a while, I am mega interesting still. No lie. But until I deal …

: Qype Hotcha in Bristol Bristol - Eating & Drinking - Restaurant - Chinese Originally found this place through Just-Eat …

: There are weekends and then there are ends of the week Last weekend on the 14th of July as it so has been called, I participated in an Event they called …

: 1446447 This is the reason why I've been walking around all day like I've, you know, put it around a bit. …

: I was going to Tweet this As promised I haven't left my basement today. I've been upstairs for about a total of 15 minutes. …

: Piss off Grim nobody likes you anyways As much as I enjoy almost being killed on a frequent basis, I believe that it should stop. I'm …

: So I call UKTesco customer service So I call @UKTesco customer service, I'm apologised to and told they will contact the store. I'm …

: Redesigning the Mess I got annoyed with my room, all the mess, all the boring and the severe lack of fairy lighting. So I …

: Sometimes making a valid point on the Internet is pointless I can't believe this actually had to be illustrated, do people online just fail to see what is right …

: Rhetorical questions are asked Do the landlords intend on ever fixing this or do I have to speak to Citizens Advice to get it …

: Troisime Jour 365jours I have done absolutely nothing but question why I had an additional 2,34£. Posted via LiveJournal …

: Deuxime Jour 365jours What happened yesterday? Well first of all I didn't write this blog post. Awkward. I did however …

: IMPORTANT NEWS IS MOST IMPORTANT Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1444562

: Premier jour 365jours So today is day one, what have I done? Well found myself a French course for September! I've got to …

: This dish cost me 76p And I'm not entirely convinced its Irish nor Stew. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening …

: Embarassing Moments are Embarassing FML As much as I love to make a complete fool of myself in public, I believe this may have been the one …

: Space Cadet is Spacey Today I have forgot nearly everything I needed, first was the valve cap for my bike tyre, then it …

: I cant believe a pigeon did that On my way through Riverside park cycling through without a care in the world, when suddenly without …

: Animal Crossing for Nintendo DS Fin : 11 juin 2012 19:41:22 UTC+01:00 URL pour l'iPhone : Animal Crossing for Nintendo DS URL pour …

: I had the most amazing dream EVAR I'm not totally sure why, but me and a friend in my dream had to break in to a space port company …

: That Awkward Moment When … you almost die again. I'm really not doing terribly well at this whole survival thing, first I'm …

: What happened with this weekend I literally have no idea, on Friday night I sent out with some friends to Shanghai Nights for an all …

: Listen Lezbfriends For many decades my family has passed down the sacred iPhone charger from father to son and so …

: Tee Hee Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1441659

: The Eurovision Party As everybody should know the Eurovision Song Contest was on, so a Eurovision party was had. These …

: Olympic Torch Relay in Bristol Now that I've finally come out of my comatose state from getting up at 4am to make myself in to …

: Currently in Millennium Square Bristol Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1441004

: The meaning of BTMBR 1. Your reference. 2. Your follow up. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: My weekend let me show you it Hooray! Weekend, I've done so much with it and all. Well I lie, perhaps not Saturday when quite …

: People actually search this So I start typing how to force a route over a vpn network in windows in to my iPhone and look what …

: Hey dude want your car washed jigglejiggle Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1439820

: All the T girl You're jealous of my mug, coaster and tray set. I knows it! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. …

: This is about as much summer as we are allowed I'm not going to lie, out in the sun and Air's Sexy Boy is on the radio. So what's the best way of …

: I LOL IRL I ain't going to lie. I did laugh out loud. In the three years I've lived here, I have never once …

: Let me show you Friday night Hooray for Friday, more so that it was Sam's birthday drinks in town. We all know that Friday and …

: There is always more to a story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMANMIe0ZZI&feature=player_embedded I'm sure everybody by now has …

: If you think this is OK or acceptable then you need to rethink 👍 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1438463

: I understand everybody likes a night out But is this really necessary to trash the place? I will literally have to carry my bike out to the …

: I freaked out my spider As I'm sure everybody knows, I have a house spider with an epic attitude problem and perhaps a tiny …

: Txt Ettiquette So boys and girls, the chap from Friday night texted me yesterday night, I texted him back but he's …

: Make Mine a Coke Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1437267

: Oh alcohol you make me hate the next day Last night I did my birthday drinks with Rachel, Jenny, Damien, Dan, April, Chantelle, Tommy, James …

: Oktoberfest in May Last night, being the actual night of my birthday (and arguably that of mother miggins - may her …

: Life so far today What has happened so far on 03/05/2012. I've setup my standing order for £20,90 in to my Cash ISA …

: THIS UPSETS ME IVE LOST MY GEISHA HEAD Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: Upset LJ ItemID: 1436368

: Get your credit union on I'm reminded in the crappiest of times that God Hates Figs (for they are disgusting) and that the …

: Equal Marriage and all that Jazz Bleary eyed I wake up this morning for the usual wake up routine, check the Facebook, read about 100 …

: Oh goooorl I gots my hurr done I finally got my hair done, got sick of it being so, well just there! I also appear to be pulling …

: I had a dream Last night I had a dream that I found somebody special and we fell in love. It's rather unfortunate …

: I perhaps take customer service and sarcasm far too seriously Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter dated 20 April 2012. I'm very sorry to hear Mr Andrews has not …

: Update Psycho Spider My psychotic spider has started a war, he's been known to eat other spiders so I've kept my distance …

: Where skankylanky go I've had my appointments this morning, all went well and was gone before 10am. ME LIKEY. The physio …

: God damn you I've come to the uneasy discovery today why I find it painful to use a mouse or keyboard when my arm …

: Peer Review PLZ K THNX Hey all, I've sat on my reply to First Bus until today when I was a bit less angry about life and …

: Today has been a success in nothing Other than writing my almost epic post of last and a few odd mistaken/test posts, I haven't done a …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1433505

: There appears to be a long post about things Holy recap batman! There are many things that I need to write about but haven't got around to …

: Somebody most certainly hates their job Love heart has no heart. #JustSayNo Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: So FirstBus respond I got a response from First Bus in reference to my complaint, see my email in the cut.To whom it may …

: Good day is bad So i again have a rather good day but it was amusing while being unamused at the same time. this …

: You can be far too hard on yourself I've un-officially set myself a cycle task to cycle to the furthest station on the Severn Beach …

: Todays jaunt vote now While I'm charging my phone and waiting for my hi-vis to dry, where should I go? Posted via …

: Let me tell you about Today Blah blah blah stuff. Here be photos: Was it as good for you as it was for me? Posted via …

: Please dont pull my G Card Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1430857

: Oh Gooorl So clearly a good week this has been for all. Happy Easter, like Christmas but with more chocolate …

: Draw Something Good If only I was this good at this game, instead this is me:- Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. …

: I hate Wednesday First of all, what the fuck? Secondly, today as been an absolute fucking desperate heap of shit. …

: Because Mr_Musings told me to Two sea-based awkward creatures? What a social mess you are, ugh! 3 ok Posted via LiveJournal app …

: Let me tell you a tale of Friday Night tldr; according to @Mr_Musings: @KevinC good intentions. I can summarise that story in 6 words "I …

: Random is as random does Let me take you back to a day called Friday, it was a nice time, work had finished and alcohol was …

: Get back on the horse or bike So some how I managed to pull it off a couple times this morning. Sure it's only 4km but its a start …

: I am allowed to be reasonably fked off by this right Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1428534

: I see dead things Two things:- 1) just found this little (dead) chap And secondly, it appears I have fungus growing …

: Complaint Letters Seriously. I fucking hate this country some times, fucking police couldn't be shitted to report my …

: Spreading Santorum It seems that Spreading Santorum has dropped out of the Google search results. I guess Rick Santorum …

: Dem bonez My phone holding has paid off, kind of. Last photo was this: Same angle, same concept (elbow and …

: Now Im angry bro So I got my bike back from the shop from the service, they fixed my brake cables and also said that …

: SUCCESSFUL YN Doing my exercises, this is as far as I got. Yeah I made a single degree in progress. SUCCESSFUL …

: RLY These Douchecanoes have already got told in how many directions they can fuck themselves for not …

: In the canteen listening to the FG beats Updates are rife across the Internet on the complete spazual nature of what has been lovingly called …

: Friday 9 March 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1425189

: Thursday 8 March 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1425028

: Wednesday 7 March 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1424819

: Sunday 26 Feb to Friday 2 Mar 20h47 Sunday 26 February Monday 27 February Tuesday 28 February Wednesday 29 February Thursday 1 March (in …

: No More Cast So my cast came off yesterday, it was a glorious moment that took mere seconds. When it came off not …

: Awkward health moment is awkward So last night after suffering from some crazy shit withdrawal symptoms of a painkiller it almost …

: Saturday 25 February 2012 20h47 It's ok, we ain't movin'. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Friday 24 February 2012 20h47 Taco Pronto! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Wednesday 23 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1423324

: Thursday 23 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1422992

: Tuesday 21 February 2012 20h47 In bed… Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1422784

: Monday 20 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1422418

: Sunday 19 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1422106

: Saturday 18 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1421873

: Friday 17 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1421585

: Thursday 16 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1421388

: Wednesday 15 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1421108

: Tuesday 14 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1420901

: Monday 13 February 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1420577

: The Lights Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1420537

: Sunday 12 Feb 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1420187

: Dangerous Driving I can not believe the ignorance and stupidity of people now days. I was crossing the road on All …

: 11 Feb 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1419514

: Friday 10 Feb 2012 20h47 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1419086

: Let me tell you a story of my people So as I mentioned a few days ago, I have a new addition to my wardrobe. Not exactly my best fashion …

: Do not want Long story. Can't make food, let alone write it! brb Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. …

: Due care and attention douchecanoe Got chucked on to the pavement when some dick head pulled straight in to the kerb, bike tyres slid, …

: I am popular Who are these people? Did I have a bit of a crazy night and sleep with them all? Am I baby daddy? …

: Oh debt collectors I do love my conversations with debt collectors, they are so funny. Trying to throw lies and general …

: Whats Occurin The abridged version Where do I start with this post? There has been so much to choose from since I started writing this …

: News Its new I actually have an update. I've been slowly working on it for a good week or so, but dude I am so …

: Soup for er those who swap quickies for a few sawbucks via Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1415386

: Zombie v Baby Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1415151

: I has Pepsi Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1414831

: Look what PayWithUkash sent me Perhaps not my best photo, but it wasn't long before I breached the packaging! If you've not seen …

: 1 1 DERP Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1413653

: Look at all the good I do So since this morning I've hidden away in my basement lair to dabble and toil. And by that I mean, …

: Where it all began Hello, I've discovered a leak in the kitchen ceiling, it sounds like the pipes from upstairs are the …

: Omegle You ask they make LOLZ Listening to: Vibe: accomplished LJ ItemID: 1412955

: Lezzie Just Be Friends Although the whole pet plan was completely bound on the success or failure of my poinsettia plant …

: On Voicefeed is now ber awesome That's right. Not only can I get my crazy voicemail to say your name but I can also get it to read …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1412197

: Aye ye ye eet was Christmas So Christmas has been and gone, thank god for that.  It's been a touch dull but at least there …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1411760

: Happy Christmas n shit Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1411552

: Douchebags of Grindr Bitch. We can see your wedding ring, Mr. Right my fucking ass. Posted via LiveJournal app for …

: Pop Tarts Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1410850

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1410627

: Weird dreams are weird I've had a rather strange dream during the night which involved a shift at work handling Belgacom …

: Late train late job application reply I applied in September for this job, it's now the middle of December. No wonder the rail network is …

: Friday night in pictures Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: Hungover LJ ItemID: 1409986

: Lhomophobie dfinie Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1409589

: Little Tree of Broken Dreams Unlike the dying poinsettia, this one is fake and only cost £7 including the lights, tinsel and …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1409242

: Its an otter with a hammer Nuff said Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1408881

: Vendredi On est en feu What a complete paradox this entire weekend has been, well I say paradox, maybe that's a touch …

: Its Time Listening to: RadioFG.com Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1408358

: Admit it youre jealous You want to marry me for this bounty. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1407917

: Today I met some ducks So I went for a wander in to one of the parks on the trading estate. I had one run in with this …

: This is all that Sunday resulted in Hilarious webcam doings: My timed blue light, comes on just before the other timer does the rest of …

: This is the butcher shop So what has happened in the last week to make an effort on the old LiveJournal? Well not a whole lot …

: I CAN HAS A KRISTMAS I have a poinsettia, I bought it looking a bit sad in Tesco for £2,50. This is a pet test and I …

: 5th November photos six days late <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: I JUST ATE ALL THESE I JUST ATE ALL THESE. It's what I'm going to post as my Facebook status in about 5 minutes. <div …

: 1406163 Сообщение из ленты +Paige Keaton: <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div …

: Just sayin39 <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: 1405619 <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: Westfest <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: Westfest <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: Westfest <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: I have managed to book my Westfest tickets coach tickets and reunited with an estranged friend in I have managed to book my Westfest tickets, coach tickets and re-united with an estranged friend in …

: Plan Get my hurr did Plan: Get my hurr did. Actual: Have tea at a Japanese restaurant and hit the pub. Plan: Fail Actual: …

: Well this is fun Well this is fun. I have irate ribs that are being rather painful with a hint of sting when …

: In just about an hour I39ll be starting my journey for my first day at new job In just about an hour I'll be starting my journey for my first day at new job. Nervous. <div …

: In under 12 hours I revert from a train based commute to a bus based one In under 12 hours I revert from a train based commute to a bus based one. It's like instead of …

: Urgh Urgh. Too early for this. <div style="overflow: hidden; margin-top: 0.5em;"> …

: Oh Internet <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: 1402533 <div style="overflow: hidden; margin-top: 0.5em;"> <div style="float: left; …

: I39ve decided the best course of action is the Ukrainian Top 40 this afternoon I've decided the best course of action is the Ukrainian Top 40 this afternoon. So far my bass has …

: Update to the Orange France iPhone 3GS background Update to the Orange (France) iPhone 3GS background. <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> …

: 1401696 <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: I IS WELL GANGSTA INNIT BLUD Listening to: Vibe: mischievous LJ ItemID: 1401373

: Its that time of the year again It's that time of the year again. The iPhone 4 goes through a transformation. John …

: Writers Block Chatty Cathy The voices in my head. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 1400680 <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: 1400090 <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: So ThreeUKSupport what do you think about this redirected from ThreeUK Because I'm not going to write this all again let me copy and paste this bad boy in to one readable …

: Voici une vido ne pas manquer sur YouTube Voici une vidéo à ne pas manquer sur YouTube : Cazwell "Ice Cream Truck" HD <div …

: BRAIN MAKE OUCHIE BRAIN MAKE OUCHIE. SAD FACE. <div style="overflow: hidden; margin-top: 0.5em;"> …

: General Updatery This is my third week of not doing anything at all and having no routine. I can tell you this is …

: Internet history It was made mofo <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: 1398566 http://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedobear Most hilarious job spec ever: Activité(s) Kidnappeur …

: 1398369 http://www.macworld.fr/2011/06/24/mac/imessage-mac/516602/ J'aime iMessage. <div …

: Mega Downloads Yesterday I started with 3.9 GB used, this morning after two iPhone updates and App reinstalls …

: RT jamesfreedman Got an iPhone RT @jamesfreedman: Got an iPhone? Turn it into a virtual 'Blackberry by enabling airplane mode. …

: <div style="margin-top: 1em;"> <div style="overflow: hidden;"> …

: Hello iOS5 Hello iOS5. Well after I back up my entire phone as it's going to delete everything. <div …

: I39ve just synchronised my LiveJournal with G I've just synchronised my LiveJournal with G+. I write the equivalent to what I used to write on my …

: Its 4am still no sleep and no iOS5 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: Tired LJ ItemID: 1396557

: I cant sleep nor can I pass the time upgrading iOS5 This sucks on more than one level. Mainly because I can’t sleep, but more so I can’t …

: My Blocked Door has a Poster MIAOW Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1396133

: Bah I have appeared to have completely screw up my sleeping patterns. So I'm doing the obvious repair …

: Its fastload enabled Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1395461

: Me Making Blog Writey Writey So I've not made a real entry since the middle of September, snap! Not many things happened since …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1395182

: NO TIME TO EXPLAIN GRAB A CACTUS Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1394877

: So What Has the Last 7ish Days Brought in Pictures Thursday 15 September: Saturday 17 September: Sunday 18 September: Posted via LiveJournal app for …

: So Well it's about time I wrote this here, after going off ill (with stress no less) from work when the …

: Nouveau fond dcran pour la mois Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1394047

: Mystic Meg is off on her holibobs So no predictions! Go away! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: You might fail at life but you won this This train from Trowbridge is actually just a walk of shame but slightly less walk involved. On the …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1393274

: Amiga All I need to do now to get it "online" is to connect a modem... No idea how I'm going to do that …

: Your customer service lacks service Seriously bad time with First Great Western this morning. In fact I'd go as far as saying it was …

: Rickety Shanty Will Kill You with Terror You know in the predator film where it rips off the train doors an proceeds to fuck everybody up? …

: See my somewhat disorganised flat Having only just moved in by the end of Friday after being told on Wednesday afternoon that I needed …

: This bicycle rack aint big enough ... I've had to jam my bag in there as it's made a dash for freedom (or my blood) a few times now. …

: I have an announcement Today I'm here to tell you I'm bi.....cycling to work now! I've been given a set of two wheels to …

: Im alive Well sort of! I mean to post here but gurl I don't got no time for nothing now. During the weekend I …

: Cuppr This is the entry for cuppr.tk Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Unfortunate Photo of the Day Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1391051

: Juices are flowing Everywhere You should have seen it, there I was in the kitchen got it up on the counter top, nice and round it …

: You cant buy timing like this unless youre a Murdoch Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1390487

: I adopted an Amur Leopard Forgive me for thinking it should be bigger and slightly more agitated about being sent via Royal …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1389931

: Why so complicated So I seem to be on a complaint streak at the moment. First was the train company (er again), …

: If I didnt get a load of these at 5p Id never touch em Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1389369

: On the move er kind of So it’s finally happened! I got a hold of that fabled ground floor flat, the tenants in there …

: NatWest can smell a smug twat at 50 paces So no surprise there is two of them on the front of yesterday's Metro. Posted via LiveJournal app …

: I guess you already know that then Now I'll cut the bit before we get to the suck, because basically it's boring and long. But the …

: Its not rocket science this This is the basic run down: push pad on wall, door slides open. Simples? No, clearly not. Every day …

: Some Herp mostly Derp Why not, you know, put the notice on the door in question? Just sayin'. Posted via LiveJournal app …

: The PoPo Are Lurking Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1387877

: My firstworldproblem is totally bigger than like yours HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE ON 232MB FOR SIX DAYS? S-I-X DAYS???? Posted via LiveJournal app for …

: What a few weeks this has been So what an interesting few weeks this has been. I would have posted this all much earlier but you …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1387128

: Wander Through Clifton Bristol Had a bit of a walk through Clifton (ok got lost) to the Suspension Bridge which although not really …

: OH MT GOD Jeremy Kyle, pushing that decency barrier well and truly beyond that line. Posted via LiveJournal …

: Angry Birds Live   Brilliant video! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1386322

: Free Time isnt Free So after a wild week of general jibber jabber and utter tosswank I finally have some free time as …

: I think FGW actually try to excel at poor customer service Hello, I'm writing to you again over further delayed services which have caused more levels of …

: Hay kids be ugly and the paedos wont get you wtf Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1385675

: The Muppets Ppcrn If you watch one YouTube video with captions this year, make sure it's this one. Listening to: …

: From ABC News What Would You Do gblt  Very interesting video shared by Jon (@pifflevalve) yesterday. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: This is a day late post I was going to write this post yesterday from my awesome direct train from work to home.  That …

: Upgrade After using the company iPhone, i decided to upgrade my contract and go for it. Now paying much less …

: What me say I obviously need to make my randomly whinge bag full of hardcore posting for the month, so here it …

: OMG its Chatman I need to find him! His brilliant nonsense talk is like having a friend around but with out all that …

: Avoncliffe Station is a bit creepy crazy fgw This rather odd use of a mannequin has perplexed me for many journeys through Avoncliffe. Clearly …

: Chicken in a Tin What else could you ever want? Tinned food? Chicken? CHICKEN IN A FLIPPIN TIN! Posted using …

: Bestest Spam EVAR Barclays Bank Plc. Scotland Branch, 21 Cowgate Kirkintilloche, Glasglow, Scotland G66 1HW E-mail: …

: Comical foursquare Uses I'm at Pewsey Hydroponic Nurseries (Wilcot Road, Pewsey) [pic]: 4sq.com/knjfjW http://bit.ly/mjzONh …

: For those of us who have a bandwidth cap Apple   I would be most interested to find out HOW FUCKING BIG THIS SHIT IS. Listening to: Vibe: …

: I fear lj userkuzanagi_ may blow his retro top over this In celebration of Short Circuit 2 on Five this afternoon, I present:-   Posted via LiveJournal …

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1382397

: So many frickin notifications This was after I cleared the 50 before hand! Social media is CRAZAY! Posted via LiveJournal app for …

: This is technically Return on Investment Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1381825

: Ill call this one Donald P Donaldson Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1381383

: Photo Upload Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1381179

: Writers Block See you on the dark side FREE TRIP TO THE MOONS?!? UH YEAH! Why wouldn’t you go to the moon given the opportunity to …

: Woop Blimey! I've finally made enough cash of my FON router to get a cash out! I might buy a Fontenna …

: The Long Long Long Wekend This weekend has been long for more than one reason, on Friday it was of course Wedding Day so up at …

: Boop ba doop boop Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1380107

: Ones Server is Far Too Busy BBCWedding   Listening to: Vibe: amused LJ ItemID: 1379929

: Nom nom nom I want to find and eat this, repeatedly. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Its of course nearly that time  So have a gander at our entry this year (hint: it's not shit). Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Yeah Look at the Size of this Cock Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: Cock mad LJ ItemID: 1379204

: O hai Rubz nao plz Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1378914

: Spotted in Clifton Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1378632

: This is suspiciously not First Class Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1378523

: Bog off evil man I got told off by some jumped up station staff for dashing (ie running) to catch my connection. He …

: Nemi Telling it Like it is If you don't read the Metro and skip to the Nemi cartoon then you won't of course have seen …

: The Ducks Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1377772

: Oh shit My HSBC PayPal account is h4x0r3d!!!!111oneeleven Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening …

: I eat ur delishus hooman braynez Well another day and another dollar and all that jazz. I'm just sat down at Weatbury station in the …

: Hahaha Best Text Evar Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1377021

: How unfortunate It's also stripped his number/email on synchronisation. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. …

: The things you find in Pewsey I found this in the car park for the co-op in Pewsey this morning, quite random but hey good times …

: Seriously I feel the need to uncontrollably vomit everywhere. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening …

: One remains unamused So my backup plan to take the bookable bus kind of face planted in to pub time and now I'm sat at …

: Tomorrow SORTED I'm so organised with lunch for tomorrow (and more Guinness than the Dublin brewery). Posted via …

: Happy Birthday ... From your local train operating company, now give us £231.60 and piss off. There is something …

: Oh my sweet god It's the watery bitch out of The Ring! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Get your Python out I’ve just set up my eeePC to run Charm so I can write to my livejournal on the way to and from …

: Douche Bag Parking As seen in Pewsey Co-Op. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Fat Mode ACTIVATE This got delivered today. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: WTF For an account with 0,21£ in it I'm pretty pissed off my bank authorised these clearly …

: Irrational fear of the day Rooms that contain toilets can not be left dark with the door open. Discuss. Listening to: Hurricane …

: Janelle Mone Music of this Moment If you haven't yet heard Janelle Monáe's Tightrope I highly recommend you listen to it now. …

: Live from er Tokyo BBC Breakfast on Friday morning mistakenly advertised the Big Bang in London as Tokyo. Posted via …

: Last Night Bad Times Today Good Times I generally do not understand my crazy moods sometimes. But reliably I think I can blame my mothers …

: Saturday is Crazy Time I'm not too sure how Saturday ended up being bad times. It might have something to do with a 15 hour …

: Amended Last Post I guess you can’t have a Guinness if I don’t attach one! Listening to: Vibe: …

: Before I get around to making my weekly post … Have a Guinness. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1372380

: WTF Originally posted by at …WTF.Well, there goes my good mood for the day. NYTimes, the bastion …

: These Politics are Not My Own But don't they make you want to vomit? Canada's unloved Prime Minister Stephen Harper being all …

: I Hate Thursdays So this morning, good times.  I arrived in Westbury all on time and all good, but then *dum …

: I Love Wednesdays So how about today a Wednesday, what brilliant joy it is so far.  Gadaffi is completely mental, …

: The Young Ones To say I didn’t have a traditional upbringing is an understatement. I learned English from …

: Um Should I Be Slightly Concerned This is on my card statement this morning: TESCO STORE 2136 BRISTOL EVILGBR I think they're trying …

: 1370541 OMG! WHY IS NOBODY HELPING TIM?! HE HAS TWO TRAINS ON HIM!! Edit: Despite being late my train is …

: Wiltshire2011022400014jpg OH MY GIFT! PONIES AND DOVES!!!111 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1370291

: That Free Money I Always Wanted I jammed my fingers in to a parking meter and I came out with this. Booyakasha! Posted via …

: Good Fricken Morgen Well today has been an overwhelming success on the old wake up routine! Last night I set two timers …

: This Week This is a follow on post from here:- http://mmn.livejournal.com/1367903.html (Friends …

: iPhone uploads Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1369195

: FO Um k I’m not entirely what to say to this, I don’t think I’ll be able to get up and do …

: Classic Maccery and Various Things So why I have to ask is it so hard to find classic mac/windows clients for things like LiveJournal? …

: Thank You NHS I'm trying the swap-a-thon next month, with all this walking (and running after trains) I dumped …

: Friday I’m glad that I have today off, more so after receiving this: Disruption has been reported …

: FO I normally dont post Friends Only Facebook is not a happy place right now, my timeline is filling up with family photos and various …

: FO Whats also really making everything worse … is not only not being able to feed and clothe myself, but my father who our relationship …

: Saturdays are ARSE So this Saturday was pretty much an utter washout for about a hundred reasons, but let’s just …

: New Desktop Desktop 5 Feb 2011 Updated Desktop for the new season. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Jesus Flippin Christ Just been minding my own business and like a ninja I got ticket inspected. Clearly this man was …

: Push da button Taking public transport on a day to day basis unfortunately leaves you rubbing elbows with the great …

: Dingus fails exams and sues university What ever happened to personal responsibility? You failed your exams and it's nobody else's fault …

: Found Recenty As I can't figure out how to share LJ posts from the iPhone client I had to take a screenshot:- …

: 1365870 So this is probably not going to be visible for sometime, so by the time you read this it will be …

: Mooooooooooooo guuuuuuuuuurl I think it's high time for another post of amazing proportions! This weekend has been somewhat of a …

: Pewsey Station PEW Is this far too passive aggressive? Because I’m not shitting you, I’d actually love to …

: Upon my travels I find things Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1365081

: So fgw I know we had our moments but Ill totally put out tonight Well. I’d like to say this is difficult but it isn’t in the slightest, after the events …

: Hurrleur Copter She got her hurr did and it is fly(ing). Posted using http://moby.to/1w5swj Listening to: Vibe: …

: I just wanted to say that I had something rather good to post, but then I went savage at First Great Western for the utter …

: Melanie Bile Spouter Phillips hits a goodun Ah another day and another reason to burn a daily mail (although it's best used to sop up parrot …

: Booooong Also, dude I've not used my Performa for a while!!11oneone!1 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. …

: Dear RBS Nobody has been in that office since yesterday, is there a reason why you are wasting electricity …

: Sunday Nights Cake Time So about to make an effort to go back to work tomorrow, seems like a good plan really. But not …

: Wetness is EVERYWHERE It’s going to be a very seditary day. My shower is still the place to be if you’re a …

: Its not easy being green When I finally have spendable income I'm not only going to get a proper bed, but I'm also going to …

: So What Did You Do Today After yesterdays hoo-ha (protected) and obstructive determination of hoarding the prioity seating on …

: My tweets Thu, 13:57: I can officially say that everything hurts. A lot. Even the fart it let out. Thu, …

: So What Did You Do This Morning This is a friends only post for a reason so please don't go sharing this about. This is because it …

: My tweets Wed, 12:13: RT @DrMaplewood: http://www.flickr.com/photos/58391813@N00/5369140647/ Daily mail …

: All aboard woo woo So another evening gone and I'm on the second connection due to yet another delayed Worst Great …

: Worst Train Evar The toilet was clearly hot boxed as it stunk out the carriage, well that's a lie, the fat man who …

: My tweets Tue, 12:51: RT @TwopTwips: COMMUTERS. Turn your boring train journey into a madcap crime caper by …

: Wow Waking up this morning took me pretty by surprise and I'm not looking nor feeling brilliant. …

: Liz Jones take a moment to boil your head liz Jones is an utter cockass without a shadow of a doubt. It's hard to pick the parts I find …

: My tweets Sun, 12:32: I'm at Best One http://4sq.com/fA1OCv Sun, 12:37: Just saw a man who looked a lot like …

: This is not the subject you are looking for Before I start it's worth mentioning there is a rather fit lad over on t'otherside of the coach. …

: My tweets Sat, 12:03: RT @mikeemerge: LMAO!!!!! http://twitpic.com/3q39hp Sat, 14:49: I am watching Star …

: My tweets Fri, 12:54: I'm at Tesco Metro Broadmead (Broadmead, Bristol) http://4sq.com/if4U5p Fri, 13:16: …

: Fucking Breaky Smashy RoyalMail Thankfully this is the only damaged one that came in this mornings parcel from my mum so a bit of …

: My tweets Wed, 20:12: Cheers #fgw, train already 10 minutes late, miss my connection again and will end up …

: To everybody who helped make this all happen I would personally extend my finger in anger and insist you take this opportunity to go fuck …

: My tweets Tue, 20:06: Right now my brain is fried. No matter off to @asda for some late night baked goods once …

: My tweets Mon, 12:35: Desperate Tea http://j.mp/f0IlL1 Mon, 21:17: RT @Wriggy: At the rate John Stape is …

: Hoofing it down like a field of ponies Last night was wet. Also notice the customer information system isn't quite informing customers. …

: Desperate Tea These are they sketchiest tea bags known to man and stain like a vindaloo poo. Posted via …

: My tweets Sun, 13:40: @pheonixlj do you by any chance have a copy laying around that is compatible with OS7/8? …

: The Road Ends Here for now So 2011 has now offically commenced, the VAT has gone up by 2.5% and according to most sources …

: My tweets Fri, 20:38: Note to self - don't slag off people using a 'droid phone - …

: My tweets Thu, 12:44: Kunis and Culkin split after seven years - http://bit.ly/g0YY0p Thu, 12:48: Bieber …

: Remember kids Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1356538

: Improve Crap Days with Great Music tm Listening to: The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1356241

: My tweets Wed, 12:46: RT @shirley_roper: The boys wanted popsicles. Made them melt them down an drink them out …

: My tweets Tue, 21:22: I'm such a spazoid. http://j.mp/fQkNoq Tue, 21:29: He can lick his own bits and gets …

: Im such a spazoid Seriously, I have spent something like 3 days trying to figure out why my TFN email keeps vanishing …

: My tweets Mon, 13:37: For a Jerry Springer moment - why did she leave that nice man for the heffalump …

: Little Harvey Asleep Again Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1354866

: The All New Commodore 64 ZOMG IT HAS A MOUSE!!! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1354715

: My tweets Sat, 17:19: He's snoozing like he's never snoozed in his life. He partied hard last night and threw …

: My tweets Thu, 14:04: Corn Street http://bit.ly/eCc6cI Thu, 21:32: I need to get pregnant quickly. It's the …

: He took down a hippy and hes alright for a ginger This is the little Ginger cop that brought such hilarity to my evening with I may be small but I …

: My tweets Thu, 10:18: The Kevin Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ezpgDB ▸ Top stories today by @fabscouthoward …

: My tweets Tue, 13:50: Train on platform 15 minutes early, just waiting to be rammed full of shoppers. …

: My tweets Mon, 13:50: I am watching The Incredibles (2004) on BBC1 S West 3:25pm Monday 27 December with …

: My tweets Sun, 12:47: Yesterday this city was dead, today its full up! Weird times, this is the first sunday …

: My tweets Sat, 12:38: Oops! http://bit.ly/eFp5Q4 Sat, 12:38: Happy Kissmas! http://bit.ly/ijZ1UD Sat, …

: Zombies anybody It is dead. Only taxis milling about! This street should be teaming at this time. Posted via …

: Fucking Brilliant 0605 seriously? Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Fatty mode ACTIVATE Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1351692

: Ay yi yi is Christmas Also if you have a PVR at this time of year you can easily have some film action courtesy BBC One …

: Happy Kissmas Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1496110

: Chrimbo innit This is my Christmas corner, it's also worth noting that the city centre is dead empty and I'm the …

: My tweets Thu, 16:47: Anybody I know in Bristol who are milling around during business hours - I have a …

: My tweets Wed, 12:28: Got 54300 points in Street Fighter II: Champion Edition! 12.22 12:27:49 ◆GetApp …

: This Weekend So this weekend I had a treat of some description. I got to work locally! Woo! Nothing like a 3 …

: My tweets Tue, 12:20: Chickan weeengs! http://j.mp/gnNLRn Wed, 10:15: The Kevin Daily is out! …

: Chickan weeengs This is Richard in teh Hooters with 911 Wings. They are hardcore hot and expensive like! Posted via …

: My tweets Tue, 10:15: The Kevin Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ggqgmi ▸ Top stories today by @dw_business …

: My tweets Sat, 12:59: Oh dear. @vodafoneuk in Broadmead is getting a protest today. #mademesmile Sat, 16:57: …

: My tweets Fri, 23:16: Boring old Bristol :( #uksnow 0/10 Sat, 00:01: Er hi http://j.mp/hacWdq Sat, 00:05: …

: Oops My allowance was reset 10 days ago and I used nearly 7GB of data. I don't quite understand how this …

: Er hi So figured I might mention that it’s still not snowing in Bristol. Where is MY snowmageddon? …

: My tweets Thu, 22:02: RT @NotGaryBusey: Winona Ryder is mad because Mel Gibson called her an "oven dodger." …

: My tweets Tue, 12:41: So no point checking the trending topics they're all full of @spam @twitter. Tue, …

: Cee U Next Tuesday I can say will full certainty that Tuesday can go fuck itself with a rusty barge pole. Bring on …

: Cee U Next Tuesday I can say will full certainty that Tuesday can go fuck itself with a rusty barge pole. Bring on …

: My tweets Mon, 22:58: if @horror_channel shows another @icelandfoods advert after seven in a row I'll never …

: In Soviet Russia the Awesomeo awesomes you Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1347120

: In Soviet Russia the Awesomeo awesomes you Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1346835

: My tweets Sun, 17:05: A mere 50 minute wait for my connection... (@ Westbury Train Station) …

: More ChooChooChoooooo On a some what relayed note, my train this evening is now late. I have not been on more than one FGW …

: My tweets Sat, 16:07: RT @goballooning: On the 18/19 December we will be down at the Bristol Christmas Market …

: Watching the hilarity of Vodafones mademesmile httptcopTkuLCU It turns out that if the vocal majority of Twitter's users take offense to your willy-nilly tax …

: Under which law I think somebody completely missed the point here, you can call it theft all you like but it doesn't …

: My tweets Fri, 13:15: Cheryl Cole looks edited in to that Check It Out video at the last minute. But perfect …

: Happy Early Morning That's some nice sunrise action there! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: One is thankful fgw ... that the 0649 was not only here when I showed up at 0640 but wasn't cancelled and managed to …

: Uploads to LJ Pics Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1344425

: Please tell me why this is ber fail Full signal and nothing connecting. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: choo …

: This is my train last night It's like well sketch! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Bloody Pinkos Look how old he looks! Also I didn't have any network coverage so nice to see it drops that in to …

: My tweets Wed, 12:32: Sickipedia LAWL http://j.mp/f8HvvU Wed, 20:55: At Pewsey station raving my tits off …

: Sickipedia LAWL THE SHIT LIST, YOU WILL EXPERIENCE ALL OF THESE. GHOST SHIT - You know you've shitted. There's shit …

: My tweets Tue, 12:09: Xmas Deco @ Bristol http://instagr.am/p/fHhd/ Tue, 12:13: Proper chrimbo …

: Proper chrimbo At Corn Street, Bristol, BS1 Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: My tweets Mon, 20:12: Woop! Woop! Exeter St. David's train nearly half an hour late and just rolled in as I …

: First Great Western Lowered Expectations As posted on The Monkey Box: Recently in a lost battle of finances I have had to make the rather apt …

: My tweets Sun, 13:35: I am watching Cats & Dogs (2001) on five 3:35pm Sunday 5 December with @tvguideshows …

: My tweets Sat, 15:36: Bursting for a wee, so went to the crown and waited 15 minutes for no service, so I just …

: Chatman nananana Chatman This is chatman, he's pretty cool, I need to teach him hilariously bad habits so where do I start? …

: Chatman nananana Chatman This is chatman, he's pretty cool, I need to teach him hilariously bad habits so where do I start? …

: My tweets Fri, 17:44: Nice to see South West Trains cancelled all their Bristol trains today... Fri, 18:31: …

: My tweets Thu, 12:26: Just posted a photo http://instagr.am/p/br1y/ Thu, 21:13: Catching the 2047, ETA 2142. …

: My tweets Wed, 12:19: RT @RichieInLondon: Someone needs to tell the person running @joemcelderry91 's FB page …

: My tweets Tue, 20:54: RT @nairobiny: Crap! [insert your station] is closed! #southeastern has a week and a bit …

: My tweets Sun, 20:26: I heard some rattling in my car, not good news. But I'm on the train earlier than I …

: My tweets Fri, 13:41: I ran here, got in 60 seconds before the train, and it's delayed by 20 minutes!!! (@ …

: Har dee har har Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1339311

: My tweets Thu, 14:23: I highly suspect my 1998 self did not like this Shoesmith very much. I can't remember …

: My tweets Wed, 19:41: RT @sepreener: I got on this london midland train but have 'no clue' where it goes …

: My tweets Tue, 12:27: It's a rape opportunity http://twitpic.com/39q19n Tue, 12:39: Plz make Cookie Monster …

: My tweets Mon, 12:31: There is a general bacon theme on twitter this morning! Mon, 21:56: RT @alyankovic: I …

: My tweets Sat, 12:02: Another day I've not woken up until mid-day. And I didn't even party out, I was watching …

: Invite to join cnectd Hi, Get cnectd onto your iPhone, Android, BlackBerry or Symbian device. Cnectd(“,) is a FREE …

: My tweets Wed, 12:29: Oh look it's that chap off the Psych programme. http://twitpic.com/37vxog Wed, 21:49: …

: My tweets Tue, 12:20: Seriously. Does it have to be this grim? #winter http://twitpic.com/37m193 Tue, 12:31: …

: My tweets Mon, 12:40: RT @alchemypr: Britain - don't worry about cuts, losing your job, and the selling off of …

: My tweets Fri, 21:21: Me and @Sally_Mortimer totally did an old peoples rave earlier today. Scones et al. …

: I Almost Wet Myself Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1336375

: I just threw this here Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1336202

: My tweets Wed, 20:04: If I don't make it home tonight avenge my death. PayPal is late on paying me and I'm …

: My tweets Tue, 12:35: RT @TheFagCasanova: "He's also very large..." Yes, I can see that. …

: My tweets Mon, 20:05: Jesus Christ it's blowing a frickin hoolie! http://myloc.me/e2GLp Mon, 20:11: RT …

: My tweets Sun, 12:03: Tyrone is gunna bail out soon! http://t.co/6K4wXsJ Sun, 12:07: HAHAHAHAHA …

: My tweets Sat, 13:31: Hey FirstDirect, we don't want to chat shit with our bank, we just want a bank that …

: My tweets Fri, 16:21: Ugh. 3pm nearly dark I hate this time of year! http://myloc.me/dVfr8 Fri, 16:23: I'm …

: My tweets Thu, 22:02: Ruddy dog is scared of fireworks. Harry remains unbovvered. http://plixi.com/p/55164256 …

: My tweets Wed, 12:23: RT @VizTopTips: SAVE money on expensive poppies without looking mean. Put a pin through …

: My tweets Wed, 00:15: RT @HalSparks: Far as I can tell, the moral of 300 is. If you have a less than perfect …

: My tweets Mon, 20:07: I'm at The Seven Stars (Bottlesford, Woodborough). http://4sq.com/bDxutN Mon, 20:50: …

: VIDO Manian 8211 Loco Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1333259

: Westfest 2010 8211 The Photos Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1333019

: My tweets Sat, 14:14: I love straight people, they create gays. (via @BoyGeorge) Sat, 16:02: RT @raelt: 8 …

: My tweets Fri, 13:14: Ah Bristol http://twitpic.com/3271o3 Fri, 13:57: @foursquare just advised me there is …

: My tweets Fri, 12:50: I'm spending functional money on cleaning products. Ugh! (@ Asda Bedminster) …

: Midway Through Now Hey! It’s 2am half way through the night here, before it um, goes 1am again. I have some …

: And Another One Seriously, this is becoming stupid. I’m all for fun, but clearly security, the organisers and …

: Main Room 8211 It8217s Bouncin8217 Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1331601

: Inside Bionic Spent a good few (3) minutes in there before getting floored by a medic with a security entourage …

: Bionic I’m trying to spend 15 minutes in this room. It’s like a human oven! Brrrap! Mirrored …

: C8217est une feu They’re shooting sparks from their vajayjays! Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Metropolis It’s about the size of the irritating club down the road but it’s fucking brill!!! Had …

: Q jumped and got mugged8230 … With the drinks prices! Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Yeah I is Ready That red look I’m sporting is a momentary reaction from the face wipe I used. Mirrored from …

: It Hath Begun About to get ready and trek up to my car before hitting Tesco and down to the Mallett. This is my …

: Westfest 2010 La couverture en direct de Westfest 2010 de Shepton Mallett Somerset 19h à 6h 30 / 31 Octobre 2010. …

: Halloween Worthy I’m trying to decide if I go as a nun to Westfest for halloween or just rave my pants off as …

: My tweets Wed, 19:24: RT @TheFagCasanova: That ought to do it... http://twitpic.com/31ms76 Listening to: …

: My tweets Tue, 21:00: O hai, if you're reading this from ufonet.fr some of my images are, misplaced, contacted …

: My tweets Mon, 12:53: RT @BoyGeorge: Bring back Ugly Betty! http://myloc.me/dub0Q Mon, 12:55: @colmirl squat …

: Presented by RyanRussellXXX @RyanRussllXXX – Good morning! And look at these delicious cum-dumpster muffins Tim Hortons …

: My tweets Fri, 18:23: I'm at Asda Bedminster (East Street, Bristol). http://4sq.com/a3ZUbX Fri, 18:23: I …

: This is what I8217m doing today Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1327831

: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1327447

: In The 8216Font Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1327301

: My tweets Thu, 12:27: RT @jackmackenroth: Asked Sanrio sales chick if "these Hello Kitty sneaks come in a …

: This Actually Happened I didn’t think somebody who programmed computers could be so silly. Mirrored from Кевин. …

: Being Late is Practically on Time A while back I solicited for a deskshot competition with some kind of unfair and biased outcome. …

: SixtyNine and Still Rockin8217 Having run across Mamy Rock off an interview with RadioFG on YouTube I have to say this is brilliant …

: My tweets Wed, 12:11: RT @ruthflowers: I uploaded a YouTube video -- RUTH FLOWERS MAMY ROCK @ LE YOU BELGIUM …

: My tweets Tue, 12:51: RT @chris_allen: RT @AttitudeMag: Announcement: Yum. Matt Kennard. …

: My tweets Mon, 21:34: Tap here to begin writing. Mirrored from Кевин . http://j.mp/akECuy Mon, 21:39: O Hai …

: O Hai Dribble O hai! I r in ur bed lookin dumb. Mirrored from Кевин. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: My tweets Sat, 13:34: lemon daisy disappointments (@ Asda Bedminster) http://4sq.com/a3ZUbX Sat, 17:02: …

: I bring you more tests Because the cross posting script is going bonkers and to check it’s re-sizing correctly. …

: The Local Chinese Loves Us Well on the line of abusing my newly recreated website, I think you’ll all be jealous to find …

: Hello Mister So you look around on your phone and you find something nice. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Its a good day to die Another day wasted thanks to film4, at least I have a side of dog to go with my Star Trek main …

: My tweets Fri, 14:22: I flipping can't stand chippenham. (@ Halfords) http://4sq.com/9lkmO2 Fri, 17:27: …

: The Chickens Revenge After eating what must have been about a whole chicken fried and nicely put to bed in a burger form. …

: Chair Dance for God  Blast from the past! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1321924

: Sunday walk Seeing as last night I part took in a Star Trek marathon on Film4 I took the sensible option of …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Well this is old school So i found an old three motorola phone from 2005 it’s well old considering! Device: j2me …

: Oi hai winter Amazing insulation towel ACTIVATE! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: film4 - star …

: My tweets Thu, 22:24: @TheFagCasanova have Screamy Shouty Emos been on yet? Every local band night has a set …

: My tweets Wed, 22:07: Serious Moment http://j.mp/aE0SJc Wed, 22:38: Ha! Hilarious! The army are blowing the …

: Serious Moment Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1320350

: The Monkey Box I've been reading some of my posts off The Monkey Box this evening. This was the blog I had hosted …

: The Gate My Foe At what stage do you think I lost the plot with this scene? Could it have been when I rolled up …

:   Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1319439

: The Promise and Problems of Montgomery Clift The Promise and Problems of Montgomery Clift Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1319190

: Le sigh Because the double dippong council tax takin people won't issue me with a aprking permit I have to …

: Lemon Daisy Cupcake Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1318883

: Council Tax So, I now have a running council tax saga, woo! I changed bank accounts in September (bills) so the …

: This is how lazy I am And I totally have money to pay for more. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: …

: Oh sickipedia I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how that it's unfair that if a guy fucks a …

: Tesco does it bitter It contains almost no alcohol but hey, it's kind of like drinking! It's worth mentioning TypePad is …

: Spartaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1317541

: Me SMRAT D Well today I did something a bit silly and it took me 30 minutes of playing with firewalls et al to …

: I dont mean to woo you but I totally fixed this shit on my own! I did this in a Bristol street to and I kind of expected a …

: Bye bye summer and forget you autumn So, the heating is on and my good friend the insulation towel is keeping the cold out. The weather …

: His eyes keep a starin He freaks me out, so I fixed his wagon. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Oh shitbags on a pogo stick LJ2ME just lost a rather important post. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: …

: So something nice It makes sunny days good and piss poor days better! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening …

: Random Pic of the day I can't remember where I found this but I did... Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening …

: Tonight is Pikey pizza night! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Hey GodSquad Remember when you started bitching and burning your TV licences on the steps of the BBC because how …

: The Wheelberro Race So a couple days ago I posted a single photo of Vikki in the stolen pigeon costume. Now you can view …

: Cat on a pole Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1314708

: Boobies BOOBIES!!! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1314451

: The Wheelbeero Race Small town Wiltshire is the only place this can occur. There are more photos I'll post when i get …

: Everythings Better With Muppets     is responsible for bringing this to my attention.  In fact according to the …

: I found this in a box And i have no idea what it is! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Another one bites the dust I’m writing this post only really out of pent up anger and annoyance. I updated Twitter …

: London I still have morr stuff to post from my london trip so i just wantes to let you guys know. Photos et …

: Good Bye VOX So it appears that at short notice 666Apart has closed down VOX. Some how I’m not at all …

: Good Bye VOX So it appears that at short notice 666Apart has closed down VOX. Some how I’m not at all …

: Emailing Oprah I just checked my AOLOL account EmailOprah (think EmailAvril but funnier) and I found these classy …

: London 30 August 2010 Well this has been a few weeks in the making and clearly in the planning since April this year, but …

: London 8211 30 August 2010 Well this has been a few weeks in the making and clearly in the planning since April this year, but …

: Dear Tesco8230 I totally forgot to send my venom to Tesco! I still have to do that tomorrow! To whom it may …

: From the British Museum I promise to make a big post about this, but enjoy this for now! Posted via LiveJournal app for …

: comua Fixedish Well as per my LiveJournal post I have somewhat fixed my Кевин.com.ua problem, I cheated before …

: Oops Well i was going to post to my wordpress blog but it seems that i forgot to renew the domain. Doof! …

: Well Then Well I’m just posting as it’s been months since I last did, the only news I have is that …

: Vido Ice Cream Truck Haute dfinition Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Vido I Seen Beyonce At Burger King Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: AOLOL I think potentially @aolmail may have, er, made a mistake. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: I think I may have snapped with my Insurance Company 09 August 2010 Virgin Car Insurance Motor Claims Department Claims Department The Wharf, Neville …

: Well Hello Sailor So it’s midnight and I need to be up at 6am. I feel bloated by excessive fajitas and general …

: Happy Tuesday So hey tuesday, what’s happening miss thing? Here is my check-in, I lost the battle for …

: Reliving RIAT Ah RIAT how fun you were… Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Argh I’m trying to figure out how this thing posts to my wordpress. Now I have like 100 …

: Quick Update8230 This is my view. I’m cold. Soon there will be loud aircraft. Get in. Originally published at …

: Just a reminder from the Police Statetm Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Bang Bang Bang I rarely have the chance to listen to Kiss 101 at the best of times, but I spend more time listening …

: I just found something8230 Ah my retro evening in, how awesome it was. Must do it again sometime too! Originally published at …

: This Begins a New Era Here at the Супермодель plc offices we have now determined that after the #worldcup revealed that …

: Cake Spree So, the invertebrate guessed spain would win and with that we all won cake. This is what our octopus …

: Argh I just woke up about 20 minutes ago. Last night I caved out on the sofa at about 10pm, left …

: I totally just texted this8230 URGENT: The octopus selects Spain over the Netherlands to win. All hail our psychic tenticle laden …

: Une capture dcran BlackBerry pour vous How the hell did I spend £9 quid on my bill. I still have £5 free download credit left!?! Cette …

: Get Your Performa On So since I’ve not actually written anything of potiential value, have a look at this photo. I …

: Welcome to UFONetfr This is the initial post from UFONet.fr. Originally published at UFONet. You can comment here or …

: I await your dns As most will know I’m fairly good at acquiring non-standard domains. Just look at this one, …

: I hate parallel parking I was not feeling well on Thursday and I had to parallel park. I got fed up pretty quickly and …

: California Gays Music Video Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Jeudi 1er Juillet Just sayin’ Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: Just a reminder8230 There is still the matter of the deskshot compo… Submit your deskshots now! Originally …

: Grindr Fail Epic It’s 1am and I can’t sleep, no pressure though as I’m working at 9am tomorrow. But …

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 21:21 The original #InternetSuperstar returns to …

: Oh Hai Just incase you forgot, my desktop is hotter than yours. With this I announce a deskshot …

: Me so hungey I thought this was a takeaway menu, how disapointed I was… Originally published at …

: Oh 3 why do you do this I received this gem from Three this morning:- From 3: Your internet add-on is no longer valid. This …

: I8217m up late Honestly! It’s nearly 3am and I’m still up, this is like well hardcore of me. Originally …

: Posting from WordPress for Blackberry So this is a test of the blackberry app does it cross post? Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: To the Straight Guy at the Party Last Night Holt This I’m afraid must be reposted for it’s awesomeness - taken from …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Summer Here I am sat in my car listening to some hardcore in the respectable Englishshire country side. …

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 12:46 You totally wish you were me, forget the …

: One Up Bitches I got bored of the crap on teevee, so now I’m sashin' ur koopaz in ur landz. Listening to: …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Corn gives you the AYDZ1 Damaged corn could be a cause in the spread of HIV Consuming damaged corn could be a cause in the …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Good Morning LJ I was going to make a post last night but then I fell asleep. Sorry! Once I get out of bed I might …

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 18:25 I'm far too white for summer! …

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 18:55 Bing is the decision engine, because you …

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 22:36 When ever I watch big brother I think of …

: Channel 4 is awesome Name the film and save the cheerleader. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1300015

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 17:49 Anybody try calling Orange CS from a 3 …

: Its safe to say that today ... should be a national holiday as this is the best film to come out of the 80s (with the exception …

: I for one agree with HDJ  Hunk du Jour has covered this gent a few times now.  Who is he and where can I obtain …

: Get stuff Cartoonize Yourself   Isn't this a dead gansta or something?  Rather inappropriate?! Listening to: Vibe: …

: Woop woop dats da sound of da police Woop woop dats da sound of da police!, originally uploaded by Кевин.A police helicopter hovering …

: Summer Lager Summer Lager, originally uploaded by Кевин.It's appropriate weather for it and the alcohol level is …

: Royal Mail I hate thee I’m going to tell you this in complete confidence (bearing in mind this is of course a publci …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Randomly these things happen I was just dreaming about things as you do, and out of nowhere it was about things that should have …

: Amazing Internet FACTs I’ve just logged in to my eStat account, that I’ve had for a long long time. In fact, so …

: Healthy Eating Nothing like ketchup and mac 'n cheese to have your daily dose of yellow 127 topped with some polish …

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 21:32 80k mofo twitpic.com/1td1cb #There are …

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 15:31 Also, no I don't have an iPhone, that …

: New Desktop for June So it’s technically summer weather now, so the iMac needs a changin' and here it is, say hello …

: Fairy Lights Fairy Lights, originally uploaded by Кевин.Quite possibly not the time of year for these, but fuck …

: Fuckin Good Music One of the many things coming fromFG DJ Radio that will hopefully hit our shores …

: Chippenham is shit This is the only place in the country where Tesco declined me a sale of a single bottle of Old …

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 20:48 @divaschematic gah! I was at work! Might …

: Um What Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1295505

: Twitter Updates of the Day Here is a selection of #LT tweets for your viewing. 11:40 I've decided to limit my livejournal …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 23:56 LJ: Twitter Updates of the Day bit.ly/d9ETQX # 21:25 Harry does nothing yet finds it very …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Oxy Action What an amazing day it’s been outside. Too bad I’m too much of a cracker to actually …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 21:06 @TweeterScott if you have a lj account add me as a friend and you can view the entry. # 22:10 …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 07:36 @KozmicKris uh oh me brain brain no have :( # 12:56 Currently playing the Go Ballooning game. …

: Photos I can’t believe I’m posting balloon photos… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Nobody likes your funk My god look at the time, it’s almost bed time! What a day this has been, it’s warm and …

: What a bunch of scum lords I really really hate Debt Collectors, they’ve taken my complaint "seriously" and …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 12:16 @pifflevalve what in god's sweet name are you driving?!?! # 20:23 @lulula I have a collection …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 00:12 @OneRuneDraw probably a bit of both but a touch more of the latter than the former. # 12:19 …

: Debt Collectors must die I'm really sick of having to deal with debt collectors, today I got a text message from probably one …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 19:22 @FagHagMom totally loving the tiger slipper action sexy ladee! # 22:48 This is my most awesome …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa I guess everybody is getting annoyed with m Because really when have I last posted? Livejournal is now my official homepage, I can’t be …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 09:02 It's too early to wake up on a sunday. So early my eyes are burning! # 09:51 bit.ly/bx7AIu - …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 09:43 Cars are the biggest friend and foe to savanger animals. # 10:16 I just unlocked the "Newbie" …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa I think I got it All you need to do is set the apn settings and it seems to work. Device: BlackBerry9700/ …

: Jabber It seems a decent jabber client can get around my problem. Cheers Frank! Listening to: Vibe: …

: Now that Im on the crackberry I don’t have a decent LJ client. Annoyingly there is a tumblr client. This makes my brain hurt …

: Ive entered the league of crackberry I now have a blackberry bold 9700. It’s addictive. Like crack to a hooker. Post from mobile …

: Jesus Fricking Christ Seriously. I’m getting fed up of the BANG BANG SMASH BANG SMASH SMASH SMASH going on upstairs. …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 17:22 @mkuplens oh noes :( # 17:31 @divaschematic UKTV Gold used to do an omnibus at 6am saturdays …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 11:50 @onehotrobot I've still got it on dvd, i accidently stole it from love film. # 13:10 @colmirl …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 21:10 @mkuplens Once their souls have been consumed. # 21:11 @penelopeelse Got one but so awful at …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 21:48 RT @madeupstats: Latest poll suggests 5 in 5 Britons have no idea what's in store for them. # …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 12:41 Oh dear there is a tear in my jeans near my bits. I've just used some tape to seal the crack! …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 12:15 I need to pop to the shop. But there is this 10k run, do I bother? # 17:23 What the hell is …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 19:19 Thank you #BCC for declining my parking permit. Now I have to miss Doctor Who every week …

: Seriously When life throws you a budget and you want to have a few drinks, hit up ASDA you won’t get …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 12:40 @pifflevalve Probably not. If the tories find a way in they'll just make it more excitingly …

: Writers Block Take me to your leader I do. In this universe we can’t be alone, it’s pretty much unpossible. Just think, there …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 23:56 @pifflevalve I believe nothing on it. I pay for using it and i pay for it sitting in the …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 14:16 @pifflevalve At least you get something from them. I get a bill one day and the next i get a …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 00:14 @colmirl According to the cotweet notification of 2347 and the AOL receive time of 2359 you …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 01:12 My Lifestream seems to be missing alot of Twitter related items. Sad face. # 10:45 RT …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Jeebus I sound like an old woman but until about 4am I heard “stomp stomp crash stomp stomp” …

: Woah Hello 1995  This is the first time in nearly over 10 years I have saw this message.  It kind of …

: Seriously The man in the flat above is officially a bastard. First there was the drunken smashing down the …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 14:49 RT @penelopeelse "Incompetent racist thugs?"Surely not! RT @NajmC BNP 'star' quits.. to expose …

: You can blame MAB1981 for this Note/Edit: I'm not in fucking Oldbury LiveJournal Listening to: Vibe: amused LJ ItemID: 1285617

: Twitter Updates of the Day 10:12 @colmirl Ah the Fins and their cliches! # 11:25 I hate being responsible. I just re-did my TV …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa I think Im a bit odd Right now I’m having a drink outside the pub in the rain because I can get my own wifi from …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 20:10 Only my fucking iMac wouldn't respond to "sudo reboot". Prick. # 20:21 "9 out of 10 cats …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 21:40 Random Facebook Comment of the day on a TV5MONDE news story. twitpic.com/1ipi35 # 21:41 …

: Im surfing through history on your webarchiveorg Connectix Colour Quickcam low-cost, digital color camerastill or moving pictures in millions of …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 13:58 Anybody interested in sparking up a relationship, because I can't cook for shit. This is a …

: I just got iPhoto to look for things … and it found this. I am truly convinced that my computer is the Internet hub for awesome. …

: Technorati Here is your claim token - 83KWYAMVMAZW - I am who I say I am! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Whats Occurin Greetings my LJ masseeve. This week has been a long one and I have felt the wrath of my sleeping …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 17:27 I appear to not be able to get AOLSync to sync Calendar entries. Back to OVI it is! # 17:27 I …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 18:48 @pifflevalve You'd have to tell them about the last three months of Jeremy Kyle instead. # …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 06:29 Thanks #NetworkRail you almost made me miss my advertised train at 0635 because it fucked off …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 21:25 @mkuplens Well after the banking crash it's nice to see Iceland exporting something in mass …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 00:22 Ah, City life, the people are kicking off and the cops are showing up. I can't wait for the …

: Just fuck the lot of you I want off this fucking ride Seriously TWO FUCKING DAYS after I kissed £1500 good bye on a new gearbox I get this:- Now obviously …

: Uh oh My iMac dock is a bit busy now. What do I do? What do I remove? Do I really need Mail.app and …

: Writers Block Take me as I am Depends on how good the surgery was to be honest. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1281029

: Twitter Updates of the Day 21:44 @oshiewan I still have a bottle of Taboo for these moments. It's so shit you'll only have it …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 21:03 twitpic.com/1g2hnh - Zomg so happay! # 21:05 twitpic.com/1g2hyy - Morning traffic is full of …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 19:05 RT @madeupstats: today, 0.0016g of black ash landed on Nick Griffin's skin, making him …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 20:46 @doug_graeme Quite easily #BNPcunts # 20:50 Today I came very close to dragging a man out of …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 17:58 RT @dropdeadchris: I just became the Mayor of Who The Hell Cares? #diefoursquaredie # 23:38 …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 12:40 @oshiewan You're not drinking enough beer through out the day. It's a fact you need a …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 04:03 @mkuplens Are they celebrating national police brutality day by using excessive force with …

: OLTL Not being a resident of North America has it’s benefits and it’s short falls. One of …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 15:32 After being abused on the phone earlier I gots my hurr did and the chinese is going to deliver …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 20:49 @orchidbau Rex is quite pouty and Gigi is well, unspeakable. # Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 19:03 @divaschematic Sometimes if the internet pipes cross as it's being sent it can happen. # 19:04 …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 23:54 Only three months of episodes and i know who the baby daddy is! # Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 07:48 @cherylprolapse Or sprays at at teh mens cos a daddy cant be a baby daddy... # 07:51 @colmirl …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 05:56 Seriously i'm getting withheld calls all night now! Just picked up three blank messages. # …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 01:03 @colmirl I was thinking of a good old fasioned English robbery (it's polite to invite your …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa This time i cant blame the drink Sometimes I wish that my life hasn’t taken place. Quite a selfish move really since it’s …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 19:32 @divaschematic you went a bit dyslexic on your #doctorwho hashtag! # 19:35 @divaschematic no …

: Twitter Updates of the Day 10:49 Ugh. I'm seriously considering Swindon. # 11:10 Just because Jesus died years ago, doesn't …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Im amazed I just made myself tea that i bought from sainsburys, total cost was £1.02. And it was absolutely …

: VNC is evil HOLY MEGA BIT COLOURS This is what I mean, I says 8BIT it goes MENTAL and throws millions of colours …

: 1275829 Well, it’s good friday and I’ve got a full case of Guinness. I smell disaster. For my …

: Its official Im dumping Three Mobile Broadband fromResponsefrom3@3mail.comtokevin@ dateFri, Apr 2, 2010 at 12:37 PMsubjectRouter Seetings …

: CAR UPDATE I spoke with the garage who have my car, they drained the gearbox oil and gear teeth came tumbling …

: FACEBOOK HONESTLY, sometimes I think Facebook has this opinion that I'm some kind of leather whore who likes …

: OH NOES I EM SADZ Well, it appears my failing gearbox has rather inconveinently failed.  I have been riding …

: Well this is always interesting Good Afternoon all, So other than my LJ-cum-Microblogging that has been going on recently I …

: Uh oh Uh oh. I have one shot (25ml) of vodka left. Mobile post from the Esendex BlogIt service Listening …

: TODAYS EMAIL IS AWESOME From: SENDERNumber:  1337 of 1337To: Kevin (SYSOP) Date: 3/18/2010 8:02 PMSubject : Re: …

: Sometimes my anger makes me laugh Tonight I’m angry at a number of people (which is far from unusual), these are the highlighs:- …

: Lloyd Grossmans voice makes me want to punch him Lloyd Grossman's voice makes me want to punch him. How is this possible? Mobile post from the …

: Hello this is a test Hello this is a test Mobile post from the Esendex BlogIt service Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 3 Customer Support Addressing Around The Issue It’s worth mentioning, I’ve not received a phone call on my mobile or my home line. So …

: Shit like this makes your customers angry Since when was this acceptable? Ignore your customers through phone and email and fob them off with …

: I DEMAND SATISFACTION REF: Mobile Broadband 0784694XXXX My mobile broadband has been working fine until about the middle …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Broadband Followup Six hours after my router rebooted last it went down again. OK I thought it will do a reboot at 9pm. …

: What the hell is going on with 3 I have broadband with everybody’s favourite network Three. Until about the middle of February …

: Im not best pleased about this shit I’ve got this email this afternoon (and not the previous one they mention) and I’m not …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Wonderful So i checked the weather on my phone, it says right now it’s 0c. Ok I thought, then it showed …

: What Was Said On Twitter Today 20100303 wtf if my ass was low flying helicopters in the city centre that shit would be anti social but the …

: I found this in ASDA Originally published at Кевин. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: What Was Said On Twitter Today 20100302 This always fucking happens, i take a train and i bump in to somebody out of casualty! # Um, now …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Public transport It’s quick I’ll give you that but expensive. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: What Was Said On Twitter Today 20100301 Just a touch over 3 hours before one should be watching BBC2/BBC HD. # Just under two hours now! # …

: What Was Said On Twitter Today 20100228 This is a complete wild guess, but considering I have 303 text messages this morning it might be …

: ZOMG Twitter Madness This is what I woke up to this morning, 213 text messages from Twitter, Facebook and people. …

: What Was Said On Twitter Today 20100226 http://twitpic.com/155t1a – Found the red button stream off free to air satelite unencrypted. …

: What Was Said On Twitter Today 20100225 oh professional BBC commentator it's a team not a club this isn't football # ha smash that …

: So does this work I have now successfully set-up my Wordpress blog and now it’s crossposting to LJ in theory, so …

: Harvey doesnt feel the olympic spirit Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1267126

: Mutterings from This Week Do you realise how much I would like a beer, not just any beer but a nice one. But I can’t …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Curious Now that my father has defriended me off facebook would you say our relationship can finally move in …

: 1266375 This may be a bit of a long shot, but is there anybody around who might be able to spot me a tenner …

: Drink makes you emo Potentially I may be covering up the last post and never consuming alcohol ever again (well …

: Alchohol makes you say shit Let me tell you a story of where I started from. I did it once back in the day when I found emotion, …

: Wow Facebook DILLIGAF  What is this shit and why is it always like ZOMG WOW? I fucking hate web2.0.  …

: Your humour is mediocre at best so is your station too So this morning I receive a call, the man is clearly barking mad, or at least this is what it …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Bring your shareware So I’ve been up since about 8am, which for a sunday is pretty early. Got home in rather good …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Its murder on the dance floor and I just s Life is full of difficult decisions and tomorrow is one of them. I’ve got to drive home on a …

: I paid for an MMS but … LiveJournal ate it and shat it back out. Sad face. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Only in the Scum Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1264168

: Incumbent Leaders Activate Sexual Feelings Or so the SPAM monkies tell me. I really need to spend some more LJ love time, honestly, life is so …

: Ive now got the new LiveJournal Messenger I’ve now got the new LiveJournal Messenger. My Windows Live ID is mmn@livejournal.com. Sign up …

: You dont know fear .. until your gearbox/clutch starts banging about squealing and screaching like it’s going to …

: Er whats a Whichywawa And why do I need to do something with this spam.  In fact, how did this beat my psycho spam …

: Id Anytime Your Banking It might just be me, but I enjoy logging on to my online banking (considering I only have 20p left) …

: 1262842 Spy on the Spy Three Google Street cars in a row. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1262842

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Maw maw Im hongrey For some reason I’m both tired and hungry right now and i just had some chips. I don’t …

: I can39t explain this voice post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1262185

: Er hi Hi guys. Username "madsquirrel" has come to the end of it’s life. Thankfully so did …

: Recently Twattered 22:29 @doug_graeme "Using just his free internet and texts.." my arse, more to do with huge ad …

: Recently Twattered 22:22 Long long long long day tomorrow! Start at 5 freeze my nuts off hit ashton gate. # May this …

: Recently Twattered 00:13 Not to make a fuss or anything but #godaddy know their business whe it comes to customer …

: Recently Twattered 09:34 Er, where is #snowmageddon as promised? What a let down! # 09:37 Tweeted too soon, …

: Recently Twattered 09:50 Follow up to my engage your brain campaign, this morning i was stuck behind a woman on a clear …

: Recently Twattered 12:25 Honestly people need to engage their fucking brains today! # 20:28 @divaschematic you're …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa I dont do friends only but Hey guys, I’m seriously considering a new start at everything right now although i have a job …

: miracle of the world this is awesome, I managed to get PuTTY for my nokia so I’m posting this from my N97 via a ssh …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Yeah I has an lj mobile client now. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1259721

: Recently Twattered 13:02 Woo i now have my sms twitter back it's only been two odd years! # 14:22 @lakeguydreams they …

: FYI I <3 my new user pic. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1259231

: Recently Twattered 22:42 You know what fucks me off? Halifax, what a lazy bunch of cunts, all their branches between …

: Recently Twattered 12:12 The #snowmageddon commeth! #snowmageddon10 # 14:57 #snowmageddon is here, we're all doomed! # …

: Recently Twattered 01:29 Apache, Reverse Proxy, ProxyPass, HTML, PHP, DNS, ZOMG This is a geeky brain hurty Saturday …

: Long Saturday Night I’ve been watching series one of Trueblood since saturday evening. Just fell asleep through …

: Recently Twattered 13:29 @fuegofish Do any of them have to do with a spider robot uprising? # 18:08 @fuegofish …

: My russian friend I’ve been reunited with my friend vodka. He’s a good friend but only in moderation. (I …

: Recently Twattered 22:43 Ugh screw you 2010, you'll be just as shit as 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and that absolute …

: I heart 80s Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1566559

: 3 80s   Listening to: BASS MECHANIC ☆ Vibe: nauseated LJ ItemID: 1257057

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 07:31 7:27am - Things should not exist at this hour. It’s pitch black, I’m stuffed with phlem and my …

: Americans redoing tv Seriously Life on Mars USA needs to double check their continuity. Last time I checked Verizon was a …

: Americans redoing tv Seriously Life on Mars USA needs to double check their continuity. Last time I checked Verizon was a …

: 1567369 Crackberry users, anybody want to get some PIN action? Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: North American Folk All my North American types, I have a legacy Grandcentral Number (now Google Voice) and it turns out …

: 1256320 Crackberry users, anybody want to get some PIN action? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: North American Folk All my North American types, I have a legacy Grandcentral Number (now Google Voice) and it turns out …

: 731am Things should not exist at this hour. It’s pitch black, I’m stuffed with phlem and my …

: 730am Things should not exist at this hour. It’s pitch black, I’m stuffed with phlem and my backend is …

: 730am Things should not exist at this hour. It’s pitch black, I’m stuffed with phlem and my …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 20:31 I don't know what I'm watching but it's alright... # 20:31 @lakeguydreams Is this Hard Kora's …

: Contact Details Update Hi everybody – could you update your email & contact numbers here for me please and I’ll send …

: Contact Details Update Hi everybody - could you update your email & contact numbers here for me please and I’ll …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 11:03 Today is just another :( # 21:12 Sexiest videos ever on mtv dance is so fantastically boring. …

: December and January are shit So er, hi LJ.nIt’s all gone wrong. Happy shitty holidays. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: …

: December and January are shit So er, hi LJ. It’s all gone wrong. Happy shitty holidays. Listening to: Pussy or Death - DEATH …

: 1569489 This is a test post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1569489

: 1254404 This is a test post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1254404

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 17:33 @Plebble_Advice Er, it's not quite a slow speed, it's more of no speed (and disconnection for …

: Weamprsquore all going to die a snowey death Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1569930

: Were all going to die a snowey death HAPPY SNOWMAGEDDON! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1254108

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 16:41 #threewordsforyou Lesbian Fly Tipping # 17:28 @mkuplens A little bit of wee came out.... # …

: Awesomely Cold Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1570347

: Awesomely Cold I found that a few days ago, crazy, –36 weather.  Screw that. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Photos from the Olden Times So, I’m uploading my files to Skydrive for backups and junk. I found some dodgy images in a …

: Photos from the Olden Times So, I’m uploading my files to Skydrive for backups and junk.  I found some dodgy images in a …

: Do we do the Sainsburys I’m so lazy. I’m debating if I move today. Difficult. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Do we do the Sainsburys I’m so lazy.  I’m debating if I move today.  Difficult. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Dogs Dogs unfortunately aren’t very smart. Take these two next to me, they’re convinced I have treats so …

: Dogs Dogs unfortunately aren’t very smart. Take these two next to me, they’re convinced I …

: Greetings VOX Hey VOX what is occurin’nTell me what is gowanin by comment plz. Mirrored from kinda sus. …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 16:46 Oh look, Virgin flippin Media's InterNOT service dropped off the face of the planet again. # …

: Holiday Freeshit I can give away ten livejournal dollars to ten people. If you want plz emails. Mirrored from kinda …

: Holiday Freeshit I can give away ten livejournal dollars to ten people. If you want plz emails. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Decisions Decisions I’m thinking about my current choice of web site. I’m so indecisive. Assist me great public!nDo I …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Decisions Decisions I’m thinking about my current choice of web site. I’m so indecisive. Assist me great …

: Recently Twattered 11:19 life is so boring when one's internet is down. # May this have been a meaningful post. …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Compare the bands Last show I went to see at the O2 Academy was Basshunter. They had a big stage lots of flashing …

: Recently Twattered 19:32 The joint is full of emo types and the pints taste like shit. Kind of like bh but the pints …

: Compare the bands Last show I went to see at the O2 Academy was Basshunter. They had a big stage lots of flashing …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 11:48 ZOMG The Flinstones are on BBC Two! # 11:54 Ugh O2 Recycle hasn't paid out my monies yet. This …

: Boring days So I’m day two in to holiday time. So far I have done nothing but eat and sleep.nJust what I needed! …

: Boring days So I’m day two in to holiday time. So far I have done nothing but eat and sleep. Just what I …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 00:47 RT @duanebrown: Anyone else seen this anti-gay Tweet from @senatorduffy? I feel sick thinking …

: Days off Today I have a day off and so far I’ve not got dressed until about now (being 2pm) I’ve watched …

: Days off Today I have a day off and so far I’ve not got dressed until about now (being 2pm) I’ve …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 10:27 I just saw the face of evil this morning. It was smiling. # 13:54 RT @AEguy27: Best. Story. …

: Jabber Anybody have a jabber account? Just downloaded pandion so starting to use mine more – kevin at …

: Jabber Anybody have a jabber account? Just downloaded pandion so starting to use mine more - kevin at …

: Sunday Spam Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1574857

: Sunday Spam Remember boys it's all down to your devices's size.... Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: ITV1 This Cheryl Cole’s night in is shit. Who ever thought this was a good idea needs to do the world a …

: ITV1 This Cheryl Cole’s night in is shit. Who ever thought this was a good idea needs to do the …

: Chat Roulette is to blame for the following:- Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Chat Roulette is to blame for the following:- Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1248593

: Challenge for 2010 I’m determined to:-n Touch up my French. B) Learn Inuktitut.niii) At least make futher effort at the …

: Challenge for 2010 I’m determined to:- Touch up my French. B) Learn Inuktitut. iii) At least make futher effort …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 21:41 zomg i had an ipiffinisation whilst cleaning the dishes. # May this have been a meaningful …

: Rockinamprsquo at the Disco City life is defined by the weird shit people say outside your window.n« I know I look shit, but I …

: Rockin at the Disco City life is defined by the weird shit people say outside your window. “I know I look shit, …

: Oops Tried to use my internet at home which is a bit non functional. That was the important direct debit …

: Oops Tried to use my internet at home which is a bit non functional. That was the important direct debit …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Internet Ah the myspace photo is my favourite part of surfing about the internet. Each angle is the same yet …

: Recently Twattered 13:50 @wacktopia Good luck finding one, they're all pretty unethical. # 23:56 Watching kuma …

: Internet 3 Ah the myspace photo is my favourite part of surfing about the internet. Each angle is the same yet …

: Ugh I’m not really feeling today. Can we just fast forward to, say, friday?nEnvoyé avec mon BlackBerry® …

: Ugh I’m not really feeling today. Can we just fast forward to, say, friday? Envoyé avec mon …

: Fud I has sandwich it has branstons pickle. Nom nom nom.nEnvoyé avec mon BlackBerry® d’Orange Mirrored …

: Fud I has sandwich it has branstons pickle. Nom nom nom. Envoyé avec mon BlackBerry® d’Orange …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 16:33 @sammymcloughlin You can never go wrong with a bacon buttie. # 20:08 Just because you call it …

: Lady Gaga Is officially my new diety. Shift on Jesus.nEnvoyé avec mon BlackBerry® d’Orange Mirrored from kinda …

: This is a test Hello vox are you receiving?nEnvoyé avec mon BlackBerry® d’Orange Mirrored from kinda sus. …

: Lost Weekend There is something rather nice about having a weekend where nothing of any concequence happens. Much …

: Lady Gaga Is officially my new diety. Shift on Jesus. Envoyé avec mon BlackBerry® d’Orange Listening to: …

: Lost Weekend There is something rather nice about having a weekend where nothing of any concequence happens. Much …

: Testing from LJ Talk This is a test 1234 etc etc Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Testing from LJ Talk This is a test 1234 etc etc Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1245564

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 15:06 @mkuplens do what I did for breakfast - bit.ly/5khge3 # 15:23 I'm checking to see if …

: Explain this I think we all know my feelings on gingers let alone the scottish, so why is the ginger scot on …

: Explain this I think we all know my feelings on gingers let alone the scottish, so why is the ginger scot on …

: How strange Orange answerphone seems obsessed with me recording a personalised message. I don’t know why because …

: Follow on from this morning I feel like having a pizza. Is there a trend starting to show?nPost from mobile portalm. Mirrored …

: How strange Orange answerphone seems obsessed with me recording a personalised message. I don’t know why …

: Follow on from this morning I feel like having a pizza. Is there a trend starting to show? Post from mobile portal …

: Overheard in Morrisons For those who don’t yet know, Morrisons is doing a 4pk of Carlsberg bottles for a quid a pack. …

: Overheard in Morrisons For those who don’t yet know, Morrisons is doing a 4pk of Carlsberg bottles for a quid a pack. …

: Question of the day Was it wrong to have pizza for breakfast?nEnvoyé avec mon BlackBerry® d’Orange Mirrored from kinda …

: Question of the day Was it wrong to have pizza for breakfast? Envoyé avec mon BlackBerry® d’Orange Listening to: …

: I once saw a tshirt It said « I hate my life and I want to die » with a rainbow and some stars.nRight now I’m feelin’ …

: I once saw a tshirt It said “I hate my life and I want to die” with a rainbow and some stars. Right now …

: Humanity what is up Is it just me or is the entire population going retarded pretty quickly?nToday alone I witnessed …

: Humanity what is up Is it just me or is the entire population going retarded pretty quickly? Today alone I witnessed …

: So we meet again When I got myself paid I went online to the ebay and got myself a blackberry 7290 which I’m now …

: So we meet again When I got myself paid I went online to the ebay and got myself a blackberry 7290 which I’m …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 22:59 This evening, I think I met the famous "fat chav" off the sketch and statement - …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 12:54 AWESOME-O, the UK just got "Snuggie" through JML - www.getsnuggie.com/flare/next # May this …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 08:14 Oh for fuck sake, I can't be dealing with bank shit today. All my money is gone in limbo until …

: Secretly the dogs enjoy each otheramprsquos [n]2nBut they’ll never admit it Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Secretly the dogs enjoy each otheramprsquos [n]2nBut they’ll never admit it Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Secretly the dogs enjoy each others But they'll never admit it Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1241938

: Westfest [n]2nChantal at westfest Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1582433

: Harvey [n]2nDoesn’t appear to be that intelligent. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Westfest [n]2nChantal at westfest Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1583103

: Harvey [n]2nDoesn’t appear to be that intelligent. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Westfest Chantal at westfest Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1241839

: Harvey Doesn't appear to be that intelligent. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1241582

: Beer [n]2nMore head than a bangkok whore house. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Beer More head than a bangkok whore house. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1241297

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 14:15 @gift_experience do you have a website? Rather interested in a gift idea this xmas. Cheers! # …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 20:59 #feel the badger, feel the badger FEEL THE BADGEEEEER # 21:02 @divaschematic did you get my …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 11:44 RT @brownbare:Bank bailout:50bn,toxic assets:282bn,ok to charge huge overdraft …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 23:17 Honestly low flying helicopters. Thanks for fucking up my sleeping patterns a&s …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 08:16 Trying to avoid losing all day in bed so woke up at 745a. So tired. # 15:17 @fuegofish I …

: I made it stick FROM: Kevin.com.uannIf Jesus could fire laccybands across the room and make them stick tonwalls like …

: Just wind the bastards down Just delt with something I got in the post today, it’s nothing horrible,nbut really it was severely …

: I made it stick FROM: Kevin.com.ua If Jesus could fire laccybands across the room and make them stick to walls like …

: Just wind the bastards down Just delt with something I got in the post today, it’s nothing horrible, but really it was …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 14:19 Made it passed round one with the help of Oxford, Oldham, Argos and Chemist. # May this have …

: Updates over the weekend I’ve re-modified my website yet again, for those who haven’t seen the whole WestFest thing have a …

: Updates over the weekend I’ve re-modified my website yet again, for those who haven’t seen the whole WestFest …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 11:07 @divaschematic Pen Porn you say..... # May this have been a meaningful post. Listening to: …

: Just Donamprsquot Prolapse I tried to post through the LJ Mobile Portal but I wasn’t feeling it, so back I go on tha Charm …

: this is a test factnPost from mobile portalm. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Just Dont Prolapse I tried to post through the LJ Mobile Portal but I wasn’t feeling it, so back I go on tha …

: this is a test fact Post from mobile portal m.livejournal.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1238049

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 23:49 RT @cherylprolapse: Cheryl Reads Craigslist "i want scat pig bottom for my bday all night suck …

: Paradox of the Day I like « J’adore Hardcore », but I hate Scooter. How the hell do I get around this paradox? Mirrored …

: Paradox of the Day I like “J’adore Hardcore”, but I hate Scooter. How the hell do I get around this …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 07:48 Who needs alarm clocks when you have mentally disturbed people screaming down the streets …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 00:06 Black folk, when you're in a horror film hide yo ass and let whitey die first. # 00:19 Three …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 22:02 Derek Akorah is about to pull off a "too soon" moment on sky one.... # 22:05 David Gest needs …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 20:32 RT @TFLN (856): FOR A FUCKING 40?! A FUCKING 40?! YOU GAVE THE CAT AWAY FOR BEER?! - LOL! # …

: Photo from Last Night Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1588302

: Video From Last Night Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1588611

: Photo from Last Night Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1236334

: Video From Last Night Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1235986

: Getting Tax raped again Of the 109.9p (according to the total down thenroad) you pay for petrol, 70p of that is tax.nDrop …

: Getting Tax raped again Of the 109.9p (according to the total down the road) you pay for petrol, 70p of that is tax. Drop …

: fuck Margret-Thatcher:~ kevincostelloe$ fuck Yeah! Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: fuck Margret-Thatcher:~ kevincostelloe$ fuck Yeah! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1235628

: Subject I donamprsquot DO subjects O HAI.nSo this was the first day of the whole clocks go back thing. Nothing morendepressing than …

: Mike Di Scala Fittie Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1589525

: Itamprsquos like the 80s all over again Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1589998

: Subject I dont DO subjects O HAI. So this was the first day of the whole clocks go back thing. Nothing more depressing than …

: Mike Di Scala Fittie Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1235037

: Its like the 80s all over again Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1234774

: Time zones Is it just me or did everybody else feel it a bit weird making itnin to work « an hour late » this …

: Time zones Is it just me or did everybody else feel it a bit weird making it in to work “an hour …

: weekendy Hello livejournal.njust making a quick update from my phone through an ssh connectionnto my imac via …

: weekendy Hello livejournal. just making a quick update from my phone through an ssh connection to my imac via …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 17:46 Je n'ai pas d'eau chaude :( # 17:47 @weitau Je n'ai pas de Google Wave :( #May this have been …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 21:08 If the police ask, I was here all night and you know nothing about that incident on the …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 00:18 I now have a reason to go to east anglia - battlefieldlive-eastanglia.co.uk # May this have …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 20:52 OMG OMG OMG OMG snurl.com/smya2 # 21:00 @doug_graeme Oh noes. Foiled by the oceans again! #May …

: For a white boy he can bounce dat ass Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1591727

: For a white boy he can bounce dat ass Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1232990

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 11:58 OMG Did anybody see the weather update with Tomasz Schafernaker. I've never been so interested …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 1592818 I appear to be bruised. I do not know how. Plz explain. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: …

: Recently Twattered 00:16 Overheard: "I'm going to complain about everywhere we go!" WHY? "It's in my nature!". # 16:41 …

: 1232247 I appear to be bruised. I do not know how. Plz explain. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Friday Night Driving I realised that driving on a Friday night isn’t that smart. To summarise I had:-nMr. …

: Friday Night Driving I realised that driving on a Friday night isn’t that smart.  To summarise I had:- Mr. …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1593310

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1593472

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1593809

: Recently Twattered 20:16 Slut boys on pills, so wrong, somewhat arousing. # 23:16 I think i love my new local #May this …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1231379

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1231298

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1230883

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 11:09 Stephen Gateley died. How the fuck did that happen? # 15:59 Well fuck. My freeview box only …

: Suck my freeview _Has your Freeview TV or box stopped working following a re-tune?A limited number of early Freeview …

: Suck my freeview Has your Freeview TV or box stopped working following a re-tune? A limited number of early Freeview …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 14:01 I hate getting my hairs did. But i look like a hippy so it needs doing. # May this have been a …

: Awesome YouTube of the Day Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1594865

: Awesome YouTube of the Day Listening to: RadioFG Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1229900

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 20:43 Trust Ivanova, trust yourself, anybody else, shoot them. # May this have been a meaningful …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Touch my disco stick Evening.nI thought I’d make a post to livejournal since my broadband has gone apeshit at home and is …

: Recently Twattered 15:32 I just downloaded the new version of TTYtter. Awesome. # 15:33 @divaschematic That's better …

: Touch my disco stick Evening. I thought I’d make a post to livejournal since my broadband has gone apeshit at home …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1596366

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1596074

: Recently Twattered 21:59 L'iPhone avec Orange, encroyable! # May this have been a meaningful post. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1596605

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1228569

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1228322

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 20:19 Take that ulster bank with your fish and chips blocking withdrawl limits, suck on some cash …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: FYI Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1596944

: Recently Twattered 21:33 all roads lead to Alton. # 21:54 Everybody Wang Chung tonight. #May this have been a …

: This makes perfect sense Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1597611

: FYI I fixed my intermanet page: http://www.kevin.com.ua Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: This makes perfect sense Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1227449

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 22:53 I'm trying jGnash again. I can't be dealing with this running out of money business (er, of …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 06:49 @iamontheplinth i would like to see nuns going wild. # May this have been a meaningful post. …

: Ignore Me for I am Junk This is a test…nI may or may not delete it laterz. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Ignore Me for I am Junk This is a test… I may or may not delete it laterz. Listening to: ITV Vibe: quixotic LJ …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 22:00 I've had to turn the heating on. Winter like weather sux0rs. # May this have been a meaningful …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 01:01 WHY CAN'T I SLEEP! I'VE BEEN UP SINCE 6AM! # 21:09 I has lager, I has RadioFG, Sorted. # 22:04 …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: I SOLD OUT MAN I have added my Google ADs to my LJ to try out thisnfeature and see how it affects me as one of …

: Recently Twattered 19:52 Hausdrache - snurl.com/s1sgo # May this have been a meaningful post. Listening to: Vibe: …

: I SOLD OUT MAN I have added my Google ADs to my LJ to try out this feature and see how it affects me as one of …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 08:53 #mapmytracks - I was last seen in Seend, Great Britain. See where I went at tinyurl.com/mwnb6h …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 08:34 #mapmytracks - I was last seen in Melksham Community Hospital, Great Britain. See where I went …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 18:37 Drove 26.1km at a 01:11/km pace on 17/9/2009 tinyurl.com/lfksz9 #mapmytracks #driving # May …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Recently Twattered 22:38 Now sharing my location with Map My Tracks. Follow me at tinyurl.com/mwnb6h # May this have …

: You have received a new message 3 MMS-to-Email ServicenYou’ve received an MMS (picture message) from mobile …

: You have received a new message 3 MMS-to-Email Service You’ve received an MMS (picture message) from mobile number …

: Recently Twattered May this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: I can not handle the Good evening livejournal. Hows it going?nToday i’ve worked on kevin.com.ua it seems better with my …

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1601856

: Recently Twattered 19:08 I totally forgot what day it is today. Also, FYI Terrarests have just won as a result :( # May …

: I can not handle the Good evening livejournal. Hows it going? Today i’ve worked on kevin.com.ua it seems better …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1223596

: Recently Twattered This is the TEST shipment you asked fornMay this have been a meaningful post. Mirrored from kinda …

: Recently Twattered This is the TEST shipment you asked for 18:52 I couldn't find a tweet to post for loudtwitter # …

: You gotta cook it by the book bitch Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1602476

: You gotta cook it by the book bitch See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Good morning update So now that I’ve single handedly shagged out kevin.com.ua in two minutes flat, i decided to do a …

: Good morning update So now that I’ve single handedly shagged out kevin.com.ua in two minutes flat, i decided to do …

: B0rk1ng Oops. I just killed kevin.com.ua rather spectacularly.nHowever, I will take this moment to make a …

: B0rk1ng Oops. I just killed kevin.com.ua rather spectacularly. However, I will take this moment to make a …

: Wales itamprsquos sux0rs I’m in a field in Wales. Three hours it took and a ropey burger.nI hate Wales. Mirrored from kinda …

: Wales its sux0rs I’m in a field in Wales. Three hours it took and a ropey burger. I hate Wales. Listening to: …

: I lost my 2nd job because of you people Please get your Swine Flu panic on by phone betweennthe hours of 4pm to Midnight on Saturdays and …

: I lost my 2nd job because of you people Please get your Swine Flu panic on by phone between the hours of 4pm to Midnight on Saturdays and …

: Another Weekend Rolls On So, well it’s been a while since I’ve done anything here. The last time I went to post the LJ had …

: Another Weekend Rolls On So, well it’s been a while since I’ve done anything here. The last time I went to post …

: You have received a new message 3 MMS-to-Email ServicenYou’ve received an MMS (picture message) from mobile …

: You have received a new message 3 MMS-to-Email Service You’ve received an MMS (picture message) from mobile number …

: How annoying Media messaging is broken.nThis message was checked by …

: How annoying Media messaging is broken. This message was checked by MailScan. www.mmn.on.ca/public/ar… …

: Freak out the masses get drugs WIN I’m still bored of Swine Flu. BBC News has been harping on about it for the last hour now with …

: Sometimes you canamprsquot make this shit up OH MY GOD BBQWTF TARRARESM I BAK!?!?!?/1/1/1n[SwinenFlu PANDEMIC is worse that TARRERESM]1.nHOLY …

: Sometimes you cant make this shit up OH MY GOD BBQWTF TARRARESM I BAK!?!?!?/1/1/1 Swine Flu PANDEMIC is worse that TARRERESM. HOLY SHIT …

: Randomly sunday I’m quite enjoying my city based sunday, so far I have set up my flat to a nicencomfortable living …

: Flat is looking better now Here, because iWeb just happened to be open, have a look at this. I’m pleased it’s all starting to …

: Randomly sunday I’m quite enjoying my city based sunday, so far I have set up my flat to a nice comfortable …

: Webcam <!–There is a gallery of previous images!n–> Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: PICO Now I’m using pico, get in! Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: I likes the text innit Hello,nThis is a test using CHARM on the command line client. I don’t really like vi, can I cheap …

: Flat is looking better now Here, because iWeb just happened to be open, have a look at this. I’m pleased it’s all …

: Webcam There is a gallery of previous images!       -- Listening to: Vibe: …

: PICO Now I’m using pico, get in! Listening to: Vibe: impressed LJ ItemID: 1219762

: I likes the text innit Hello, This is a test using CHARM on the command line client. I don’t really like vi, can I …

: Iamprsquove now got the new LiveJournal Messenger I’ve now got the new LiveJournal Messenger. My Windows Live ID is madsquirrel@livejournal.com. Sign …

: Ive now got the new LiveJournal Messenger I’ve now got the new LiveJournal Messenger. My Windows Live ID is madsquirrel@livejournal.com. …

: Twitter Updates for 20090621 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1606491

: Twitter Updates for 20090621 DILF - it’s my new favourite word. # One afternoon, one field, one pose. - photo at …

: Twitter Updates for 20090620 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1606718

: Twitter Updates for 20090620 Harry is tired. So very tired. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/218083 # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20090619 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1607030

: Twitter Updates for 20090619 I just got an email that says “great senior sex doesn’t come in a pill”. Rather …

: Voicemail Saga I’m really starting to get chuffed off with these people now. Within a period of about 2 hours I got …

: Voicemail Saga I’m really starting to get chuffed off with these people now. Within a period of about 2 hours …

: Voicemails of the Day 17 June So I’ve acquired a Toronto VOIP number that is presently being spoofed by Telemarketers. I’m getting …

: Voicemails of the Day 17 June So I’ve acquired a Toronto VOIP number that is presently being spoofed by Telemarketers. …

: Twitter Updates for 20090616 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1607705

: Twitter Updates for 20090616 I just found somebody I had a LJ comment bitch fight with in 2003. I’m so going to win this …

: Twitter Updates for 20090616 I just found somebody I had a LJ comment bitch fight with in 2003. I’m so going to win this …

: 1608030 hi livejournal! Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1608030

: Sunday I love it Things i’ve had happen today:- Got a working Toronto number again.- Started getting random calls on …

: test this is a test Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1608636

: 1216955 hi livejournal! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1216955

: Sunday I love it Things i’ve had happen today:- Got a working Toronto number again.- Started getting random …

: test this is a test Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: Twitter Updates for 20090613 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1608790

: Twitter Updates for 20090613 I’m creating a new internet page under the influence of wine. God bless the grape nectar! # …

: Twitter Updates for 20090611 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1609042

: Twitter Updates for 20090611 The bank has changed the way we screw you with Bank Charges and when we take them. Appearently. # …

: Twitter Updates for 20090609 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1609249

: Twitter Updates for 20090609 I got a free vodafone sim so i can twitter properly again. Woo! # Originally published at …

: Twitter Updates for 20090606 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1609680

: Twitter Updates for 20090606 @oshiewan what ever it maybe it can be fixed. Chil, have a cup of tea and go from there. # …

: Twitter Updates for 20090605 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1609978

: Twitter Updates for 20090605 Lynx fever, mexican theme, i smell humour. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: You have received a new message 3 MMS-to-Email ServicenYou’ve received an MMS (picture message) from mobile number …

: You have received a new message 3 MMS-to-Email Service You’ve received an MMS (picture message) from mobile number …

: Twitter Updates for 20090531 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1610318

: Twitter Updates for 20090531 Drinking - it always goes wrong, i say i’ll never do it again and each time i have to re-learn …

: Twitter Updates for 20090530 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1610720

: Twitter Updates for 20090530 @roy0 if it makes you feel any better it was rubbish yesterday and will likely go rubbish again …

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1611064

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1214132

: Twitter Updates for 20090525 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1610994

: Twitter Updates for 20090525 See the amount of miles I clocked up this weekend - http://sn.im/bankholidayroadmap # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20090523 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1611371

: Twitter Updates for 20090523 Best line ever “it’s ok! We’re cutting your arm off!” # Guess where I am. - …

: Twitter Updates for 20090522 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1611602

: Twitter Updates for 20090522 I am on the twitters lucy # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20090521 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1611900

: Twitter Updates for 20090521 In my car on your internets. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/203201 # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20090521 In my car on your internets. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/203201 # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20090519 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1612033

: Twitter Updates for 20090519 is making the updates to kevin.motd.org # @Mab1981 It was Eurovision, it’s a special time for …

: Twitter Updates for 20090518 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1612289

: Twitter Updates for 20090518 Harvey makes sleeping. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/202208 # Originally published at …

: I know I was not speeding cos I was listenin to mah gospel music Greetings my good internets. I am just making a rather quick post to prove that actually I’m not …

: Twitter Updates for 20090516 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1613042

: I know I was not speeding cos I was listenin8217 to mah gospel music Greetings my good internets. I am just making a rather quick post to prove that actually I’m …

: Twitter Updates for 20090516 Starting off Eurovision with some Eurovision related TV from 1TV. # I didn’t realise …

: Twitter Updates for 20090514 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1613287

: Twitter Updates for 20090514 Deliciously Croatia. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/200297 # So, uh, why can’t …

: Twitter Updates for 20090513 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1613314

: Twitter Updates for 20090513 The guy in front in the queue just dropped his guts. Skank. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Twitter Updates for 20090512 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1613801

: Twitter Updates for 20090512 I’m watching the eurovision semi-final on 1TV Russia, I can’t stand that Paddy chap on …

: Twitter Updates for 20090509 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1613848

: Twitter Updates for 20090509 VNC lets me be at home, whilst being 30 miles away. # Moo gurl. - photo at …

: Deskshot of the Now As per the Nick, this is my deskshot of the now. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Deskshot of the Now As per the Nick, this is my deskshot of the now. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: I have discovered Chrischan Encyclopaedia Dramatica you have so much to answer for, why have thou smote my eyes with this …

: I have discovered Chrischan Encyclopaedia Dramatica you have so much to answer for, why have thou smote my eyes with this filth? …

: Twitter Updates for 20090504 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1614915

: Twitter Updates for 20090504 Christopher Meloni is a proper piece of ass. But like wine he gets better with age. # I make myself …

: Twitter Updates for 20090503 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1614689

: Twitter Updates for 20090503 @JayJager for a small fee I know a man who knows a man who (etc etc). in reply to JayJager # …

: Its 1230 and I Just Woke Up And quite frankly today is a shitty day so really I should have just gone back to bed. Mirrored from …

: It8217s 1230 and I Just Woke Up And quite frankly today is a shitty day so really I should have just gone back to bed. Originally …

: You have received a new message 3 MMS-to-Email ServicenYou’ve received an MMS (picture message) from mobile number …

: Good News and Bad News LJ Good news is that this particular import worked!nBad news is I now have 2 years worth of posts on LJ …

: Right Upgradings Dear LiveJournal,nI’m about to import all my old posts because after deleting and reinstalling this …

: You have received a new message 3 MMS-to-Email Service You’ve received an MMS (picture message) from mobile number …

: Good News and Bad News LJ Good news is that this particular import worked! Bad news is I now have 2 years worth of posts on LJ …

: Right 8212 Upgradings Dear LiveJournal, I’m about to import all my old posts because after deleting and reinstalling …

: Twitter Updates for 20090502 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1616642

: Speaking Freely “Hi hello Blog(?). I just had have no access to the machine at the moment so I thought I would try …

: Twitter Updates for 20090502 @sammymcloughlin I was quite hoping it would look like an old school handheld capt kirk stylee …

: Speaking Freely “Hi hello Blog(?). I just had have no access to the machine at the moment so I thought I would …

: Speaking Freely “Hi hello Blog(?). I just had have no access to the machine at the moment so I thought I would …

: Twitter 20090501 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Adrian Lux – Can’t Sleep », url: « …

: Please hold nobody cares thats how we roll <blockquote> <p> Seeing as I&#8217;ve only got access to internet explorer at the …

: Twitter 20090501 I just found Can’t Get Over by September using Shazam iD on my mobile. Try it FREE for 3 days. …

: Twitter 20090501 I just found Can’t Get Over by September using Shazam iD on my mobile. Try it FREE for 3 days. …

: Please hold nobody cares that8217s how we roll Fri 01/05/2009 23:12 Text note (Note): Seeing as I’ve only got access to internet explorer at …

: Please hold nobody cares that8217s how we roll Fri 01/05/2009 23:12 Text note (Note): Seeing as I’ve only got access to internet explorer at …

: Twitter 20090428 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090428 Peacocks? This time in the morning too. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/192875 # …

: Twitter 20090428 Peacocks? This time in the morning too. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/192875 # …

: Twitter 20090427 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1617692

: Twitter 20090427 I feel like i have mexican death flu. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Twitter 20090427 I feel like i have mexican death flu. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Twitter 20090426 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1617464

: Twitter 20090426 @sammymcloughlin I’m concerned about they swine flu victims becoming rabid zombies - then …

: Twitter 20090426 @sammymcloughlin I’m concerned about they swine flu victims becoming rabid zombies - then …

: Twitter 20090425 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Thursday night on BBC One – GO EMO! », url: « …

: Twitter 20090425 For a bbc sign presenter this one is a bit of alright. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090425 For a bbc sign presenter this one is a bit of alright. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090424 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1618479

: Twitter 20090424 Has had enough with Bristol City Council, now they are saying I’m trying to claim for housing …

: Twitter 20090424 Has had enough with Bristol City Council, now they are saying I’m trying to claim for housing …

: Twitter 20090420 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090420 @divaschematic The job market is a bit low at the moment, thanks to some complete bankers who messed …

: Twitter 20090420 @divaschematic The job market is a bit low at the moment, thanks to some complete bankers who messed …

: Twitter 20090419 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090419 WTF - http://snurl.com/g6avj # @colmirl It’s a possbility, we could even offer spaces, that …

: Twitter 20090419 WTF - http://snurl.com/g6avj # @colmirl It’s a possbility, we could even offer spaces, that …

: Adrian Lux Cant Sleep SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Adrian Lux Can8217t Sleep Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Adrian Lux Can8217t Sleep SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: links for 20090417 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Locked up in my own place SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20090417 PRESS PLAY ON TAPE - The Commodore 64 Revival Band - Scrapbook and Press Originally published at …

: links for 20090417 PRESS PLAY ON TAPE - The Commodore 64 Revival Band - Scrapbook and Press SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Twitter 20090417 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1620079

: Locked up in my own place So somebody locked the main door with a lock that i don’t have a key for. I’ve posted a …

: Locked up in my own place So somebody locked the main door with a lock that i don’t have a key for. I’ve posted a …

: Twitter 20090417 The fucking job centre haven’t paid me. What bastards. I DON’T HAVE AN INCOME YOU KNOB …

: Twitter 20090417 The fucking job centre haven’t paid me. What bastards. I DON’T HAVE AN INCOME YOU KNOB …

: links for 20090416 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: America Serious Business SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20090416 How To Create A RSS Feed From Any Web Page - Robin Good's Latest News Originally published at …

: links for 20090416 How To Create A RSS Feed From Any Web Page - Robin Good's Latest News SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: America Serious Business Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: America Serious Business SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Im never drinking again FACT There is no excuse for cider, it’s a bad idea, even if it was lower alcohol content fair trade …

: I8217m never drinking again FACT There is no excuse for cider, it’s a bad idea, even if it was lower alcohol content fair trade …

: I8217m never drinking again FACT There is no excuse for cider, it’s a bad idea, even if it was lower alcohol content fair trade …

: links for 20090414 <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Twitter 20090414 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20090414 Bristol City Council - Job Details - Customer Service Operator Bristol City Council - Job Details …

: links for 20090414 Bristol City Council - Job Details - Customer Service Operator Bristol City Council - Job Details …

: Twitter 20090414 @MikeyPod This has to be the funniest thing since Jesus slicing bread. # is getting ready for …

: Twitter 20090414 @MikeyPod This has to be the funniest thing since Jesus slicing bread. # is getting ready for …

: YEAH SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: YEAH That’s three more bars then when I had that other dongle. GO 3G HDSPA SPEED ACTION! Originally …

: YEAH That’s three more bars then when I had that other dongle. GO 3G HDSPA SPEED ACTION! …

: Twitter 20090413 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090413 Je t’aime madeame noodle. # @Daz71 Sounds like chap bought it for himself, that’s a …

: Twitter 20090413 Je t’aime madeame noodle. # @Daz71 Sounds like chap bought it for himself, that’s a …

: Twitter 20090412 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1622200

: Twitter 20090412 I’m fiddling around with another one of my blogs - check the entry out http://snurl.com/fpqqx …

: Twitter 20090412 I’m fiddling around with another one of my blogs - check the entry out http://snurl.com/fpqqx …

: Twitter 20090411 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2009-04-07 », url: « …

: Twitter 20090411 Seagulls, it’s 2am, piss off you winged pikeys. # Now there is a fight below my window. Nice. …

: Twitter 20090411 Seagulls, it’s 2am, piss off you winged pikeys. # Now there is a fight below my window. Nice. …

: Humour This Post Has It SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Humour This Post Has It The only thing that makes this funny is that it’s SERIOUS. Originally published at …

: Humour This Post Has It The only thing that makes this funny is that it’s SERIOUS. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Twitter 20090410 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090410 @Barmper It’s devine. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20090410 @Barmper It’s devine. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at …

: Melksham via Bristol via the AIR It appears that WordPress couldn’t handle the email, so here it is (11 APR 2009):nSo I have managed …

: Twitter 20090409 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Melksham via Bristol via the AIR », url: « …

: Melksham via Bristol via the AIR It appears that WordPress couldn’t handle the email, so here it is (11 APR 2009): So I have …

: Melksham via Bristol via the AIR It appears that WordPress couldn’t handle the email, so here it is (11 APR 2009): So I have …

: Twitter 20090409 just received the new USB modem from 3. Crackingly fasssssst! # Ah the sounds of Bristol, Ambulance …

: Twitter 20090409 just received the new USB modem from 3. Crackingly fasssssst! # Ah the sounds of Bristol, Ambulance …

: Twitter 20090408 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « links for 2009-04-07 », url: « …

: Twitter 20090408 @oshiewan I was just outside, stalking you, and there you were. How very coincidental it was! # …

: Twitter 20090408 @oshiewan I was just outside, stalking you, and there you were. How very coincidental it was! # …

: links for 20090407 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090407 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20090407 http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii199/scully3573/SAYINGS/motivator3379217.jpg Originally …

: links for 20090407 http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii199/scully3573/SAYINGS/motivator3379217.jpg …

: Twitter 20090407 is trying to burn 2GB of data in the next 12.5 hours. # Progress so far: Mobile data (MB) 2,084.507 …

: Chris Evans Had His Moment SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Chris Evans Had His Moment I have replaced Chris Evans as my desktop eye candy. This is big news of course. Originally …

: Chris Evans Had His Moment I have replaced Chris Evans as my desktop eye candy. This is big news of course. …

: Look at me home designer I have found some glow in the dark stars and sheep as well as the two flags I obtained from last …

: Look at me home designer I have found some glow in the dark stars and sheep as well as the two flags I obtained from last …

: Look at me home designer I have found some glow in the dark stars and sheep as well as the two flags I obtained from last …

: Twitter 20090406 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « I gots your WMD. », url: « …

: Twitter 20090406 I have managed to move some of my mess and utilise my selving accordingly, so my place is semi …

: Twitter 20090406 I have managed to move some of my mess and utilise my selving accordingly, so my place is semi …

: Twitter 20090405 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1625387

: Twitter 20090405 The staring old man at the end of the cul-de-sac annoyed me today “our green bins not been …

: Twitter 20090405 The staring old man at the end of the cul-de-sac annoyed me today “our green bins not been …

: Woop Woop Dats Da Sound of Da Police As I was walking to my Bristol abode the police had shown up at the end of the road and were in …

: Woop Woop Dats Da Sound of Da Police As I was walking to my Bristol abode the police had shown up at the end of the road and were in …

: Woop Woop Dats Da Sound of Da Police As I was walking to my Bristol abode the police had shown up at the end of the road and were in …

: I wrote this on my newton last night Thursday, 2 April, 2009 – 21:50:nSo I’ve decided to do my posts from my Newton Pad. It seems like …

: I wrote this on my newton last night Thursday, 2 April, 2009 - 21:50: So I’ve decided to do my posts from my Newton Pad. It seems …

: I wrote this on my newton last night Thursday, 2 April, 2009 - 21:50: So I’ve decided to do my posts from my Newton Pad. It seems …

: Twitter 20090402 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1625712

: Twitter 20090402 I’m sick of being unemployed, the only highlight of my day is going to the shops commando. # …

: Twitter 20090402 I’m sick of being unemployed, the only highlight of my day is going to the shops commando. # …

: Twitter 20090401 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1626598

: Twitter 20090401 @PrideToronto - cheers for the add, wish I was able to come this year, it was rather fantastic last …

: Twitter 20090401 @PrideToronto - cheers for the add, wish I was able to come this year, it was rather fantastic last …

: Twitter 20090331 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Why do you exist then? », url: « …

: Twitter 20090331 I can’t feel my legs. And I need a 39R Light Bulb, a new parking spot before 17.37 and some …

: Twitter 20090331 I can’t feel my legs. And I need a 39R Light Bulb, a new parking spot before 17.37 and some …

: Twitter 20090330 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2009-03-28 », url: « …

: Twitter 20090330 We have light and maybe gas too! - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/180048 # The move is …

: Twitter 20090330 We have light and maybe gas too! - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/180048 # The move is …

: links for 20090329 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090329 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « links for 2009-03-29 », url: « …

: links for 20090329 Mir:ror - The RFID reader that gives Powers to your Objects Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: links for 20090329 Mir:ror - The RFID reader that gives Powers to your Objects SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Twitter 20090329 I has a bed. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/179609 # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20090329 I has a bed. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/179609 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Twitter 20090328 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2009-03-27 », url: « …

: Twitter 20090328 I just cleaned the fridge, what a state - however was working on this flat loved chilis and olives. …

: Twitter 20090328 I just cleaned the fridge, what a state - however was working on this flat loved chilis and olives. …

: Twitter 20090327 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1627922

: Twitter 20090327 just bought his first TV Licence - 34 bloody quid for the next 4 months. The BBC better be worth it …

: Twitter 20090327 just bought his first TV Licence - 34 bloody quid for the next 4 months. The BBC better be worth it …

: One thing Ill miss My cable is being disconnected tomorrow at a grand total of 100 EnglishnPounds as it was an early …

: One thing I8217ll miss My cable is being disconnected tomorrow at a grand total of 100 English Pounds as it was an early …

: One thing I8217ll miss My cable is being disconnected tomorrow at a grand total of 100 English Pounds as it was an early …

: Twitter 20090324 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1628437

: Twitter 20090324 Please see attached cat. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/177449 # Originally published …

: Twitter 20090324 Please see attached cat. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/177449 # Originally published …

: Twitter 20090319 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090319 Flash! - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/175453 # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Twitter 20090319 Flash! - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/175453 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" …

: Twitter 20090316 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2009-03-13 », url: « …

: Twitter 20090316 It’s a frog! - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/173940 # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20090316 It’s a frog! - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/173940 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Twitter 20090313 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090313 but i got a fucking gateau. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20090313 but i got a fucking gateau. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at …

: Humour has no bounds <blockquote> <p> Priest sees a little boy on top of a cliff crying. Priest asks, …

: Frog SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Humour has no bounds Thu 12/03/2009 19:52 from Melville Craig (SMS): Priest sees a little boy on top of a cliff crying. …

: Humour has no bounds Thu 12/03/2009 19:52 from Melville Craig (SMS): Priest sees a little boy on top of a cliff crying. …

: Frog I have found a rather cold frog. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Frog I have found a rather cold frog. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published …

: Twitter 20090308 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090308 @duanebrown we will see, after I posted that I got some not so good news which I might post about …

: Twitter 20090308 @duanebrown we will see, after I posted that I got some not so good news which I might post about …

: Its far too late for this crap SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: It8217s far too late for this crap I’ve started to make an effort at cleaning up and packing, the realisation that i have to …

: It8217s far too late for this crap I’ve started to make an effort at cleaning up and packing, the realisation that i have to …

: Twitter 20090304 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « It’s far too late for this crap. », url: « …

: Twitter 20090304 Changes are in the air…. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Twitter 20090304 Changes are in the air…. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "It’s far too late for this …

: SMS Post There is a man on the telly at uk border control who has the most amazing eyes in the country. He’s …

: SMS Post There is a man on the telly at uk border control who has the most amazing eyes in the country. …

: SMS Post There is a man on the telly at uk border control who has the most amazing eyes in the country. …

: I do good SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: I do good As most people know when not on normal working days i make a special effort at “artistic …

: I do good As most people know when not on normal working days i make a special effort at “artistic …

: Twitter 20090228 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090228 Text based joy. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/167435 # I park good? - photo at …

: Twitter 20090228 Text based joy. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/167435 # I park good? - photo at …

: I Can Do Updates Me So it’s been some time since I have update this website. What can I saynI’ve been known to be like …

: I Can Do Updates Me So it’s been some time since I have update this website. What can I say I’ve been known …

: I Can Do Updates Me So it’s been some time since I have update this website. What can I say I’ve been known …

: Twitter 20090224 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090224 I have offically given my notice to my present landlord so hopefully everything will go swimmingly, …

: Twitter 20090224 I have offically given my notice to my present landlord so hopefully everything will go swimmingly, …

: links for 20090223 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20090223 Free MP3 Music Downloads - MP3 Songs Download from iMusicDownload.Net Originally published at …

: links for 20090223 Free MP3 Music Downloads - MP3 Songs Download from iMusicDownload.Net SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Twitter 20090222 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090222 One of the places i looked at. It was nice but a bit on the expensive side. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090222 One of the places i looked at. It was nice but a bit on the expensive side. - photo at …

: links for 20090214 <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 20090214 Music Downloads, MP3 Downloads, MP3 songs, from eMusic.com (tags: music mp3 download) Zweitfrau – …

: links for 20090214 Music Downloads, MP3 Downloads, MP3 songs, from eMusic.com (tags: music mp3 download) Zweitfrau – …

: Twitter 20090210 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090210 I see one of our clients. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/160309 # Originally published …

: Twitter 20090210 I see one of our clients. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/160309 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Twitter 20090207 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090207 Tabs being tabs. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/159043 # Tabs and Rich-yard. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090207 Tabs being tabs. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/159043 # Tabs and Rich-yard. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090206 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090206 SNOW = PANTS - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/158693 # More Snow - photo at …

: Twitter 20090206 SNOW = PANTS - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/158693 # More Snow - photo at …

: Twitter 20090204 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090204 Morning accident filled traffic. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/158142 # Originally …

: Twitter 20090204 Morning accident filled traffic. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/158142 # …

: Replace your unsightly crack SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Replace your unsightly crack So my windscreen crack has developped quite severely since yesterday. So i got the replacement …

: Replace your unsightly crack So my windscreen crack has developped quite severely since yesterday. So i got the replacement …

: Twitter 20090201 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Editing photos on the fly. », url: « …

: Twitter 20090201 Jules and claire. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/156729 # It ain’t christal but …

: Twitter 20090201 Jules and claire. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/156729 # It ain’t christal but …

: Editing photos on the fly SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Editing photos on the fly I didn’t realise i could edit and resize photos from my phone to upload via lifeblog. Now i …

: Editing photos on the fly I didn’t realise i could edit and resize photos from my phone to upload via lifeblog. Now i …

: Twitter 20090131 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090131 See my big crack. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/156532 # See it better. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090131 See my big crack. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/156532 # See it better. - photo at …

: See My Crack So this is my windscreen crack. I’m still really annoyed, things like this always seem to happen …

: See My Crack So this is my windscreen crack. I’m still really annoyed, things like this always seem to …

: See My Crack So this is my windscreen crack. I’m still really annoyed, things like this always seem to …

: I Hate You All You know one of those times when you’re running so close to just having a complete mental breakdown …

: I Hate You All You know one of those times when you’re running so close to just having a complete mental …

: I Hate You All You know one of those times when you’re running so close to just having a complete mental …

: Twitter 20090129 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1635735

: Twitter 20090129 Morning traffic. Spent 30 minutes moving nowhere. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/155853 …

: Twitter 20090129 Morning traffic. Spent 30 minutes moving nowhere. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/155853 …

: Twitter 20090128 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090128 Ding! Doh! - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/155525 # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20090128 Ding! Doh! - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/155525 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Twitter 20090125 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090125 Awaiting Hot Water. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/154519 # Still awaiting. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090125 Awaiting Hot Water. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/154519 # Still awaiting. - photo at …

: What Happens When You Send Photos <div class="vox-enclosure-meta"> <div …

: What Happens When You Send Photos SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: What Happens When You Send Photos Clearly nothing when you email to wordpress. At least it worked on VOX. Originally published at …

: What Happens When You Send Photos Clearly nothing when you email to wordpress. At least it worked on VOX. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Dont Give Me Face Bitch This morning there was ice, a fair bit of ice and as I came in to work thenfull extent of an …

: Don8217t Give Me Face Bitch This morning there was ice, a fair bit of ice and as I came in to work the full extent of an …

: Don8217t Give Me Face Bitch This morning there was ice, a fair bit of ice and as I came in to work the full extent of an …

: links for 20090120 <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 20090120 Who are these peole and why are they following me? (tags: blogging community) Originally published …

: links for 20090120 Who are these peole and why are they following me? (tags: blogging community) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Trout is the New Pink Here I am in bed at 8pm like a good boy. As you can clearly tell this isnnot ideal really, I’m 25, I …

: Trout is the New Pink Here I am in bed at 8pm like a good boy. As you can clearly tell this is not ideal really, I’m …

: Trout is the New Pink Here I am in bed at 8pm like a good boy. As you can clearly tell this is not ideal really, I’m …

: Poll Good Idea or Bad Idea Bonne ide ou mauvaise ide SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Poll Good Idea or Bad Idea Bonne ide ou mauvaise ide I’m looking to hire this (or similar) for my next holiday: Good Idea or Bad Idea? Comment …

: Poll Good Idea or Bad Idea Bonne ide ou mauvaise ide I’m looking to hire this (or similar) for my next holiday: Good Idea or Bad Idea? Comment …

: Video 8 Unmemorable Minutes SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Video 8 Unmemorable Minutes Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Video 8 Unmemorable Minutes SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Twitter 20090117 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090117 is listening to Doh-sturbia. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20090117 is listening to Doh-sturbia. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at …

: Twitter 20090116 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090116 From nathan with love. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/150729 # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20090116 From nathan with love. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/150729 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Twitter 20090115 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090115 Caption accordingly. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/150513 # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20090115 Caption accordingly. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/150513 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Speaking Freely “Oh hello everybody. I thought I would actually just SpinVox SpinVox even. ___ a time as this …

: Speaking Freely “Oh hello everybody. I thought I would actually just SpinVox SpinVox even. ___ a time as this …

: Speaking Freely “Oh hello everybody. I thought I would actually just SpinVox SpinVox even. ___ a time as this …

: Twitter 20090111 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1639398

: Twitter 20090111 I am now Twittering through SpinVox # “Hello” # “So he conquered Everest then got …

: Twitter 20090111 I am now Twittering through SpinVox # “Hello” # “So he conquered Everest then got …

: Work Pose Work It in the Work Place SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « [kevin.com.ua/1969/12/3...](http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/) …

: Speaking Freely “The last time I recorded one of these, it actually did it wrong. It was like ___ when it wasn’t …

: Work Pose Work It in the Work Place Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Work Pose Work It in the Work Place SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "[kevin.com.ua/1969/12/3...](http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/)" …

: Speaking Freely “The last time I recorded one of these, it actually did it wrong. It was like ___ when it …

: Who ate all the pies As you can clearly tell by the time stamp this is a sunday. We like sundays because basically you …

: Speaking Freely “And technically I am just testing this out. I have access at the biggest thing in the world. Wow. …

: Speaking Freely “And technically I am just testing this out. I have access at the biggest thing in the world. …

: Speaking Freely “And technically I am just testing this out. I have access at the biggest thing in the world. …

: Who ate all the pies As you can clearly tell by the time stamp this is a sunday. We likensundays because basically you …

: Who ate all the pies As you can clearly tell by the time stamp this is a sunday. We like sundays because basically you …

: Who ate all the pies As you can clearly tell by the time stamp this is a sunday. We like sundays because basically you …

: Twitter 20090109 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1641095

: Twitter 20090109 is finding it difficult to tolerate stupidity today. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter 20090109 is finding it difficult to tolerate stupidity today. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter 20090107 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « FREE CUDDLE CAT!1111 », url: « …

: Twitter 20090107 is Waiting… /u/st/data/fsgsjob # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Twitter 20090107 is Waiting… /u/st/data/fsgsjob # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "FREE CUDDLE CAT!1111", url: …

: Twitter 20090106 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090106 Oz is god. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/147378 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Donal …

: Twitter 20090106 Oz is god. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/147378 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Through the power of greyskull So here I am again emailing updates to my blog from the toilet. It’s so wrong but at the same …

: Through the power of greyskull So here I am again emailing updates to my blog from the toilet. It’s so wrong but at the same time …

: Through the power of greyskull So here I am again emailing updates to my blog from the toilet. It’s so wrong but at the same …

: Through the power of greyskull So here I am again emailing updates to my blog from the toilet. It’s so wrong but at the same …

: Twitter 20090104 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1642280

: Twitter 20090104 is not happy - just SMASHED bread & peanut butter down my throat only to pick up the phone to …

: Twitter 20090104 is not happy - just SMASHED bread & peanut butter down my throat only to pick up the phone to …

: New and exciting levels of retardation I quite like my job, but this week has been a test of my patience. Today is either the final test or …

: New and exciting levels of retardation I quite like my job, but this week has been a test of my patience. Today is either the final test or …

: New and exciting levels of retardation I quite like my job, but this week has been a test of my patience. Today is either the final test or …

: New and exciting levels of retardation I quite like my job, but this week has been a test of my patience. Today is either the final test or …

: Twitter 20090103 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « SMS Post », url: « …

: Twitter 20090103 Sent from Nathan many moons ago. Found a week back. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090103 Sent from Nathan many moons ago. Found a week back. - photo at …

: Twitter 20090101 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20090101 This is my not so happy face. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/145158 # Originally …

: Twitter 20090101 This is my not so happy face. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/145158 # …

: Winter I took these a couple days ago.n <div class="vox-enclosure-meta"> <div …

: HELLO VOX I’m posting after sometime to say hello there my vox blog. I think I’venfound a way to …

: Holonet Test Yet another posting test to be irritating. Hopefully success with WP-MAILnfor once.n–n() ascii …

: Voice Post Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1644518

: Test Posting off SDF This is a post off the SDF system just to see if PINE does a better job…nSDF-EU Public Access UNIX …

: Holonet Test Yet another posting test to be irritating. Hopefully success with WP-MAIL for once. – () ascii …

: Holonet Test Yet another posting test to be irritating. Hopefully success with WP-MAIL for once. – () ascii …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 962369

: Test Posting off SDF This is a post off the SDF system just to see if PINE does a better job… SDF-EU Public Access …

: Test Posting off SDF This is a post off the SDF system just to see if PINE does a better job… SDF-EU Public Access …

: SMS Post Does this thing actually work anymore? I’m wondering after all!nSHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », …

: SMS Post Does this thing actually work anymore? I’m wondering after all! Originally published at …

: SMS Post Does this thing actually work anymore? I’m wondering after all! SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Twitter 20081228 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « SMS Post », url: « …

: Twitter 20081228 It’s Sunday and I feel like eating beans. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter 20081228 It’s Sunday and I feel like eating beans. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "SMS Post", url: …

: Uploading Junk to LiveJournal So I’m uploading junk to my LJ Scrapbook. Love it.nSHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); …

: Uploading Junk to LiveJournal So I’m uploading junk to my LJ Scrapbook. Love it. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Uploading Junk to LiveJournal So I’m uploading junk to my LJ Scrapbook. Love it. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); …

: links for 20081225 <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 20081225 QR-Code Generator (tags: web tools generator software nokia mobile n95 phone web2.0 tool technology …

: links for 20081225 QR-Code Generator (tags: web tools generator software nokia mobile n95 phone web2.0 tool technology …

: You Know the Code SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: You Know the Code Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: You Know the Code SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Only 5 More Minutes to go on Lunch So I thought I’d pop on and make a post of some kind just to bother you all.nI shall update further …

: Only 5 More Minutes to go on Lunch So I thought I’d pop on and make a post of some kind just to bother you all. I shall update …

: Only 5 More Minutes to go on Lunch So I thought I’d pop on and make a post of some kind just to bother you all. I shall update …

: Ops Do United in Drunken Antics SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Ops Do United in Drunken Antics This is the end result. If you look in to the eyes you can clearly see nothing but an alcohol haze. …

: Ops Do United in Drunken Antics This is the end result. If you look in to the eyes you can clearly see nothing but an alcohol haze. …

: links for 20081217 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20081217 Yackie Mobile - Quicksale Venue in gay fire fighters shocker! « The Award Winning Bristol Blogger …

: links for 20081217 Yackie Mobile - Quicksale Venue in gay fire fighters shocker! « The Award Winning Bristol Blogger …

: Twitter 20081214 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20081214 Since when did it turn midnight?! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Twitter 20081214 Since when did it turn midnight?! # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally …

: I said I wouldnt but I did SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: I said I wouldn8217t but I did Yeah, I coughed up £120 for a Permenant LJ Account. I figured I should, I still interact with the LJ …

: I said I wouldn8217t but I did Yeah, I coughed up £120 for a Permenant LJ Account. I figured I should, I still interact with the LJ …

: Twitter 20081206 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « We are not HSBC », url: « …

: Twitter 20081206 My outlook is shagged # @AEGuy27 Hammertime? # @sexyer1 Maxibon sounds lush. I don’t know what …

: Twitter 20081206 My outlook is shagged # @AEGuy27 Hammertime? # @sexyer1 Maxibon sounds lush. I don’t know what …

: Twitter 20081202 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « links for 2008-04-04 », url: « …

: Twitter 20081202 Jesus H Christ - I have received 20 calls from loan companies and a bombardment of fucking texts …

: Twitter 20081202 Jesus H Christ - I have received 20 calls from loan companies and a bombardment of fucking texts …

: Email its OK I’ve made a change to my email. I run it all off a ticketing system now (www.kevincostelloe.cn) so …

: Email it8217s OK I’ve made a change to my email. I run it all off a ticketing system now …

: Email it8217s OK I’ve made a change to my email. I run it all off a ticketing system now …

: Twitter 20081120 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1648218

: Twitter 20081120 @mab1981 I say (tescos own brand) tomato sauce. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter 20081120 @mab1981 I say (tescos own brand) tomato sauce. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter 20081119 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20081119 @mikeypod pants dwelling crabs? # @mab1981 picnic no. Getting tanked on white lightning in a park, …

: Twitter 20081119 @mikeypod pants dwelling crabs? # @mab1981 picnic no. Getting tanked on white lightning in a park, …

: links for 20081118 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20081118 Verka Serdjuchka - do re mi mp3 Скачаь download бесплатно без регистрации Verka Serdjuchka - do re …

: links for 20081118 Verka Serdjuchka - do re mi mp3 Скачаь download бесплатно без регистрации Verka Serdjuchka - do re …

: links for 20081117 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: We are not HSBC Occasionally I have been known to have conversations that actually make little to no sense, most of …

: links for 20081117 Verka Serdjuchka - do re mi mp3 Скачаь download бесплатно без регистрации Verka Serdjuchka - do re …

: links for 20081117 Verka Serdjuchka - do re mi mp3 Скачаь download бесплатно без регистрации Verka Serdjuchka - do re …

: We are not HSBC Occasionally I have been known to have conversations that actually make little to no sense, most of …

: We are not HSBC Occasionally I have been known to have conversations that actually make little to no sense, most of …

: Twitter 20081115 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1649391

: Twitter 20081115 made three trips to sainsbury’s today. Too much time in the supermarket and i hate crowds. # …

: Twitter 20081115 made three trips to sainsbury’s today. Too much time in the supermarket and i hate crowds. # …

: Twitter 20081114 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20081114 turns in to a complete idiot when in Sainers now days. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter 20081114 turns in to a complete idiot when in Sainers now days. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" …

: Twitter 20081113 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-11-09 », url: « …

: Twitter 20081113 it’s bloody police camera action out there. Got followed down the road by a chopper & a …

: Twitter 20081113 it’s bloody police camera action out there. Got followed down the road by a chopper & a …

: Twitter 20081109 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-11-07 », url: « …

: Twitter 20081109 oh noes! It’s 9/11 today! # Has just managed to get a ssh connection going on the mobile. Ace. …

: Twitter 20081109 oh noes! It’s 9/11 today! # Has just managed to get a ssh connection going on the mobile. Ace. …

: Twitter 20081107 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Civilisation ends! », url: « …

: Twitter 20081107 has such a crush on a chap in sainsburys. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Twitter 20081107 has such a crush on a chap in sainsburys. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Civilisation ends!", url: …

: Civilisation ends <blockquote> <p> Our area has just had a power cut! Has yours? </p> …

: Civilisation ends Sun 02/11/2008 18:31 from Grove Harriett (SMS): Our area has just had a power cut! Has yours? Sun …

: Civilisation ends Sun 02/11/2008 18:31 from Grove Harriett (SMS): Our area has just had a power cut! Has yours? Sun …

: Twitter 20081103 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20081103 is annoyed -I spent 20 minutes getting hot water from the boiler & somebody used it all!!! # …

: Councils Ban Things to Make the Stupid Happy A number of local councils in Britain have banned their staff from using Latin words, because they …

: Councils Ban Things to Make the Stupid Happy A number of local councils in Britain have banned their staff from using Latin words, because they …

: Councils Ban Things to Make the Stupid Happy A number of local councils in Britain have banned their staff from using Latin words, because they …

: Evenings off are bloody grate Ok, maybe they aren’t, as right now I’m sat unshaven in the cold wearing nothing but a scabby …

: Evenings off are bloody grate Boredom requires results - this is just one of them. Ok, maybe they aren’t, as right now …

: Evenings off are bloody grate Boredom requires results - this is just one of them. Ok, maybe they aren’t, as right now …

: links for 20081102 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20081102 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « links for 2008-11-02 », url: « …

: links for 20081102 YouTube - Verka Serduchka (Верка Сердючка) Do RE Mi (NEW VIDEO) Originally published at …

: links for 20081102 YouTube - Verka Serduchka (Верка Сердючка) Do RE Mi (NEW VIDEO) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Twitter 20081102 has uploaded photos from sat evening - http://snurl.com/4y6yf # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20081102 has uploaded photos from sat evening - http://snurl.com/4y6yf # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "links …

: Do RE Mi Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1652246

: 11108 Yet Another State SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Do RE Mi Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Do RE Mi SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: 11108 Yet Another State As is the tradition - I must start this post with Matt’s trademarked “I wish to kick …

: 11108 Yet Another State As is the tradition - I must start this post with Matt’s trademarked “I wish to kick …

: WrapupstrokeUpdatecumPost Well, what a week. So far I have syphoned my entire monthly budget in one trip up to Newcastle (and …

: WrapupstrokeUpdatecumPost Well, what a week.  So far I have syphoned my entire monthly budget in one trip up to Newcastle …

: WrapupstrokeUpdatecumPost Well, what a week.  So far I have syphoned my entire monthly budget in one trip up to Newcastle …

: links for 20081025 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20081025 Silent Art Auction to Benefit Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: links for 20081025 Silent Art Auction to Benefit SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at …

: Cars Ouch My car has developped a gearbox issue. This is not good.nEDIT: I also need a …

: Cars Ouch My car has developped a gearbox issue. This is not good. EDIT: I also need a shave. Originally …

: Cars Ouch My car has developped a gearbox issue. This is not good. EDIT: I also need a shave. …

: Twitter 20081018 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-10-17 », url: « …

: Twitter 20081018 is presently ammending his Mac calendar, address boox and mail. I think I like Mobile Me. # …

: Twitter 20081018 is presently ammending his Mac calendar, address boox and mail. I think I like Mobile Me. # …

: Twitter 20081017 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20081017 is not happy - I treat this car well and all it does is suck my money away. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Twitter 20081017 is not happy - I treat this car well and all it does is suck my money away. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Twitter 20081015 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1654153

: Twitter 20081015 @lakeguy I don’t get texts any more now that TWATter cut SMS. # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20081015 @lakeguy I don’t get texts any more now that TWATter cut SMS. # Originally published at …

: Remember Remember the 5th of Octoberember SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » });nSHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored …

: I tried healthy SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Remember Remember the 5th of Octoberember FSG MASSIVE DISSES DA RSA MASSIVE INNIT! Tabs - State Tabs & Kevin - State, Seren - Workin …

: Remember Remember the 5th of Octoberember FSG MASSIVE DISSES DA RSA MASSIVE INNIT! Tabs - State Tabs & Kevin - State, Seren - Workin …

: I tried healthy8230 …. and it didn’t bloody well work. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: I tried healthy8230 …. and it didn’t bloody well work. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); …

: Twitter 20081010 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20081010 @fulltimecasual I lost respect for him when he started crying about Simian winning best video on the …

: Twitter 20081010 @fulltimecasual I lost respect for him when he started crying about Simian winning best video on the …

: Twitter 20081007 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-10-06 », url: « …

: Twitter 20081007 5.50am is far too early for me. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Twitter 20081007 5.50am is far too early for me. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Twitter Обновления для 2008-10-06", …

: Twitter 20081006 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1655496

: Twitter 20081006 is presently consuming. mmm. consumption. # Over the weekend I went to Syndicate, a lad took …

: Twitter 20081006 is presently consuming. mmm. consumption. # Over the weekend I went to Syndicate, a lad took …

: Twitter 20081005 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20081005 I’ve just got TTYtter up and running, maybe I like this. # Yo mama is so fat # Kevin has …

: Twitter 20081005 I’ve just got TTYtter up and running, maybe I like this. # Yo mama is so fat # Kevin has …

: Lifeblog blogs my crappy life <blockquote> <p> You know what sucks. When you have a realisation of some description. …

: Lifeblog blogs my crappy life Tue 30/09/2008 19:04 Text note (Note): You know what sucks. When you have a realisation of some …

: Lifeblog blogs my crappy life Tue 30/09/2008 19:04 Text note (Note): You know what sucks. When you have a realisation of some …

: I can do science me <blockquote> <p> Oops. I just deleted the previous blog post from my phone! Oh well. …

: Speaking of the force <blockquote> <p> Yup just killin darth vader at the mo hes a fuckin ass </p> …

: I can do science me Sun 28/09/2008 01:11 Text note (Note): Oops. I just deleted the previous blog post from my phone! Oh …

: I can do science me Sun 28/09/2008 01:11 Text note (Note): Oops. I just deleted the previous blog post from my phone! Oh …

: Speaking of the force8230 Sun 28/09/2008 01:05 from McKendrick Matt (SMS): Yup just killin darth vader at the mo hes a fuckin …

: Speaking of the force8230 Sun 28/09/2008 01:05 from McKendrick Matt (SMS): Yup just killin darth vader at the mo hes a fuckin …

: Twitter 20080924 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « You get this now », url: « …

: Twitter 20080924 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « You get this now », url: « …

: Twitter 20080924 in bed with my guts rumbling. Oh my! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Twitter 20080924 in bed with my guts rumbling. Oh my! # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "You get this now", url: …

: You get this now <blockquote> <p> SHAZAM iD&#8217;d KATY PERRY: &#8220;Hot N Cold&#8221;. …

: You get this now Tue 16/09/2008 18:18 from Shazam (SMS): SHAZAM iD’d KATY PERRY: “Hot N Cold”. …

: You get this now Tue 16/09/2008 18:18 from Shazam (SMS): SHAZAM iD’d KATY PERRY: “Hot N Cold”. …

: links for 20080906 <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 20080906 RetroClinic.com - Vintage Arcade & Computing (tags: retro) Originally published at …

: links for 20080906 RetroClinic.com - Vintage Arcade & Computing (tags: retro) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Twitter 20080903 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080903 Tabernockers and her wig (1) - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/95217 # Tabernockers and …

: Twitter 20080903 Tabernockers and her wig (1) - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/95217 # Tabernockers and …

: Utilising the power of greyskull … I’ll transfer your call to the relivant department. Please enjoy some Justin Timberlake on the …

: Utilising the power of greyskull8230 … I’ll transfer your call to the relivant department.  Please enjoy some Justin …

: Utilising the power of greyskull8230 … I’ll transfer your call to the relivant department.  Please enjoy some Justin …

: Twitter 20080830 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Attempting to update. », url: « …

: Twitter 20080830 is about to start a day. a long one. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Twitter 20080830 is about to start a day. a long one. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Attempting to update.", url: …

: Attempting to update I sit here in front of this PC trying to think of some kind of halarious update to keep us all …

: This is a test via flock.nSHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. …

: LiveJournal why so poop I’m really starting to hate the LiveJournal now days, I remembered when it first started it was all …

: Attempting to update I sit here in front of this PC trying to think of some kind of halarious update to keep us all …

: Attempting to update I sit here in front of this PC trying to think of some kind of halarious update to keep us all …

: This is a test via flock. Создано в браузере Flock Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: This is a test via flock. Создано в браузере Flock SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); …

: LiveJournal why so poop I’m really starting to hate the LiveJournal now days, I remembered when it first started it …

: LiveJournal why so poop I’m really starting to hate the LiveJournal now days, I remembered when it first started it …

: Gabcast comua 6 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #6SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. …

: Gabcast comua 6 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #6 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Gabcast comua 6 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #6 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at …

: Twitter 20080826 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080826 is hot and angry. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: Twitter 20080826 is hot and angry. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at …

: links for 20080825 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20080825 Sign Up for Professional Security Services by Fake Mailz Welcome to Becomeyourownisp.com - …

: links for 20080825 Sign Up for Professional Security Services by Fake Mailz Welcome to Becomeyourownisp.com - …

: links for 20080823 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20080823 FuseMail Email Hosting: Resellers: Pricing Information Buy the Belkin F1PP000GN-SK VoIP Wi-Fi …

: links for 20080823 FuseMail Email Hosting: Resellers: Pricing Information Buy the Belkin F1PP000GN-SK VoIP Wi-Fi …

: Things that come through my post pile SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Things that come through my post pile Click for bigger on the flickr. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Things that come through my post pile Click for bigger on the flickr. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at …

: I found some Polaroids SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Kids on TV Breakdance Hunx Market Value Mix Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1661360

: I could tell her you were taking your time Well there is quite a bit that’s happened since I last posted to this halarious blog. First of all …

: I found some Polaroids Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I found some Polaroids SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Kids on TV Breakdance Hunx Market Value Mix www.kidsontv.biz. I saw this video at the Toronto Pride thing in Buddies at Bad Times Theatre. I …

: Kids on TV Breakdance Hunx Market Value Mix www.kidsontv.biz. I saw this video at the Toronto Pride thing in Buddies at Bad Times Theatre. I …

: I could tell her you were taking your time 15/08/2008 by Кевин, on Flickr Well there is quite a bit that’s happened since I last posted …

: I could tell her you were taking your time 15/08/2008 by Кевин, on Flickr Well there is quite a bit that’s happened since I last posted …

: Twitter 20080819 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080819 has just put a donk on it. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20080819 has just put a donk on it. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); Originally published at …

: Twitter 20080817 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080817 DINGOS GOT MY BABY! DINGOS GOT MY BAAAAAAAABY! # is LOL - Miss Cleo is a lezzer - …

: Twitter 20080817 DINGOS GOT MY BABY! DINGOS GOT MY BAAAAAAAABY! # is LOL - Miss Cleo is a lezzer - …

: Build a bridge and get over it Remeber that post some time ago, please find attached the final conversation. Officially Keiran is a …

: Build a bridge and get over it Remeber that post some time ago, please find attached the final conversation. Officially Keiran is a …

: Build a bridge and get over it Remeber that post some time ago, please find attached the final conversation. Officially Keiran is a …

: Twitter 20080816 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080816 is updating his BBS. Slowly. Painfully. Expensively. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter 20080816 is updating his BBS. Slowly. Painfully. Expensively. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); …

: Twitter 20080815 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « links for 2008-02-23 », url: « …

: Twitter 20080815 STING AND LAY EGGS! STING AND LAY EGGS! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Twitter 20080815 STING AND LAY EGGS! STING AND LAY EGGS! # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "links for 2008-02-23", url: …

: Twitter 20080814 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1663098

: Twitter 20080814 Twitter has but uk sms. So i don’t think i’ll be using this heap of shite anymore. That …

: Twitter 20080814 Twitter has but uk sms. So i don’t think i’ll be using this heap of shite anymore. That …

: Twitter 20080810 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-08-09 », url: « …

: Twitter 20080810 The only thing more satisfying than working on a sunday is getting paid to have a dump when …

: Twitter 20080810 The only thing more satisfying than working on a sunday is getting paid to have a dump when …

: Twitter 20080809 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: « », url: « » }); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Its about children It’s about children Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1663986

: Sometimes I think OMG COFFEE So far today I have worked and slept. This is a comnplete run down of my weekend. At least I have …

: Twitter 20080809 managed to sleep through saturday. I blame robo jungen for this mess. # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20080809 managed to sleep through saturday. I blame robo jungen for this mess. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: It8217s about children It’s about children Originally uploaded by Кевин and the topics that interest them …

: It8217s about children It’s about children Originally uploaded by Кевин and the topics that interest them …

: Sometimes I think OMG COFFEE So far today I have worked and slept. This is a comnplete run down of my weekend. At least I have …

: Sometimes I think OMG COFFEE So far today I have worked and slept. This is a comnplete run down of my weekend. At least I have …

: Twitter 20080807 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « »n}); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080807 has choked on water. lawl. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20080807 has choked on water. lawl. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); <p style="border: …


: FYI In 2001 I was a whiney little bitch. Why didbn’t anybody tell me this? GOD DAMN YOU …

: Internet explorer is complete crap I only use this as a topic as I had to log-in to the BSFN server to post to my website to post …

: Lifeblog post <blockquote> <p> I heard from a source that a particular female that got fired, was not …



: FYI In 2001 I was a whiney little bitch. Why didbn’t anybody tell me this? GOD DAMN YOU …

: FYI In 2001 I was a whiney little bitch. Why didbn’t anybody tell me this? GOD DAMN YOU …

: Internet explorer is complete crap I only use this as a topic as I had to log-in to the BSFN server to post to my website to post …

: Internet explorer is complete crap I only use this as a topic as I had to log-in to the BSFN server to post to my website to post …

: Lifeblog post Thu 07/08/2008 19:54 from Smith Carrie-Anne (SMS): I heard from a source that a particular female …

: Lifeblog post Thu 07/08/2008 19:54 from Smith Carrie-Anne (SMS): I heard from a source that a particular female …

: Twitter 20080805 ShareThis Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1665399

: Twitter 20080805 is done with directline. byeeeee ya! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Twitter 20080805 is done with directline. byeeeee ya! # ShareThis Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Update from lifeblog <blockquote> <p> You know what i&#8217;m feeling nowdays? 99 luftballoons. That song …

: Update from lifeblog Mon 04/08/2008 21:30 Text note (Note): You know what i’m feeling nowdays? 99 luftballoons. …

: Update from lifeblog Mon 04/08/2008 21:30 Text note (Note): You know what i’m feeling nowdays? 99 luftballoons. …

: Twitter 20080803 ShareThis Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1666067

: Twitter 20080803 is prepairing for pizza. loads and loads of pizza. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter 20080803 is prepairing for pizza. loads and loads of pizza. # ShareThis Originally published at …

: Twitter 20080802 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « »n}); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080802 has cable tv - kind-of-maybe-not-quite. another virgin media cock up. yay. # Originally published …

: Twitter 20080802 has cable tv - kind-of-maybe-not-quite. another virgin media cock up. yay. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Twitter 20080731 ShareThis Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1667178

: Twitter 20080731 is not feeling tonight - no invoces done, 1 RTA, 1 Misfuel, 1 Misdelivered Hire. Arse. # Originally …

: Twitter 20080731 is not feeling tonight - no invoces done, 1 RTA, 1 Misfuel, 1 Misdelivered Hire. Arse. # ShareThis …

: Slightly perverted <blockquote> <p> That new wayne kid has a cracking ass. </p> </blockquote> …

: Slightly perverted Tue 29/07/2008 13:57 to Chilcott Tabatha (SMS): That new wayne kid has a cracking ass. But …

: Slightly perverted Tue 29/07/2008 13:57 to Chilcott Tabatha (SMS): That new wayne kid has a cracking ass. But …

: Twitter 20080729 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-07-27 »,nurl: « …

: Twitter 20080729 has a give take relationship. He gives everything to this place and takes a backhand to the face as …

: Twitter 20080729 has a give take relationship. He gives everything to this place and takes a backhand to the face as …

: Twitter 20080727 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-07-26 »,nurl: « …

: Twitter 20080727 is at work, only because the BBC told me that the weather was shite. # is going to start a parade so …

: Twitter 20080727 is at work, only because the BBC told me that the weather was shite. # is going to start a parade so …

: Twitter 20080726 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « »n}); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080726 tabs, lisa and a manequin will be road trippin’ today. I see police involvement at some point …

: Twitter 20080726 tabs, lisa and a manequin will be road trippin’ today. I see police involvement at some point …

: Twitter 20080725 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-07-24 »,nurl: « …

: Twitter 20080725 is wondering witha 4×4 to feed, what the hell is he going to do with this POXY pay packet this …

: Twitter 20080725 is wondering witha 4×4 to feed, what the hell is he going to do with this POXY pay packet this …

: Twitter 20080724 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « »n}); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080724 is happy, it’s pay day eve, when all the bookings operators wait in glee, empty are accounts …

: Twitter 20080724 is happy, it’s pay day eve, when all the bookings operators wait in glee, empty are accounts …

: Twitter 20080723 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-07-22 »,nurl: « …

: Twitter 20080723 has used his freetime well. clothes and cleaning. Now to hit up Ikea on payday. # is not amused. …

: Twitter 20080723 has used his freetime well. clothes and cleaning. Now to hit up Ikea on payday. # is not amused. …

: Twitter 20080722 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « The AA – Bollocks »,nurl: « …

: Twitter 20080722 wants to terminate the android in the corner. somebody pull the plug! # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Twitter 20080721 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « Twitter Обновления для 2008-07-20 »,nurl: « …

: Twitter 20080721 wants a whore in the street and a gentleman in the kitchen. Or is it the other way around? # wants a …

: Twitter 20080721 wants a whore in the street and a gentleman in the kitchen. Or is it the other way around? # wants a …

: Twitter 20080720 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « »n}); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Twitter 20080720 hates shift changes. Non-stop sleep interupting work action over the last hour. # is a part of some …

: Twitter 20080720 hates shift changes. Non-stop sleep interupting work action over the last hour. # is a part of some …

: Twitter 20080719 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « »n}); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Oh Dear I think I’m going to make myself ill eating all these penny sweet sharks 🙁 Mirrored from kinda …

: WELCOME TO TORONTO WELCOME TO TORONTO Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1670063

: I vaguely recall Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1670827

: PROTECT THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PROTECT THE NEIGHBOURHOOD Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1670362

: Sleeps Car Sleeps Car Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1670534

: Cadets Caring for Canada Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1671066

: Twitter 20080719 has got an entire box of penny sweets AND I EATS THEM ALL. # is ready. waiting. anticipating. the …

: SHARKS Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1671179

: WELCOME TO TORONTO WELCOME TO TORONTO Originally uploaded by Кевин Now we clamp and tow you Americans. Originally …

: WELCOME TO TORONTO WELCOME TO TORONTO Originally uploaded by Кевин Now we clamp and tow you Americans. …

: I vaguely recall 28062008122 Originally uploaded by Кевин I gave this lady my passport cos she said I was American. …

: I vaguely recall 28062008122 Originally uploaded by Кевин I gave this lady my passport cos she said I was American. …



: Sleeps Car Sleeps Car Originally uploaded by Кевин Is so very tried today. Originally published at …

: Sleeps Car Sleeps Car Originally uploaded by Кевин Is so very tried today. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Cadets Caring for Canada 28062008132 Originally uploaded by Кевин Unfortunately they don’t appear to be caring on this …

: Cadets Caring for Canada 28062008132 Originally uploaded by Кевин Unfortunately they don’t appear to be caring on this …

: SHARKS 19/07/2008 Originally uploaded by Кевин I eats them, they taste yum. Mmmm shark. Originally …

: SHARKS 19/07/2008 Originally uploaded by Кевин I eats them, they taste yum. Mmmm shark. …

: Erk It’s now coming to my billing date on my mobile:n Current spend _* Since your last bill you’ve spent …

: Erk It’s now coming to my billing date on my mobile: Current spend * Since your last bill …

: Erk It’s now coming to my billing date on my mobile: Current spend * Since your last bill …

: Twitter 20080718 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « SMS Post »,nurl: « …

: SMS Post Not best pleased some scaby fuck threw a pizza on my windscreen had to clean fucking cheese and …

: Twitter 20080718 Not best pleased some scaby fuck threw a pizza on my windscreen had to clean fucking cheese and …

: Twitter 20080718 Not best pleased some scaby fuck threw a pizza on my windscreen had to clean fucking cheese and …

: SMS Post Not best pleased some scaby fuck threw a pizza on my windscreen had to clean fucking cheese and …

: SMS Post Not best pleased some scaby fuck threw a pizza on my windscreen had to clean fucking cheese and …

: Work it pays the bills sort of Work, wouldn’t be better if all you needed to do was play on facebook? Originally published at …

: Work it pays the bills sort of Work, wouldn’t be better if all you needed to do was play on facebook? SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Magical Moments Magical Moments Originally uploaded by Кевин … with Animals. Originally published at …

: Magical Moments Magical Moments Originally uploaded by Кевин … with Animals. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Feed us for we are hungry Tue 15/07/2008 10:27 to Van Pickwick (SMS): I’m hungry i would like sandwich hopefully you …

: Feed us for we are hungry Tue 15/07/2008 10:27 to Van Pickwick (SMS): I’m hungry i would like sandwich hopefully you …

: Twitter 20080713 I’m so hot, With my bunny ears. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/74885 # More bunny …

: Twitter 20080713 I’m so hot, With my bunny ears. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/74885 # More bunny …

: Music We Like Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl - Heard this near constantly in Toronto. It’s decent. Originally …

: Music We Like Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl - Heard this near constantly in Toronto. It’s decent. …

: Twitter 20080712 @mabelair1 I posting for you! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Twitter 20080712 @mabelair1 I posting for you! # ShareThis Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Gordon Brown Must Die I hate you Gordon Brown. (see the bottom figure)nSHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « »n}); …

: Gordon Brown Must Die I hate you Gordon Brown. (see the bottom figure) Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Gordon Brown Must Die I hate you Gordon Brown. (see the bottom figure) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); <p …

: Tea bag action <blockquote> <p> It goes in dry, it cums out wet,.! the longer its in, the stronger it …

: Tea bag action Wed 09/07/2008 10:53 from Daniel Roberts (SMS): It goes in dry, it cums out wet,.! the longer its …

: Tea bag action Wed 09/07/2008 10:53 from Daniel Roberts (SMS): It goes in dry, it cums out wet,.! the longer its …

: Twitter 20080707 I hate airports. Had my sun screen confiscated (i told the chap to “fucking well bin it …

: Twitter 20080707 I hate airports. Had my sun screen confiscated (i told the chap to “fucking well bin it …

: Flying it8217s shit Mon 07/07/2008 01:44 to Twitter (SMS): I hate airports. Had my sun screen confiscated (i told the …

: Flying it8217s shit Mon 07/07/2008 01:44 to Twitter (SMS): I hate airports. Had my sun screen confiscated (i told the …

: Instant Male Enhancement I’ve seen nothing but a string of adverts for “Male Enhancement Pills” American …

: Instant Male Enhancement I’ve seen nothing but a string of adverts for “Male Enhancement Pills” American …

: Quick update Successfully completed the Ottawa journey as of about 30 minutes ago. <3 to mab1981 and the mr …

: Quick update Successfully completed the Ottawa journey as of about 30 minutes ago. <3 to mab1981 and the mr …

: Twitter 20080703 i have oral pain. I thought only good came from mouth (like mouth sex or eating). # vile. My gum was …

: Twitter 20080703 i have oral pain. I thought only good came from mouth (like mouth sex or eating). # vile. My gum was …

: Twitter 20080702 I saw something on the CBC news this evening about a woman left for dead in a Brooklyn hospital. …

: Twitter 20080702 I saw something on the CBC news this evening about a woman left for dead in a Brooklyn hospital. …

: Bunny Love Bunny Love Originally uploaded by Кевин There is love for all, even bunnies. God I hate bunnies. …

: Bunny Love Bunny Love Originally uploaded by Кевин There is love for all, even bunnies. God I hate bunnies. …

: NatWest Robobitch Strikes Again At 6am in Canada time I get a call. I AM THE NATWEST ANTI-FRAUD ROBODROID WOMAN, PLEASE ENTER ON …

: NatWest Robobitch Strikes Again At 6am in Canada time I get a call. I AM THE NATWEST ANTI-FRAUD ROBODROID WOMAN, PLEASE ENTER ON …

: Twitter 20080629 In a queue for street disco. At least i’m sober tonight. What a mess! Photos to come. # Best …

: Twitter 20080629 In a queue for street disco. At least i’m sober tonight. What a mess! Photos to come. # Best …

: Things overheard in Toronto Sun 29/06/2008 07:13 to Twitter (SMS): Best line: “wait for me. wait for me! Fucking wait for …

: Things overheard in Toronto Sun 29/06/2008 07:13 to Twitter (SMS): Best line: “wait for me. wait for me! Fucking wait for …

: WTF WTF? Originally uploaded by Кевин Anybody want to explain what this sign is trying to tell me? I …

: WTF WTF? Originally uploaded by Кевин Anybody want to explain what this sign is trying to tell me? I …

: Twitter 20080626 Best thing head from a TO Tramp: GET AWAY FROM MY CROTCH WHITE WHORES. She bellowed on the tram …

: Twitter 20080626 Best thing head from a TO Tramp: GET AWAY FROM MY CROTCH WHITE WHORES. She bellowed on the tram …

: Toyota Matrix Toyota Matrix Originally uploaded by Кевин This is the car I have for two weeks, it’s a bit …

: Toyota Matrix Toyota Matrix Originally uploaded by Кевин This is the car I have for two weeks, it’s a bit …

: What a strange evening Nothing more interesting than a rather strange evening. This was one of them. I went out with a man …

: What a strange evening Nothing more interesting than a rather strange evening. This was one of them. I went out with a man …

: Twitter 20080623 @Jeterish also sounds like a fantastic end to one too! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter 20080623 @Jeterish also sounds like a fantastic end to one too! # ShareThis Originally published at …

: Not ok This is a left hand drive car. They aren’t so hot. Even more annoyingly it’s automatic. Automatic …

: Not ok This is a left hand drive car. They aren’t so hot. Even more annoyingly it’s automatic. …

: Not ok This is a left hand drive car. They aren’t so hot. Even more annoyingly it’s automatic. …

: Twitter 20080622 How random, music from video games concert. What kind of fool thought this crap up? # Originally …

: Twitter 20080622 How random, music from video games concert. What kind of fool thought this crap up? # …

: Rural town life Sun 22/06/2008 18:55 to Charlie Earl (SMS): Nothing but white folk. Sun 22/06/2008 18:56 from …

: Rural town life Sun 22/06/2008 18:55 to Charlie Earl (SMS): Nothing but white folk. Sun 22/06/2008 18:56 from …

: No this is serious Sun 22/06/2008 01:31 to Twitter (SMS): How random, music from video games concert. What kind of fool …

: No this is serious Sun 22/06/2008 01:31 to Twitter (SMS): How random, music from video games concert. What kind of fool …

: Twitter 20080620 Highlight of my trip - “fucking fucking satnav fucking fucker cock end twating cunt” # …

: Twitter 20080620 Highlight of my trip - “fucking fucking satnav fucking fucker cock end twating cunt” # …

: Serious business Fri 20/06/2008 10:19 to McKendrick Matt (SMS): You can recognise canadian middle aged women. They …

: Serious business Fri 20/06/2008 10:19 to McKendrick Matt (SMS): You can recognise canadian middle aged women. They …

: I hate the M25 Fri 20/06/2008 07:07 to Allison Leanna (SMS): Highlight of my trip - “fucking fucking satnav …

: I hate the M25 Fri 20/06/2008 07:07 to Allison Leanna (SMS): Highlight of my trip - “fucking fucking satnav …

: I8217m so happy Wed 18/06/2008 19:38 to Chilcott Tabatha (SMS): Oh my god. You don’t understand my joy. I just …

: I8217m so happy Wed 18/06/2008 19:38 to Chilcott Tabatha (SMS): Oh my god. You don’t understand my joy. I just …

: Just stopped the robot Tue 17/06/2008 21:16 to Payne Terry (SMS): Told you. Reed bot not in tomorrow. Cos it’s not …

: Just stopped the robot Tue 17/06/2008 21:16 to Payne Terry (SMS): Told you. Reed bot not in tomorrow. Cos it’s not …

: Everybody feels the need for Tue 17/06/2008 10:25 to Van Pickwick (SMS): I feel the need for a sausage roll. The sausage …

: Everybody feels the need for Tue 17/06/2008 10:25 to Van Pickwick (SMS): I feel the need for a sausage roll. The sausage …

: All your dollar suck Sun 15/06/2008 19:15 from Jared Watts (SMS): Ugandan dollars are quite pathetic Sun 15/06/2008 …

: All your dollar suck Sun 15/06/2008 19:15 from Jared Watts (SMS): Ugandan dollars are quite pathetic Sun 15/06/2008 …

: Got to stop the robot Sat 14/06/2008 12:18 to Payne Terry (SMS): I’m going to deactivate the droid in a minute. …

: Got to stop the robot Sat 14/06/2008 12:18 to Payne Terry (SMS): I’m going to deactivate the droid in a minute. …

: Office gossip Thu 12/06/2008 18:32 to Smith Carrie-Anne (SMS): Did you hear. Amy got 19 months and a 500 quid …

: Office gossip Thu 12/06/2008 18:32 to Smith Carrie-Anne (SMS): Did you hear. Amy got 19 months and a 500 quid …

: Can8217t stop the robot Thu 12/06/2008 13:22 to Manuella (SMS): Sorry we couldn’t stop the robot from calling earlier. …

: Can8217t stop the robot Thu 12/06/2008 13:22 to Manuella (SMS): Sorry we couldn’t stop the robot from calling earlier. …

: I8217m far too involved in this Wed 11/06/2008 18:54 to Barrow Vicky (SMS): I’ll have sex with you for my husbands ipod. …

: I8217m far too involved in this Wed 11/06/2008 18:54 to Barrow Vicky (SMS): I’ll have sex with you for my husbands ipod. …

: We all make mistakes Tue 10/06/2008 23:57 to Marc-André Bélair (SMS): Shit. I meant to call a recovery agent to check if …

: We all make mistakes Tue 10/06/2008 23:57 to Marc-André Bélair (SMS): Shit. I meant to call a recovery agent to check if …

: Big brother Thu 05/06/2008 22:32 from Daniel Roberts (SMS): Who ordered thaii in the big brother house ? …

: Big brother Thu 05/06/2008 22:32 from Daniel Roberts (SMS): Who ordered thaii in the big brother house ? …

: Lifeblog post Sat 07/06/2008 19:03 to Barrow Vicky (SMS): If it makes you feel any better i once literally rolled …

: Lifeblog post Sat 07/06/2008 19:03 to Barrow Vicky (SMS): If it makes you feel any better i once literally rolled …

: I am a test This is a test and its all good. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: I am a test This is a test and its all good. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Does your phone do this SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « »n}); Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Does your phone do this This is my posting from wavelog. Does it work? Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Does your phone do this This is my posting from wavelog. Does it work? SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); <p …

: SMS Halarity Should I юмор tag this? To : Excuse me? From : Whos this? To : Santa clause. What’s your …

: SMS Halarity Should I юмор tag this? To : Excuse me? From : Whos this? To : Santa clause. What’s your …

: I don8217t understand your issue Seriously, the last time a certain somebody was in touch I think I made it quite clear that a bridge …

: I don8217t understand your issue Seriously, the last time a certain somebody was in touch I think I made it quite clear that a bridge …

: Twitter 20080605 My house smells like a fishery. And the cat lady wants me to pay a quid for cleaning stuff. I think …

: Twitter 20080605 My house smells like a fishery. And the cat lady wants me to pay a quid for cleaning stuff. I think …

: 03062008031 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: So far this has been a sandwich Over the past few weeks the amount of dramatics in my life has increased twn fold. I’m …

: So far this has been a sandwich Over the past few weeks the amount of dramatics in my life has increased twn fold. I’m …

: Video Broadcast Watch my webcast: kevinc’s livecast (Jun 01 16:10 CET) Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Video Broadcast Watch my webcast: kevinc’s livecast (Jun 01 16:10 CET) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" …

: Chan unit Has humour. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: More car I like it. For it is huge. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: More car I like it. For it is huge. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); <p style="border: …

: This is class This defines chippenham. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: This is class This defines chippenham. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" }); <p style="border: 1px …

: Twitter 20080530 I’ve just woke up at work. It’s great rolling out of bed being where you need to be but …

: Twitter 20080530 I’ve just woke up at work. It’s great rolling out of bed being where you need to be but …

: Twitter 20080529 I’ve finally got twitters back. Strangely enough after i got my new phone. Strange. # …

: Twitter 20080529 I’ve finally got twitters back. Strangely enough after i got my new phone. Strange. # …

: Twitter 20080520 YAY Twitter SMS is dead (again) and somehow it’s 23.12 plz xplain (oh yeah twitter dying too) …

: Twitter 20080520 YAY Twitter SMS is dead (again) and somehow it’s 23.12 plz xplain (oh yeah twitter dying too) …

: My lady lumps check it out So it’s been a long long time since I’ve sat down to actually get around to writing a …

: My lady lumps check it out So it’s been a long long time since I’ve sat down to actually get around to writing a …

: Twitter 20080518 I finally got my tax disc for my car. Now i’m fully legal. – photo at …

: Twitter 20080518 I finally got my tax disc for my car. Now i’m fully legal. - photo at …

: Twitter 20080518 I finally got my tax disc for my car. Now i’m fully legal. - photo at …

: Twitter 20080516 Tabs got bag on. Many funny. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/46163 # Originally …

: Twitter 20080516 Tabs got bag on. Many funny. - photo at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/46163 # …

: Twitter 20080515 Granny sex. Tasty. - at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/45462 # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20080515 Granny sex. Tasty. - at http://twitxr.com/kevinc/updates/45462 # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Twitter 20080513 @mabelair yum fetus. # @mabelair i’m afraid the twitter she works. # @mabelair so does getting …

: Twitter 20080513 @mabelair yum fetus. # @mabelair i’m afraid the twitter she works. # @mabelair so does getting …

: Twitter 20080512 Jaysus. My car in the highest pre-2006 tax band available. £212 down to HM Gov. And a good arse rape …

: Twitter 20080512 Jaysus. My car in the highest pre-2006 tax band available. £212 down to HM Gov. And a good arse rape …

: links for 20080511 http://www.bgca.org.hk/bgca06/main/home.asp?id=302&lang=C SMS stopped (tags: Twitter is shit) …

: links for 20080511 http://www.bgca.org.hk/bgca06/main/home.asp?id=302&lang=C SMS stopped (tags: Twitter is shit) …

: Twitter 20080510 @cherylprolapse I think I found it. Inside me. # @cherylprolapse This could be a problem. I started …

: Twitter 20080510 @cherylprolapse I think I found it. Inside me. # @cherylprolapse This could be a problem. I started …

: SMS Post I find myself hungry. Fix this issue with immediate effect. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: SMS Post I find myself hungry. Fix this issue with immediate effect. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" …

: BOMB LeLe does her terrorist thing. clipped from www.facebook.com   Originally …

: BOMB LeLe does her terrorist thing. clipped from www.facebook.com   …

: I8217m well hot This is what happens when you have too many Stellas. Far too many. clipped from www.facebook.com …

: I8217m well hot This is what happens when you have too many Stellas. Far too many. clipped from www.facebook.com …

: Car has vroom Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Car has vroom SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: The AA Bollocks I just pretty much got told by the AA to fuck off and take my problems elsewhere. So I did. Jerks. …

: The AA Bollocks I just pretty much got told by the AA to fuck off and take my problems elsewhere. So I did. Jerks. …

: links for 20080506 eXchange POP3 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: links for 20080506 eXchange POP3 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: LJ Erection Выборы в Наблюдательный совет Живого Журнала Я хочу, чтобы стал моим представителем в Наблюдательном …

: LJ Erection Выборы в Наблюдательный совет Живого Журнала Я хочу, чтобы стал моим представителем в Наблюдательном …

: Mentals Mentals Originally uploaded by Кевин This is the scene when Vicky showed up to my birthday time. …

: Mentals Mentals Originally uploaded by Кевин This is the scene when Vicky showed up to my birthday time. …

: Twitter 20080502 Everytime I see your face Twitter I spit in it…… with my love rod. # Originally …

: Twitter 20080502 Everytime I see your face Twitter I spit in it…… with my love rod. # …

: links for 20080428 Gunpoint Arrests (from The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald) Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: links for 20080428 Gunpoint Arrests (from The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: links for 20080415 Young 32yr old looking for more Southville, Bristol Bristol gay dating Originally published at …

: links for 20080415 Young 32yr old looking for more Southville, Bristol Bristol gay dating SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Euroband This is my life Iceland is my Евровидение 2008 vote. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Euroband This is my life Iceland is my Евровидение 2008 vote. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Twitter 20080406 Not happy about being woken up by a NWR driver who left his phone in his pocket! # everytime i see …

: Twitter 20080406 Not happy about being woken up by a NWR driver who left his phone in his pocket! # everytime i see …

: links for 20080404 freestyler19 - Profile from East Midlands Experts disagree with jury verdict against woman in …

: links for 20080404 freestyler19 - Profile from East Midlands Experts disagree with jury verdict against woman in …

: links for 20080331 Jersey City Medical Center - New Jersey/Jersey City - Jersey City, NJ SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: links for 20080330 NewsPro Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20080330 NewsPro SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Twitter 20080329 Extreme makeover home edition makes me want to barf. This is american television at it’s best. …

: Twitter 20080329 Extreme makeover home edition makes me want to barf. This is american television at it’s best. …

: Boobies Let me show you them. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Boobies Let me show you them. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); …

: SMS Post Still waiting for claire to find her pants so we can make it in to town. Originally published at …

: SMS Post Still waiting for claire to find her pants so we can make it in to town. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Video Broadcast Watch my webcast: kevinc’s livecast (Mar 29 00:52 UTC) Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Video Broadcast Watch my webcast: kevinc’s livecast (Mar 29 00:52 UTC) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" …

: links for 20080325 0_de88_ebc717d6_XL (изображение JPEG, 800×600 пикселов) …

: links for 20080325 0_de88_ebc717d6_XL (изображение JPEG, 800×600 пикселов) …

: Twitter 20080324 i fancy the pants off mister maker. children’s television is worth watching. # Originally …

: Twitter 20080324 i fancy the pants off mister maker. children’s television is worth watching. # …

: links for 20080324 3neXt | Software (tags: Software mobile) LEASEWEB: domeinen, webhosting, dedicated servers, …

: links for 20080324 3neXt | Software (tags: Software mobile) LEASEWEB: domeinen, webhosting, dedicated servers, …

: Video Broadcast Watch my webcast: kevinc’s livecast (Mar 23 14:58 UTC) Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Video Broadcast Watch my webcast: kevinc’s livecast (Mar 23 14:58 UTC) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "" …

: links for 20080323 Peeps Show II - washingtonpost.com (tags: humor peeps fun) Red Circle | Defining Mobile …

: links for 20080323 Peeps Show II - washingtonpost.com (tags: humor peeps fun) Red Circle | Defining Mobile …

: FYI Кевин.com.ua now has two more domains on top of Кевин.net.ua, Кевин.com.es and Кевин.nom.es. …

: FYI Кевин.com.ua now has two more domains on top of Кевин.net.ua, Кевин.com.es and Кевин.nom.es. …

: links for 20080322 Заполнение анкеты Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: links for 20080322 Заполнение анкеты SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); …

: Twitter 20080321 I hate this country sometimes. I pay for a train ticket and here i am on a fucking coach. Network …

: Twitter 20080321 I hate this country sometimes. I pay for a train ticket and here i am on a fucking coach. Network …

: INSURANCE SAGA Norwich Union offered me a “competetive quote” for a new policy (since they …

: INSURANCE SAGA Norwich Union offered me a “competetive quote” for a new policy (since they …

: LOL NO INSURANCE TWO I’m on hold to Norwich Union ZOMG now cos I gots to get to work and I has no sleeps. Theys …

: LOL NO INSURANCE I just got a letter through dated 14.03.08. According to Norwich Union as of 11.03.08 I cancelled my …

: LOL NO INSURANCE I just got a letter through dated 14.03.08. According to Norwich Union as of 11.03.08 I cancelled my …

: Vicky We Love You We love you Vicky You make us sticky my real name is Ricky I wish you were called Nicky Not that …

: Vicky We Love You We love you Vicky You make us sticky my real name is Ricky I wish you were called Nicky Not that …

: links for 20080317 LetrOdectUS (tags: eliteblogs blog) letrOdectUS - MyBlogLog Stuff White People Like (tags: blog …

: links for 20080317 LetrOdectUS (tags: eliteblogs blog) letrOdectUS - MyBlogLog Stuff White People Like (tags: blog …

: Twitter 20080316 I just found out that a simple image search of "HANDJOB" links to my site. Maybe …

: Twitter 20080316 I just found out that a simple image search of "HANDJOB" links to my site. Maybe …

: I8217m a classy girl love me I’ve been quite silent on this weblog for sometime now and all you people have had to read is …

: I8217m a classy girl love me I’ve been quite silent on this weblog for sometime now and all you people have had to read is …

: links for 20080315 danahboyd - grrr re: basic account decision Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business (tags: …

: links for 20080315 danahboyd - grrr re: basic account decision Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business (tags: …

: Twitter 20080311 I’ve now been able to kind of make this official. I’m getting myself a new job! Sort of. …

: Twitter 20080311 I’ve now been able to kind of make this official. I’m getting myself a new job! Sort of. …

: links for 20080311 Create Your Own Free Wetpaint Wiki ( Step 1/3 ) - Create a free wiki - Wetpaint (tags: wiki writing …

: links for 20080311 Create Your Own Free Wetpaint Wiki ( Step 1/3 ) - Create a free wiki - Wetpaint (tags: wiki writing …

: This is why I like Craig he8217s an odd ball This photo is so great it’s had to be done: Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at …

: This is why I like Craig he8217s an odd ball This photo is so great it’s had to be done: Powered by ScribeFire. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: SMS Post My wonderful readers. I know some of you have been commenting but i’ve had no time to reply to …

: SMS Post My wonderful readers. I know some of you have been commenting but i’ve had no time to reply to …

: Homophobia in the work place Let me show you the funny. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Homophobia in the work place Let me show you the funny. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" …

: Tractor Best thing ever. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: Tractor Best thing ever. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Elgg flied lice plick Somebody attacked my car with chocolate milk last night.  Skanks.  That’s stuff …

: Elgg flied lice plick Somebody attacked my car with chocolate milk last night.  Skanks.  That’s stuff …

: Twitter 20080304 jesus christ the overheard track that I’ve has for MONTHS has now kicked in with a vengence! # …

: Twitter 20080304 jesus christ the overheard track that I’ve has for MONTHS has now kicked in with a vengence! # …

: Saturday I enjoyed my saturday, granted that I only got 3 hours before I had to get up again and that I did …

: Saturday I enjoyed my saturday, granted that I only got 3 hours before I had to get up again and that I did …

: Twitter 20080302 I have set twitter to text me via Truphone (www.truphone.com) hopefully I can get my twitters back …

: Twitter 20080302 I have set twitter to text me via Truphone (www.truphone.com) hopefully I can get my twitters back …

: Vicky Don’t ask. Don’t tell. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Vicky Don’t ask. Don’t tell. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: links for 20080302 Craig Melville Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: links for 20080302 Craig Melville SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: OH LOOK AT ME I HAS BRUDBEND I’m posting from my FREE broadband because my phone line is shagged.  Best thing ever: …

: OH LOOK AT ME I HAS BRUDBEND I’m posting from my FREE broadband because my phone line is shagged.  Best thing ever: …

: SMS Post I’ve got two tables from ikea today. Although for my remaining items i’ve run out of …

: SMS Post I’ve got two tables from ikea today. Although for my remaining items i’ve run out of …

: SMS Post Little white girl goes missing and it’s a national disaster. Tuvalu is being swallowed up by …

: SMS Post Little white girl goes missing and it’s a national disaster. Tuvalu is being swallowed up by …

: Accident milage If i owned a bag of shit L reg french car i’d not bother replacing the screen either! …

: Accident milage If i owned a bag of shit L reg french car i’d not bother replacing the screen either! …

: Things I have done today8230 Signed up with Virgin Media, got 2mb broadband and a telephone line (which was cheaper than getting …

: Things I have done today8230 Signed up with Virgin Media, got 2mb broadband and a telephone line (which was cheaper than getting …

: links for 20080223 Fidonet Italia - Frame Page (tags: bbs fidonet) Flickr: Photos from leatherclad2003 BBC NEWS | …

: links for 20080223 Fidonet Italia - Frame Page (tags: bbs fidonet) Flickr: Photos from leatherclad2003 BBC NEWS | …

: Can i has sum Polish ketchup? Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: Can i has sum Polish ketchup? SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Twitter 20080221 II hate humans, if aliens invade I’ll be killing the fucking lot of you. Except one or two which …

: links for 20080222 wcNNTP Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20080222 wcNNTP SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Twitter 20080221 II hate humans, if aliens invade I’ll be killing the fucking lot of you. Except one or two …

: Twitter 20080221 II hate humans, if aliens invade I’ll be killing the fucking lot of you. Except one or two …

: Twitter 20080220 I’m missing you Twitter. Please resume your SMS love. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Twitter 20080220 I’m missing you Twitter. Please resume your SMS love. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Bedside …

: Camera from a far Don’t mind the mess. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Camera from a far Don’t mind the mess. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" …

: Big brother he watches This is my 3g camera. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Big brother he watches This is my 3g camera. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); …

: Defining picture of the weekend As described by the title. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Defining picture of the weekend As described by the title. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" …

: Quirky offices to let This is the best to let sign i’ve ever seen. It’s comedy gold.nSHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: …

: Quirky offices to let This is the best to let sign i’ve ever seen. It’s comedy gold. Originally published at …

: Quirky offices to let This is the best to let sign i’ve ever seen. It’s comedy gold. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: SMS Post How strange. As a call centre superstar I don’t have any kind of problem being a complete gob …

: SMS Post How strange. As a call centre superstar I don’t have any kind of problem being a complete gob …

: Haunted nun again This time not so freaky! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Haunted nun again This time not so freaky! SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); …

: SMS Post Shh! I’m having a quiet moment in the toilet (read sleep on the pan). Originally published at …

: SMS Post Shh! I’m having a quiet moment in the toilet (read sleep on the pan). SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Broadband If I could manage to find a better way to hook up my 3G Broadband and also get BETTER signal …

: Broadband If I could manage to find a better way to hook up my 3G Broadband and also get BETTER signal …

: The haunted nun My nun outfit is like a haunted nun in the dark. Freaky. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: The haunted nun My nun outfit is like a haunted nun in the dark. Freaky. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: TMI I was going to have a wank but the heating switched off and it’s too cold Powered by …

: TMI I was going to have a wank but the heating switched off and it’s too cold Powered by …

: links for 20080211 RSS heart PNG Icons Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: links for 20080211 RSS heart PNG Icons SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); …

: Ununsed Fire Place 10022008 Originally uploaded by Кевин With Nymph(o) and various soft toys! Originally published at …

: Ununsed Fire Place 10022008 Originally uploaded by Кевин With Nymph(o) and various soft toys! SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Entertainment Centre 10022008(001) Originally uploaded by Кевин Reliving the 80s! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Entertainment Centre 10022008(001) Originally uploaded by Кевин Reliving the 80s! SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Storage Bits 10022008(002) Originally uploaded by Кевин (which came with the place!) Originally published at …

: Storage Bits 10022008(002) Originally uploaded by Кевин (which came with the place!) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Computer Desk 10022008(003) Originally uploaded by Кевин Missing the finishing bar so I can’t retract the …

: Computer Desk 10022008(003) Originally uploaded by Кевин Missing the finishing bar so I can’t retract the …

: Bedside Table 10022008(004) Originally uploaded by Кевин This is what is on my bedside table (but not the boxes on …

: Bedside Table 10022008(004) Originally uploaded by Кевин This is what is on my bedside table (but not the boxes on …

: C64 Game Time 10022008(005) Originally uploaded by Кевин It took 5 minutes to load up but it was worth it. You …

: C64 Game Time 10022008(005) Originally uploaded by Кевин It took 5 minutes to load up but it was worth it. You …

: Twitter 20080206 I was sat across from the Bloated Lesbian of all Media earlier today. # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20080206 I was sat across from the Bloated Lesbian of all Media earlier today. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: Twitter 20080205 Somebody PLEASE tell me why Twitter isn’t texting me now!?! # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20080205 Somebody PLEASE tell me why Twitter isn’t texting me now!?! # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "I …

: Because I8217ve been working8230 … until 0.00 this evening when I get back in I feel like a drink. Mmmm alcoholic beverages. …

: Because I8217ve been working8230 … until 0.00 this evening when I get back in I feel like a drink. Mmmm alcoholic beverages. …

: Twitter 20080204 Just as i’m going to rest i get a call "i’d like to book my van to get a headlight …

: Twitter 20080204 Just as i’m going to rest i get a call "i’d like to book my van to get a headlight …

: Twitter 20080203 I do not get your american football. Yet it is on my BBC. # The Patriots are going to receive on the …

: Twitter 20080203 I do not get your american football. Yet it is on my BBC. # The Patriots are going to receive on the …

: Random Cat Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Random Cat SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: links for 20080203 Managed Hosting Services- Windows Hosting & Linux Hosting on Dedicated Dell Servers Originally …

: links for 20080203 Managed Hosting Services- Windows Hosting & Linux Hosting on Dedicated Dell Servers …

: Craig is Torso of the Week Contender Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Craig is Torso of the Week Contender SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Gaylord Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Gaylord SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: 31012008 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Twitter 20080130 I shouted at my bank today. "i have enough shit to do right now without you bastards calling …

: Twitter 20080130 I shouted at my bank today. "i have enough shit to do right now without you bastards calling …

: Coded It’s 23.02 according to the phone system, I’m so tired right now that I’m only …

: Coded It’s 23.02 according to the phone system, I’m so tired right now that I’m only …

: Note I is deaded. Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Note I is deaded. Powered by ScribeFire. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Twitter 20080129 @tallfreak i just lost 4.50 at the sandwich van. # @tallfreak that should read £4.50. # Originally …

: Twitter 20080129 @tallfreak i just lost 4.50 at the sandwich van. # @tallfreak that should read £4.50. #   …

: Kevin Costelloe 2487 If only I were this hot. And this was my “agent photo” on the system. Originally …

: Kevin Costelloe 2487 If only I were this hot. And this was my “agent photo” on the system. …

: Twitter 20080128 I want to finger blast twitter. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Twitter 20080128 I want to finger blast twitter. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "I heart you internet", url: …

: Twitter 20080125 I’m horny for twitter. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20080125 I’m horny for twitter. # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "I heart you internet", url: …

: Craig BUNNEH HOT Craig & BUNNEH in ur kall cantre makin teh hots.* Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Craig BUNNEH HOT Craig & BUNNEH in ur kall cantre makin teh hots.* SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Get the Fk up ICYMI: Tanisha from “Bad Girls Club” Posted Today In a clip from Oxygen’s …

: Get the Fk up ICYMI: Tanisha from “Bad Girls Club” Posted Today In a clip from Oxygen’s …

: Twitter 20080121 Shower inop. I’ve now got to bathe myself out of the hand wash basin and wash my hair in the …

: Twitter 20080121 Shower inop. I’ve now got to bathe myself out of the hand wash basin and wash my hair in the …

: I got no shower Therefore I wash in this. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: I got no shower Therefore I wash in this. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" …

: links for 20080121 D&B Small Business Solutions Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: links for 20080121 D&B Small Business Solutions SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Twitter 20080120 The maker of the hottest curry is dead now # HOORAY I made it a full week and I still have 30 …

: Twitter 20080120 The maker of the hottest curry is dead now # HOORAY I made it a full week and I still have 30 …

: I8217m not amused I can’t get to sleep without my music but my iPod died out when I started to play my music. …

: I8217m not amused I can’t get to sleep without my music but my iPod died out when I started to play my music. …

: Twitter 20080117 @mikeypod ironispam? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20080117 @mikeypod ironispam? # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "31072007", url: …

: Twitter 20080116 I just got called by bloatedlesbian and by just now i mean 15 minutes ago. # @bloatedlesbian if I …

: Twitter 20080116 I just got called by bloatedlesbian and by just now i mean 15 minutes ago. # @bloatedlesbian if I …

: Because I8217M NOW FAMOUS8230 … you bastards have to listen to Yeast Radio.  Now.  Or I kill you in face with …

: Because I8217M NOW FAMOUS8230 … you bastards have to listen to Yeast Radio.  Now.  Or I kill you in face with …

: One does call centre I now like my bank.  Only because I nearly head hunted one of their employees whilst I was on …

: One does call centre I now like my bank.  Only because I nearly head hunted one of their employees whilst I was on …

: Twitter 20080114 I can’t believe a mutya song might become one of my life anthems. # Originally published at …

: Twitter 20080114 I can’t believe a mutya song might become one of my life anthems. # ShareThis Originally …

: links for 20080114 Для любимых друзей =) (tags: ascii animation art funny kitten cute) www.cdonpc.ru | скачать High …

: links for 20080114 Для любимых друзей =) (tags: ascii animation art funny kitten cute) www.cdonpc.ru | скачать High …

: Twitter 20080111 You’ve almost received the maximum SMS updates for the week. (You have 10 left and …

: Twitter 20080111 You’ve almost received the maximum SMS updates for the week. (You have 10 left and …

: Twitter 20080109 @bloatedlesbian i will attempt to join your live broadcast, however, if i’m stuck at work …

: Twitter 20080109 @bloatedlesbian i will attempt to join your live broadcast, however, if i’m stuck at work …

: Financial Goals for this year As I’ve started to do a whole shit load of out of hours work this is a feasable savings …

: Financial Goals for this year As I’ve started to do a whole shit load of out of hours work this is a feasable savings …

: Twitter 20080107 1) what do you think this is? A call centre? 2) it’s not 118 118, if you got the wrong number …

: Twitter 20080107 1) what do you think this is? A call centre? 2) it’s not 118 118, if you got the wrong number …

: Twitter 20080106 KevinCostelloe is online but may be away from AOL right now. # @mikeypod but that’s the human …

: links for 20080107 Facebook | Your Facebook Badges (tags: facebook) Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: links for 20080107 Facebook | Your Facebook Badges (tags: facebook) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Twitter 20080106 KevinCostelloe is online but may be away from AOL right now. # @mikeypod but that’s the human …

: Twitter 20080106 KevinCostelloe is online but may be away from AOL right now. # @mikeypod but that’s the human …

: links for 20080106 Kimchi Recipe - Vegetables - MyRecipes.com (tags: korean korea kimchi food recipe) Temple’s …

: links for 20080106 Kimchi Recipe - Vegetables - MyRecipes.com (tags: korean korea kimchi food recipe) Temple’s …

: Twitter 20080105 @bloatedlesbian i think it’s my lapturd but no audio and laggy # I just saw a freddie mercury …

: Twitter 20080105 @bloatedlesbian i think it’s my lapturd but no audio and laggy # I just saw a freddie mercury …

: I has good news and bad news x2 Good news – I’m not working tomorrow.nBad news – I’m still going in for 30 minutes or so. I quote …

: I has good news and bad news x2 Good news - I’m not working tomorrow. Bad news - I’m still going in for 30 minutes or …

: I has good news and bad news x2 Good news - I’m not working tomorrow. Bad news - I’m still going in for 30 minutes or …

: Twitter 20080103 @freebradley you could gain and lose again or muscle up and send me naughty photos. # Originally …

: Twitter 20080103 @freebradley you could gain and lose again or muscle up and send me naughty photos. # …

: O hai I c u Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: O hai I c u SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: WON HONDRAD Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: WON HONDRAD SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: My call stats I show you them. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: My call stats I show you them. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: NinetyEight Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: NinetyEight SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Mailbox Danny Mailbox - Danny Originally uploaded by Кевин This is what got sent back to me from a mailbox …

: Mailbox Danny Mailbox - Danny Originally uploaded by Кевин This is what got sent back to me from a mailbox …

: LOLZ Everytime I see Barack Obama’s name I think Bareback Obama. So I tried barebackobama.com and …

: LOLZ Everytime I see Barack Obama’s name I think Bareback Obama. So I tried barebackobama.com and …

: SPAM YAY Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: SPAM YAY Powered by ScribeFire. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); …

: Just FYI I want to slap Kate Nash with an axe.  Her song is annoying.  In fact if anybody has some …

: Just FYI I want to slap Kate Nash with an axe.  Her song is annoying.  In fact if anybody has some …

: links for 20071230 Peyton Manning, Eli Manning and the Mannings Family: Can you guess the Second Sport? (tags: WTF) …

: links for 20071230 Peyton Manning, Eli Manning and the Mannings Family: Can you guess the Second Sport? (tags: WTF) …

: Twitter 20071229 LOLZ Star Trek films on Sky Sci-Fi Horror all day!!! # Twitter won’t text or IM me anymore. …

: Twitter 20071229 LOLZ Star Trek films on Sky Sci-Fi Horror all day!!! # Twitter won’t text or IM me anymore. …

: Touching the moob Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Touching the moob SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Today hardcore Jesus today was hard work. First we had the breakdown that went horribly wrong, I listened in on …

: Today hardcore Jesus today was hard work. First we had the breakdown that went horribly wrong, I listened in on …

: Twitter 20071227 Being hay, i like to say it made me a better person in this world but in hind sight i think maybe …

: Twitter 20071227 Being hay, i like to say it made me a better person in this world but in hind sight i think maybe …

: Twitter 20071227 Being hay, i like to say it made me a better person in this world but in hind sight i think maybe …

: 27122007 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: links for 20071227 Buy domain name cheap domain name registration domains hosting and services (tags: domain pizza …

: links for 20071227 Buy domain name cheap domain name registration domains hosting and services (tags: domain pizza …

: 26122007001 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Twitter 20071226 WTF - Twitter says I have received 240 messages?!?! They only reset me a couple days ago. RABBLE …

: Twitter 20071226 WTF - Twitter says I have received 240 messages?!?! They only reset me a couple days ago. RABBLE …

: 26122007 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Twitter 20071225 Update: 3 minutes away from a self inflicted finger blast and a bit of xtube. So far not to good. …

: Twitter 20071225 Update: 3 minutes away from a self inflicted finger blast and a bit of xtube. So far not to good. …

: 25122007006 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: I8217ve been witness8230 … to the most boring affair to take place EVER. We got a bit interested in two cars at the end …

: I8217ve been witness8230 … to the most boring affair to take place EVER. We got a bit interested in two cars at the end …

: 25122007004 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: O HAI O hai it r christmas daye and ur on mah fonez brokens down. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: O HAI O hai it r christmas daye and ur on mah fonez brokens down. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Worknets 038 Internets Cos I gots no internet access at work I has to do it myself. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Worknets amp Internets Cos I gots no internet access at work I has to do it myself. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: This is my work station for today Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: This is my work station for today SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: CCTV TV CCTV + TV = ZOMG CHRISTMAS! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: CCTV TV CCTV + TV = ZOMG CHRISTMAS! SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" …

: Twitter 20071224 @bloatedlesbian you’re my first twitter since my limit has been reset. Also i try and call you …

: Twitter 20071224 @bloatedlesbian you’re my first twitter since my limit has been reset. Also i try and call you …

: links for 20071224 Oprah invited to the outback | NEWS.com.au (tags: oprah oprahsminge) A pensioner from Bristol is …

: links for 20071224 Oprah invited to the outback | NEWS.com.au (tags: oprah oprahsminge) A pensioner from Bristol is …

: Twitter 20071223 I’ve run out of text messages I can receive. Does this mean I can accuse twitter of violating …

: Twitter 20071223 I’ve run out of text messages I can receive. Does this mean I can accuse twitter of violating …

: Plz xplain How does a woman with a cronic driving phobia 1) get a licence and 2) not had it torn up in front of …

: Plz xplain How does a woman with a cronic driving phobia 1) get a licence and 2) not had it torn up in front of …

: He8217s speedy speedy like Gonzales Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: He8217s speedy speedy like Gonzales Powered by ScribeFire. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); …

: SMS Post Is this still working at all? Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: SMS Post Is this still working at all? SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" …

: Flickr Off flickroff Originally uploaded by Кевин OK THNX FLICKR U WANAT MY MUNNIS?! Originally published at …

: Flickr Off flickroff Originally uploaded by Кевин OK THNX FLICKR U WANAT MY MUNNIS?! SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: 23122007001 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: 23122007 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « »,nurl: « [kevin.com.ua/1969/12/3...](http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/) …

: 23122007 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: 22122007001 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: 22122007 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: links for 20071221 Ralph Kelly Bad Bad Teacher - School Sex Scandals - The Dark Side of Teacher-Student Relations …

: links for 20071221 Ralph Kelly Bad Bad Teacher - School Sex Scandals - The Dark Side of Teacher-Student Relations …

: Twitter 20071220 They just said on crimewatch about a rapist asking the lady to wee in front of them. It made me …

: Twitter 20071220 They just said on crimewatch about a rapist asking the lady to wee in front of them. It made me …

: This is a microblog O hai, I thought I should just say hello rly. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: This is a microblog O hai, I thought I should just say hello rly. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: I prove with photos Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I prove with photos SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Pine has the humour  [Newsgroup soc.support.loneliness is empty] Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at …

: Pine has the humour  [Newsgroup soc.support.loneliness is empty] Powered by ScribeFire. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: links for 20071220 MAC Download Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: links for 20071220 MAC Download SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Twitter 20071219 @freebradley five golden cock rings? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Twitter 20071219 @freebradley five golden cock rings? # SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: I was going to WoW but now Im not I was going to take up the ten day offer on WoW, as it was a decent concept, if I didn’t like it …

: One chance to WoW me8230 Greetings automated human unit, I’m afraid your message has resulted in an Error …

: One chance to WoW me8230 Greetings automated human unit, I’m afraid your message has resulted in an Error …

: I was going to WoW but now I8217m not I was going to take up the ten day offer on WoW, as it was a decent concept, if I didn’t like …

: I was going to WoW but now I8217m not I was going to take up the ten day offer on WoW, as it was a decent concept, if I didn’t like …

: 19122007001 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: 19122007 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Twitter 20071218 # @bloatedlesbian nvu.com # Now i know why i’m suicidal around this time of the year. …

: Twitter 20071218 # @bloatedlesbian nvu.com # Now i know why i’m suicidal around this time of the year. …

: Twitter 20071217 Do me a favour and check the virgin media web site for broadband in the south west. Internet is dead …

: Twitter 20071217 Do me a favour and check the virgin media web site for broadband in the south west. Internet is dead …

: 17122007 SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Test {vidavee id=”4167″ w=”320″ } Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Test SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: "http://kevin.com.ua/1969/12/31/" }); <p …

: Drinkerising My head is hurtings but I don’t think I made too much of an ass of myself (one would hope). …

: Drinkerising My head is hurtings but I don’t think I made too much of an ass of myself (one would hope). …

: Twitter 20071215 @jeterish at this time of night and in this weather?!? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter 20071215 @jeterish at this time of night and in this weather?!? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: 15122007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Twitter 20071213 @mikeypod you should create a streaming playlist and call it mikeypod.fm # @soylentjames strap on. # …

: Twitter 20071213 @mikeypod you should create a streaming playlist and call it mikeypod.fm # @soylentjames strap on. # …

: Twitter 20071212 @mikeypod you knows the gayz like teh buff cock. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter 20071212 @mikeypod you knows the gayz like teh buff cock. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Interesting fact of the day8230 … my phone system can leave a call parked forever, assuming of course that the extension that …

: Interesting fact of the day8230 … my phone system can leave a call parked forever, assuming of course that the extension that …

: I r many sick I had been hanging all day today, I’m not entirely sure what it was but I was well ill.  …

: I r many sick I had been hanging all day today, I’m not entirely sure what it was but I was well ill.  …

: Old meme Actual message today: Have you seen my will to live? I appear to have lost it…nAt work it’s going …

: links for 20071212 European Press Federation Free WordPress Themes | Quality free WordPress Themes Originally …

: links for 20071212 European Press Federation Free WordPress Themes | Quality free WordPress Themes Originally …

: Old meme Actual message today: Have you seen my will to live?  I appear to have lost it… At work …

: Old meme Actual message today: Have you seen my will to live?  I appear to have lost it… At work …

: MUST HAVE OFFICE ITEM Plz make this happen now Jesus. Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: MUST HAVE OFFICE ITEM Plz make this happen now Jesus. Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Customers_suck and they8217re not even mine8230 We receive a fax, it’s 7 pages long. Most of which happen to be some woman’s bank …

: Customers_suck and they8217re not even mine8230 We receive a fax, it’s 7 pages long. Most of which happen to be some woman’s bank …

: Twitter 20071210 @bloatedlesbian make sure you scream "i’m totally just kidding" as you do it, for …

: Twitter 20071210 @bloatedlesbian make sure you scream "i’m totally just kidding" as you do it, for …

: links for 20071210 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1675994

: links for 20071210 Ability Mail Server 2.xx Prices (tags: server mail windows) The Usenet Improvement Project - Home …

: links for 20071210 Ability Mail Server 2.xx Prices (tags: server mail windows) The Usenet Improvement Project - Home …

: Twitter 20071209 I could easily run my internets off three mobile broadband. It’s great. # I feel properly …

: Twitter 20071209 I could easily run my internets off three mobile broadband. It’s great. # I feel properly …

: links for 20071209 Отдых зимой, новогодний отдых, семейный отдых в январе, феврале или марте. Отдых на островах. - …

: links for 20071209 Отдых зимой, новогодний отдых, семейный отдых в январе, феврале или марте. Отдых на островах. - …

: I has an Lolcat I can has a lolcat for you? clipped from madsquirrel.livejournal.com   …

: I has an Lolcat I can has a lolcat for you? clipped from madsquirrel.livejournal.com   …

: Christmas Do Photos Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Christmas Do Photos Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20071207 I don’t want to live in this day and age anymore. Please return me to the late 60s if you have a …

: Twitter 20071207 I don’t want to live in this day and age anymore. Please return me to the late 60s if you have …

: Twitter 20071207 I don’t want to live in this day and age anymore. Please return me to the late 60s if you have …

: 07122007001 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: links for 20071207 SAY HEY! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: …

: links for 20071207 SAY HEY! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: …

: O HAI 1 MOR THING I just flagged the News journal as "offensive content".  I suggest you do the same. …

: O HAI 1 MOR THING I just flagged the News journal as "offensive content".  I suggest you do the same. …

: OK LJ PLZ XPLAIN I am 24, legally in most countries if not all of them it makes me an ADULT.  So why in …

: OK LJ PLZ XPLAIN I am 24, legally in most countries if not all of them it makes me an ADULT.  So why in …

: SAY HEY I’m still here. Just thought you should know. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: SAY HEY I’m still here. Just thought you should know. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: This is a test from Windows Live Writer Here this is a test so have this: Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: This is a test from Windows Live Writer Here this is a test so have this: Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Twitter 20071205 It could be me but uk plc took more effort on mohammed bear than darfur. # Troll 2 is the oddest …

: Twitter 20071205 It could be me but uk plc took more effort on mohammed bear than darfur. # Troll 2 is the oddest …

: Charity Shoppage Tomorrow I think I’m going to do a charity shop run. I may do £10 at most and see what I can …

: Charity Shoppage Tomorrow I think I’m going to do a charity shop run. I may do £10 at most and see what I can …

: Twitter 20071204 Hey twitter. I’ve got trainees tomorrow, it’s amazing I’m trusted with underlings …

: Twitter 20071204 Hey twitter. I’ve got trainees tomorrow, it’s amazing I’m trusted with underlings …

: Evridiki Comme Ci Comme a Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Evridiki Comme Ci Comme a Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter 20071203 My lapturd has arrived. I am most happy now, plus I gots the 3G working at work. HOLLA! # …

: Twitter 20071203 My lapturd has arrived. I am most happy now, plus I gots the 3G working at work. HOLLA! # …

: I am mobile in bed So everything is going well, got the laptop this morning and it works with the three mobile …

: I am mobile in bed So everything is going well, got the laptop this morning and it works with the three mobile …

: I8217m switching email providers8230 … to the AOL. Seriously. I’m using their hosted system so I gots a cheap domain (as I …

: I8217m switching email providers8230 … to the AOL. Seriously. I’m using their hosted system so I gots a cheap domain (as I …

: Twitter 20071201 @bagadoughnuts that’s not exactly news. Stan lee appears in just about every film or …

: Twitter 20071201 @bagadoughnuts that’s not exactly news. Stan lee appears in just about every film or …

: Twitter 20071130 @freebradley according to bbc world america you had some canadian oil blow us on you. # Chris Fawkes …

: Twitter 20071130 @freebradley according to bbc world america you had some canadian oil blow us on you. # Chris Fawkes …

: I are win Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1676061

: I are win Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I are win Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I are mobile broadband My (free) mobile broadband dongle has arrived.  £15 a month for 3GB of 3G POWAR for the next 18 …

: I are mobile broadband My (free) mobile broadband dongle has arrived.  £15 a month for 3GB of 3G POWAR for the next 18 …

: Twitter 20071129 @MikeyPod Your little girl fart incident has to be the funniest thing ever at 6am. I’ve been …

: Twitter 20071129 @MikeyPod Your little girl fart incident has to be the funniest thing ever at 6am. I’ve been …

: Azis i Ustata Tochno sega Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Azis i Ustata Tochno sega Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: 8217 8220 8221 Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: FORESHADOWING After I took this snap I picked up the phone and it went DOWN HILL FROM THERE Originally published …

: It8217s hat day and don8217t you forget it Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: It8217s hat day and don8217t you forget it Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Twitter 20071128 25 text messages over 6 hours. I’ve missed you twitter folk. Although i need to watch out they …

: QotD I can understand Turbo eating the job and shitting it all over the place, that’s fine, …

: QotD I can understand Turbo eating the job and shitting it all over the place, that’s fine, …

: Twitter 20071127 I just finalised my purchase of a lapturd. I love eBay 150 phaaaaands. # Hey douche bags. My phone …

: Twitter 20071127 I just finalised my purchase of a lapturd. I love eBay 150 phaaaaands. # Hey douche bags. My phone …

: Twitter 20071127 I just finalised my purchase of a lapturd. I love eBay 150 phaaaaands. # Hey douche bags. My phone …

: Just rolled in to a yellow wet patch in the bed Thanks dogs Just rolled in to a yellow wet patch in the bed. Thanks dogs. By kevinc 2 weeks, 4 days ago in …

: Just rolled in to a yellow wet patch in the bed Thanks dogs Just rolled in to a yellow wet patch in the bed. Thanks dogs. By kevinc 2 weeks, 4 days ago in …

: I just found 2girls1cup8230 …. BLERGH, GURPH, BLUUUUUH. I’ve lived through alot of internet vileness like Goatse, …

: I just found 2girls1cup8230 …. BLERGH, GURPH, BLUUUUUH. I’ve lived through alot of internet vileness like Goatse, …

: I love mock_the_stupid “It’s a sheet of paper. Just plain old copy paper.” If you can’t see the …

: I love mock_the_stupid “It’s a sheet of paper. Just plain old copy paper.” If you can’t see the …

: Twitter 20071125 @bloatedlesbian just buy her a gun and send her in to a bank. Then tell her to find and buy her own …

: Twitter 20071125 @bloatedlesbian just buy her a gun and send her in to a bank. Then tell her to find and buy her own …

: Too many banging beats8230 …. so my iPod headphones have split in the speaker.  HARDCORE. Powered by ScribeFire. …

: Too many banging beats8230 …. so my iPod headphones have split in the speaker.  HARDCORE. Powered by ScribeFire. …

: Sat on the toilet on msn Sat on the toilet on msn. By kevinc 2 weeks, 6 days ago. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Sat on the toilet on msn Sat on the toilet on msn. By kevinc 2 weeks, 6 days ago. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: It8217s all good here Virgin now have the entire series one of deep space 9. I have 15 days to watch them all! Originally …

: It8217s all good here Virgin now have the entire series one of deep space 9. I have 15 days to watch them all! …

: Twitter 20071124 TWITTER I HATE YOU: # Received SMS 0/250 # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Twitter 20071124 TWITTER I HATE YOU: # Received SMS 0/250 # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Gansta Rap I’m on the computer now, but I’m still IM blogging. I feel like having a drink or …

: Gansta Rap I’m on the computer now, but I’m still IM blogging. I feel like having a drink or …

: If i was anymore tired i8217d be asleep one could consider this micro blogging if i’m not careful. I’m hungry and tired. This is …

: If i was anymore tired i8217d be asleep one could consider this micro blogging if i’m not careful. I’m hungry and tired. This is …

: Hay jaiku What up Hay jaiku! What up? By kevinc 3 weeks ago. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Hay jaiku What up Hay jaiku! What up? By kevinc 3 weeks ago. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Yo momma so big8230 Oh look i’m making a post now. This is because i got an im client on my mobile, the best and …

: Yo momma so big8230 Oh look i’m making a post now. This is because i got an im client on my mobile, the best and …

: AIM I am changing my AIM from M4dSquirrels to KevinCostelloe PLZ BE AWARE K. Powered by ScribeFire. …

: AIM I am changing my AIM from M4dSquirrels to KevinCostelloe PLZ BE AWARE K. Powered by ScribeFire. …

: Why do you exist then M(e) D(river) N(ot me) Original call handled by N.  Which consisted of N: You need to stop the …

: Why do you exist then M(e) D(river) N(ot me) Original call handled by N.  Which consisted of N: You need to stop the …

: Thursday night on BBC One GO EMO Seriously, this was official EMO ERNIE SEAL OF APPROVAL material. clipped from www.bbc.co.uk …

: Thursday night on BBC One GO EMO Seriously, this was official EMO ERNIE SEAL OF APPROVAL material. clipped from www.bbc.co.uk …

: Twitter 20071118 ping. # @lakeguydreams You owe me an explaination: http://tinyurl.com/2mh7ba # OprahsMinge has been …

: Twitter 20071118 ping. # @lakeguydreams You owe me an explaination: http://tinyurl.com/2mh7ba # OprahsMinge has been …

: This is all the christmas related crap you8217re getting from ME Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: This is all the christmas related crap you8217re getting from ME Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: IF I ONLY SAW THIS 4 DAYS AGO ZOMG HOT - but they’ve pulled down the photos Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at …

: IF I ONLY SAW THIS 4 DAYS AGO ZOMG HOT - but they’ve pulled down the photos Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at …

: This week brough to you by8230 … Pro Plus™ for when you don’t get enough sleep and can barely operate as a …

: This week brough to you by8230 … Pro Plus™ for when you don’t get enough sleep and can barely operate as a …

: Twitter 20071115 @MikeyPod "monetization" isn’t even a word….. # @ioubeer @oprahsminge for …

: Twitter 20071115 @MikeyPod "monetization" isn’t even a word….. # @ioubeer @oprahsminge for …

: Jackie Beat is my new godess Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Jackie Beat is my new godess Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: It8217s Britney Bitch Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: It8217s Britney Bitch Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071114 Just cos you put the cock in the pussy & make the baby doesn’t mean you can hold up …

: Twitter Updates for 20071114 Just cos you put the cock in the pussy & make the baby doesn’t mean you can hold up …

: Why spam bot Why What the hell is with comment spam now? What is the point it never works and they must know it too. …

: Why spam bot Why What the hell is with comment spam now? What is the point it never works and they must know it too. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071113 @freebradley In this instance i suggest a nice cup of tea and a sit down (dot com) # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20071113 @freebradley In this instance i suggest a nice cup of tea and a sit down (dot com) # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20071112 I touched a jesus phone. Then i touched myself. Consumers gone wild. # Originally published at …

: Twitter Updates for 20071112 I touched a jesus phone. Then i touched myself. Consumers gone wild. # Originally published at …

: I8217m not up for another days work I’m not up for another days work. By kevinc 1 month ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. Originally …

: I8217m not up for another days work I’m not up for another days work. By kevinc 1 month ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071111 @MikeyPod sell it on eBay and say it was Madonna’s # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071111 @MikeyPod sell it on eBay and say it was Madonna’s # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: 11112007003 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 11112007002 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Lesbian seagull Lesbian seagull. By kevinc 1 month ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. Originally published at …

: Lesbian seagull Lesbian seagull. By kevinc 1 month ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: Soy Sauce 11112007nOriginally uploaded by Кевинn… is my best friend. A bottle like this will probably last me …

: Soy Sauce 11112007 Originally uploaded by Кевин … is my best friend. A bottle like this will probably …

: Soy Sauce 11112007 Originally uploaded by Кевин … is my best friend. A bottle like this will probably …

: Twitter Updates for 20071110 Foreign police dramas are odd to watch. It’s not everyday you see a shotgun being taken from …

: Twitter Updates for 20071110 Foreign police dramas are odd to watch. It’s not everyday you see a shotgun being taken from …

: SMS Post Since when was it 22.36? It feels later than that! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: SMS Post Since when was it 22.36? It feels later than that! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: You know me love you ten euro long time You know me love you ten euro long time. By kevinc 1 month ago in Bowerhill, Trowbridge, UK. …

: You know me love you ten euro long time You know me love you ten euro long time. By kevinc 1 month ago in Bowerhill, Trowbridge, UK. …

: New Desktop desktop.jpg Originally uploaded by Кевин It’s Chris Evans (and not the ginger twat either). …

: New Desktop desktop.jpg Originally uploaded by Кевин It’s Chris Evans (and not the ginger twat either). …

: Foreign police dramas are odd to watch It8217s not everyday you see a shotgun being taken from t Foreign police dramas are odd to watch. It’s not everyday you see a shotgun being taken from …

: Foreign police dramas are odd to watch It8217s not everyday you see a shotgun being taken from t Foreign police dramas are odd to watch. It’s not everyday you see a shotgun being taken from …

: Twitter Updates for 20071109 I don’t think you understand how much i hate the one show. # Is christmas over yet? # …

: Twitter Updates for 20071109 I don’t think you understand how much i hate the one show. # Is christmas over yet? # …

: Made for tv zombie films are hardcore Made for tv zombie films are hardcore.nBy kevinc{.url}n1 month ago in …

: Made for tv zombie films are hardcore Made for tv zombie films are hardcore. By kevinc 1 month ago in UK. Originally published at …

: Made for tv zombie films are hardcore Made for tv zombie films are hardcore. By kevinc 1 month ago in UK. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: 09112007001 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I was considering an iphone but its not worth nearly a grand for a phone after the initial ou I was considering an iphone but it’s not worth nearly a grand for a phone after the initial outlay …

: I can not decide what i8217m wearing tonight I can not decide what i’m wearing tonight. By kevinc 1 month ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. …

: I can not decide what i8217m wearing tonight I can not decide what i’m wearing tonight. By kevinc 1 month ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. …

: I also deleted my feeds they annoyed me I also deleted my feeds, they annoyed me., By kevinc 1 month ago. Originally published at …

: I also deleted my feeds they annoyed me I also deleted my feeds, they annoyed me., By kevinc 1 month ago. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", …

: I made two phone updates but they haven8217t worked I made two phone updates but they haven’t worked. By kevinc 1 month ago. Originally published …

: I made two phone updates but they haven8217t worked I made two phone updates but they haven’t worked. By kevinc 1 month ago. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ …

: Also it appears my nokia has a memory leak somewhere I8217m still awaiting the firmware update t Also it appears my nokia has a memory leak somewhere. I’m still awaiting the firmware update …

: Also it appears my nokia has a memory leak somewhere I8217m still awaiting the firmware update t Also it appears my nokia has a memory leak somewhere. I’m still awaiting the firmware update …

: I was considering an iphone but it8217s not worth nearly a grand for a phone after the initial ou I was considering an iphone but it’s not worth nearly a grand for a phone after the initial …

: I was considering an iphone but it8217s not worth nearly a grand for a phone after the initial ou I was considering an iphone but it’s not worth nearly a grand for a phone after the initial …

: JAYZUS So, *I* have to pay £269 AND you keep me in an 18 month contract at a MINIMUM of £35 a month?What a …

: JAYZUS So, *I* have to pay £269 AND you keep me in an 18 month contract at a MINIMUM of £35 a month?What a …

: OH NOES It’s……. 9/11 Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: OH NOES It’s……. 9/11 Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter Updates for 20071108 @freebradley only a terrorist would raise a valid point like that. I’m calling the fbi you …

: Twitter Updates for 20071108 @freebradley only a terrorist would raise a valid point like that. I’m calling the fbi you …

: Plz explain or die8230 …. why is it that the search engines that crawl my site are (in listed order): Yandex, Google …

: Plz explain or die8230 …. why is it that the search engines that crawl my site are (in listed order): Yandex, Google …

: I8217m liking these Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: I8217m liking these Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Yandex Love Yandex is offically my new search engine. NUMBER TWO BABY! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Yandex Love Yandex is offically my new search engine. NUMBER TWO BABY! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: 08112007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Twitter Updates for 20071107 I’m tempted to get an O2 iPhone in December when my loan ceases to be…. # Mirrored from kinda sus. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071107 I’m tempted to get an O2 iPhone in December when my loan ceases to be…. # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20071107 I’m tempted to get an O2 iPhone in December when my loan ceases to be…. # Originally …

: WTF Somebody tell me why I had to go through a “LOL ADULT CONTENT” bollocks for this heap of …

: WTF Somebody tell me why I had to go through a “LOL ADULT CONTENT” bollocks for this heap of …

: Twitter Updates for 20071106 @bloatedlesbian just buy a super tall vende tea (no sugar and milk) and throw it in the little …

: Twitter Updates for 20071106 @bloatedlesbian just buy a super tall vende tea (no sugar and milk) and throw it in the little …

: 4am hot Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: 4am hot Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: 100 FACT Yandex has crawled every page on my website.  It’s more interested in me than Yahoo!, …

: 100 FACT Yandex has crawled every page on my website.  It’s more interested in me than Yahoo!, …

: I8217ve taken my phone out of night mode8230 Photo 40.jpg Originally uploaded by Кевин …. because it’s that time of evening when …

: I8217ve taken my phone out of night mode8230 Photo 40.jpg Originally uploaded by Кевин …. because it’s that time of evening when …

: Donal Macintyre is well fit <table style="border: medium none;margin: 4px 0px 8px;padding: 0px 8px;background: …

: Donal Macintyre is well fit And you’re ashamed you know it too. clipped from macintyre.com   …

: Donal Macintyre is well fit And you’re ashamed you know it too. clipped from macintyre.com   …

: Twitter Updates for 20071104 My feet hurt alot. And my drama meter is high. # @MikeyPod Get firefox (or similar) with ad-blocker. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071104 My feet hurt alot. And my drama meter is high. # @MikeyPod Get firefox (or similar) with ad-blocker. …

: 31102007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 03112007004 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: It was like being at work but outside I went out in Bristol on a birthday party last night, everything started off cool the limo ride …

: It was like being at work but outside I went out in Bristol on a birthday party last night, everything started off cool the limo ride …

: 03112007005 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Also just FYI – going to bed. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1678318

: Also just FYI - going to bed. Создано в Flock Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Also just FYI - going to bed. Создано в Flock Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Flock I appear to have downloaded flock 0.7 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Flock I appear to have downloaded flock 0.7 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: SMS Post Ugly Betty is how i wish my life was. Except less american. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: SMS Post Ugly Betty is how i wish my life was. Except less american. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Egg8217s Revenge LeLe/CleCle - email me please. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Egg8217s Revenge LeLe/CleCle - email me please. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Stats for Today 25 incoming calls, totalling no more than 30 minutes. 8 internal incoming calls. 100 outbound calls …

: Stats for Today 25 incoming calls, totalling no more than 30 minutes. 8 internal incoming calls. 100 outbound calls …

: Yes thank you Norwich Union Direct HOORAY! Another weekend in shambles. Norwich Union took double what they should have. Now I have …

: Yes thank you Norwich Union Direct HOORAY!  Another weekend in shambles.  Norwich Union took double what they should have. …

: Yes thank you Norwich Union Direct HOORAY!  Another weekend in shambles.  Norwich Union took double what they should have. …

: Bank Error My bank fraud turns out to be “bank error” understand how angry I am with NatWest. …

: Bank Error My bank fraud turns out to be “bank error” understand how angry I am with NatWest. …

: INTERNET IS TOO SERIOUS I gots an AIM this morning: Thank you for taking the internet too seriously, did you really …

: INTERNET IS TOO SERIOUS I gots an AIM this morning: Thank you for taking the internet too seriously, did you really …

: I8217m the nun that beat you when you were a catholic school girl8230 … and you liked it you filthly bitch. Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at …

: I8217m the nun that beat you when you were a catholic school girl8230 … and you liked it you filthly bitch. Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at …

: Twitter Updates for 20071030 Girls, do I attend a work mate’s birthday party as a PC or a WPC. Foreign people -> Man or …

: Twitter Updates for 20071030 Girls, do I attend a work mate’s birthday party as a PC or a WPC. Foreign people -> Man or …

: The facebook is proper See the below and vote. clipped from www.facebook.com Kevin is considering if he’s …

: The facebook is proper See the below and vote. clipped from www.facebook.com Kevin is considering if he’s …

: Bothered I know I’m not the most caring person, but lets face it, on the internet nobody gives a shit …

: Bothered I know I’m not the most caring person, but lets face it, on the internet nobody gives a shit …

: Twitter Updates for 20071029 @bloatedlesbian friends? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071029 @bloatedlesbian friends? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Go on then just this once8230 Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Go on then just this once8230 Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: BblankC Radio Wiltshire Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: BblankC Radio Wiltshire Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Twitter Updates for 20071028 @MikeyPod I’m just listening to your sound seeing thing and it’s groovy. Brilliant idea! …

: Twitter Updates for 20071028 @MikeyPod I’m just listening to your sound seeing thing and it’s groovy. Brilliant idea! …

: SMS Post I fear that i’m deleting only spam accounts that join my blog, does this mean my only audience …

: SMS Post I fear that i’m deleting only spam accounts that join my blog, does this mean my only audience …

: Hello Sarah it8217s Bonnie I have GrandCentral voicemail on my mobile and home phone, I managed with a little bit of VoIP magic …

: Hello Sarah it8217s Bonnie I have GrandCentral voicemail on my mobile and home phone, I managed with a little bit of VoIP magic …

: Twitter Updates for 20071027 Internet is dead. Time to suicide. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Twitter Updates for 20071027 Internet is dead. Time to suicide. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: SMS Post Internet is dead. Time to suicide. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: SMS Post Internet is dead. Time to suicide. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: ICONIC IRONIC 26102007 Originally uploaded by Кевин One of these cars is mine. If you know me you can tell which …

: ICONIC IRONIC 26102007 Originally uploaded by Кевин One of these cars is mine. If you know me you can tell which …

: Twitter Updates for 20071026 @mikeypod what was that number you twittered earlier? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter Updates for 20071026 @mikeypod what was that number you twittered earlier? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: This is why I shop at the Mall My local computer shop says “Serial modems?  They haven’t made them in …

: This is why I shop at the Mall My local computer shop says “Serial modems?  They haven’t made them in …

: HAPPY WEEKEND ASS BAGS I just got paid today, I’ve made my usual high strung transactions only to find at 14.20 today …

: HAPPY WEEKEND ASS BAGS I just got paid today, I’ve made my usual high strung transactions only to find at 14.20 today …

: Twitter Updates for 20071025 @MikeyPod I rang through but just makes a crazy ringing sound, bloody foreigners. =D # I need to …

: Twitter Updates for 20071025 @MikeyPod I rang through but just makes a crazy ringing sound, bloody foreigners. =D # I need to …

: SMS Post I need to find a serial modem for my amiga for some good old fashioned pre-internet joy this …

: SMS Post I need to find a serial modem for my amiga for some good old fashioned pre-internet joy this …

: Back in 2004 100_0261.jpg Originally uploaded by Кевин I got locked out of my abode, this is one of those photos …

: Back in 2004 100_0261.jpg Originally uploaded by Кевин I got locked out of my abode, this is one of those photos …

: Twitter Updates for 20071024 @daz71 it is now. # @freebradley get in there, he sounds well up for some bum fun. # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20071024 @daz71 it is now. # @freebradley get in there, he sounds well up for some bum fun. # Originally …

: 24102007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: You collect shit and you8217re good at it At work I have a bit of a reputation to collect shit. Not just little bits and peices I’m …

: You collect shit and you8217re good at it At work I have a bit of a reputation to collect shit. Not just little bits and peices I’m …

: 21102007001 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Oh piss off Yahoo They’re doing anything and everything to avoid taking my money from INCORRECT CARD NUMBER MUST …

: Oh piss off Yahoo They’re doing anything and everything to avoid taking my money from INCORRECT CARD NUMBER MUST …

: Flock you I have just downloaded Flock. It’s rather fantastic but has one downside, it’s all in …

: Flock you I have just downloaded Flock. It’s rather fantastic but has one downside, it’s all in …

: Twitter Updates for 20071020 The rac are just as bad as the aa. But at least the aa doesn’t have shit hold music. # …

: Twitter Updates for 20071020 The rac are just as bad as the aa. But at least the aa doesn’t have shit hold music. # …

: SMS Post I’ve just removed the protective sticker thing from my phone. It’s now riding bareback …

: SMS Post Wow. Rugby is hot. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: SMS Post I do realise i could indeed change the subject on my sms posts but i won’t. I’ve got to …

: Your mum likes it like coffee cold and foul Currently i’m in bed. Tired. How sad for a saturday but that’s what you get really. …

: Your mum likes it like coffee cold and foul Currently i’m in bed. Tired. How sad for a saturday but that’s what you get really. …

: Kenders Kenders Originally uploaded by Кевин I know I ShoZu’d this before but it’s me test …

: Kenders Kenders Originally uploaded by Кевин I know I ShoZu’d this before but it’s me test …

: SMS Post I’ve got a scratch down my phone’s screen, thankfully it’s still the original …

: SMS Post The rac are just as bad as the aa. But at least the aa doesn’t have shit hold music. …

: SMS Post The rac are just as bad as the aa. But at least the aa doesn’t have shit hold music. …

: I R SMRAT This genius forgot to take her car air freshner out of the packet before dangling it from the rear …

: I R SMRAT This genius forgot to take her car air freshner out of the packet before dangling it from the rear …

: Twitter Updates for 20071019 @freebradley only if you cover it in full fat cream. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter Updates for 20071019 @freebradley only if you cover it in full fat cream. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: While my wordpress directory is backed up8230 Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: While my wordpress directory is backed up8230 Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: DON8217T YOU JUDGE ME SAINSBURYS Today at lunch I was sent on a mission, 2 packs of 6pk Sainsburys Saussage Rolls and a packet of 20 …

: DON8217T YOU JUDGE ME SAINSBURYS Today at lunch I was sent on a mission, 2 packs of 6pk Sainsburys Saussage Rolls and a packet of 20 …

: Twitter Updates for 20071017 @MikeyPod I’m still waiting for lunch but now i want cerial. # @MikeyPod The papers are likely …

: Twitter Updates for 20071017 @MikeyPod I’m still waiting for lunch but now i want cerial. # @MikeyPod The papers are likely …

: Twitter Updates for 20071016 @mikeypod psychic powers? I think you should start a premium rate phone line. # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20071016 @mikeypod psychic powers? I think you should start a premium rate phone line. # Originally …

: Ben Cohen Hot StuffTM Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Ben Cohen Hot StuffTM Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I ph34r the 2020 At work the extension 2020 is that of the managing director, who is an extremely lovely woman but …

: I ph34r the 2020 At work the extension 2020 is that of the managing director, who is an extremely lovely woman but …

: Twitter Updates for 20071015 They brought the hot gay back to coronation street, except he’s ate all the pies since the …

: Twitter Updates for 20071015 They brought the hot gay back to coronation street, except he’s ate all the pies since the …

: Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: That was acceptable in the 90s What a glorious day today was, our system had a giant fart and stopped working. It was glorious, so …

: That was acceptable in the 90s What a glorious day today was, our system had a giant fart and stopped working. It was glorious, so …

: Gabcast comua 5 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #5 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Gabcast comua 5 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #5 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071014 I HEART INTERNET: http://slink.in/5321 # I’m upset that I can’t set my relationship …

: Twitter Updates for 20071014 I HEART INTERNET: http://slink.in/5321 # I’m upset that I can’t set my relationship …

: Have a poll you bastards As you all know, Супермодель plc, value your opinion (to a tolerable point) and wish to find if you …

: Have a poll you bastards As you all know, Супермодель plc, value your opinion (to a tolerable point) and wish to find if you …

: IS BRITNEY A BAD MOM WIN 100 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: IS BRITNEY A BAD MOM WIN 100 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Mmmmmkay I have now started to run Workgroup Mail on Furonda again, so now my tasty delicious SDF, Mail.ru …

: TMI Have some TMI: I need a proper seeing to, not just a bit of poke the hole, I’m talking slap, …

: TMI Have some TMI: I need a proper seeing to, not just a bit of poke the hole, I’m talking slap, …

: Mmmmmkay I have now started to run Workgroup Mail on Furonda again, so now my tasty delicious SDF, Mail.ru …

: Mmmmmkay I have now started to run Workgroup Mail on Furonda again, so now my tasty delicious SDF, Mail.ru …

: SMS Post Quote of the evening: “is that bum fluff or shit?” Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071013 \ # @tallfreak That sounds like an euphanism for some reason….. # my poor dog’s face has …

: Twitter Updates for 20071013 \ # @tallfreak That sounds like an euphanism for some reason….. # my poor dog’s face has …

: 13102007007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 13102007006 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: One is unamused Somebody please entertain me on my mobile and if you’re too cheap then call me on skype for …

: One is unamused Somebody please entertain me on my mobile and if you’re too cheap then call me on skype for …

: HeMale or SheMale Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: HeMale or SheMale Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Gay Interest Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Gay Interest Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Bloatey Two Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Bloatey Two Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Bloatey Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Bloatey Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: WE8217RE ALL GOING TO DIE FROM PEN TOPS1111 Oh piss off they never killed that many people in the first place.  How Daily Mail is this …

: WE8217RE ALL GOING TO DIE FROM PEN TOPS1111 Oh piss off they never killed that many people in the first place.  How Daily Mail is this …

: Little White Girl in the Algarve8230 … is she dead yet?  I’ve still got a post sticking in draft stage in the Без …

: Little White Girl in the Algarve8230 … is she dead yet?  I’ve still got a post sticking in draft stage in the Без …

: Harvey ate a beewasp Look at this poor dog, he’s ate a bee/wasp and now his face has swelled up massively. …

: Harvey ate a beewasp Look at this poor dog, he’s ate a bee/wasp and now his face has swelled up massively. …

: Breakdown This is how much petrol I had when I started my 10 minute journey from work to home. I bricked it …

: Breakdown This is how much petrol I had when I started my 10 minute journey from work to home. I bricked it …

: 13102007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: SMS Post I’m skating on thin ice today. My car has literally no petrol in it and i’ve got to …

: SMS Post I’m skating on thin ice today. My car has literally no petrol in it and i’ve got to …

: SMS Post Oh. My. God. New ugly betty on c4. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: SMS Post Oh. My. God. New ugly betty on c4. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: ONE IS MOST IMPATIENT GOD SAKE MAN JUST HURRY UP! Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: ONE IS MOST IMPATIENT GOD SAKE MAN JUST HURRY UP! Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter Updates for 20071011 Oh my god. I have 666 messages in my inbox and mikeypod was the last one to send through. Messenger …

: Twitter Updates for 20071011 Oh my god. I have 666 messages in my inbox and mikeypod was the last one to send through. Messenger …

: Twitter Updates for 20071011 Oh my god. I have 666 messages in my inbox and mikeypod was the last one to send through. Messenger …

: SMS Post Oh my god. I have 666 messages in my inbox and mikeypod was the last one to send through. Messenger …

: SMS Post Oh my god. I have 666 messages in my inbox and mikeypod was the last one to send through. Messenger …

: 06102007001 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1679250

: Twitter Updates for 20071009 OH SNAP. Really. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: Twitter Updates for 20071009 OH SNAP. Really. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: 06102007002 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Miss thing you knows you gots it Hay internet i’m still alive. Just getting ready for another exciting installment of working. …

: Miss thing you knows you gots it Hay internet i’m still alive. Just getting ready for another exciting installment of working. …

: 06102007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: SMS Post I’m properly twatted. Out of the three of us i’m most drunk. Originally published at …

: Twitter Updates for 20071006 @bloatedlesbian Why? She was! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Twitter Updates for 20071006 @bloatedlesbian Why? She was! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: SMS Post This is exactly why i can’t tolerate public transport. The last bus back from chips is 2200, …

: SMS Post This is exactly why i can’t tolerate public transport. The last bus back from chips is 2200, …

: Gabcast comua 4 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #4 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Gabcast comua 4 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #4 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071005 @MikeyPod Friend or foe? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20071005 @MikeyPod Friend or foe? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: 05102007004 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 05102007002 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: By the power of greyskull I something you8230 I am tired. Not just a little tired. I’m utterly shagged. Properly. I’m also now working …

: By the power of greyskull I something you8230 I am tired. Not just a little tired. I’m utterly shagged. Properly. I’m also now working …

: 05102007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: SMS Post If one were to start a dodgy charity who would like to be on my board of directors? Originally …

: SMS Post If one were to start a dodgy charity who would like to be on my board of directors? Originally …

: oh dear I’m somewhat of the drunken nature. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: oh dear I’m somewhat of the drunken nature. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: 04102007001 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 04102007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Twitter Updates for 20071003 I\’m going to slap and tap that. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: Twitter Updates for 20071003 I\’m going to slap and tap that. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here …

: 03102007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 02102007003 Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 1680204

: Twitter Updates for 20071002 @freebradley at 3.05 in the morning? You crazy. # @bloatedlesbian In my hotel room. # Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20071002 @freebradley at 3.05 in the morning? You crazy. # @bloatedlesbian In my hotel room. # Originally …

: 02102007003 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 02102007002 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 02102007001 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Oh and yes I’ve started to add the Gabcast recordings to my Podcast, so add …

: Oh and yes I’ve started to add the Gabcast recordings to my Podcast, so add …

: Small changes death One will find that I’ve made a few subtile changes to Кевин.com.ua.  First one is that …

: Small changes death One will find that I’ve made a few subtile changes to Кевин.com.ua.  First one is that …

: 05092007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Gabcast comua 3 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #3 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Gabcast comua 3 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #3 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: The Dark Arts Pine Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: The Dark Arts Pine Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Rhianna you have failed This GODLINESS Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Rhianna you have failed This GODLINESS Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: SMS Post Two more hours for this rubbish day. I don’t want to pick any more calls as i’m shit …

: SMS Post Two more hours for this rubbish day. I don’t want to pick any more calls as i’m shit …

: Без рубрики was becoming somewhat big on the old LJ tag cloud, so it’s been reasonably beaten …

: Без рубрики was becoming somewhat big on the old LJ tag cloud, so it’s been reasonably beaten …

: I am in ur kontrol centrez makin ur kallz Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I am in ur kontrol centrez makin ur kallz Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: SMS Post Vip - very important pillock Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: SMS Post Vip - very important pillock Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20070930 If ray mears had better teeth and was alot more fit i’d civil partnership him. That’s …

: Twitter Updates for 20070930 If ray mears had better teeth and was alot more fit i’d civil partnership him. That’s …

: SMS Post If ray mears had better teeth and was alot more fit i’d civil partnership him. That’s …

: SMS Post If ray mears had better teeth and was alot more fit i’d civil partnership him. That’s …

: Greetings Hello from a telnet session! Although scarily my askimet admin page won’t load! Originally …

: Greetings Hello from a telnet session! Although scarily my askimet admin page won’t load! Originally …

: 30092007002 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Gabcast comua 2 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #2 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Gabcast comua 2 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #2 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20070929 I’ve just had to explain some random girl’s mess to the police. Oh what fun. # …

: Twitter Updates for 20070929 I’ve just had to explain some random girl’s mess to the police. Oh what fun. # …

: SMS Post Gwen Stephanie annoys me with her faux japanese entourage. Somebody slap that bitch with her lamb. …

: SMS Post Gwen Stephanie annoys me with her faux japanese entourage. Somebody slap that bitch with her lamb. …

: Britain Britain Britain This is what you get for being a good samaritan in this country: Nothing but hassle. This evening a …

: Britain Britain Britain This is what you get for being a good samaritan in this country: Nothing but hassle. This evening a …

: SMS Post Seriously, you don’t realise how glad i’m to hear that belgium’s political system …

: Twitter Updates for 20070927 @MontiLee OH MY GOD SPOILER!!!!!1111 Thanks now I’ll just have to wait until 2008 for you to …

: Twitter Updates for 20070927 @MontiLee OH MY GOD SPOILER!!!!!1111 Thanks now I’ll just have to wait until 2008 for you to …

: Oh my God8230 …. I DIDN’T DREAM THIS UP! It’s true and the god damn useless BBC haven’t …

: Oh my God8230 …. I DIDN’T DREAM THIS UP! It’s true and the god damn useless BBC haven’t …

: Good News I’ve joined afraid.org and now UK.cx subdomain registrations are open to one and all FREE! …

: Good News I’ve joined afraid.org and now UK.cx subdomain registrations are open to one and all FREE! …

: SMS Post My phone has aids, it keeps on crashing like an american on an irish motorway. Originally published …

: SMS Post My phone has aids, it keeps on crashing like an american on an irish motorway. Originally published …

: Twitter Updates for 20070926 Seriously. # I mean Syrusly. # Define a ‘Guam’ plz # I’ve made 300 twitters since …

: Twitter Updates for 20070926 Seriously. # I mean Syrusly. # Define a ‘Guam’ plz # I’ve made 300 twitters since …

: SMS Post I’ve just received my three bill. It’s just funny, you can tell when my phone stopped working. Also …

: SMS Post I’ve just received my three bill. It’s just funny, you can tell when my phone stopped …

: SMS Post I’ve just received my three bill. It’s just funny, you can tell when my phone stopped …

: 26092007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: SMS Post You do realise that i’ve successfully managed to have an instant noodle cup soup Mirrored from kinda …

: SMS Post You do realise that i’ve successfully managed to have an instant noodle cup soup Originally …

: SMS Post You know you’re my ghetto booty, so get out there and sell it! I’m a pimp not your …

: SMS Post You know you’re my ghetto booty, so get out there and sell it! I’m a pimp not your …

: Twitter Updates for 20070925 I’m back! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: Twitter Updates for 20070925 I’m back! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: Consumed far too many sherberts .. then call your car insurance company! Seriously, this rather, erm, happy chap called me this …

: Consumed far too many sherberts .. then call your car insurance company! Seriously, this rather, erm, happy chap called me this …

: SMS Post Holla at you homies. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: SMS Post Holla at you homies. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: I think you8217ll find8230 … I’m still in love with Stéphan Guérin-Tillié.  Corr blimey. Powered by …

: I think you8217ll find8230 … I’m still in love with Stéphan Guérin-Tillié.  Corr blimey. Powered by …

: Quotes Today I’ve managed to pull out some rather good quotes today considering I’m rather …

: Quotes Today I’ve managed to pull out some rather good quotes today considering I’m rather …

: MadSquirrel ain8217t having it Mykul, fuck off and get a real name you cunt. clipped from community.livejournal.com So, …

: MadSquirrel ain8217t having it Mykul, fuck off and get a real name you cunt. clipped from community.livejournal.com So, …

: WARNING UTTER SHITE AHEAD Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: WARNING UTTER SHITE AHEAD Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Twitter Updates for 20070923 @Terry1 Best spam subject ever! # One is contemplating a shower, but I’m not going anywhere …

: Twitter Updates for 20070923 @Terry1 Best spam subject ever! # One is contemplating a shower, but I’m not going anywhere …

: For I am but a test Insert generic test image. Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: For I am but a test Insert generic test image. Powered by ScribeFire. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter Updates for 20070922 @MikeyPod Court? # . # I’ve seen a photo of a "chickfilla" on the LJ. It makes me …

: Twitter Updates for 20070922 @MikeyPod Court? # . # I’ve seen a photo of a "chickfilla" on the LJ. It makes me …

: Saturday it8217s not Caturday I knew the French were useful for something other than say, boiling snails, eating cheese and being …

: Saturday it8217s not Caturday I knew the French were useful for something other than say, boiling snails, eating cheese and being …

: Eat spambot mother has some milk for you TFIELDING@HOTMAIL.COM edit: make yourself aware of this plz: taylor calls crime stoppers Originally …

: Eat spambot mother has some milk for you TFIELDING@HOTMAIL.COM edit: make yourself aware of this plz: taylor calls crime stoppers Originally …

: Twitter Updates for 20070921 +447734653887 is dead until 25.09.07 - replacement SIM is on the way, so pls use +423 663084945 or …

: Twitter Updates for 20070921 +447734653887 is dead until 25.09.07 - replacement SIM is on the way, so pls use +423 663084945 or …

: Twitter Updates for 20070920 Jesus christ, I want a new sim card not a fucking phone bill the size of fucking Taiwan. # …

: Twitter Updates for 20070920 Jesus christ, I want a new sim card not a fucking phone bill the size of fucking Taiwan. # …

: Don8217t make me come to mumbai and slap you Right now I’m getting my tits full of this Three phone. It doesn’t work, it’s …

: Don8217t make me come to mumbai and slap you Right now I’m getting my tits full of this Three phone. It doesn’t work, it’s …

: Diamond City Expensive Music Click the logo to download, or add [kissfm.ua/rss/podca...](http://kissfm.ua/rss/podcasts.xml) to …

: Diamond City Expensive Music Click the logo to download, or add [kissfm.ua/rss/podca...](http://kissfm.ua/rss/podcasts.xml) to …

: E65 Drama SOLVED It’s my SIM card, the one I’ve had since the network first started. Now I’m going …

: E65 Drama SOLVED It’s my SIM card, the one I’ve had since the network first started. Now I’m going …

: Twitter Updates for 20070919 Generating PGP key. Please wait 1-3 minutes for the encryption key to be generated. 1-3 minutes my …

: Twitter Updates for 20070919 Generating PGP key. Please wait 1-3 minutes for the encryption key to be generated. 1-3 minutes my …

: The subconcious I hate the subconcious mind, it finds the need to tell you shit in your dreams that you …

: The subconcious I hate the subconcious mind, it finds the need to tell you shit in your dreams that you …

: Trays are to be used not worn Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Trays are to be used not worn Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Twitter Updates for 20070917 kevin.com.ua has been updated accordingly. Also will those wishing to go on my friends page please …

: Twitter Updates for 20070917 kevin.com.ua has been updated accordingly. Also will those wishing to go on my friends page please …

: I8217m calling from a company8230 … and my car has a registration. Sometimes I like our callers, most of the time I tolerate …

: I8217m calling from a company8230 … and my car has a registration. Sometimes I like our callers, most of the time I tolerate …

: I’ve installed RusToLat. I hope this works. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: I’ve installed RusToLat. I hope this works. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Демонстрация Originally published at Кевин.net.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: netua I’ve had Кевин.net.ua for some time now, I haven’t really thought was I was going to do …

: netua I’ve had Кевин.net.ua for some time now, I haven’t really thought was I was going to do …

: Twitter Updates for 20070915 I have successfully updated wordpress, for that I am your god, bow down or suffer, etc, etc virgins, …

: Twitter Updates for 20070915 I have successfully updated wordpress, for that I am your god, bow down or suffer, etc, etc virgins, …

: Obviously that was a no go But at least I think this is going to work with google groups, so if you want to join it’s all …

: Obviously that was a no go But at least I think this is going to work with google groups, so if you want to join it’s all …

: Vox crap poster I’m trying this thing again as it appears to work with gmail, otherwise I’ll just do a …

: Vox crap poster I’m trying this thing again as it appears to work with gmail, otherwise I’ll just do a …

: Twitter Updates for 20070914 WHY ARE WE NOT FREEING CUDDLE CAT NOW: http://www.freecuddlecat.tk/ # We’re liking the Kiss FM …

: Twitter Updates for 20070914 WHY ARE WE NOT FREEING CUDDLE CAT NOW: http://www.freecuddlecat.tk/ # We’re liking the Kiss FM …

: Tomboy Visit Tomboy.dk, click on Menu > Video and then watch for the infernal reference as below: …

: Tomboy Visit Tomboy.dk, click on Menu > Video and then watch for the infernal reference as below: …

: Saturday is not caturday Somebody please explain to me why I’ve just agreed to do 4 weeks of saturdays? Seriously. I should …

: FREE CUDDLE CAT1111 BREAKING NEWS (YESTERDAY - OLD MEME)Filthy foreign police imprison Cuddle Cat (Maddie …

: FREE CUDDLE CAT1111 BREAKING NEWS (YESTERDAY - OLD MEME)Filthy foreign police imprison Cuddle Cat (Maddie …

: Saturday is not caturday Somebody please explain to me why I’ve just agreed to do 4 weeks of saturdays? Seriously. I …

: Saturday is not caturday Somebody please explain to me why I’ve just agreed to do 4 weeks of saturdays? Seriously. I …

: LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE I don’t meme often, but this is worthy: Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE I don’t meme often, but this is worthy: Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Meaningful post part three … In this dream it was one of my usual ones where it gets weird with landscapes mix and some …

: Meaningful post part two … He did then i’m sure it would hurt him as badly as it did for all that time for me. …

: Meaningful post part one I’m always wanting to post some kind of moving personal entry about this or that and bollocks …

: Meaningful post part one I’m always wanting to post some kind of moving personal entry about this or that and bollocks …

: Twitter Updates for 20070911 Wordpress just published my twitters for monday. I’m glad I wasjust as sour yesterday as I am …

: As promised8230 …. I have been reposting “uncategorised” items in to their named tags, …

: As promised8230 …. I have been reposting “uncategorised” items in to their named tags, …

: Here because for I am bored8230 …. and have been looking through my Pictures folder: Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Here because for I am bored8230 …. and have been looking through my Pictures folder: Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Death to the wpmailphp WP-MAIL.php makes Paris Hilton CRY Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Death to the wpmailphp WP-MAIL.php makes Paris Hilton CRY Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Oops she8217s bit hittin8217 the gak again You know you’re in trouble when Kanye West feels bad for you. clipped from news.bbc.co.uk …

: Oops she8217s bit hittin8217 the gak again You know you’re in trouble when Kanye West feels bad for you. clipped from news.bbc.co.uk …

: 911 I forgot I NEARLY MISSED 9/11 OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: 911 I forgot I NEARLY MISSED 9/11 OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT! Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Twitter Updates for 20070910 I can\’t be fucked with this shit today. People whe just can\’t be bothered to do a job …

: Twitter Updates for 20070910 I can\’t be fucked with this shit today. People whe just can\’t be bothered to do a job …

: Twitter Updates for 20070909 So now begins my journey to my car. My train leaves at 1951 i’ve just left and i’ve got …

: Twitter Updates for 20070909 So now begins my journey to my car. My train leaves at 1951 i’ve just left and i’ve got …

: 2 hours of my life 2 hours to get 10 miles. Not funny. Most of which was walking REALLY FAST to a train that was REALLY …

: 2 hours of my life 2 hours to get 10 miles. Not funny. Most of which was walking REALLY FAST to a train that was REALLY …

: Local Transport can kiss my ass Myself and my car are 10 miles apart from eachother. To get to my car, I’m told that on a …

: Local Transport can kiss my ass Myself and my car are 10 miles apart from eachother. To get to my car, I’m told that on a …

: 08092007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Nokia E65 Toss 3rd phone, same shitty problem and all I can do is constantly rest the fucking thing to make it work …

: Nokia E65 Toss 3rd phone, same shitty problem and all I can do is constantly rest the fucking thing to make it work …

: The funny thing is they8217re serious The following line will make perfect sense when you watch the above video. Good luck and God Speed: …

: The funny thing is they8217re serious The following line will make perfect sense when you watch the above video. Good luck and God Speed: …

: Police 8217suspect Madeleine mother8217 My blessed post, you’re nearly free! clipped from news.bbc.co.uk   …

: Police 8217suspect Madeleine mother8217 My blessed post, you’re nearly free! clipped from news.bbc.co.uk   …

: Death to the traitors Again i post to my glorious blog from the work toilets, but thankfully it’s because my phone …

: Death to the traitors Again i post to my glorious blog from the work toilets, but thankfully it’s because my phone …

: Twitter Updates for 20070906 @mikeypod hay it r hot 2 nite lolz wtfbbq. # I am a bit annoyed that i was born in the 80s but …

: Twitter Updates for 20070906 @mikeypod hay it r hot 2 nite lolz wtfbbq. # I am a bit annoyed that i was born in the 80s but …

: Twitter Updates for 20070905 Where have the Perry Twins been all my life? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter Updates for 20070905 Where have the Perry Twins been all my life? # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Gabcast comua 1 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #1 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Gabcast comua 1 Gabcast! Кевин.com.ua #1 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Eurovision is still alive in my heart One of the problems with being an internet superstar is you find yourself trapped in a world of …

: Judge Hatchett is my new role model Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Judge Hatchett is my new role model Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Twitter Updates for 20070904 I’m in need of a charge for my mobile again. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter Updates for 20070904 I’m in need of a charge for my mobile again. # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Eurovision is still alive in my heart One of the problems with being an internet superstar is you find yourself trapped in a world of …

: Eurovision is still alive in my heart One of the problems with being an internet superstar is you find yourself trapped in a world of …

: photo test Photo — This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog client for mobile …

: photo test Photo — This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog client for mobile …

: Blogplanet test testing — This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog client for …

: Blogplanet test testing — This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog client for …

: I am the best test post evar This is just a test post as I’ve installed a VOX crossposter to my LJ crossposter. Mirrored from …

: Grumble Grumble I hate the technology. My E65 is going wrong again, I can’t explain it, but it looks like I …

: Grumble Grumble I hate the technology. My E65 is going wrong again, I can’t explain it, but it looks like I …

: NON FUNCTIONAL Well, my vox test post did work, except, it didn’t post anything but the subject. Hardcore. …

: NON FUNCTIONAL Well, my vox test post did work, except, it didn’t post anything but the subject. Hardcore. …

: I am the best test post evar This is just a test post as I’ve installed a VOX crossposter to my LJ crossposter. Originally …

: I am the best test post evar This is just a test post as I’ve installed a VOX crossposter to my LJ crossposter. Originally …

: I don8217t like the elderly or the stupid I hate Tescos, Sainsburys and most shopping places. They anger me from start to finish. Today was no …

: I don8217t like the elderly or the stupid I hate Tescos, Sainsburys and most shopping places. They anger me from start to finish. Today was no …

: Random Posts The last four posts (that I’ve just deleted) is exactly what happens when you have a Nokia …

: Random Posts The last four posts (that I’ve just deleted) is exactly what happens when you have a Nokia …

: Twitter Updates for 20070903 Slap it up before you slap it up. # Or should that be strap it up before you slap it up? # Just had …

: Twitter Updates for 20070903 Slap it up before you slap it up. # Or should that be strap it up before you slap it up? # Just had …

: I8217m glad my car is being a complete arse to somebody other than me They refitted the screen b I’m glad my car is being a complete arse to somebody other than me. They refitted the screen …

: I8217m glad my car is being a complete arse to somebody other than me They refitted the screen b I’m glad my car is being a complete arse to somebody other than me. They refitted the screen …

: GET OFF ME TATERS Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: GET OFF ME TATERS Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: One lives here Understand the comedy here. It’s Paramount. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: One lives here Understand the comedy here. It’s Paramount. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Just had a 90 minute wander now i8217m back at auto windscreens Just had a 90 minute wander now i’m back at auto windscreens. By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago …

: Just had a 90 minute wander now i8217m back at auto windscreens Just had a 90 minute wander now i’m back at auto windscreens. By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago …

: Frome is pants I was wandering about Frome for some time today since I was waiting for my car’s windscreen to …

: Frome is pants I was wandering about Frome for some time today since I was waiting for my car’s windscreen to …

: Wandering about while i await my car is awesome I8217ve been checking the mens out and thinking Wandering about while i await my car is awesome. I’ve been checking the mens out and thinking …

: Wandering about while i await my car is awesome I8217ve been checking the mens out and thinking Wandering about while i await my car is awesome. I’ve been checking the mens out and thinking …

: It8217s mint I thought how nice it was my employer gave us all mints. Turns out they expired at the end of …

: It8217s mint I thought how nice it was my employer gave us all mints. Turns out they expired at the end of …

: 01092007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I heart you internet Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I heart you internet Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: For I am but a test I’m trying to see if this will cross post to the LJ. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: For I am but a test I’m trying to see if this will cross post to the LJ. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Twitter Updates for 20070902 @doug_graeme 500 sheets! Jesus christ, who are you with, that’s far beyond reasonable!!!! # I …

: Twitter Updates for 20070902 @doug_graeme 500 sheets! Jesus christ, who are you with, that’s far beyond reasonable!!!! # I …

: Because you people don8217t believe me8230 … and what kind of horrible sub-human uncaring bastard I am: When I say I have a post waiting …

: Because you people don8217t believe me8230 … and what kind of horrible sub-human uncaring bastard I am: When I say I have a post waiting …

: Universial Whorage This photo: Makes me laugh (and slightly aroused) back in the day when I went to school one of my …

: Universial Whorage This photo: Makes me laugh (and slightly aroused) back in the day when I went to school one of my …

: I8217m liking the programming this evening on hallmark channel Enough law and order to make you I’m liking the programming this evening on hallmark channel. Enough law and order to make you …

: I8217m liking the programming this evening on hallmark channel Enough law and order to make you I’m liking the programming this evening on hallmark channel. Enough law and order to make you …

: I hate tesco I hate tesco By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Tesco, Trowbridge, UK. Originally published at …

: I hate tesco I hate tesco By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Tesco, Trowbridge, UK. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: …

: WARNING CLICHE PARADOX I can8217t do your funny accents TO: ProudFM.com I must ask, why is this radio station such a bizarre cliche paradox? Listening …

: Great The mast that covers my work area also covers my home area so the location thing is a bit out Great. The mast that covers my work area also covers my home area so the location thing is a bit …

: Great The mast that covers my work area also covers my home area so the location thing is a bit out Great. The mast that covers my work area also covers my home area so the location thing is a bit …

: Occasionally i out do myself Today was no exception Occasionally i out do myself. Today was no exception. By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Chippenham, …

: Occasionally i out do myself Today was no exception Occasionally i out do myself. Today was no exception. By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Chippenham, …

: C64 358355 352349 346 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: Not dead 1 thing: Blo feed is here, it’s delicious (but not del.icio.us) and updated more than this EL …

: Liek so hot lolz northings amerikas Miss Teen USA Spoof by: William Sledd Add to My Profile | More Videos Originally published at …

: My jaiku is working again My jaiku is working again.nBy kevinc{.url}n3 months, 2 weeks ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, …

: Classic Computing Hardcore - from one of my games: “FAST LOAD - 3 MINUTES!” Seriously. In bad news my PS/1 …

: Who want ten dollar love long time Who want ten dollar love long time? By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Melksham, UK. Originally …

: Who want ten dollar love long time Who want ten dollar love long time? By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Melksham, UK. …

: My jaiku is working again My jaiku is working again. By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. Originally …

: My jaiku is working again My jaiku is working again. By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. …

: Animal planet is hardcore Animal planet is hardcore.nBy kevinc{.url}n3 months, 2 weeks ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, …

: Animal planet is hardcore Animal planet is hardcore. By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. Originally …

: Animal planet is hardcore Animal planet is hardcore. By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in Bowerhill, Melksham, UK. …

: Holler Holler By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in UK. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Holler Holler By kevinc 3 months, 2 weeks ago in UK. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Twitter Updates for 20070828 Would it be wrong of me to start a website called hot & dirty barebacking men, charge 50 euro …

: Twitter Updates for 20070827 I haven’t twittered for 16 hours?! BLASPHEMY! # Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can …

: Twitter Updates for 20070826 @freebradley The devil sends his whorish & sexy henchmen to gyrate around you in the nude. # …

: Twitter Updates for 20070825 it’s 03.18 and I have work tomorrow. I’m so hardcore. Thankfully I’m sober so it …

: Spending Spree Won. clipped from cgi.ebay.co.uk   Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Spending Spree Won. clipped from cgi.ebay.co.uk   Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: Followup THA POLEECE Attracted police attention when parking up. They thought I was going to doughnuts with my 4×4! …

: What is this stamp bollocks This evening had an impromptu evening in work and out on the town. Ending my shift at 19.00 it was …

: Twitter Updates for 20070824 Ouch! My bank account is drained on my monthly payday bill pay. # Attracted police attention when …

: Europa <table style="border: medium none;margin: 4px 0px 8px;padding: 0px 8px;text-align: …

: Spendin8217 it like me gots it After a somewhat, extravagant spend, I have so far added to it with the following: £60 Windscreen …

: Europa This is a shining example of what makes Europe one of the better places to live, without this kind …

: Twitter Updates for 20070823 Oh my god: http://www.moanmyip.com/ # http://slink.in/4620 # I just added Twitter Tools to …

: Junkia My phone is listed as ‘awaiting exchange’ turns out second time lucky. Originally …

: Kind maybe have you know got this Heated ebay bidding wars on the mobile while on hold to Autoglass are more costly than imagined. …

: Saturday is pancake day Seriously. MacDonalds breakfast pancakes + this saturday x being at work + maple syrup = PANCAKE …

: The problem with being a call centre superstar8230 … is you get rage that is completely uncontrolable. Today a stone hits my car in the morning, …

: I8217ll fault you I have recently obtained a Nokia E65, for the first 5 days it was wonderful, then it just became the …

: I gots your WMD Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Second Life Wankage Second Life is rubbish, all you do is fly around like a spastic with an over charged wheelchair …

: 2 bottles of wine bad ass Basically, as an internet superstar I have a telephone number which appears to quite possibly be …

: Don’t say I don’t do you good. Серебро - Song no 1. Originally published at …

: Vouzavez une message bizzatch Another halarious recorded call. Don’t mess with the internet superstar. Originally published …

: 2 bottles of wine bad ass Basically, as an internet superstar I have a telephone number which appears to quite possibly be …

: Daily Mail Comments PUREGOLD Two lesbians desperate for children. One flamboyant drag queen happy to help out. The result? Two …

: This is stealing I’m the web master of over 50 site, many of which are paid for by advertising. I don’t …

: Gay Interest Sarkozy looks like he’s getting some bum action. God bless the BBC’s eye for …

: What is going on here My dentist is Spanish, as is Eta, oh. my. god TERRORIST!!!111 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: NHS logic that be As you can see from 999 EMERGENCY (1 & 2) my elderly neighbours have yet again got them selves …

: 999 EMERGENCY 1 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 999 EMERGENCY 2 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Chad Bryant annoying me since 20 minutes ago Posting this here because my mails to the abuse desk have gone unanswered - please block the entire …

: Sugar is evil I’ve had a sugar binge recently and not just a little one, A REALLY BIG ONE. So much so …

: 02082007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: So you want me to perform8230 It’s been some time since I last blessed this interweb with my tirades, to which you, my …

: Word Word By kevinc 4 months, 2 weeks ago. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Word Word By kevinc 4 months, 2 weeks ago. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: So tired hard to leave bed So tired, hard to leave bed.nBy kevinc{.url}n4 months, 2 weeks ago.nSHARETHIS.addEntry({ntitle: « …

: So tired hard to leave bed So tired, hard to leave bed. By kevinc 4 months, 2 weeks ago. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: So tired hard to leave bed So tired, hard to leave bed. By kevinc 4 months, 2 weeks ago. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: 31072007 Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Nympho This be my Greek nymph. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Technology works occasionally It’s nice to see that Shozu actually worked. Understand my joy. — This post was made …

: Bonez r 4 eaten I are haven ur bonez for watchen than eats. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: I have in utter haste reorganised for our new ant overlords The Uncategorised category is somewhat in danger of NEVER BEING SEEN AGAIN. I hate it, it says …

: You know you want it Touch my berries. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening …

: Serious business My harvey is special. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: STROBES Best thing evar. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: …

: One finds spammers rather amusing AIM IM with nutraman02. 20:16 nutraman02: you on are you callings to do the upgradings of the …

: But you get free ring dings Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: INTERNET SAD FACE I don’t want to go in today, I’ve got loads of work that I need to sort out from last …

: Hot This phone better not be rubbish. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Hot This phone better not be rubbish. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Ipswich it8217s not Essex I’ve spent ALL my day fixing up STUPID crap. The highlights include: Booking a recovery …


: SADFACE Some how, by the magic of greyskull, I have £46.72 to live off of for a MONTH. £30 of which will be …

: One good reason to buy a cinema ticket Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: ЖЖ (LJ) no longer interests me, it bores me to death since all the furry emos came to town, but I …

: LOL LJ OUTAGE again How come I get this from Vox: Dear Vox member, Vox is currently unavailable due to power issues in …

: Joined Jaiku Joined Jaiku By kevinc 4 months, 3 weeks ago. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: Joined Jaiku Joined Jaiku By kevinc 4 months, 3 weeks ago. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "", url: …

: Temporary mobile phone issues It appears I’ve failed to pay off in full my mobile phone bill. I missed like £20 off or …

: The BBC slowly becoming mundane This programme is rubbish and it’s like ALL THE CRAP BEFORE IT. Did the BBC forget when it was …

: Perfectionism with a capital F Since the beginning I’ve had a talent, it’s not just any talent, it’s a special …

: For Lord Boyzici8217s Eyes Only This post is password protected. You can read it at Кевин.com.ua, where it was originally posted. …

: Music Box TV Much better than the MTV. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. …

: Internet webpage seeks face lift Such a new beautiful website for a internet superstar! It’s great, be pleased or die. …

: Answer Release is God8217s Gift to Humanity As usual a little bit of rain ABSOLUTELY CRIPPLES HUMANITY. Today at the place of business I like to …

: WOOP WOOP DATS DA SOUND OF DA POLICE Nothing is more refreshing then getting to Sainsburys at GOD AWFUL AM and STILL getting stuck in a …

: We royal are tired No seriously, this is all this post is about. I am tired, therefore I must attempt the act of sleep. …

: We royal are tired No seriously, this is all this post is about. I am tired, therefore I must attempt the act of sleep. …

: Breaking News The Internet Is Broken Best. Thing. Evar! clipped from www.youtube.com   Originally published at …

: Moths Don8217t mess aiiiiight Seriously, don’t mess with me you bastards, I’ll get the dog to kill you mofo. …

: Yarrr Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Dreams your brain8217s way of being a prick Bah, what a nightmare (literally), there I was having a perfectly normal dream then my stupid brain …

: THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS Yeah, thanks Facebook, keep me informed with the obvious will you? Yesterday, in a somewhat drunken …

: A little drink This is what redeems the germans. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Sputnik is god Nothing more than sitting in front of a computer burning your retnas out like you haven’t been …

: WWTD Today I found myself in a state of constant stress today, which on it’s own isn’t too …

: TSUK is my downfall TSUK is going to be the end of me. I think so far I have spent a total of around fifty sheets buying …

: Employment Comedy This is only one of the mad lot of people I work with. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Kids will be kids …. and steal cars and drink drive. They grow up so fast. Mirrored from kinda sus. Listening to: …

: Naughty Seat Pwns You BEST. RUBBISH. CHILDRENS. PRODUCT. EVAR. clipped from www.thenaughtyseat.co.uk …

: Kids will be kids …. and steal cars and drink drive. They grow up so fast. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: DSC00220JPG Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Blast from the past8230 This is why I’ve set Heros to record on the V+ Box, I have pondered this for sometime but now …

: I8217m only testing this because I’m hoping I can make it work gurl. clipped from en.wikipedia.org Tor (The Onion …

: Homie Where she gone Saturday is much like a crackwhore, you go to sleep and she’s gone (and I can’t find my …

: Popo mofo Police are called “the pigs” for a reason, nothing highlights this than having one of …

: This is James and he is an utter twat CNN, the word you’re looking for is cock tease. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You …

: Evil is sugary 33 Does this stuff have a best before date? Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment …

: 8220We8217ve called you in error8221 Today work was amazingly shit, to the point I got stressed, not a little, but near homicidal. But …

: Baby got soul Кевин.net.ua It’s got soul. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or …

: Now that I fine tuned the podcast settings I get a gigantic amount of duff calls to my number, so much so I’ve been starting to call them back …

: Now that I fine tuned the podcast settings8230 I get a gigantic amount of duff calls to my number, so much so I’ve been starting to call them …

: On Vox New Internet Blog Кевин.com.ua Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Justify your existance I’m getting annoyed with moths. Why do they exist? All they do is flap about and make …

: The power of christ does something or whatever Today is somewhat ironic if you bother to look deep enough in to it, I was desperate to get home …

: Job ownership mean8217s miss thing ain8217t havin8217 it Today I can not be bothered. I have a pounding headache and it’s all gone wrong this morning. …

: On Vox America sod off Oh for fuck sake, it’s not all about YOU. There’s enough hate in the world for the rest …

: Whachoo know 98 is two away from 100. What an arse. Alas, there is always Monday. Anyways, this weekend I have …

: Please find attached, for the benefit of the court, a photo. Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. …

: You8217ll find I8217m rather unimpressed Today I had two moments of vast annoyance and only one was really funny. In the magical call centre …

: Don8217t make me have to get the popo mofo Quickly, I must say prior to my bedding time. I have received a humourous amount of prank calls on …

: I don8217t care about your crap I find the intoxicating whining of the luxury deprived amusing. Drivers of BMWs and Mercedes cars …

: On Vox Cum gargle SCREW YOU LJ. Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: I are eating your foods Holby Blue is utterly rubbish, not like Casualty or Holby City where there are rather comedic …

: Is Paris still in jail What is this bad girls club programme? It’s so very strange, what is the concept here, what do …

: No photos I8217m outraged How unimpressed am I that I can’t post photos from my phone to this blog. I would have been …

: Does this work Testing from phone. — This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog …

: The dark arts Nobody believes that my entire electronic life lives in a black window with no graphic interface, …

: Rejoyce or something Hello, Although this is a new blog here on thems thar internet, please don’t hink I’m …

: On Vox Im getting angry now On one of my vonage numbers I’m INCREASINGLY getting bastarding dropped calls on it, I’m …

: On Vox Blast to the past year I have found a couple Canada photos/video on My Gallery. Hot.nOriginally posted on monkeybox.vox.com …

: On Vox Blast to the past year I have found a couple Canada photos/video on My Gallery. Hot. Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com …

: On Vox MONKEY BOX LIVES style="padding: 9px; border: 1px solid; width: px; margin: 10px auto;" > <div …

: Oh LiveJournal .. I just shot some sex wee over these photos. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 772610

: HEART BBC <blockquote …

: On Vox Moo Gurl style="padding: 9px; border: 1px solid; width: px; margin: 10px auto;" > <div …

: On Vox Paris Hilton gets served style="padding: 9px; border: 1px solid; width: px; margin: 10px auto;" > <div …

: On Vox FWAP FWAP SPLAT Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 772030

: On Vox Watch I have located my camera watch style="padding: 9px; border: 1px solid; width: px; margin: …

: On Vox Wrong number Serves you right style="padding: 9px; border: 1px solid; width: px; margin: 0 0 20px 20px;" > <div …

: On Vox Huzzah Dear Kevin, Thank you for your email. This is to inform you that we have marked the discs as lost in …

: On Vox Arson Hello, I've a rather unique situation. I've posted back my DVDs on saturday afternoon so they would …

: On Vox Fuck I've now got to email LoveFilm to notify them of the following issue with my DVDs, please take note …

: On Vox I vant you see lasha tumbai I vant you see lasha tumabai I had a proper bag of shit day today, it was a combination of time mis-management on my part, …

: On Vox Voice Post WHO IS SHE WHAT DOES SHE WANT style="padding: 9px; border: 1px solid; width: px; margin: 10px auto;" > <div …

: On Vox Moo gurl style="padding: 9px; border: 1px solid; width: px; margin: 10px auto;" > <div …

: On Vox QotD Not Allowed In The Cart What item(s) do you have to prevent yourself from buying at the grocery store? Submitted by Places …

: Lasha Tumbai Don’t say I don’t do anything nice for you people: Верка Сердючка - Lasha tumbai …

: On Vox Eurovision It’s nice to know that we’re so disliked in Europe that we can only pull off such a …

: On Vox Miss Thing aint havin this shit Nuh-Uh, Miss Thing over here aint having this fucking shit. My iMac’s hard drive, fucked and …

: On Vox Computers die civilisation collapses Today, mid afternoon, the work system died out in a massive fit of crazyness. This in itself is …

: On Vox There is an orgy in your fucking disco You know why I hate the Apple so much? Because they’re egotistical cunts. I remember when I …

: On Vox New website so fierce Visit the new kevin.cx, you’ll love it or I’ll kill you. Originally posted on …

: On Vox Fuck you fucking fucker This turned quickly from a simple LJ comment to a whole hearted hate filled post, so here you go: …

: WHAT WHAT It’s 7am, I’m awake and it’s a fucking non-working bank holiday. So understand my …

: On Vox Vox Hunt Have This Will Travel Show us something you cannot leave home without. Submitted by Quornflour. <div …

: On Vox My internets make you hot Today I have realised that I work with some of the craziest people in the world, not only directly …

: On Vox As a call centre employee the inherent problem .. I have, is when picking up my own phone I tend to slip back in to that work mode, occasionally I …

: On Vox Audi After sales You’d think when investing (and I use the term loosely) in an Audi of some description, that …

: On Vox UK Eurovision Result <div class="enclosure-image"> <a …

: On Vox UK Eurovision Vote **** THIS POST IS DIRECTED AT THE VOX EUROVISION GROUP **** The UK this evening is voting for our …

: On Vox YOUR INTERNETS CONFUSE ME <div class="enclosure-image"> <a …

: On Vox I am your Jesus I, your internet superstar, Kevin have updated my official web site with HOT NEW FEATURES(ish). Now …

: On Vox QotD Famous Last Words What will be your famous last words? Submitted by ngocaroo. Shi— [insert sound of deadly …

: On Vox Using your brakes kills What the fuck are the government up to? I’m used to this green nazi shit, I can deal with some …

: On Vox Microblog Entry AOL View this plz. Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: On Vox Mobile phones required by all This is how much people assume that dialling on 07 number will connect you immedately to an …

: On Vox Gold I’ve grabbed the screen name Gaysploitation on AOL. Officially, I have the best screen name in …

: Telephone Number Please be aware my number is changing from 01225 436155 to 01225 580 013 Listening to: Vibe: …

: Because LJ and SHIT are both in the same sentance I posted this: monkeybox.vox.com/library/p… to vox which didn’t post across to LJ …


: On Vox Whore it WHORE IT GOOD I think I might have found a replacement to Bingo Bling. Visit MadSquirrels.com and see my new …

: On Vox Homeless Nation <a …

: On Vox QotD First Celebrity Crush Who was your first celebrity crush? Submitted by Glory. Tom Cruise when he was hot and alot less …

: On Vox Two reasons why YouTube is god <a …

: On Vox Blogorrhea WTF Some how this month I managed to do DOUBLE my usual miles. How is this possible?! <a …

: On Vox <a …

: On Vox LOL NERD11 <a …

: On Vox Eurovision is coming As every year around this time, the evil that is Eurovision decends upon Europe in a rather scary …

: On Vox Summon the fucking RSPCA <a …

: On Vox Cunting cunty cunt <a …

: On Vox Um not funny Just got my final pay, it’s like, £200 less than I thought it would be. Fuck. Originally …

: On Vox QotD Win Me Over What's the best way to get on your good side? Submitted by Manon-It-All. As if I have a good side …

: On Vox Follow up from last post <a …

: On Vox AOL gets more spam than you can imagine <a …

: On Vox Road Rage <a …

: On Vox I heart the Danish I’m glad I have a server hosted in Denmark, if I didn’t I wouldn’t receive comedic …

: On Vox Battle won or not God, I just had a battle of fucking wills just now.  I had to crack open the back of the radio …

: On Vox Great leader speaks <a …

: On Vox Thats hawt <a …

: On Vox QotD Worst Job Ever What was the worst job you ever had? Submitted by salaryman. Food whore at a large supermarket …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa The birds part two Remember my brief encounter with those feathered jerks? Well one of them pooped on the bonnet of my …

: On Vox OHooley or whatever is a twat See this, laugh at it and then we STAB HIM IN DE FACE WITH AXE. Originally posted on …

: On Vox Before and After Before <a …

: On Vox Vox Hunt It Gets Me There Show us your passport photo…if you dare! Submitted by Georgie-boy. <a …

: On Vox Because my firefox is in the Russian I get some odd adverts, this is just one of them: <a …

: 756758 From djguk on Wed 14/02/07 22:14: Evening Mr.R.. How's you? From gareth.roe on Wed 14/02/07 22:56: …

: I cant fucking believe this shit Jesus christ, what the fuck is he playing at again? Could he not pick a worse time to pull this shit …

: On Vox QotD The Best Brew What method do you use to prepare your coffee or tea? Submitted by AgentBouche. I find hot water …

: On Vox QotD Repeat After Me How have people mispronounced your name? How is it supposed to sound? Submitted by Lorie.   Well …

: On Vox Some happy some not so happy I’ve got good news and bad news, but mostly bad news. I've been looking at serious cost …

: On Vox Aye yi yi is racism <a …

: On Vox Call Sweden and do something interesting Colour By Numbers Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: On Vox Vox Hunt Still Life Show us some fruits and/or veggies. <a …

: On Vox Spilling the Tea Pigeons are fucking crazy This morning I’ve had a moment right out of The Birds (god damn Hitchcock and his horrific …

: On Vox Ninjapoo I’m concerned. One of the dogs has learned the art of stealth poo. This dog, left a rather …

: On Vox Vox Hunt I Made This Myself Show us something you made yourself. <a …

: On Vox Everybody is a retard <a …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Everybody should have ass_ If you don’t already have the ass_ on your friends list you should add him and say madsquirrel …

: Location PLZ I need a link to Google Maps for Milton Keynes, so this post is it. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: On Vox Today I was late and you shall die I woke up late, got on the road late and started hacking up my lungs at 80mph down a dual …

: On Vox QotD Next On My Itinerary What's the next country you want to visit? Submitted by Schomer. » Read more on Vox Listening …

: On Vox QotD Rubbing Elbows Have you ever met any celebrities? Any interesting stories?Submitted by Tasha. » Read more on …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Published to vox as usual Photos from popstarz last night. Although I was slightly pissed when i sent the email across to vox …

: On Vox Meme 1. Grab your phone.Yes, no what? » Read more on Vox Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: On Vox LOL Passport woes for all:It appears almost everybody in Canada is losing their citizenship. » Read …

: On Vox QotD InFlight Entertainment How do you pass the time during a flight? What do you bring in your carry-on? » Read more on …

: On Vox Passport Woes For those who know I have two passports and it is shit. For those who do not know, I have two …

: Friday 26 January One will be pwning This friday the concept was to go to London, however, David had then decided that “it …

: On Vox Ive been suspended Understand I'm not impressed to see this shit in the morning, I've got to ring them up and see what …

: On Vox Vox Hunt Got Ink Photo: Show us your tattoo(s). Submitted by Megan. » Read more on Vox Listening to: Vibe: …

: On Vox Oops Hooray you can die from excessive caffiene! Probably best to stop drinking this Kick shit then huh? …

: Jade Goody Obviously, as a nation us Britons should be ashamed of Jade Goody, so much so I’ve registered …

: More vox Vox QOTD: Stuck in a lift with who? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 750076

: On Vox Vox Hunt It Better Be Good What's the first image that comes up when you Google your name? » Read more on Vox Listening …

: On Vox Holy Sweet Fucking Jesus Holy fucking mother of sweet fucking Jesus, I NARROWLY avoided being a road traffic incident …

: On Vox A year later and finally ... two folk came to visit me in 2005 and did the Japanese thing by taking hundreds of photos, I've …

: On Vox New theme My new theme features the b-girlz, unfortunately since my computer is shit I mashed that in iPhoto, …

: On Vox Cheeky love not lust says Opik with commentary Liberal Democrat MP Lembit Opik has insisted his love for Cheeky Girls singer Gabriela Irimia is …

: On Vox Its telly box on your mobile box Three's Mobile TV package has found it's way back on to my account, obviously as it contains my …

: On Vox QotD Forward My Mail In which fictional world/universe/land/city would you most like to live? Submitted by glenn is the …

: On Vox Obviously this 6am shit is too much Today I have discovered my bank account is as baron barren as my fictional womb, well I must …

: On Vox QotD Cant Type It Rihgt What word(s) do you always make a typo in? » Read more on Vox Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: On Vox Turn your music up Paris London aint feelin The only good thing about the french is Radio FG, I've been listening to this stationfor longer than …

: Fucking Lying Cunt Understand, at least try to, the amount of fucking drama I had to put up with from this cunt back in …

: On Vox Im Gay The most amusing thing has just occured! » Read more on Vox Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: On Vox Blogorrhea in your face Today I have a case of the Blogorrhea! (All must bless the Urban Dictionary word of the day mailing …

: Annoying the Lesbians one woman at a time I’ve invaded the VOX again, more so with my Lesbian Seagull group, oh and I also created the …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Temporary injunction I’m banning myself from the computer based internet for a week, as in until next sunday …

: MONEY SADNESS I hate my finances, they’re shit at best. But that is another story for another time. …

: TEH 666 I am channel viewer 666 :o( Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 745570

: Girl you so crazay I’m registered with Experian’s Credit Expert monitoring service, it’s a useful …

: LOLOLZ Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 745102

: KevinCostelloetk the orignal internet superstar Huzzah! I have joined this Diino thing, therefore, I shall be using my DiinoWeb at …

: Love me because Im teh skinny Or not. I think I might be inadvertently starting the downward spiral of an eating disorder (again), …

: City makes a ban nobody interested Here, have some comedy: Chicago bans foie gras, nobody cares including inspectors, Animal rights …

: Blogger you are a jerk too Blogger is rather insistant on getting people to move to NuBlogger, I’m not tempted at all as …

: LOL SKYNEWZ City Gas Mystery Deepens OH NOES IT'S TEH TARRARESTS!!11 Can we bomb Iran yet? (Cheerleader Cherie …

: Fuck you spam cunt Some spamming cuntbag just knocked about 10 comments on to Bingo Bling (www.bingobling.tk) and …

: Internet Shopping is bad Obviously, as the master of comedy, I must purchase this: www.bustedtees.com/shirt/gre… This …

: Militant queer seeks similar for purple flower in a condom plot They should call the RSPCA on me. Last night with no particular intent I not only managed to crack …

: An unfortunate rap star awaits to break in to the UK scene Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 742711

: DAMN YOU TO HELL AOL I use the X Drive service which is now an AOL service. AOLOL have trebble charged me, granted …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 742239

: SPAM BITCH ITS SPAM Finally Thunderbird starts to understand the concept of the above icon. Listening to: Vibe: …

: ZOMG I’m having those alcoholic drinks, I’ve had 2 pints and I’m already teh drunkz. …

: Swivel on this jerks My bastard iMac fucked up AGAIN, this being about the 7th time I’ve had to reformat the …

: I am still a rather smart chap Being bored is a rather good thing, it keeps my brain open to new stimuli. Being in a string of jobs …

: Amazon Are also fucking pricks: “Dear Customer, We wanted to give you an update on the status of your …

: PayPal Can shove their fucking despute resolution shit up their arse. “LOL INVALID CLAIM, SELLER GETS …

: Sindra WTF Get off my planet America Occasionally I partake in the viewing of a DVD based film, this afternoon was no exception to this …

: You what We say I’m considering making a blog post, although I can’t remember what for. This message has …

: I hate computing machines Ugh. Computers are the biggest pain in the arse that has ever hit this stupid plane t. My iMac …

: Up your father christmas Big up homies, aight and let me tell you the tales of christmas past. I did nowt. The end. …

: One interface god Hello all my lovely people, Jesus saves with ASDA vouchers. Anyways, I shall update you on all the …

: Re In soviet Russia the post posts you Yet another test Oh Jesus christ LJ WORK PLZ. This message has been scanned by MMN. …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 12242006 112433 PM Gabcast! 1337 Electric Avenue #4 -- Posted by Kevin to 1337 Electric Avenue at 12/24/2006 11:24:33 …

: Repent Heathen MadSquirrelscom LIVES I’ve resurected MadSquirrels.com from the dead, sort of.Google is now offering a beta service …

: Repent Heathen THEYRE SO MEEEENE111 I, CAPTAIN OBVIOUS, HAVE COME TO THE RESCUE OF THE 3G FORUM!I’ve been passing through this …

: Repent Heathen Christmas ecard Yo. Some of you will have received this from an @aol.com address, it is me. You’ll be …

: Repent Heathen This Is New York City Bitch As an avid listener to the Gay Pimp podcast when I heard the Christmas podcast I had to buy This Is …

: Repent Heathen Jesus is a bit hammered At this crazy capitalist filth time of year we should be remembering that Jesus was born in a rather …

: Repent Heathen Windows you are teh suck My server in Dallas, gleefully nicknamed “Dallas”, has needed to be rebooterised. This …

: Repent Heathen My neighbours are jerks FACT What constantly annoys me about people is when they are complete jerks and one shining example is …

: Repent Heathen From 3 From 21/11/2006 you’ve used over 15 MB of data on 3’s Mobile Internet service. For more …

: Repent Heathen Chippenham a special place for special people Normally I’m a rather nice chap behind the wheel, not much angers me, with of course the …

: QUIMFO Read this plz. Important informations. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 736420

: Porn Funny This is why porn is the best comedy: BLACKMEN FILLING WHITE HOLES WITH THEIR DARK MEAT You ask …

: With good comes bad Today I have good news and bad news. I shall begin with a list of some kind to stress my point of …

: Fucking murderous rage Seriously, I’m going to go fucking spare on this cunt. From Him on Thu 14/12/06 10:26: Off …

: 1337 Electric Avenue No business like ho business Today it appears is a good day for me. Last night I failed to fill the car with this petrol crap …

: 1337 Electric Avenue JibJabber Who ever uses the Jabber advise me of your details so I may add you to my Jabber client. -- Posted …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 734898

: 1337 Electric Avenue MTV Stalks Again The stupid flash went off when I took this, but you can clearly see I'm on the MTV. -- Posted by …

: 1337 Electric Avenue What what There is a problem with this image, if you know me you'll be able to figure it out rather quickly. …

: PLZ111 Sign up for my Email Newsletter Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 734200

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 733741

: Dont judge me Because Telewest hasn’t for the past 6 months. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Toto were not in SN12 anymore Briefly, I'm going to re-appear on the t'internet on Sunday or Monday. I also need to gain access to …

: Done If you don’t already realise (and you probably wouldn’t have) please find the attached …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11272006 103353 AM Gabcast! 1337 Electric Avenue #3 -- Posted by Kevin to 1337 Electric Avenue at 11/27/2006 10:33:53 …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Oh boo hoo I feel your pain, not. Have a big fucking whatever for your troubles. -- Posted by Kevin to 1337 …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Oh dear I think I've made myself ill. Amusingly I'm going to gaff up my coca-cola and nik nak feedings for …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Another one for Boyzici Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. To help …

: 1337 Electric Avenue For Boyzici Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. To help …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Ill rural you I hath decided I want to move, some of you might have seen my LJ ZOMG FIREINDZ ORNLEE!!!11 post …

: Oh Right From Him on Sun 19/11/06 18:20: Yup. All expenses paid trip down to near Turin. The WHOLE story? Are …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Some improvements to be made I had a go at trying out my psychic stuff, and I need to: Attach a headphone to the mic of the …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Im going a bit psychic Right so all the psychic stuff has been ordered, see below: Costume Wig Cock Sucker Sparkle Pink …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11252006 042703 PM Gabcast! 1337 Electric Avenue #2 -- Posted by Kevin to 1337 Electric Avenue at 11/25/2006 04:27:03 …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Get and STI and get out of my face Nothing in this world annoys me more than pregnant women, it's like do I really care your up the …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 730006

: 1337 Electric Avenue Get your tongue out of my mouth cuz Im kissing you goodbye Aide!  Aide! I require somebody who is online and has skype.  Comment with your username …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Over on BingoBlingtk Nuns on the run. -- Posted by Kevin to 1337 Electric Avenue at 11/23/2006 11:18:00 PM Listening to: …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11232006 105945 PM So my night as a nun is complete. Highlights include winning the best dressed and offending two …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11232006 014512 PM Next week you'll be seeing a new podcast on plasticrobot.tv. I've just made the investment.--- This …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11232006 014531 PM Next week you'll be seeing a new podcast on plasticrobot.tv. I've just made the investment.--- This …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Phone be flat Annoyingly my phone has run out of the electricity and has gone flat. This is rather annoying as …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11222006 051651 PM I've made some changes to my blog. Nothing of real interest but amusing all the same. The first …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11222006 121817 PM Somebody who shant be named for legal reasons just sent 45 emails through to my work email account …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11222006 101226 AM Occasionally livejournal voice post can be a jerk. Today was just one of those days. I was going to …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Twee Vaders Crazy dutch. -- Posted by Kevin to 1337 Electric Avenue at 11/21/2006 09:35:00 PM Listening to: …

: 1337 Electric Avenue I love animals cause theyre made of meat http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4313978.stm   Python eats aligator, python …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11212006 112113 AM I've just discovered flurry. It's rather free which is better than versaforward but i can't seem to …

: 1337 Electric Avenue The homosexualists The Homosexualists How random is this, found it on a USENET group.   Getting welfare is not easy in BC. Some of …

: 1337 Electric Avenue You are brave young dragon But mine is the stronger gungfu Annoyingly it's only being shown in America: http://www.nbc.com/Madonna/ -- Posted by Kevin to 1337 …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Existance how so This might be slightly emo-tastic, so get out your razor blades and start cutting. I'm in an odd …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11202006 085949 PM I witnessed the most comedic road rage this afternoon. Picture a saxo and put it behind a slow …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11202006 075818 PM I'm trying out blog planet. --- This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Video clip de la cancin Flash La Prohibida! La Prohibida! -- Posted by Kevin to 1337 Electric Avenue at 11/20/2006 08:17:00 PM …

: 1337 Electric Avenue Finally A FemButch Cake Topper Again from SQUEEEEEEEEEE-MAIL! (see also, my subjects are created by Yahoo!) -- Posted by Kevin to …

: 1337 Electric Avenue 11202006 075818 PM I'm trying out blog planet. --- This post was made with a trial version of BlogPlanet, a photo blog …

: I like pie I’m starting to lose patience with this stupid woman …

: Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadu Oh how I loathe, er, I mean love Mondays. Traffic is slow and crap, children can’t walk so …

: How amusing This american television abc1 stuff can be occasionally amusing. It pains me to say it though. …

: HA FOILED YOU I barely just made the 8pm time I quoted, TAKE THAT UNIVERSE. The podcast will be available shortly …

: Make post not delete Gah! My phone just deleted my post. Jerk. Also livejournal failed to post my voice post, double …

: Podcast The podcast is starting to encode, it’s probably going to be an hour or two before I can …

: Lesbianism its all about the vajayjay Oh, look it be sunday at 15:49. I think I should get on with churning out todays podcast video …

: MTV drops you in the shit MTV Dance has this text ticker thing, amusingly it was full of “DAVE LOVES…”, one …

: Psychic Connections PSYCHIC HOTLINE ZOMG If you’re currently subscribed to my podcast you’ll be bound to get this shortly, but if …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 722293

: ZOMG Internet. Serious business. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 722169

: Is broken Bingo Bling is a bit broken at the minute. as the style sheets and images are located on a domain …

: I psychic babies As some of you might be aware myself and had a “soft launch” of but since you are all …

: Im so holy I’m so much holier than thou. Await further photos next week and possibly a video series where …


: Podcast The podcast has been updated. But I managed to semi-break the feed. Which should be fixed. I also …

: Shirley Bassey Get This Party Started www.youtube.com/watch Hooray for commerical telly! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 720595

: For All See: www.youtube.com/watch Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 720153

: I say www.youtube.com/watch Slightly more camp than a Latvian Eurovision entry, but not by much. Listening …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 719742

: Oh poo VersaForward has started to forward my Yahoo! Mail, but it turns out there is a slight conflict with …

: Oh dear It doesn’t sound like it’s going too well for bush and his ‘republican …

: Trying from the mobile As expected i would. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 719072

: Hooray Or Booray So I fixed the vox thing because it were pants, but the only way I could do that was by creating a …

: Amuse me 0844 484 7319 (5p/minute goes to a voicemail account of my own, leave a message of some kind and I …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 717920

: In other news I’m going to subscribe to VersaForward (www.versaforward.com) to collect my Yahoo! Mail and …

: Jerk WHY ARE YOU SUCH A PRICK APPLE? My iMac has been utter fucking bollocks for the past month, randomly …

: I smash you hardcore Oh what a day! I don’t know why, it just was. The best part of it being mocked by …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 716826

: Oh why dear planet WHY Annoyingly spammers have attacked my MSOL.dk contact form so my AOLOL account is full of spam sent …

: Death I’m getting an omen to my horrific death. A cuntish prick in a Gold Audi is going to kill me …

: Backside firework prank backfires news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/engl… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 716251

: Today I have lost you I’ve officially lost my payment card today (of non-descript value) it will be sadly missed. …

: God bless the Popbitch A traffic warden approached a man parking his car. “You can’t park there, that’s a …

: I try and try and oh whatever monkeybox.vox.com/library/p… Posted it to Vox only I’m afraid. I do normally post to …

: What another off with her head Why am I the only one on Vox who likes making suicide? On an unrelated note, I probably should have …

: Woman drop the gun Clicking around my Yahoo! Ireland! Mail! Which! Cost! Me! Twelve! Quid! For! The! Year! …

: Aide Aide Cest Pete Tong It’s getting rather spicy here at work. I’m here on my own out of the fault of the …

: How I loathe you Microsoft Why do I need to reset the MIME types everytime I load another video on to the IIS server? Answers …

: Who shot Dallas I ruddy well will My server in Dallas is a whore to the Nth degree. Podcast 2 isn’t working, not like the …

: Voice Post OH NOES Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 713843

: Get a job you hippy A beautiful blue eyed boy working for Exodus who’s interests include: * books, * …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 713368

: What me wa say After my pay as you drive box which can sing as well as dance was installed this morning I’ve …

: MY PRECIOUS HONOUR FOR THAT I SHALL AVENGE MY OWN DEATH bingobling.blogspot.com/2006/11/m… I had to laugh when I saw this, somebody in an obvious …

: Amusingly deadly It always amazes me that people can be so unbelievably thick. Like this morning, on my usual 30 mile …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 712394

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 711957

: Podcast link thoughts Podcast Video Here: monkeybox.vox.com/library/v… I think I might do one a day but only …

: Podcast with Keviquah The podcast is fully set-up now, if you want to keep track of it in a podcast thingy use this link: …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 711390

: Plethorial I’m just encoding yesterdays podcast in to mp4 and uploading it to Grimnir. Then I shall post …

: Because ham isnt that nice I’ve slowly been getting bored with the Internet. At first it was bloody grate as the …

: Love it or die A visual plethora of things. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 710609

: Humans Decide this conundrium for me minions: bingobling.blogspot.com/2006/11/b… Post upon thr Bingo …

: Because we all know ….. nothing will ever out live my livejournal, then you must visit (and love) Bingo Bling …

: Here have something deep you fucking internet Today I walked past a girl, her mum and oddly enough a priest. The girl was autistic (or something) …

: In sovient Britain the building heats YOU It is so cold in here, so much so I can’t feel my fingers so my typing is well wonky. The …

: Refer to NHS Direct Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 709128

: WHY SO CRAZY? bingobling.blogspot.com/2006/10/s… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: I CUTTA YOU FACE OFF SAW III too fucking crazy. I can see this happening. As an avid fan of horror even I almost had to …

: See also bingobling.blogspot.com/2006/10/c… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 708526

: I got pwned The universe decided to slap me, rather hard and with irony. I hate the universe. Listening to: …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 707841

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 707747

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 707420

: Seance Me and another famous LiveJournal Superstar have come up with LiveJournal Seance (). If you would …

: WHY DONT YOU FUCKING WORK It appears my Passport account for MSN is shagged. So please would you be most kind to add: to your …

: Who what now I was trying to dial an outside number from my work phone and it freezes which it can do …

: Just to inform you I’ve just bought 10,000 Iraqi Dinars. 200 Iraqi bank notes should be showing up at my door at …

: One does not approve Hooray! I’ve just bashed £14 out of the credit card to go and see Saw III in the Cinema on …

: I have attempted to send money to Canada using the power of Western Union. Although I’ve been …

: Up your fucking pipe Attention all, as you clearly know I fucking hate NatWank, more importantly I hate having to PAY to …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Too much information The toilet seats at work are all broken to the point of having a sit down becomes similar to riding …

: MSN Wanked My MSN has completely wanked out on me, I can get it on the mobile but LOL takes PRESHUS DATA! If …

: This is how domestic violence starts I’m beginning to lose my rag with this shit. Every weekend he’s off to fucking Brighton, …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa You skype I wish to obtain a netgear skype phone. i’ve just had a play with skype and it seems worth it, …

: Posted using a hrefhttpwwwlivejournalcomljtalkLJTalka I’ve had a play with iWeb - Chekket: www.madsquirrels.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Posted using a hrefhttpwwwlivejournalcomljtalkLJTalka Who what now? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 703891

: You have received a new message You have received an MMS message. To see the message correctly, you will need to view this message …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Back to the days of the old I’ve been having good thoughts about what i can do with the bbs when i move it to america. …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa War I’m probably going to start war on a sovereign nation. i’m frustrated, irritated and …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Updated I’ve updated the bingo bling blog. visit it now. Device: SonyEricssonK800i/R1CD001 Listening …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa My head What a night, did a drunken phone call, have gave out my livejournal login details for all to hear, …

: SUZUKI LIES The Pwners Manual of the Jimny says my front tyres should be 23psi and my rear should be 28psi. I …

: Tha PoLeece Today has been busy and I’ve had a touch of serious road rage. I had to buzz in to Chippenham …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa No computer for you My computer is completely shagged and i need to do an apple care job on it. until then i’ve …

: AOLOL ALLAH AKBAR! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 701666

: Blasphemy Time As I mentioned below Aunt Yvonne died, nobody bothered to tell me and it’s yet another person …

: Well then It turns out my aunt Yvonne died on 5 October. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 701043

: RSSCachecom [RC:1bbc60cd] Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 700835

: ZOMG I’ve redone my website as I’m still in my LOL INTARNAT SUX0RS mood, I’ve basically …

: Five US This better not be anything like ABC1. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 700264

: Amusing On tonight’s Law and Order they’re in “Prague” which is a poor mock up of …

: Tonight I shall …. get absolutely stinking drunk. I’ve got nobody with me this evening, which is …

: Brrrrrling bingobling.blogspot.com/2006/10/c… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 699495

: Bingo Bling 1 Gabcast! Bingo Bling! #1 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 699356

: America America If the Americans wern’t already so very good at invading Eye-Rack and spelling …

: Malware You get me Now flee. -- Posted by Kevin to Malware at 10/06/2006 03:27:56 PM Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Internet Boring After getting yet another virus on the BBS PC I think I might just abandon t’internet. It …


: Every time I see the whois I Yack I hate the internet. Some kn0b took one of my old disused domains [that expired], which is fine …

: Best Thing Evar 3 Music Store. 3 have released a web version of their music store, I’d abuse it but they only …

: AOLOL I’ve got the wig, I’ve got the boobs and now I need to get a bra (as the photos will …

: Kill all humans Cows jump insuffiently small and rather shit gate, comedy ensues. Best picture I could get …

: Seek advice Whorage. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 696905

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 696734

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 696361

: Voice Post Ring Ring Banana Phone Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 696199

: Bad pedesterianing I made myself look such a twat in a completely legitimate circumstance. I was driving through the …

: Huzzah So far today I have foiled the bank and they’ve paid me earlier than expected, so I’ve …

: Logistically speaking internet drama is hard DO NOT SPREAD THIS FURTHER, THIS IS QUALITY DRAMA WAITING TO EXPLODE. I’ve had a hidden …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 695082

: Roundabout ettiquette This morning some dim spark decided to overtake me on a roundabout and nearly take off the drivers …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 694614

: Ring ring mofo Hello crazy internetska people! For informations of the communications of the voiceulations you may …

: Ring ring mofo Hello crazy internetska people! For informations of the communications of the voiceulations you may …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 693953

: Pwned the truth Suddenly, it’s clear why Harvey has taken such interest to a section of the garden. Listening …

: Dude totally. not. dog. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 693375

: Best Video Ever "Best. Video. Ever." on Google Video This Sarah girl sums up the internet's view on Furries. …

: Its begun When you change the people from brown to white and the name of the diety they pray to, it’s …

: 692592 It’s like Eurotrash but without the Euro. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 692592

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 692299

: The people speak My local council is not going to see the humour in this. complaint: My black wheelie bin …

: Sue me sue you lets all sue I’M SO TRAUMATISED ABOUT COFFEE!!!1111 I’m suing! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Totally Websensed LOL Royal Mail. I had to pick up an ebay parcel this morning and seeing as the mail and my local …

: Um right Any particular reason my iTunes Music Store is quoting prices in Danish Kroner? Also, it appears …

: LOLZ As you can see I’m trying to set-up email from work but without the bit that displays the …

: What do you mean no pin —–Original Message—– From: Kevin Costelloe Sent: 11 September 2006 08:25 To: …

: Testink Yo this is just a test of the testing system. [corporate email policy disclaimer here] Listening to: …

: Malware Puppy Yet again. -- Posted by Kevin to Malware at 9/09/2006 11:40:00 PM Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Thank you for being a careful driver Oh my god. I almost died in a firey blaze of glory leaving Swindon. Went on to the M4 and as I was …

: Malware Reports reports oh sweet jesus Look at me doing some emo to point out that i'm in work for the next hour doing a report for …

: Malware Eyes I see you. -- Posted by Kevin to Malware at 9/06/2006 01:38:16 PM Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Malware Playful Back in the day harvey was smaller than harry. Not so now days. -- Posted by Kevin to Malware at …

: Blogger Prick Blogger is a prick. I tried to swap my blogspot to be hosted on my server, it shanked out and …

: 688400 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 688400

: I say Download “Don’t Download This Song” now! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: LOL I’ve googled the air race to see what the internet has been moaning about (somebody is whining …

: Air Race The race was a wash out, got stuck in a double smash on the way there, jonska = cool, photos to be …

: Oh my word kevincostelloe.blogspot.com There is a blogger photo application on the K800i. View occasionally, …

: 687249 Интернет распространяет утеху, как заболевания распространений проститутки сексуальн переданные. …

: Internet Offer ACT NOW If you’re unaware the Red Bull Air Race is occuring at Longleat in Backwater (Wiltshire) …

: Americans learn to get things RIGHT Absolute fucking tosh, too much movement for the dead and not enough FLESH EATING. If you’re …

: As mentioned thjorska you can only see this post. kevin.costelloe@sjp.co.uk Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Om em gee Thjorska, I have realised today is Thursday, tomorrow is friday and following that will be saturday. …

: CHOMP CHOMP! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 685822

: Monkey Box The Monkey Box has been gracefully transformed as I’ve started to use VOX for it. At some …

: Yahwey Yahwey PRAISE YAHWEY! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 685187

: Paranoid I’m offically a tax evader. There was a slight mixup on my wages to the tune of £177. Mr. …

: Two things 12 police men runined my drive home with their speeding cameras and number plate checks. Thanks for …

: Bollocks My fucking camera was lifted at either Toronto Pearson or London God-Damn Gatwick, I just got the …

: Hooray Yesterday I was feeling ill in the morning and being not one to allow my FEBLE HUMAN SOFT TISSUE get …

: _ Why am I getting so much pump and dump spam? EXPLAIN PLZ. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: OMG I think I’ve just shot out my love juice. In other news I’m going to the one stop to buy …

: 683303 LOL, Vicar MAK TEH PWNAGE: motoring.aol.co.uk/article.a… Also, my computer pwned itself. …

: Uh INTERNET = BROKEN. Not in the entirely broken way either. LOL NOT FUNNAY. Also Sipgate are punks, …

: OH MY JESUS Vee Oh Eye Pee = OMG. If I get my hands on this I shall be most happy. Although it would be better …

: ALL YOUR INTERNET NUNS ARE BELONG TO US Jerry, I must apologise for the delay in replying to your message. We’ve been very busy here …

: Yes thank you LiveJournal usefully sending me an email about an error where the PIN couldn’t be located, …

: Gouranga Call out Gouranga be happy Gouranga Gouranga Gouranga! That which brings the highest happiness God …

: Thats HAWT I’m finally getting aol.cx back together again, but I’m seriously unsure of the …

: . Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 681599

: OH MY GOD LOLZ Today I have accomplished almost nothing of value. But I did add an RSS feed (well just got a script …

: WTF I went in to Cirencester to do a dry run of the time it’ll take me to get there tomorrow (the …

: Drink phones trains and meetings Last night on my way home i rang nathiquah and had a discussion about the m6 and warwickshire. It …

: Un Amused NatWankers got my claim form for the dammage to the phone and DECLINED IT. They said that it’s …

: Bus I’ve got to use a bus tomorrow to get to work since I’m having a few going away drinks …

: MTV Hawt I’m trying this MTV Flux thing and I found this blokes profile pics and I nearly shot my rocks …

: Shoes www.youtube.com/watch Approved for use by AOLOLOL (I’m on a This Week on AOL mailing list, the …

: Monkey Box The Monkey Box now holds my webcam, so open the monkey box and have a look. Listening to: Vibe: …

: OH NOES The internet is offically scarry: www.cousincouples.com/cgi-bin/y… Listening to: Vibe: …

: WHAT HAVE I DONE111 Ok, I’m bored here and I’m trying to build a BBS. So far I’ve added a supernews …

: Crazy video.google.co.uk/videoplay Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 678736

: Icelandic Childrens Eurotrash Pop Dear Famous Radio 1 DJ, Please fiddle the charts to make this song www.youtube.com/watch the new UK …

: HOLY SHIT GOT TO SEE. GOT TO SEE. (free 7 minute preview). Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 678151

: Standards arent standards if you dont tell anybody The Baboon says: Hi Kev, I was just looking at the lit dashboard and noticed that a 1111 was put in …

: Telemarketers are asses but this is FUNNEY You’re a murderer, a terrorist I’ve got the police listening! Alternate (non-theiving …

: Two things I am ANGRY. I’ve just had a powertrip done on me by that idiot office junior bitch, those I …

: Make the goddamn Cake www.youtube.com/watch This HAS to be the next UK number one. Somebody fiddle the charts and make it …


: Seek advice from your employee handbook XXXX, Are these in a format that can be added straight to the image bank. Kev - If XXXX says yes …

: Noyce RED BULL AIR RACE TICKET DISPATCH INFORMATION Dear Red Bull Air Race Ticket Holder, Thank you for …

: PLZ HELP I’m bored and my MSN is b0rked. If you’re on the AOLOLOL Instant Messenger please add …

: OH MY GODZ Me and are SOUL MATES, you want to know why? Well because when I texted him I only had my united …

: Open it OPEN IT #Let’s open up the monkey box and see what we can see#: Money Laundering. Listening to: Vibe: …

: More UnCut fun Driving with a mobile will make you smash, example here Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: HUMOUR Because I’m horribly bored please find enclosed your 5 day weather report for Beirut. …

: OH NOES Slight LOLZSHITBAGS!!! moment. I can’t find the post-it note with Grimnir’s root …

: 674613 Not such a bad place now is it Mr. Bakri? This certainly makes me laugh, we’re all infedel pig …

: Best thing on telly More television gold, CSI on living tv had an episode on furries and weird furry sex and murder. Bit …

: More internet maths Shitty ITV1 “Reality Television” + Famous American - Beer & Chocolate = Television …

: BUY ME NOW I wish to obtain this car, has anybody got £8,495.00 kicking about they wouldn’t mind giving …

: Forward all applications to MacDonalds Myself and Mr. are currently in the “creative process” of building a web site. If you …

: I AOLOL you I’ve successfully trix0r3d GhostSurf to work on my mac, by, um, running it on a PC and setting …

: double u tee eff PLZ XPLAIN Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 673074

: HALLO INTARNAT I’ve created a new moblog because I’m running out of space on My Gallery, it’s …

: MEME 'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 672625

: Stupid fucking germans Germans much like Americans aren’t that good with subscription services. Except instead of …

: Message Board Humanity Stupid This is why I hate humanity: Originally Posted by spudmail The thing is, I haven’t been abroad …

: NuDiet My new diet of 61p two-for-one Tescos lowest grade biscuits with mouldy chocolate bits and Tescos …

: Dude just like dude To National Wanksminster Bank: As I’m not in the least bit interested in talking to your call …

: Two things One: just got shocked by the dog’s anti-bark collar. It fucking hurt. Two: lol halifax, 50 …

: Ammendiuminium I should also note I was aiming to park in a Pay By Phone car park as the only change I had was the …

: Today I hate Gloucestershire M4/M5 on a friday afternoon = bad news. I managed to not follow the advice of the TomTom twice on …

: OH MY WIFE My e-wife have you taken a strange call from a 563 773 number? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Pictures plz xplain, how does this: Turn in to this (bottom dog): (I just found the top photo while browsing …

: Die I fucking hate this place. I was in this office lottery thing which collapsed in on itself and then …

: Blow your mat fat all over this LJ has again shat upon my email post Ok, what a dirty, dirty subject, but it just came to me and I …

: Death to you sir How I hate the bank. Yesterday I forgot to add on £40 of charges they whacked on to my account for a …

: LOL Three have come back with a quote and they want £130 (inc VAT) to repair the handset. I must LOL, I …

: UGH Because my nu-old phone has started to protest about being charged up (LOL CHARG FAIL!!11) I’m …

: Well LJ shat upon that one Thank you email post for being wank, let us view the post here ass wipe. “IT Consultant” …

: Hey look It’s responsible lending at work: www.handbag.com/creditcar… Listening to: Vibe: …

: Funk that shit up content.ten.li/node/30 - Stevie Wonder and some serious Sesame Street funk. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Pay this The best thing about having a card with the flag of saint george and a general football theme is …

: Open the pockets and find I’ve just been hanging up clothes I had while in Canada (yeah, I know, slightly lazy) and 45ct …

: WARNING READ NOW ATTENTION: On 2nd September, 2006 I have 3-4 available seats (2-3 if Miss Kitties would like to …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 667195

: Too much information That kebab i had for lunch is now extracting revenge on my feeble human digestive system, joy. At …

: The easiest way to get a fake identity dev.allredtech.com/fakename/… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 666814

: Barred in the UK Item: NOKIA 6280, IN EXCELLENT CONDITION & WORKING ORDER (1800022356XX) This message was sent …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 666347

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 665966

: Yum COMBAT CARDS 2.1watch madsquirrel fightCREATE YOUR CARD Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Crazy crazies on the crazy box LOL: Faux News and Crazy Religious right wing crazy woman battle head to head, halarity ensues. …

: Civil Liberties are for Pussies image stolen without credit and constutional rights from: …

: Shifty email of the day Today I’m in a fightin' mood, so when this came from a sales prick I jumped down his throat …

: My crazy wife My e-wife 419 left me an answerphone message, LISTEN TO IT HERE: content.ten.li/node/19 Listening …

: Jacks Johnson I HATE Jack Johnson, his music just makes me want to KILL. And because of that Radio 1 have played …

: Videos videos from earlier: content.ten.li/node/15 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 664302

: Jesus H Christ on a stick So Three just shit out their invoice for this month and it’s ANGERED me. First of all …

: Its all good or not After having to fight the dogs to leave the house (will explain in the next post when i get home) …

: Best Thing Evar The caption reads: Overjoyed Merchant Marine graduate Gabriel Whitney of Nashua, N.H., reaches for …

: Another one because I borked the lj email address DURR. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 663094

: Old and new Im hot I’m starting a new site which you can see at some point tomorrow. It’s called ten, only …

: Life and death of an electronic creatur My tamagotchi just died. I suspect it might have been because i only made it eat cake and …

: Update from the old phone You know this motorola e1000 is good but the battery is rubbish and compared to my smashed lg the …

: Phone Drama So it appears the phone collection isn’t happening now. Not because three fucked it up, but …

: Fucking fuck ball Well so much for my U880, it was in my pocket and I turned around not very quickly and went in to a …

: Joy The thing about post holiday pay day is that it’s shit. I’ve got £161.60 left to last me …

: 661279 um. can’t find my camera. shit. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 661279

: Weirdest Dream Ever This is a friends only entry because the people I work with have found me out on t’internet …

: News World, why so crazy? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 660848

: YOU MUST IMPORTANT NOTICE: I visited my friend Josh in his Toronto flat and he is starting his website, it is …

: Phone Pics Didn’t take many of them because the only reason I take photos on my phone is because I intend …

: Sainsburys I need to cut the grass and go to sainsburys to buy foods and petrol. Which means I need to shower …

: Mobile posting lazy mans sex toy So far today after i got in i was determined to have a shower. So much so i stripped down. That was …

: Best Post Evar Ruined by a noninternet kiosk From: mail atthe kevin.la To: madsquirrels atthe gmail.com Date: Jun 16, 2006 11:27 PM Subject: Poxy …

: LOL BELL I used an internet kiosk at the airport in Canada, no internet access. Tried to email a LJ post to …

: BABIES They were within about 100cm of me. This photo was without zoom, they were most interested in me, …

: Photos Uploading SUICIDE TURTLE! Oh, never mind. MOST IMPORTANT SET OF PHOTOS COMING: This little one got seperated …

: Super personal entry Basically all the drama is that it’s starting to appear my relationship is crumbling and last …

: Slightly better but not I fell slightly better, at least I don’t want to get to the airport in 10 minutes now. …

: Badness All is not well in my Kingdom. Last night I went in to stress overdrive and started throwing up, not …

: LOL That phonebox after authorising £10 on my card has finally put through this charge: 02 Jun BT …

: 657163 OMG Terror! I just saw that on News 24, scary business. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: PICTURES Nan Nan's Village Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 657115

: H8 So uh, I have a $50 note I can’t get rid of, it looks like I might have to buy some crack to …

: 656498 These are my wheels until the 8th. SCORE. At first I was scared shitless, now not so. It’s …

: Oh buggery It appears contrary to 3’s promises of a semi-useful service whilst abroad, their voicemail …

: North America Scary I hate to say this, but honestly, after 5 hours I wanted to be back in England. I can’t …

: Hurry or itll charge me Hey at a BT kiosk tht finally decided to take on my card, ACE since I’e got no change on me. …

: BOOM HEADSHOT I just had one of those ‘lips move, no thought’ moments where you say stuff you probably …

: OH EM GEE When fake tan goes wrong. And also teeth bleeching. Scary business these two. Listening to: Vibe: …

: That explains all Blah, blah, EU slaps America, blah, blah however, there is one part that shouted out at me Canada …

: Ho hum I’m desperately wanting today to end. But I’ve been supprisingly enthusiastic and done …

: Oh life Stupid football flags kill. Take them of your cars you tard bags. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …


: Embrace Shite World best England football song. TAKE THAT EMBRACE WITH YOUR RUBBISH NON-FOOTBALL FOOTBALL SONG! …

: MY MONEY I’ve spent more today. £10 on a top up for the car (oh how it would suck to have no fuel at …

: STOMP STOMP Charlie is having a dream. He is stomping on the communist menace. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: FIRE FIRE! - I had a play with Motion earlier to do some effects over video. I used a candle lighting as …

: You can tell it’s a slow news day in Devon. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 652859

: 645am Suckage So I woke up early this morning because I fell asleep last night at 7pm. Now I’m at work …

: SLEEP I’ve woke up now, two hours earlier than required and my head is KILLING ME. I’m also …

: MY GOD DAMN FACE IS HURTING Well not quite. You see now that my tooth has been prodded to death and rammed full of plasticy …

: 651785 This morning I had £830.00, now I have £0. Today I have done the following: Paid Loan. Paid …

: Oh My head just exploded in to a snot and vomit orgy. Not nice. I also got the standard 3% pay rise, …

: Provident Personal Credit I’ve seen an advert on the telly for Provident Personal Credit (for loans up to £500 repayable …

: LORDI Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 651111

: OUCH MY BRAINS So I’m trollied on lemsip and my sinus head thing is still shagged senseless. NOT FAIR. …

: OH NOES You know how I’ve got to go to Bath for this agency thing? Well I’ve forgot that …

: LOL NOT FUNNAY Ugh. I picked up my little plastic cup of brain exploding Kick, but since the cup is so rubbish it …

: INTERNET FEAR Sweet Jesus of latter day saints! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 650093

: BIRD FLU CBeebies = Scary. FA©T. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 649769

: Eurovision and I hate work Well Eurovision was, er, interesting. The performance by Lordi was probably the best I have ever …

: Television A whole day of american television gold. Nothing to make a pre-eurovision saturday complete than …

: People suxxors Some knob has been going through My Gallery (madsquirrels.com) leaving stupid comments. I’ve …

: For miss kitties Find attached your eternal BBCi fame. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 648724

: Death to you Some plank rang my call back trigger number for Callback World, so at 2:58am (according to the time …

: LOL Internet crazy man: www.savethemales.ca/001421.ht… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Yay and not so Ok, since I’m on a “you get what you pay for” policy with my employer I’ve …

: OH NOES LOLZ Oh dear, according to three I can’t MMS in Canada! HOW VERY BAD THIS IS or not. Hopefully …

: I know I know I should be supporting Daz at Eurovision since Miss Kitties knows him, but Finland’s entry …

: Yo Testing from my mobile mail account. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 647324

: Last entry I have just tested my voice post settings from my United Mobile & Callback thingy, it seems to …

: Voice Post Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 646748

: Schnitt MUST DOWNLOAD: Go to the highlighted website and download the video “Schnitt”. Listening …

: Hooray I’ve just got a job interview in Thornbury (Bristol) on friday for a Junior IT Support role. …

: OMG PANIC Had a bit of a panic earlier, I was checking my car reservation in Canadastan and I had a look at …

: Episode 1 Taxi Mr. Man’s Misadevntures Episode 1: Taxi (45 seconds). I’ve got a copy of Final Cut …

: O2 Getting around to it eventually Last month O2 sent information to Experian to post to my credit file. The contract started in 2002 …

: POO LOL Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 645321

: Benefit fraud were making exceptions Ripped off b3ta: http://www.b3ta.com/board/5906732 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 644990

: Email Drama I’m having an email crisis again. Basically I want to switch, again, even though I said I …

: Today I am thankful Harvey wasn’t some random dog, or he’d have probably killed me because I managed to hit …

: OH NOES Mobile Post: Bad news, too much Tescos. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 644321

: I want I want a Syberian Husky, but I can’t since it’s not right. You need to be able to walk …

: MadSquirrelscom I think it’s safe to say I’m done with the days of hosting my own website. I’m …

: Need cash So buy my tat! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 643392

: Canada This week has almost entirely been devoted to Canada. Hooray! I’ve been getting in touch with …


: VROOOOM I’ve booked a set of wheels for my trip in Canada for a week, not too expensive, but I’d …

: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT’S GONE NOW. One is annoyed. I’m charging them for it, I shall be sending my letter of …

: If its an error Im suing 3 May 2006 — Transaction(s) being processed (processed by next business day) 201.77 This piece …

: Annoyance I hate how certain php scripts are bastards for the sake of being bastards. I’m starting a new …

: Podcast and Burgler This morning I woke up and had a play with iWeb (which means now I have to renew my trial .mac …

: I couldnt present to save myself Video Podcast 1 - Utter tosh. Also, having a massive problem with the feed, iTunes insists …

: LO FATTY I’ve done a quick test file, there is loads of copyrighted music to get me in trouble wiv da …

: OH MEIN GOTT Well for those who don’t know I have been given a new iMac for my birthing day. It is ace, but …

: Magic Roundabout Devils Nipple Bloody TomTom decided today of all days at around 1pm to take me on a nice trip through Swindon, I …

: Bank H8 Stupid fucking NatCuntingWest. I’ve just transfered my loan amount + charges in to my current …

: What a tard bag INTERNET DRAMA UPDATE: Captain shit for brains has emailed again, but this time to the mailman …

: Offensive Email So here is the email I fired back on this bloke, I might have overreacted but whatever IT’S …

: Bless thine god I have just sent the shittiest email ever to grace this green planet. It made me feel rather good …

: LOL TAMAGOTCHI I’ve re-activated my Alien Tamagotchi. On this encarnation I shall be feeding it to make it …

: One does the hating of you Ugh. I just remembered I need to go in to the town centre of Chippers to make a HUGE deposit in to …

: LOLZQUIZZE I’m 90% LiveJournal!Legendary status. Can I have your autograph?The LiveJournal QuizTake Other …

: Give me dat money honey Апр 22-ое 2006 Ugh. I had to log in to my online banking today to set-up three one off payments …

: Crime of the century Апр 22-ое 2006 I’ve commited the crime of the century with the bank and they wholloped a good …

: Stupid LiveJournal Email Post I emailed 3 entries to LiveJournal and the bastard things didn’t work, you’ll see them …

: Bah humbug I went to see Silent Hill this evening. I must say it would have been a good film if I hadn’t …

: MadSquirrelseu LJ I’ve decided I can’t be bothered with running two seperate sites but on a trial period …

: Scientology After all this talk of scientology on the wireless I decided to give it a go. And by “give it …

: Reason 432 I hate this fucking job because: I’m so skint until next Tuesday I had to buy chips in the …

: Changes bring goodness I have changed my journal layout to a rather nifty sexapart style. I’ve switched the language …

: I DRINK LIKE FISHEES So far today I have consumed 7.5L of water. It’s keeping me from boredom eating, but god do I …

: Not fair I certainly hope just because some idiot back in the day managed to cheat death and come back to …

: Financial Crap Oh Internet, on this friday morning I’ve decided to look at my finances. Not very nice it is. …

: spamr Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 635742

: More plz internet Somebody has been calling me from Indianastan in Americaland, or at least thats what I assume the …

: LOL OF TEH DAYE German kid freaks out over a PC Football game. LOL FACTOR: ***** + LOLZ Listening to: Vibe: …

: Try this please Hey, I’m setting up MadSquirrels.eu on Drupal rather than Mambo because it appears to be less …

: Internet HATE I hate the internet. The .eu name space opens and my new name which was going to be freezerburn.eu …

: Hello Internet Internet, I need a new internet name for my internet website. MadSquirrels.com has done me proud but …

: Telephonic rang in at silly o’clock in the morning. I’d fish the message off the answerphone but …

: God may smote thine soul Miss Hannah of the Sheffield postcode region. I have fished out the sim, it is as expected a groovy …

: OMG VIRUS Hey emo girl, You’ve got a virus of some kind or somebody h4xx0r3d your account. You sent me …

: Just dont I like this “don’t give a fuck about work” thing, I get to do mad shit now! …

: Oops me so sawwwey After being ass raped for the past two years from this shitty shady company on friday, I managed to …

: CBBC I’m not quite convinced of their NuSaturday morning. They should bring back Dick & Dom or …

: Oh fuck you internet You try and use logic, it gets thrown back in your face. Thank you internet. (We’re adults (as …

: AOL teh suckage I’m ANNOYED. Grimnir has been blacklisted by AOL. No seriously, it’s JUST aol. All the …

: Hello internet Yes, hello today internet. One is amused and unamused at the same time. Things that amuse one: went …

: Canadaski Juneski Possibleski. We shall see-ski. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 631941

: Dog make you dead This HOUSE SIZED spider was hiding out on the toilet roll. I found it and threw it half way across …

: Bless Hooray! My future ex-wife phoned me and left a message. It’s nice that she doesn’t have …

: Humanity I cry for you The Hemel address does not exist, after getting no reply regarding the awlful service , the terrible …

: Technology Wellski, I had to do another master reset on the phone again to clear the same email problem as …

: Women Drivers Somebody please explain to me why women are considered “safer drivers” as I’m just …

: SMASH I’m beginning to get annoyed with NatWest. My card was vaccumed up in to a cash point on …

: 630259 The new tariff is in place, so most if not ALL of you will be bombarded with videos, photos and …

: I feel like poo I really do. Yesterday I was in bed all day, today I’m making an active effort not to be, but …

: Stupid Fucking Sainsburys Fucking Sainsburys Bank cash point just retained my card because it was getting stuck in the slot. …

: WOOP WOOP DATS DA SOUND OF DA POLICE And they want us to take them seriously. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 629398

: MONY I’ve got a quote back on el jimny and it’s £635 for clutch, gear box and labour. I think …


: All I fucking hear is moan Seriously, I’m getting slightly fucked off with beaing moaned at about the electricity. Every …

: SeXDrive It turns out of a 5GB hard drive, XP all the service packs, basic chat applications, browsers and …

: I MAK DONLAOD I’ve got a new old computer with a new old XP install. Now I’m downloading SP2, 113.0 mb …

: Chav jokes We’ve all heard them but hey whatever. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 627738

: 27th of March I’m trying to entice to Bath for a lunch at the Ocean Pearl, so far I think it’s …

: 627386 SQUEEEEEEEEEK SQUEEEEEEEEEEK. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 627386

: My boring life I have tomorrow off so I think I’m going to see if I can call ITV West and BBC Bristol to see …

: News you annoy me This is BURNING MY EYES. This woman is annoying me, I know she’s had a rough time with cancer …

: SQUEEBAY I need some extra money, where I thought I had £180 in my savings account, it turned out I was about …

: Hello Americans I’ve created a new group just for this post, so if you’re not actually an American just …

: Work you Well i hope this email post works seeing as my elaborate text to lj system is borked. I hope you …

: Hello NuJournal I’ve used the ghetto S1 style thing to make a new layout which I stole from OSWD. The text …

: 625487 COMPENSATE! COMPENSATE! Soon our No Win No Fee culture will reach to these heights. This is why I …

: Citizen listen Pay your credit card balance and the terrorists win. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Plastic Robot I had a brilliant idea, too brilliant in fact. I’m building the new set for M Seven (web site …

: From yesterday Since my text post didn’t get through, here is a summary from yesterday: Oh my god. Just went …

: NuBlog I’ve had to create a new blog, it appears some co-workers know of my internet existance and …

: ITS HAMMER TIME AIIIIGHT For Miss THE MC HAMMER BLOG OMG!. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 624265

: Hooray for things As much as I loathe this place at times, I’ve just spent about 40 minutes on the blower to my …

: Normally I don’t partake in B3ta compos since my photoshop skillz aren’t as 1337 as the rest of …

: SOUL pound600 Billion and a tomato Sell your soul the easy way, text SOUL + What you’d sell your soul for to 666. Texts cost YOUR …

: My Gallery Pants Took Harvey out when we did dog toy shopping yesterday, this is outside Focus, I stayed in the car …

: Fall Out Boy Emo WTF A delightful video to translate that shitty Fall Out Boy song that doesn’t make sense. More …

: cPanel Update Hooray it’s back online. I got through to the woman in the billing department, I was ready for …

: Americans Business Trouble I’m having another problem with these Yanks who are supplying my cPanel licence. Even though …

: DENTAL NIGHTMARES My root canal finishing up has been left for next time, which I didn’t expect so this time I …

: Bloody Traffic its all on the wrong side How in God’s sweet name do you suddenly decide “HAY LET’S MAKE A U-IE AND DRIVE …

: Damn political crap If I didn’t already think that this cartoon business was highly stupid I now have this to …

: Hooray Our ordering system fucked up and isn’t working! Bastard thing is up again, DAMN YOU! …

: Boredom Rising Anybody want to join me on MindSay? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 621245

: Huzzah Well I successfully did my root canal thing, it wasn’t as bad as I thought and I’m sure …

: Sooper bowls Look American television adverts from a sport event called The Cerial Bowl where they play a sport …

: Love thy Google As it shall bring you pleasure. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 620515

: Oh Google Google knows all and sees all. I was bored a moment ago and search various names of people I know. I …

: WTF Today I just saw a chav’d up SMART CAR. Seriously, blue lights on the windscreen washer …

: Shit Can’t ring the Pupillio. It’s either flat or smashed to bits by the fucking dogs. edit: …

: Oops I only added the add on at around 10am too! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 619405

: Hooray Tomorrow I’m going to watch the dogs, either the two downstairs or the one up stairs. I …

: OH NOES INFECTED Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 618940

: Piss off I just received a phone call on my home phone. Which is a rather bizzare occurance as the only …

: Late slighty OMG Tom Baker is the new voice of the BT SMS system, text yourself dirty stuff to your landline to …

: OH NOES Friday, 9am - Hygenist Appointment @ £38/per 30 minutes (and it’s going to be 30 minutes ONLY) …

: Good news and bad news Good news: I’ve taken the plasters of the finger for today, it’s nearly done. Bad news: …

: Um I can’t believe I’ve just done this, but with my bonus money and the cash I saved on an …

: Bingo Who else wants to go to Swindon and spend their pention with me? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Damn you superior computer mind My mac is annoying me, I can’t change an entry in the /etc/hosts file to trick it so I may do …

: Uh right I’ve got to buy a new exhaust tomorrow, I was planning on taking my time and shopping around …

: Uh right We’ve had this bingo thing arranged to see off a girl who has been here for about 8 months …

: 616247 You bastard I missed it AGAIN. Now I have to ring back in MAY and hope there is a september course. …

: Cometh soon to teh intarnets Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 616016

: Interesting English: UK diplomats ‘spying in Moscow’ - BBC News Русский: В России - скандал вокруг …

: 615476 OMG!!!!! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 615476

: Damn you Well it looks like I may not get to buy anything with my bonus cash now. The fucking car has decided …

: Sea of Souls Absolutely brilliant. I have never been so ‘involved’ in to a story like that before, I …

: Bbbbbounus It appears I shall be getting a bonus this year, or at least that’s what I’m lead to …

: Video I’ve just found bits and pieces recorded on a DV tape, the best one being the crazy lasery …

: New Animation from Plastic Robot TV I’m starting to prepare for a new animation I shall be naming Invasion! So far I have only …

: Joy Oh boo. I’ve run out of rather expensive couplings for a sample request, well at least my …

: DRAMAZ OMG SUBDOMAIN DRAMA! On some of the pages people are moaning how it’s inconvienent that they …

: OH NOES My finger is a odd shape now, the tip is completely flat and the bottom is fat as fuck. I still …

: NEW ICON ALERT I found this freakish photo of Pete Burns on the CBB website, so obviously by the INTERNET LAW it …

: No mo spam mo fo I’m now using Spam Arrest. It appears to be rather nice. Go on try it: kevin.costelloe -at- …

: Im so fucking bored €3,000,000.00 = £2,047,047.21 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 612803

: Dear America By authorisation of HRH Liz 2 I hearby order you to terminate production of anything vehicle …

: Fun days Today has been busy. Busy at work that is. When I got home (after battling a 3 mile queue and taking …

: HAY INTARNET My internet email is changing now. I will still check MadSquirrels.com but it’s full of shite …


: This is how bored I am: madsquirrels.iespana.es and madsquirrels.ifrance.com. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Miss Dynamiteee Ms Dynamite done for assulting a police officer. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 611321

: Fucking Mobiles Stupid fucking LG phone. For some reason my email notifcation wouldn’t fuck off even though …

: 610698 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 610698

: 610501 Who else is love? me scripsit anno 2005 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 610501

: Americans go to fucking Disneyland instead I’ve had sometime to sit down and think of all the nice people I saw in Londonland. Most, nay, …

: H8 I’m not amused at all. It appears my server hosting people have re-issued one of my ip …

: Laaaandaaaan Went off to London over the post christmas period, did some tourist stuff and here is a sample: …

: My brains I was so drunk last night and I don’t do it often so I feel like POO. I switched between …

: Two posts this is two I knocked over my drink (fizzy pop and I was SOBER) as I went to stop it from splashing everywhere …

: Two posts this is one Today, I’m considering ending madsquirrels.com. I don’t know why, but I’m bored …

: INTARWAB UR STOOPED This is the big list of blocked IP addresses, use bits of it if you wish, they’re infected …

: No thats my god damn sweater you harlot A Christmas Message from MadSquirrels.com. Now get your fucking hands of that foot massager bitch, …

: Stupid technology Hello, I’m having a problem with my Parrot CK v3.11. I’ve been trying to pair my LG U880 …

: Science Mother Fucker New screen thingy. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 607837

: Huzzah Nufone has arrived. So starts my 12 month contract. But it’s a nice phone and the photos are …

: Everybody DANCE is having a Birthday today, please send him your love in non-denominational low value notes which …

: WTF Hi Kevin, Thnks for the info I will send a legal letter for this site to remove the content. Will …

: And a hardy fuck you too This is an enquiry e-mail via www.madsquirrels.com from: David Costelloe As yu know I am pretty …

: Blast from the past The guy I work with has bought some football magazines from the 70s for his father’s Christmas …

: Big News Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 606232

: Spare a dollar Would anybody in internetland like to support Jon’s website Plunder.it by giving us a dollar? …

: Best thing EVAR I’ve found the best image on google images: edit: it appears web.de doesn’t want to …

: As not to kill anybody … I’m getting my brakes done on the 23rd, it’s going to be a vicious £15 + pads. …

: MadSquirrelscom LJ Text Service ljpost I know why i have severe and constant zombie dreams. Brought to you by: MadSquirrels.com Comments? …

: Riiiight Any other OUT member notice this? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 604939

: HAPPY CHRISTMAS I’d like this perv camera Mr Sandy Claws. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 604736

: Well There goes the neighbourhood. explains all about Tookie much better than myself, once you read/hear …

: Hrm I’ve been tempted to go back to O2, but this time with i-mode. But I’m not too keen on …

: Furry is WRONG This is why Furryism is WRONG and should be mocked: Narnia rocked. I’d tap the lion 30-40 …

: Oh bugger I just realised, Christmas cards. Durr. If you want one, go here for instructions! Listening to: …

: Boredom and OH MY SWEET JESUS First off the OH MY SWEET JESUS: Blind Date with a Crackwhore. Secondly, I got bored and updated my …

: BOOM Oil dept exploderfies, doors blown off houses. Big news. Considering the size of this, it’s …

: MadSquirrelscom LJ Text Service ljpost I’ve got near constant nightmares containing zombies. Yet here i am watching resident evil in …

: MadSquirrelscom LJ Text Service ljpost Quality, i’ve just set up my own text to livejournal with aql. I’m sure i could find a …

: MadSquirrelscom LJ Text Service ljpost trying out this text thing in house. Brought to you by: MadSquirrels.com Comments? Suggestions? …

: NO MORE WALKING DEAD PLZ I’ve had another zombie dream, I can’t call it a nightmare since I always seem to …

: LOLZ OF TEH DAYE This is world class, a scam without scamming. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 601901

: For those who dont know Самый лучший телевизионный сюжет всегда. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 601618

: I H8 Cars Ugh. Why must my car decide to need shit doing in one big blow. First I have to do the brakes on the …

: Silly I like “improvements”. Recently the company holding the contract to maintain our …

: Orkut Mwahaha, I’ve wrangled a Orkut membership. If anybody (WHO IS ON MY FRIENDS LIST ONLY PLZ) is …

: er ok Dear Santa... Dear Santa, This year I've been busy! Last Friday and I donated clothes to the needy …

: WTF It appears my mouse has exploded. Now I’ve got to buy a new one. Anybody know of a cheap but …

: Weyhey Crazay I’ve got to go in to Shittenham town centre, which should make my insurance rates rocket up. …

: H4x0rz H4x0rs are annoying me big style, anybody know where I can find a list of IP ranges for continents? …

: For thjorska if his interweb isnt bolloxd Pirates ARRR! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 599687

: hrm ICANN kills .xxx porn domain. I wonder why. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 599322

: Bah humbug This morning was shocking. I had to de-ice two cars, both of which were iced as fuck and my …

: Drive mofro I finally got my charger back from work. Huzzah! On my way there and back, I passed a police road …

: Its a building And hopefully UK.cx will be huge big style. I’m aiming to create a new mini site off it called …

: You bastard I’ve got to take a trip in to work tomorrow seeing as I’ve managed to leave my charger …

: Oh my gosh Ouch. Phone bill this month was 63 sheets. 17 of which is classed as messages. It might be in my …

: GAH I’m almost savage at Direct Line now because of their unforgiveable fuck up. Basically …

: STOREYS Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 597746

: US man guilty of Bush death plot A US citizen has been convicted of plotting to kill President George W Bush and being a member of …

: Oh BBC News you bring me the best stuff EVAR Driving the argument home. The line truely defines the 4x4 driver regardless of what and where they …

: 596739 It’s been like this all weekend, unless of course you live somewhere other than fog world …

: I blame lj userflamingkitties Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 596555

: In other news I was bored on Monday, so decided our roller doors needed a bit of a artistic work to make them look …

: Oh A new phone I shall consider in the new year (it’s grate not being tied in to a contract). …

: Is I paranoid I’m slightly paranoid about this. I’m on a mailing list for one of those international …

: Ode to bills Oh dear cheque for one hundred seventy three pounds and ten pence, how it pains me to write you. May …

: Oh b3ta how I love thee Best LOLZ Japanese thingy EVAR. If it isn’t the Engrish that makes you laugh, it’s the …

: New wristband Scroll down to Ozzy’s wristband it’s a cause I can and will support. How about YOU. …

: Right wing people just dont get it Especially when it’s anything health related. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 594735

: Podcast I’m going to do my first podcast programme soon, but to do this I need you. Ring up on of the …

: You mak me LOLZEE Stop that gob! In rather nicer news I managed to find petrol at 89.9 this morning. It’s sad …

: Weekend Update I’ve been working on Plastic Robot tonight since, er, not long. Plastic Robot is going to be …

: Boring Two things, 1st thing: Add madsquirrels @ hotmail.co.uk to your msn, for some odd reason eMessenger …

: Perplexing This is a diagram of my car, except it’s not a saloon, it only has two doors and it’s …

: Its all good My installer man came early today! Huzzah! Free trip to work now (I won’t be billed the flat …

: Fucking hell Stupid fucking Direct Line. I wrote them a fucking letter with my cancellation details to have my …

: And before I forget Direct Line have yet to confirm the cancellation of my policy. Anybody have some insight on what …

: Huzzah Good things are coming. I hope. First off I found Three have changed their My 3 thingy to do …

: Podcast I’ve been thinking about doing a podcast, the idea I have is to set-up a number with just a …

: Two things one with blood the other without My poor thumb is bleeding something crazy. Whilst cutting a sandwich I managed to pull off a chunk …

: Horror Had a bit of a panic earlier. I thought i had lost my mot certificate! Now since mine isn’t …

: 590785 BEST. PODCAST. EVAR. You get the usual “I LUB [name], BUT THEY [smell/look like/etc] KTHNZ …

: The police are helping you this Halloween Anybody in the Wiltshire area will know of this campaign, so if you dare post this on your door. …

: Ugh again Had to rebuild Apache. For some bizarro reason it decided to stop working, which was pleasant. …

: Ugh Linux is an arse. Grminir is back on Fedora now, but I have a problem, Grimnir also has four other …

: Pentioners I was almost rammed off the road by a pentioner not paying much attention to who was behind her when …

: Done Everything is done and dusted. I get the paper work through for the insurance over the next few …

: No way Just got off the phone with Norwich Union about their Pay As You Drive Scheme and it turns out my …

: God save the Queen Hurrah! is gone! Long live this end to cam whoring and general ‘LEIK OMG’ness. Listening …

: Not that I actually like Livingstone or anything, but America pay your congestion charge! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Good news Score. Even though it’s DRM’d to the tits and more expensive than iTunes it is a good …

: Oh such fun For anybody who I haven’t yet harassed to join Playdo consider this your official invite to …

: Yesterday sucked today is better Last night I managed to get Grimnir back to the land of the living by 4am, it was painful since ES …

: And now Grimnir is having it’s mind erased and replaced with a new imporved operating system with NEW …

: Bollocks I don’t know what this toe rags have seen or done, so my best option instead of fucking about …

: More fucking script kiddies Sombody has hacked plunder.it and I’m under the impression grimnir is almost fucked, this is …

: Testing From PocketLJ! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 586765

: Mobile crap I’ve just switched over from my acient 3toGo price plan to Online 675 (75 voice & 600 …

: Ugh I’ve been running around like a headless chicken all day. I haven’t yet been able to get …

: Who is you fink you is innit I had my first real white van man road rage today! It was so very exciting too! Did my usual …

: Good news and bad news Good News: Grimnir is back up and running, EasySpeedy’s DNS is still knackered. I will be …

: Shag I need a dns server, one that is OPEN and that Grimnir can use for LOOKUPS since EasySpeedy’s …

: Bizzare DNS on Grinmir went kaputski. I’m hoping it’s just a blip in the upgrade process of the …

: OMG OMG SASSY I NEED UR MOBILE NUMBER AGAIN!!!!111 Managed to replace it on the speed dial, but Motorola …

: Hurray The webcam lives again! And this time there are some new additions to the image. Every so often I …

: pwned111 R0XX0R HA! I WIN MOFRO! Although the text is still centre justified I’ve managed to not destroy the …

: Modification of the style to add increased traffic for bukkake Well, I’ve found my solution to the MadSquirrels.com connundrum. I want people to visit …

: Me so bored Yes I am again bored. But I have an idea to end my boredom! Because of the sheer magic of Voice Over …

: Is only be Wiltshire This evil, evil crime speaks loads about our quaint county of Wiltshire. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 583575 Oh irony fairy you bless me today. For a minute there I thought I saw a man convicted of …

: Class Disabled woman sues RIAA Justice can sometimes be poetic: the Recording Industry Association of …

: In more upbeat news I’m almost done my freeipod site, oh how their solicitors will laugh before sending me …

: The corporate monsters dont understand me To Three: Hello, I’ve been trying to activate Mobile Web on my contract for about a week now, …

: FREE IPLOD111 Well there is a uk version of the TEH FREE IPLODS.com. I registered thinking I only had to sucker in …


: UGH WTFLOLZBBQ I should really learn not to dabble with Americans when it comes to TEH MONEYS. I paid my cPanel …

: DURR This is Harry, He's found out about the electric fence in the garden. The hard way. Listening to: …

: Not bad Just got my three bill through online and I must say some restraint on the triangle does make a …

: JHADKLJHkjhaKJDHDSAKJHDASKugh I wish people had the sense to ring the right number. All morning my phone calls have been for …

: In rather unimportant news Good bye E111 form, hello crazy euro-medical-assistance-type card. Get yours today! (I have). …

: Hm Something important at 13:15 in the office. It’s work related so I can’t say much and of …

: Attention PLZ I would be most grateful for people who send forwarded emails, chain letters and OMGLOLZ photos to …

: Stolen from B3ta for thjorska Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 580107

: 5p more Lets add another five pence to the phone bill because i can’t bother to use my computer for …

: Hooray MadSquirrels.com Blogs for the criminally insane. Even Mrs. Betty Wilson likes them. Listening to: …

: thoughts from the bog On thursday i have another interview. It’s at Wessex Water in Bath. However instead of being a …

: Huzzay Three has released Mobile Web & Wireless Web. The forum people are annoying me a bit. Some of …

: Another year has passed so that means it’s ticked across to 11/9 or 9/11 as it’s known. Take that as you will as …

: This is why I dont bother with road rage To whom it may concern, I would be most thankful if you would have a word with your drivers about …

: more fun from the road It’s Claire the county bike! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 578421

: Huzzah It appears today is going to be a day full of stupid. I know this because of the following events …

: Thou shalt not fuckith with thine gmail filters I use gmail for everything, gmail is grate and all knowing, etc etc. Anyways, I have recently …

: Urgent help required to t Normally my job can be a bit pants but today is one of those times it’s all worth it. A few …

: Hm I’ve received the most bizzare message on my vonage line, somebody from what appears to be …

: Im so bored Hmm. If you’ve ever played the game ‘the odd thing out’ you’d have to be …

: HAY GUYS For those un-aware I have one of those moblogs (again), but not one of those poncy ones I stop …

: whisky tango foxtrot How fucking annoying i just rubbed my phone against my trousers and some how managed to make two …

: Wow If you haven’t heard this you should. Also if you want to link this, by all means do so, but …

: Sweet Jesus WDSU New Orleans is a gallery of horrors. And some more here. Obviously Mr Bush isn’t that …

: Oh My Sweet Jesus FREE TICKETS TO Land Of The Dead!. If I get them I encounter the prospect of getting myself in to …

: An Open Letter to nonflood affected America So you’re paying $6 a gallon for petrol? About fucking time too! Regards, The United Kingdom …

: Yet again Anything that could have gone wrong just has. Although I’m not exactly supprised. Listening …

: What. The. Fuck. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 575147

: This isnt normal material But in my search for a quick bit of pr0n action I came across an obserdity or pornography. …

: Somebody tell the Germans It’s 60 miles an hour, not 60 kilometres when-ever-the-fuck-you-feel-like-it. As if the road …

: HUZZAH A whole day of Dog The Bounty Hunter on Bravo +1. Score. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Somebody is warped Best answerphone message EVAR. My answer phone message is of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the …

: Ouch Got my new three bill. It’s a horror show. Sort of. My calls and texts are on par with what I …

: Ive decided … I hate pay day, as soon as it’s in my account it’s back out and I’m back …

: Gooooooogle Anybody else on Google Talk? If so madsquirrels [at] gmail.com is me. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Classic Sitting here minding my own business I heard a smash like sound. I peer out my window to find the …

: iWeb Server Strikei I’ve sent this in to CBC Audience Relations, because I’m bored as shit. To Whom it May …

: 572466 CBC is currently experiencing a labour disruption, which means some of the information we normally …

: Ho hum If today is crap no doubt tomorrow’s 130 pages of orders will be worse. Listening to: Vibe: …

: BA Gate Gourmet This is becoming fucking ridiculous now. It highlights why we don’t need Unions any more. Why …

: Ugh I still hate insurance companies. I rang up direct line as I’m still stuck on this no-no …

: Oops I meant to post this ages ago: Red Bull Air Race Photos Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Fuck me With an axe and call me Shauntifiah: Hey Great news, we’ve given you a free one month …

: Testing teh photobucket11 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 571134

: Fridays message Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 570804

: OMG IIMPERTUNT MASSAGE Looketh what IT bringith! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 570418

: Im boring I’ve completely lost track of time. I’m not pure what day it is today or tomorrow or …

: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz It must be a slow news day. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 570051

: LEIK CHANGE OF TEH AIMZ Anybody who uses AIM I’ve switched from M4dSquirrels to KevinCostelloe. Everything is turning …

: Oops I thought AOL was teh spamming since I received an email with the subject Use leikomgwtflolz on AOL …

: YAY wavinimages.co.uk - ALL TEH MEIN!!111 (No link since I’d rather not have them find my LJ & …

: Yum Only a 10-11 days until I’m paid. Until then, I’m stuck eating or drinking as the case …

: WTF of teh week Silly thing of the week: we were asked to get this for a customer “who was prepared to spend a …

: Im bored So bored I decided to internet stalk Eugene. A simple Google search of Eugene Sully brings up enough …

: Preview Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 568240

: YAY New stickers for my post! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 567808

: Look at my orifice I’ve created a new office space, minus one monitor. Neat desk area, with old skool fixed …

: Would somebody be so kind … to tell me what the fuck I was thinking? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 567354

: Im a psychic Кевин says: (21:04:31) …. I should mention it’s euros in that time. Since Tony Blair …

: All entries have been counted For the great name that IP address compo. And the winner of our grand prize of absolutely nothing …

: 20 minutes before my telephone interview. Now it’s starting to make me nervous. Listening to: …

: Always when you least need it My home phone has developed an annoying problem on the day of my telephone interview. It connects, …

: Good news Your O2 bill for 03/08/05 is ready for you to view online. The balance on your account shows that …

: In more upbeat news …. I’ve found an IT Support Assistant job in Melksham which I’ve got the …

: I can’t be fucked with fucking banks. They won’t refund it “because we’re in …

: More banks It appears NatWest has pulled another fast one and charged me a ‘card misuse fee’ (on a …

: Do us a favour If you’re on Vodafone 3G or any other 3G service than Three try video calling 07782 644226. …

: Hm For all those who are interested my porting is occuring today, so my number is a bit dodgy today (ie …

: OUT can fuck off Hello I’m sending you this polite reminder that we’re introducing new service …

: Little bit of fun I was just doing my SPF record for MadSquirrels.com and noticed my (secondary) ip address for my …

: Not having that I’m going to make a complaint to NatWest’s banking ombudsman. First the direct line …

: Hooray Since I’m bored, I sent a photo by email from my phone and checked the headers (yes I am that …

: Two long days And it seems B3ta is still borked. DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHY? I DEMAND EXPLAINATION! Listening to: …

: Big Brother is annoying … and I’ll never post anything about it again (unless I get bored) but this is fucking …

: LEIK OH NOES It looks like BBC management are looking to get TOTP axed. It’s just a feeling I have seeing …

: My Sunday I decided rather than motor off to Sainsbury’s or Tesco (or even ASDA 30 miles away), I would …

: Mobile Update To make this quick and painless I shall post this here. I’m probably going to flog my nokia on …

: Shit That chap the coppers loaded 5 shots in to when he was pinned down on the floor on the underground …

: Sucess As of 1 Aug at 4pm I am no longer an O2 customer. I will be without mobile on July 30th til 4pm the …

: Mobiletastic I have finally decided to switch networks. I’ve ebayed a new 3 phone and my o2 contract has …

: WTF 2 The password for the last post is vending. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 561599

: WTF 2 I made this post earlier if you’re on my friends list you’ll be able to see the password …

: LEIK OMG WTFLOLZ WTF! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 560934

: Say No to Cheese So far this is the success of my morning, I've pretty much cleaned this shaz hole because the higher …

: Guilfest 05 Have some photos I took from Guilfest last night. Since I was at Stage 2 it looks a bit sparse, but …

: Just before I pop off here is an image of Harvey biting me in a lovely playful way. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 560040 The Secret Nazi Base has been found! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 560040

: Im a 1950s Porn Star It's almost the weekend, how exciting.  I've got a busy Tuesday ahead of me.  I wake up, …

: Here have a badly drawn cock Hooray for Tiny Image! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 559494

: GET OF MY LICENCE FEE PAID TELEVISUAL BOX Why the fuck did I just see another fucking ringtone on TOTP? Haven’t they some fucking …

: And I wasnt even trying Last monday I found my self rather fucked off with this place, so I did what any good employee would …

: WTF I have received what can only be described as ‘fucking bizzare’ through the post today. …

: A KODAK Mobile album from Kevin Kodak Mobile Test You’re invited to view these photos at KODAK Mobile! Just click on the View Photos button …

: LEIK TARRER IN TEH LONDONES Today was an awful thing to happen, 30ish (at my last listenings to the radio) dead is too many over …

: 558031 Shit. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 558031

: Just to let you know the insurance company has terminated your hire car Please return it PRINCESS BERTHA IS TEH HOME!!!111 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 557704

: Decisions Decisions I have a dilemma. MadSquirrels.com has been shutdown since mid June because the hosting provider was …

: Suggesterisations The new MSOL.dk webpage. Currently a work in progress. TEH BUD SPALLINGZ & TEH GRAMMER WALL B …

: Blork The Toyota has just cost me another £10 in fuel. I’ve rang up the claims department and said …

: Geektastic YAYSKI! It used to be e103-128-94s.easyspeedy.com, now it isn’t. Listening to: Vibe: …

: sigh sshd: Authentication Failures: unknown ( 156 Time(s) root ( 40 …

: OMGWTF All mine! MWAHAHAHA (until such time my repairs are complete). I had to put down 50 notes to it, to …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Spang Waiting at the garage for my hire car. Hooray. I may also be teh l8 for work, no matter, i left a …

: 555722 Interesting. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 555722

: Grimnir Lives HURRAH! Grimnir is a fully functional orphan child powered server machine! cPanel was rather easy to …

: Update I’ve resorted to installing Fedora 3, I need to (somehow) install Apache, MySQL and PHP and …

: 554763 GRIMNIR LIVES! Sort of, well, not exactly. Grimnir has been fulled with Suse 9.1 LAMP goodness, but …

: Hooray The car is sorted now. All the details are being arranged as I type. Soon I’ll be able to make …

: Sloooooooooow I’m on the phone with direct line in regards to my last call to them, I enquired on to the …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Oh noes Well if Jonfish hasn’t mentioned it, my useless hosting company has become total shite. So i …

: a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Testing La la la la la. Shall explain more later Listening to: Vibe: Weird LJ ItemID: 553860

: Leik omg I had the funniest thing ever. But i forgot what it was (sad face). Also anybody on o2 uk having …

: MiniUpdate 1: Rang the man about my car, he’s coming by again this evening (as I missed him yesterday …

: It is not a good day And before you make any snarky comments, the car was parked, I was inside (the house) and that is …

: OMGWTF At Crapsticks (Gatwick), managed to sucessfully drive davids car (with some peril i must add) and …

: Im bored SAVE ME I'm beyond reasonable boredness now, to the point I'll need to start commiting crimes for …

: Fucking NatWest I like how banks can justify changing time and space to allow you to be shafted right up the arse. …

: SHAMONE HEEHEE What a Jackson day it is!  I've been on to O2, who gracefully dodged my question of "IS …

: Its been a long weekend Suitable for a papial icon. I’ve returned from my 200-ish (+) mile round trip from Gatwick, 5 …

: Boring Look what i’m up to. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 551586

: The Lesbian Feminist Movement has stopped by for tea Flat tyres for all! It's starting to look like some tupping idiot has left bits of pointy …

: Rio Ferdinand banned for speeding Manchester United footballer Rio Ferdinand has been banned from driving for 28 days after he was …

: Gothiques invade Paris the French go emo Hooray for pay day!  It's saved me from the embarrasment of running out of petrol and looking …

: OMG SO NOT H4RDCORE I’ve come to love the wonderful delights of AllofMp3.com, not because it’s cheap as …

: Two Things Shh! I know I said I wouldn’t post here, but I am, just quickly too. First of all, if you want …

: Notificationerisation of the noting kind I shall be terminating my postings to this journal, as of now, no seriously. I’m getting bored …

: IGNORE ME Outintheuk Sorry, I need various bots to crawl this page and use this link for out (again). …

: 549395 “Borrowed” from : Ever wanted to see something about my life? I have a digital camera, …

: Happy fluffy time The dogs enjoyed their day out yesterday, view the photographerisations of this activity. BEST. …

: LOLZ OF TEH DAYE Woman demands police attend burger incident, police don’t. Comedy gold ensues. TWOCed from who …

: Uh ok This is why technology is so WONDERFUL: My bank card is shagged again, which means I’m limited …


: 548109 I’m not too sure what to think of this. The woman is said to be in a ‘vegitative …

: Religion WTF Imax ‘shuns films on evolution’. TWOCed from . Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Looking for ideas Anybody have good photos or content ideas for the Elizabeth Duke Argos Jewellery Massive? Listening …

: Shag This is going to take longer than I thought. You see the Mambo on MadSquirrels 1 has shagged the …

: Spring Clean I’m cleaning MadSquirrels.com, hooray! What I’ve done is created a new database and a …

: Memetastic If the dead rise I’m sure you’d rather stick with me and Jonfish, and btw, cocky know it …

: OMG DRAMA11 I feel like I’m so going to shoot someone! roferg69 told me that told that I got caught …

: Paranoia Sinn Fein makes a threat, well, not quite, it’s a warning, yeah, a warning, but not a threat …

: WHATS SO WRONG WITH COMMUNISM Communism isn’t a bad thing, in theory it’s a good thing where everybody is taken care …

: Today I shall Sponge Bathe Bertha (read: Go to the car wash). Go to Tescos and spend my £6.50 in vouchers (which …

: Stupid fucking creature Harvey almost glassed me a minute ago, I was sitting with him on the setti he hears David come in …

: Ring ring You’re wrong because my jumbo saussage fingers can’t dial properly. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Phone Post Because I can Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 545045

: Pox upon you Poxy OUT is showing me orange screens and demanding I pay. Bastards, my liceence expires today, I …

: Oopski It seems I have forgot the golden rule of car ownership, you know, the one that requires you to fill …

: Shh IT’S TIME FOR CHOCOLATE. Seriously it is. Cadbury don’t realise what a grip on everyday …

: eBay Whoring again I need petrol money. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 544128

: Sporks of DOOM Going to leave work at some point in the next, er, 30 minutes. I can’t be bothered with the …

: Shit The Amtrad that is vital for voicemail on the VoIP line (read: my home line) has offically fobbed me …

: A message from our insect leaders thjorska writes: Also, please inform your friends list that it is Clown Day. Listening to: Vibe: …

: An Open Letter Dear Internet, I’m most satisfied with your vast amount of filth, but please stop sending all …

: Update The next Beginners Russian starts in September, REMIND ME PLZ. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 542630 FUCKING BITCH This eBay CUNT has just taken £4 out of my pocket. I’m ANGRY NOW. I can’t …

: UGH A total payment of £5.70 inclusive of postage has been paid via paypayl. I hope that this is …

: WHY God I swear people can’t follow instruction. Please tell me where it says “I ACCEPT …

: Oops When you fear the undead the undead win. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 541864

: Righto I’m going to do this. Obviously I have to find out when the next session is starting. …

: zombies I’m having very vivid zombie dreams again, It’s been a number of days in a row now and …


: OMGLOL NO111212112213712275477834 Hm, people have unfriended me recently, although not something to care much about, it shows that I …

: WHOOP WHOOP So anyways, last night and the police. Well after going out with David to see Neil & Amy, David …

: I havent had a cunt drinkstable I was annoyingly woken up by the local police, more on this story later, well tomorrow after I …

: Satelite Images Unite this Planet or Something Recently I’ve been watching these programmes on TET which is based in Ukrane-istan, I’ve …

: ADV More Whoring Aunt Martha’s Old Online Shoppe opens in it’s new location! And more eBay stuff! …


: 539390 Consume this google bot, yes, taste it, yum. edit: SOLD! Hooray! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Its a first IM MORALLY OUTRAGED Anybody want to guess the price tag of this piece of art? I'm sure you'd think a grand is pushing it …

: ADV SPAM OMG101Z New Product in Aunt Martha’s Olde Online Shoppe Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Hrm Well it looks like when I get home I’ll go through my things and sell a fair bit of the ones I …

: Flickr This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: OMG ADVERTEY GOODNESS Who likes low cost American bandwidth? Especially when it gets me commission. Also you have all …

: URGH LEIK OMG! Yesterday, I got home early, which was groovy and I found that the bastard cunting postman …

: 537459 OMG JONFISH BEST THING EVAR! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 537459

: Haroo I’m setting madsquirrels.co.uk to be email only soon, it makes sense as all the google links …

: Email address change If you want the new one use this form. The old one still works and will work, but the spam setting …

: Oops welford-costelloe.net has expired, which I thought nothing of until I realised that my CV has my …

: OH NOES Always when I need to update does the database spite me. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Webcam Wh0ring Burglar gets caught on webcam, halarity ensues. Click 2 See teh c4m pikchures. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 535888 THIS POST IS G, PG, PG14, NC-17 and X Does this mean the MPAA will try it on with me? Listening to: …

: What the fuck I got an end of auction email from ebay. I thought WOO somebody got my phone, but no, it appears …

: Saying of the day You take as much interest in this place like a goldfish takes interest in a cheesebuger. Listening …

: Other things to watch out for Aunt Martha’s Olde Online Shoppe. I shall most likely be selling more items over the coming …

: HOORAY BUY MY THINGS! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 534904

: Bastard Harvey has just stuck his fucking claw in my eye, it appears he’s actually managed to cut my …

: 534525 Sweet flag burning Jesus on a pogo stick. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 534525

: sigh I just found out about that interview I hard earlier, unfortunatly I didn’t get it, which …

: Photo test Hurrah! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 533776

: Humbug The neighbours have stole my parking spot, which better be returned by the time David gets back, or …

: Poxy email cunting bastard It appears my email is slightly dead at time minute. Bollocks. In other news, I’m now trendy …

: Bo I’ve just got called by The Agency, there is a telesales job available selling the Gaz & …

: Fuzzle pot I’m going to see if I can leave work early I’m beyond depressed and near the point where …

: Happy ChristmasEasterHalloween Daytrade Good night world. I’m going to bed, I’ve had enough of your shit until 7:15am tomorrow …

: OMGWTF Harvey finds pen, hilarity ensues. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 532450

: WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB Today I nearly removed a cyclist from the planet, thankfully it would have been his fault for being …

: HOORAY I’ve received a £15 charge, most likely for the cunting bank to send me a letter demanding …

: Hooray and Booray Hooray: I got my free £6 in vouchers from Avery, thank you place of business for not being smart …

: OMG So it appears Bush may just blow up Iranistan. If this isn’t foreshadowing, I don’t know …

: Another odd dream In this dream I will only alert you to a single point. I was watching the news (in my dream) and the …

: Hacked again Hacked again, but this time less obvious. Fixed the problems and now if I ever become suppreme …

: Just to let you know I can’t make or send calls and texts, probably until Friday, so if you thin I’m ignoring …

: 530342 I had the most odd zombie dream last night. It makes all my other zombie dreams look like a film of …

: 529947 OMG TEH RING PIECE!!111 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 529947

: Boom I just woke up from falling asleep with Harvey & Harry, too much Alsation can be comfortable …

: HAHAHAHAHA ok time to die I’m not exactly sure how to respond to this insult from First Direct, it goes beyond any …

: LOLZ Undeniable photographic evidence of Bush and his family are actually satanic nazis. Listening to: …

: Borking bork bork Sporks are evil and so is the universe. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 528998

: Hooray and Booray Hooray: I may be getting a better paid job soon in either Bristol City Centre or Brislington. …

: HAHAHAHAHAH Tsunami for Kids! Brought to you by FEMA (some American government thing). Listening to: Vibe: …

: Poo Today I went to lunch and parted company with my car key. No idea where it went and how it got lost, …

: 527942 Testing. edit: Hooray, hot linking is is prevented on madsquirrel.org! edit 2: in Wiltshire (or at …

: How odd According to the Whois for the .info suffix, I own madsquirrel.info, but I can’t for the life …

: I have that feeling I’m starting to get a sneaking suspicion that FirstDirect won’t be sending me a cash …

: I love multinational corporations Me: I can smell strong fumes over here. Could somebody have a look? Building Works: Ok, we’ll …

: Remember when I said … that I’m shit scared of Motorways? Well I’ve got to get myself to Bristol [BS1] …


: Shittenham I’m going to write a really shitty letter to West Wilts CC in regards to the fucking speed …

: eBay I’ve got one of those blue wrist things from the BBC, should I ebay it? Cos I think I can …

: BLAH BLAH BLAH Blimey. The elderly don’t shut up do they? I had this bloke on the phone requesting lit, I …

: WHAT DO YOU MEAN I NEED TEH MONEYS111 I’ve been thinking how shagged I am tomorrow morning, my car is almost out of petrol which I …

: Can we revoke his Royalness yet Harry is starting to become too much, can we just rid our selves of him yet? Listening to: Vibe: …

: Because email posting is shit So I got the “send us your card OR ELSE!!11” letter from the bank today, so I enclosed a …

: 2005 Shit I need to do Ok, for 2005 this is my list of things that needs ‘a changin’: Learn to tackle my fear …

: 17m you say Jerry Springer: The Opera receives 1.7m viewers. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 524466

: At the third stroke the time will be I’ve registered with Sipgate last night to change over to a new telephone provider (as £0 line …

: Free chips with every complaint Follow this advice and all will be right with the universe! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Hooray I’m most pleased with the BBC for broadcasting Jerry Springer - The Opera, it’ll give me …

: GOD BLESS THE BBC AND ALL WHO SAIL HER Unless you’ve been living under a large stone for the past few days, you’d have realised …

: Humbug Well it appears why I haven’t got my holiday pay, the person (who shall be refered to as …

: TEH SUICIDE I swear I give up now. The bank have authorised TWO charges on my card even though my account has …

: Is it just me or does anybody else ph34r teh corporation? No we will not be closing livejournal they say as they …

: I hate you people For those who have been paying attention to my ramblings, you’re probably aware I’m …

: Huzzah It’s the end of an era, now you bitches better start paying that monthly fee…. Edit: …

: New fucking year Great way to welcome the fucking new year, smashing your head in to a set of cheap shit ikea drawers …

: Annoyance I’ve been woken up by the bank this afternoon (I’ve got holiday and I’ll sleep …

: Pork parade Saw a copper on his mobile whilst driving, but couldn’t shop the bastard because he was …

: UKgov Demands Internet Licencing for AOL Members Yes, I do realise the tax is unpaid since July, but if I were to take my current tax disc from the …

: Durr I’ve just been looking at one of the cars in the car park from the pub window. I can see only …

: Just so you know It looks like I won’t be able to pay my credit card or my mobile phone bill in full, so I …

: I dont want to but I must Ok, so you know how much I hate this OMG PAYPAL ME PLZ shit, but I’m now utterly desperate as …

: WTF Found this in the tesco’s car park. Edit: KTHNX LiveJournal for not posting the attachment. …

: Mobile Viruses Another mobile virus. What is the fucking point of this, so you infect mobile phones, yeah and now …

: Hohum I’m going to get a call from the bank at some point, threatening me (again) for being £22 …

: I wish to explore There is a roundabout that leads somewhere not very interesting that I’d like to explore, I …

: HAHAHAHAH LOLZ It appears I have a number similar to that or British Gas! Laugh at their misfortune! Oh and if …

: Sporks for your hour of need Today is a shit day, woke up, left late, the other temp was “ill” (which is GOOD), but …

: Shh This is the contact details of the woman who’s been sending me shit through bulksms.co.uk: …

: OMGLOLZ I’ve been getting adult text spams over the last few days. However, today I found the company …

: Shauntel say 20041211 200509 I’m at the Swindon dog tracks, not exactly the most exciting thing to be at when you’re …

: Crazy hangover Last night’s work do was ace, I got absolutly rat arsed by way of three pints before, two …

: Hooray Only 30 minutes until we make our way up to the Travel Inn before setting of to Swinedon for the …

: WTF It sounds like a war zone outside, all I can here is BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! at first I thought it may …

: 516910 Drugs charity to close. One could expect it’s because local councellors need new Mercs and …

: IM SO OUTRAGED Posh and Beckham in wax nativity Victoria and David Beckham’s wax doubles have been given …

: LOOK AT ME IM TEH SMRT I forgot to take this off my jacket today, I didn’t realise when I pulled in to the MacDonalds …

: Ugh It’s offical: The universe is settling the score with me for the past 21 years. In other news …

: Shauntel say 20041201 112332 How boring is today? Tried to look for samples but none to be picked! And various other items. This …

: MadSquirrelscom Evil Text Bot Ok, so now this works. You bastard! Processed by ljpost at 2004-11-30 21:26:02. Listening to: Vibe: …

: ljpost 20041130 214609 this time it’s going to work, oh yes it is! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 515458

: Shauntel say 20041130 222209 You monkey shagging pile of tits! Now it’s processing things OMG slow. Ignore the last few …

: Shauntel say 20041130 221511 it’s become obvious that i can’t win this without cheating a bit, so fair play to it but …

: ljpost20041130 213640 what fun, now it won’t accept my personalised icon for mobile posting! Listening to: Vibe: …

: ljpost 20041130 215214 i ate hitler’s shoe. This message was processed by ljpost, the most evil of all the Mad …

: ljpost 20041130 220042 i ate hitler’s shoe. This message was processed by ljpost, the most evil of all the Mad …

: ljpost 20041130 214124 HOW ANNOYING! Start working plz. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 514045

: ljpost 20041130 213335 i swear this thing is randomly choosing when to post to my journal. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: MadSquirrelscom Evil Text Bot this is a joyful time or something. Processed by ljpost at 2004-11-30 21:24:15. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Stress0r3d People with letters after their name prove the obvious. I think anybody could have easily told you …

: Because Jesus hates me Good thing: I have made a crazy script to send an automatic email to my ebay buyers when I send an …

: 0wn3d Splat! More details later. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 512697

: 512269 My acient 3 account is starting to anger me. The bastards seem only to send me a bill every other …

: Fuck I failed to notice my TTL on MadSquirrels.com is set to 10 minutes. It’s all about to go tits …

: Advertising Trying out an advertisement system (text based), if you want free advertising on madsquirrels.com …

: Its so scarily cute … but it makes you look like a furry: madsquirrel edit: DUH LINK IT FOOL: …

: Posted using sms_to_lj trying the sms to lj again since phlogger has died a horrible death. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Spot the error Spot the error in this photo and comment on what exactly it may be. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Look what Europe brought to me today Bless This is why I can’t take Spain seriously as a nation. For those unaware this is for …

: 510486 BEST. ADVERT. EVAR. Be kind to my bandwidth and don’t direct link, because for every megabyte …

: Quality results This months webstats show a disturbing trend…. [#] [Hits] [Search String] [1] [1] [11.11%] …

: I love you because you turn on the gas in an attempt to kill me Nice and fuzzy post before bed. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 509984

: Signs that your brain may just be dead Customer Service Lady: Mr. Costelloe, can you provide me with letter number X from your password? …

: No death for you today So I have averted O2’s evil plan, I contacted the bank and covered my ass with that wonderful …

: Cunting whores my autofill says Ive used this title before O2 are going to die. Today, not being my billing date, they have taken £177 out of my account by way …

: Shittastic Well today was utter fucking shit. I spent all last night vomiting, which was most spectacular at …

: AABstuff Such fun that i have work tomorrow, i’m seriously hoping that they’ll do something about …

: Hooray for cheese Ms. Kitties was around here earlier, although she ended up on the dodgy end of the estate. It was …

: Spork It’s too cold down here and the poxy heating should be on but i don’t think it is now. …

: Ich wnsche Pocken nach Ihrem Telefonnetz So far today after waking up at 9:30 I have been doing various things, such as working on my newly …

: Poop Dirty Sex Chat here, or not I’m playing around with a chat thing on my website, give it a go …

: 507500 GOD BLESS AMERICA And for anybody who has forgot it’s Rememberance day, which for Americans …

: Ugh Today is good and bad. Bank Good: Whilst having a good moan to NatWest about a “card …

: SCREW YOU U2111 I want to do a new version of U2’s Vertigo, it’ll be a warning about not paying the good …

: zoto my photo I’ve been playing around with Zoto which is a most interesting photo thingy which hopefully …

: Cunting WHORES The universe is determined to make my life horrible. All this week shit has happened that I could …

: EVERYBODY LISTEN Copy and paste this to your blogs, journals and porn sites: Since America is probably going to …


: 505837 The Whore House has declared a victory for the fuhurer! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 505360 I really think you want to buy this, yes it’s my phone up for reauctioning! But it now so I …

: A new level Our neighbours have finally reached a new level of arrogance and general annoyance, this is what …

: OMG SKURREY Look who has made him (or her) self at home. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 504631

: Hooray for propaganda The BBFC Would like to rate this “V18”, V meaning Vile and 18 being the IQ below this …

: 504251 Shit, fuck, bollocks, whatever. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 504251

: Trisha say she want RICE and PEA Buy my things on eBay, if you do you’ll be supporting the “I need some dosh by next …

: Gark I have too many journals now! So, I’ve just moving everything on to MadSquirrels.com instead …

: Cock Hungry Teen SlutsThis_is how fast 10 in petrol goes I filled up on Saturday*, it's now Wednesday. * It was at the half way mark on Saturday -- Posted by …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts You know its a bad day when ... you hear "just hold a minute, I'm just checking some notes on your account". -- Posted by Kevin …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Bloody hippies GET A HAIR CUT AND A JOB I'm angry. There isn't a single working biro in the area, it must be that evil Dr. Ming fellow! On …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Those liberal scum at Heinz got nuffink on this A Republican sauce to go with your Freedom Fries™ * Note: Freedom Fries are known to the rest of us …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts PLZ SEND A NEW KAR KTHNX I've decided, upon the termination of my current loan (in over a year now) I will investigate owning …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Drive drunk speed through 8 red lights AND do a runner from the filth Police-chase footballer given ban A Premiership footballer has avoided a jail sentence for jumping …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts TEH COCK U SUK 4 A SQUID I've wondered who parked the hospital car right in my fucking loading door, well I found him, it was …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts George wasnt a very nice man Say hello to George. -- Posted by Kevin Costelloe to Cock Hungry Teen Sluts at 10/2/2004 01:35:30 PM …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts LONDON PEOPLE AND EVERYBODY ALIKE JOIN THE LONDON PILLOW FIGHT, 6th October. -- Posted by Kevin Costelloe to Cock Hungry Teen Sluts at …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Hooray for b3ta Parking bay for BMW drivers. -- Posted by Kevin Costelloe to Cock Hungry Teen Sluts at 10/1/2004 …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Three nuns walk in to a bar I'm starting to get bored of this life thing, no really it's a fucking pain to have the universe be …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts FUCKITY FUCK FUCK AND FUCK OFF I hate today. I really really do. First off, my direct debits have once again pushed me above my …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts A few photos for your enjoyment A Gecko The Mercedes (incorrectly built with the bits on the left) And the sign that somebody took …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts driving on the right is wrong So I went out driving in the merc, it was SCARY people driving on the right when they should be on …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Outback in France So i have made it to France well, although there were times i thought i would die as it appears that …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Timesecx It seems an editor at Time must be a fan of Goatse.cx -- Posted by Kevin Costelloe to Cock Hungry …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Harr Harr Hee Hee I just got a phone call from a merchant asking for items, now this isn't abnormal, but when the …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Politicalness PoshPeople4Hunting.info Note at this particular minute there is an advert for the registrar, try …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts OMG FREE OFFAR111bbqwtfnyneelevan 25 FREE .info Domains for One Year until September 30th. Now you can register …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Oi shit head going to stop the fucking car then Some cunt drove through a puddle which then launched the puddle from the road upon myself. He never …

: LJ Only Post Popular interests among madsquirrel’s friends 1. music (31) 11. books (14) 2. movies (26) …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Banks are EVIL I've just been made to feel smaller than a single pixel on your screen, thankfully there isn't a …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Righto I think I have found some half decent video editing software for about 99 Americzloid Dollars which …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Kicking protesters is fun and legal THIS "MAN" KICKS WOMEN But only if 3 Secret Service Agents are holding her down. Watch him do it. He …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts KTHNX 4 CALLING Well fuck, this morning the cunting bus driver decided to do a runner as my other bus was pulling …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts HOORAH YAY! I have only 95p to live off of until Friday, bless and somehow my NatWest account (completely …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Today is :'( -- Posted by Kevin Costelloe to Cock Hungry Teen Sluts at 9/1/2004 09:21:58 AM Listening to: …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Harr harr It seems the neighbours almost set the house on fire (as alerted to by the fuck off smoke alarm they …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts THA NOOZE SANDAYE TEH 29 AUGUSTY TWO FAASAND AND FOUR Mean Evil Flesh Eating Charlie Charlie almost took another chunk of my flesh again today, but this …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts iTunes feels the love YAY! iTunes understands my needs and is playing all me dancy music at random! HOORAH! But I can't …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Poo Terrorist Student Charged With Clogging Toilet PORT OF SWEET GRASS, Mont. - Jesse Huffman insists he didn't do …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts The British have done nothing for America God bless Americans and the silly things they say, for example this little Yankoid on XBox Live …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts Shafting THA MAN for 150 And before I forget, nyt (who run the premium service 89398) sent me a cheque for £1.50 over that …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts DO NOT FEED THE CANNIBALS Last night I watched Cannibal Holocaust last night and it was, err, unusual to say the least. I …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts PLZ XPLANE What the fuck is going on today? I just burned a quid on a SINGLE first class letter weighing less …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts w00t t0uc m3 b00b0r5 Do you want salad with that? Do you want a slap? ZIG ZAG HA HO CHA, I'm so Spice Girls it hurts. I'm …

: Cock Hungry Teen Sluts TXT2WIN INNIT To receive the MadSquirrels.com TXT2WIN question and possibly win something, text 07766 40 41 42 …

: Cunting Phone I think I found a solution to my shitty phone problem, you see it appears that the fascias that are …

: FUCK I’ve made the dammage worse to my phone now, I can’t use it anymore, I don’t want …

: Fuck off iMove I absolutly HATE the new version of iPoovie, it’s more fucking wank than the last version. …

: This weeks challenge .. is to add “Bitch! Wo ist mein geld?” in to everyday situations, I’m not exactly …

: Bitch I have TEH DOWNLAOD CODEZ for Bitch! (Wo ist Mein Geld?). To be honest I just downloaded itfor the …

: My neighbours must die I’m starting to become well fucked off with their behaviour today, it probably has something …

: YAY I’ve been MyDoomed, unfortunatly you see I have mailshell strip attachments. But more …

: HOLY SWEET JESUS ON A STICK First are having a fucking LAUGH, I rang up to find the cost of a monthly pass for my area. Well I …

: On a serious note .. I feel down and like I’m drifting in to nowhere, then I realised, it’s because I …

: GARMORPHTAZAKFIZZLEMASHIZZLEIZZLE Things I have done today: Increased my hate to First bus for making me walk and extra ten minute …

: mmmm tramps Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 490751


: Blimmin trainz I’m here at Chippenham station waiting for the Wessex train to Sarfampton which goes past (and …


: Britain will soon be full of HAPPY PEOPLE Big ups to Nafiquah LaRone Shartifah Jaaaaaaaackson for this: Prozac found in Britain’s …

: Wank Since I’m trying to find out when the indian opens so I may purchase my tea from them as …

: All is unwell I’m not well well of at the minute, not at all. First of all I’m starting to suspect …

: I bring you TEH FUNZ Tomorrow for a month (hopefully) I’m attempting to use TEH PUBLIK TRANZPERT rather than my …

: HM Department of Vague Paranoia may just enjoy this one. Preparing For Emergencies. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 488640

: Ouch I managed to roll over my foot with a palet truck today, no real damage but my toe hurts still. Boo. …

: God bless the BBC and all who sail her Edit: HAHAHAHA I’m such a thicko, I failed to read it fully and opted not to notice the bit …

: It may be silly … but I’ve toyed with the idea of using HTML emails, no seriously, I’m so …

: Corr nice tits I think the pvc fumes from work are getting to my head, I’m starting to go OMG mad (that or …

: 487196 Pope says stupid things… again. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 487196

: Chavtastic #I’m gonna look real smart in me burberry# Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 487137

: trade copy reg Nice - madsquirrelsmarauders.com If their company didn’t look like a bunch of freephone …

: Friday Fun Huzzay it’s Friday! I have decided that I’m going to remain here for an extra 30 minutes …

: Oops Hi can I speak with [sounds like steve] Brown? Sorry, I don’t know of anybody in this …

: DIE Oi cuntsmash off the roads if you feel traumatised for waiting a whole 10 seconds, poor you I must …

: So cold lets kill some clowns It is very cold out now, probably because i’m in a t shirt and it’s windy. That will …

: An open letter Dear Annoying Record Industry, I got teh downlaod codez for a song and the was teh full track. Suck …

: Bum bum I say I just paid a fiver for a scooby-doo game. That better last the month. Posted from MadSquirrels.com. …

: Nokia making RSI common Today I was up at 7:30am to get ready to wait for Suckuricore-Crapega as I expected them to do the …

: Arsoning the Beckhams for England Bugger. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 484592

: Woo I bought a t shirt that says ‘jesus is coming … hurry up look busy’ Posted from …

: 483837 OMG PHOTOZ. These are some (by some I mean 35) photos from last nights Summer Ball. I did however …

: 483384 Err… is there really a point in charging him with this “crime”? Or is he going to …

: Zibble da cookery Hoorah. Things are looking up! Tonight I’m going to a posh do, tomorrow I may pop in and see …

: BBC News is starting to loose their touch BBC News spends many pounds in an effort to tell us what we already know, that the BNP are Nazis who …

: Free to air satellite is amazing fig 2z: CrimeWatchska. I’ve just been watching the Russian satellite channel and have decided …

: Hoorah I’ve hit the big time, well, sort of: I splashed out and got meself some advertisement space …

: Postal Goodness This is my offical Smart Stamp stamp for all my post, it worked much better than I thought. But now …

: Most annoying It annoys me when RadioFG release CDs. I’m most annoyed because although one can see France …

: Right fuck all of you too I’ve had enough of the fucking internet and all the fucking cunts on it who just generally …

: Proper sad frown TAMIKA ABANDONNED ME ON TEH AOL. Posted from MadSquirrels.com. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: iO2 We hate you tooi God O2 are so stupid. I reported a premium rate service to them for spam, so what do they do? THEY …

: Nork I’ve gone through most things that needed doing and now that fit builder lad is gone so i …

: Out and about At the pub waiting for David. I’m also a bit tired. Posted from MadSquirrels.com. Listening …

: Boredom I’m most bored. Poo. Posted from MadSquirrels.com. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Bored I’m thinking of going in to Melksham, how sad am I? Posted from MadSquirrels.com. Listening …

: Test three Now with tag that works Posted from MadSquirrels.com Wap Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Test two Now with tag< br/ >< hr size=‘1’/ >Posted from MadSquirrels.com Wap< br/ …

: Test wap Testing wap Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 479299

: I have nothing better to say or do Toss pot here orignally meant to post this here but I forgot to select the community. Oops. And …

: Right I’m off outside to attempt to clean my windscreen (inside) and make an attempt at fixing my cd …

: 478690 M494 - madsquirrelBewilderment Avenue9Wealthville17TravelWorld46Dumpsville138Lake Love290Please …

: OH EM GEE Last night I was watching The Wicker Man last night which was susposed to be TEH HORRAR film but …

: WTF Somehow this fucking adult sex text thing, shortcode 89398, has obtained my number and is now …

: STOP THE PLANET Technology has gone too far now and it must stop now. I was just cleaning up dog wee with the carpet …

: 477678 I’m Shanifah LaTrice Jaaaackson for GWR and you’re up to date. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Photographic To summerise: I need a haircut and at some point to violently attack that ever growing pile of …

: I HEART TECHNOLOGY I’m sure my gran is most jealous that now days it’s easy to hurl abuse at just about …

: Hoorah I had an odd day. Two people were off work today, one by design and the other because he’s …

: 476440 Nicked from Ms. . Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 476440

: BMW Drivers are to be shot in the streets There were some real fucking winners on the road today, but only one of real mention. This cunt in a …

: OMG NOOZE 999 Harry and Charlie have a new friend, he’s got no name yet called Harvey. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Photographic Here are some photos I took last week in Preston. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 475650

: My head is spinning Last night I got very drunk and did many things I remember little about, I do remember somehow …

: 475203 Oh look, I’ve turned my music up, as if by accident, too bad I can’t be arsed to turn it …

: Good fucking lord …. tonight is going to cost me a mint. I was expecting to take a BUS in to Devizes for 8pm, …

: We shant have any of that activity here young man I had quite a slow day today, which was nice,even though we started early today for the footie. I …

: BEST NUMBER PLATE EVAR received a text when I saw this. As you can tell I found my digital camera, this image is …

: 474165 Bugger. I lost my digital camera. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 474165

: An open letter Dear Record Companies, Lick my fucking bollocks. I have attempted to obtain a song via the more than …

: Best day ever OMG. Today is SO VERY GOOD one is an undisclosed reason which makes me OMG HAPPAY! Secondly and mosy …

: LOLZ OF TEH DAYE BEST HEADLINE EVAR: Butt hit by knee injury. They must have had a great laugh at his expense for …


: Posted using sms_to_lj I’m watching a bee killing or attempting to mate with a fly. They’ve just finished, soon …

: OMG Today is most bollocks and good all at once. First I shall give you the bollocks, I need to find …

: OMG TEH STOOPEDS O2 are incompitent as ever, but this time in my interest! First my monthly tariff is £30 a month, …

: Many things one update Today I received in a letter (on behalf of the Royal British Legion) from a woman whos mum had …

: 471965 Life and image change here. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 471965

: Sleep malafunction I can’t sleep now, it’s horrible. But it also probably has a lot to do with the amount …

: Hohum I’m not going to bed now. The dogs, starting with Harry, heard something and rushed downstairs …

: Actual email to LJ Abuse Hello, In my entry on www.livejournal.com/users/mad… the “user” kgibraldi3 who in …

: I also … found that First Direct have been putting away £50 a month in to my eSavings account at …

: Blorg David is still off in Evesham tonight so I’m all alone in the house again with the dogs, who …

: BAH ON ALL YOUR HOUSES I’m most unamused with o2 at the moment. I was sent two media messages which I can’t …

: THANK YOU FOR RUINING MY WEEKEND KTHNX Our cunty and morbidly obese neighbours have returned home after a week of holidays or as I suspect, …

: BB5 So they kicked Kitten out, well there isn’t much reason to actually view this years deperate …

: Chavs Oh you silly chav girls, don’t you ever learn? When you’re walking it’s a silly …

: OMGEE OMFG TEH GUBERMENT IZ WATCHING UZ!!111 I have a feeling they’re not watching our texts, if …

: More Hoorah I’ve got work for all of next week. Many yays! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: This is what I have done today I am most proud Today I sat and scrubbed my rear bumper and wing mirrors, then did the same at the front bumper but …

: Something isnt quite right here Our local pentioners who moan and whine about almost anything seem to be receiving constant visits …

: Well now I know It seems they mis-read my writing and tried to deposit to the wrong account, so now she’s …

: According to my post …. I should have been paid today, however, my bank account is without their funds. This makes …

: BNP Lame and Stupid FACT If you missed the party political broadcast on the BBC view it here. It’s best to have a BNP …

: Hooray No points for guessing why I’m not working tomorrow. I guess you live and learn. Listening to: …

: I M NOT AMUSED Yesterday I was asked if I was available to work today and tomorrow for the other agency whilst I …

: Posted using sms_to_lj Yay for weekends. I start work again on wednesday, so my bank holiday is long, well sort of. edit: I …

: In related news …. if you see the car with the registration number L114 ROR (or at least any vehicle with the …

: Fucking Royal Mail I thought they refused to deliver BNP leaflets, oh well, at least it gives me something to laugh at. …

: today is teh sux0rs Today is offically shit. The iron hates me and quite fancies spraying shit all over my WHITE …

: View it Because I’m hardly ever online and because sms to lj is becoming pants refer to this journal. …

: 465755 After 5 minutes of Big Brother 5, I may just follow this to the end. They all seem a bit mad and …

: A POLITICAL MESSAGE On June 10th there is only one choice, vote Kevin for Supreme Overlord of Britain or suffer as he …

: I couldnt have scripted this When sorting out the donations for the cancer care charity I found a donation made by Mr. Death. And …

: OMG MANY INTRNET HEARTS TO HANNAH FOR THIS. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 465048

: WHAWHAWHAT I think O2 are starting to irritate me on purpose. I’m now national rating up my phone bill …

: Came home … had a yoghurt and a pint of coke at speed and now I must go (at 30mph). Listening to: …

: 464249 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 464249

: BOLLOCK SUCKING CUNT MAGNET You remember how I changed my bank account and all my direct debits have been moved across? Well …

: Posted using sms_to_lj I’ve got temporary employment for the week, but it’s a bit crap. Details at eleven. …

: More news After not seeing himself on television during the last 48 hours, David Beckham has a conference to …

: 463151 Royal Mail postmen refuse to deliver BNP leaflets - discuss. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: My pasta sauce smells much like the sauce used in Tikka Masala, I’ll be most upset if those …

: Bling I got myself a temporary job until Friday it seems. It’s most uninteresting, well, mostly. You …

: I’ve woken up and I can’t get back to sleep. Many internet :( Listening to: Vibe: …

: Posted using sms_to_lj Lego is rubbish now days. I was interested in getting a kit to make something groovy but it’s …

: 462007 I have a new hero. Unfortunatly, the purple substance wasn’t Anthrax or Ricin a bit of a shame …

: Fuckwit Cheers you fucking cunt. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 461673

: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA There is some fun on the estate today, I’m parked up back under the tree as I’m waiting …

: Posted using sms_to_lj The cloths line has been taken over by tiny spiders, how very rude of them. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Tripple bah Earlier I headed over to my former place of work to raid David’s car and see if the discs I …

: GET BACK HERE YOU CD BITCHES I’m most annoyed. I burnt my CV and a load of other files off of my ex laptop to CD. Now I …

: 460317 BEST NUMBER PLATE EVER: L337 WOU Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 460317

: HOORAH Two things…. One, HRH Micra has passed her test, but she had two things that needed to be …

: Well … that was a complete waste of time. I spent an hour driving around trying to find this …

: Back to the old news Well in an update to my really old news, before leaving I’ve checked the Orange mobile phone …

: PLS DIE BBC The stream for Radio 1 is being particularly shit right now and that makes me ANGRAY. For this I …

: And today … my 8 hour regime of terror begins. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 459164

: 458887 I haven’t even finished off my day and some fucker has nicked my mouse. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Well there is a first really I’ve finally received something out of this fucking company, a thank you. Well actually, I …

: Right now Im :o(  Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 458367

: Blork I’ve just rung up The Agency (the agency I popped in at on Tuesday) to confirm if they …

: I H8 U PLZ DIE KTHNXBISEXUAL Well yesterday wasn’t bad at all because I was given things to do and I spent most of the …

: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I like these last few days, I can now be honest with some of these fucktards who obviously …

: BAH On breakfast they’re going on about 81.3p per litre of petrol being horrific in London & …

: Fun I could be going to Basildon tomorrow. Where is my burberry? Whar iz ma buryberry innit? Listening …


: So Im home now I had to take the afternoon off, I couldn’t sit there for another five hours. Seeing as I …

: 456280 Unfortunatly on this occasion you haven’t been short-listed, you should be receiving a letter …

: 456105 Unfortunatly on this occasion you haven’t been short-listed, you should be receiving a letter …

: Fun Inbetween moments of using a blunt object to cut up my arm, I rang Kennet DC to enquire on any …

: I cant do this I’ve brought in a radio to make my lack of human contact better and the fucking thing …

: Posted using sms_to_lj I think it’s safe to assume I haven’t been short-listed for the council job. Listening …

: Great The resemblance of this company to one of HM’s Prisons is uncanny. In other news, I’m …

: Current Status Anxious Calls to answerphone: 23 Messages: 0 Last updated: 14:23 Listening to: Vibe: anxious LJ ItemID: …

: 454596 My call charges today for calling home to find out of Tha Caaaaaancil rang are going to be mad. …

: I’m not amused or happy today, this cunting company can fuck right off and so can David too. …

: Today Today’s emotional combination: Apathy and Anger I’m not exactly sure how this one works, …

: Posted using sms_to_lj TGMGJGMQTMJGKUJHNBKPGJMJINKG this is much too early for coherent thought. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Posted using sms_to_lj Test post. edit: It finally works on O2 again. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 453571

: 453129 NEW ICON ALERT! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 453129

: One way on the 666 express to Hell please Due to budget cuts, the Army needed an alternate source of income. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: I have just realised … it has been a while since I’ve seen online. COME BACK WE HAVE JUMBO JOKES TO …

: HAPPY DAYS I just received this text from : It lives! Today will be a glorious day as it always is when O2 …

: WTF I just got a call from somebody at Broadband Insurance, dare I ask what do they insure? Listening …

: Note To Self I have an MOT booked at Sanmax MOT Centre, Kingsbury Square, Kings St Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HL. …

: Joy So I’ve been moved in to the new offices away from any other human contact, great. I’ll …

: YAY EMOTIONS I so very much love emotions, over the past week or so has been brilliant. I’ve gone from sad …

: From the phlogger files Isn’t life grand? Listening to: Vibe: sick LJ ItemID: 451156

: In other news … I’ve set up a new and improved voicemail thingy on my line, it has menus and such and …

: CHEERS NOW IM GOING TO CHUNDER This is what I was forced to view this morning in my inbox, those two things are my father’s …

: Well this explains everything According to this I think like a woman, which could explain why I like a bit of cock now and then. …

: HELLO U LEFT NO MESSAGE M8 Who is 07973 532***? Cos you rang me at home and I’m not ringing you back as you could be a …

: An open letter Dear world leaders, Today, 3 May 2004, it is my 21st birthday. Please hand over full power of earth …

: FUCK YOU All I fucking wanted tonight was pizza, I wanted to sit down and eat fucking pizza. But NO the …

: iFarewell and Thank Youi 04/28/2004 05:18 pm Hello, First of all, let me say that this has been a great run. I had no idea …

: Err Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 448999

: TEH GUBERMENT SUXORS I hate the government, I really do. The Inland Revenue has failed to move me to a correct tax code …

: I like pay day Money goes in, money gets syphoned off immedatly. God bless it. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Phone Post This is just a test Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 448214

: Random Innovativeness Because I wish to abuse the wonders of LJ phone posting (at reduced cost) I have used the services …

: Urgh I’m never getting drunk on white lightning paint thinner again. I feel rough and thats because …

: HAHAHA I’m drunk on white ,lightnign I’m so lower class. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: HAHAHA I’m drunk on white ,lightnign I’m so lower class. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: MONY I’ve had to switch from my three phone back to my o2 one as I can’t afford to have bills …

: An open letter Dear Germany, As of this date I hereby impose a restriction on the export of your “dance …

: YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m going to fucking BOMB Nat-Fucking-West, they’re really starting to fuck me off. I …

: 446063 I’m ego surfing at the moment and it has come to my attention that I occasionally post useless …


: 445453 Fucking tossers wasting my fucking time. Piss the fuck off. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: JKLHDJKhjksadhjkasdkj All I’m hearing today is bitching “Outlook is crashing”, “Excel is …

: 445052 On my way into work I performed the worst hill start in the history of man. I was going up a steep …

: Scary its so truthful Your Ideal Job by speednikYour nameYour ageYour current jobYour locationYour Ideal Job Is:The …

: 444646 William Hung is ace. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 444646

: 444198 Thank you for your application. If a suitable vacancy arises within the area you have expressed an …

: OMG I’m now transfering off my personal files from my work laptop on to X-Drive as it’s a …

: 443862 God Bless America. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 443862

: 443395 The vets across the road just opened their window. I know this because the reflection is burning my …

: Being odd and random Hello . Listening to: Vibe: mischievous LJ ItemID: 443379

: IM GOING TO GIVE YOU A GOOD SLAP BITCH Our resident slapper/annoying bitch has really wound me up (as in seriously fucked me off), she was …

: YAY GOOD NEWZ Even though I can successfully describe today as “FUCKING CUNT SHIT PILE OF WANK DOG SPUNK …

: Today I shall … just start crying. I am beyond stressed now, I’ve hit that point where I’m …

: Because I can not sleep This is an amazing photo I took of myself earlier. I’d shag myself just based on this photo. …

: Jane Austins Smashing of the Head and Liquifying of the Brain Whilst in town I decided to pop in at Cockluster to obtain a rental copy of Happy Slicey Death …

: Pay your fares or else I’ve created a short and shitty video and it’s 1MB. The only reason it’s shitty is …

: 441447 I’m on 07734 653 887 this weekend as I’ve managed to leave my other phone charger at …

: 441271 Google Celebrates National Metal-Sun-Nipple Day Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 441271

: 441046 #It’s not right, but it’s okay, I’m going to make it anyway, pack your bags up and …

: Wizzo woo I’ve also applied for this. I do hope I get it, nothing like being mean and fining people to …

: And I thought learning to drive was a tit here Obtaining a drivers licence in China is most amusing. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 440223 I was going to post this earlier, but I couldn’t find an interweb version of the story (poxy …

: TEH END OF TEH WERLD NOOOOO! Now there won’t be any more saucy gay boy love scenes! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 439770 I’ve just applied for a job at Safeway of all places. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: I hate you now jump off a cliff Some people just know how to be total cunts, not only is he text cheating but now seeing as …

: Well fuck bollocks and tits My wonderful and working VoIP service is now utterly shagged and I’m VEXED. The devices were …

: BAH I suspect somebody at this place of business has recently had a sit down and some tea with Mary …

: WTF I’ve got a leak. Seriously, I didn’t realise it either, my arm had blood all down it …

: I think … I’m going to chunder. Listening to: Vibe: sick LJ ItemID: 438444

: 438078 I feel like shit, seriously shit very, very, shit. I feel like I’m about to pass out and I …

: Blerg Are you a slut?Name / Username Number of partners you've had 34Favorite Position Girl Man on topIn …

: STAAAB jhfjkasfhjkdsf. I ran across the advert for my job, they’re offering more to a new person than …

: Потому что все популярные и интересные люди на LiveJournal русски, я теперь перевожу это к русскому …

: I am JeanFranois … and I am a spy. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 437015

: 436845 Time to move out of America before a death sentance is passed. “Why shouldn’t we ask all …

: Liz Two Is it just me or can anybody else imagine Queen Liz Two driving around London singing along to Snoop …

: Shhh Im being paranoid wilts: Hiya kevin, how are you [Mon 19/04/04 10:44] wilts: morning Kevin how is ur day going [Tue …

: 436141 Hurrah for right-wing stupidity. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 436141

: Im having a wedding That is my new husband, but he doesn’t know it yet. But I can assure you will be a bridesmaid, …

: 435483 THWUMP Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 435483

: 435296 Brick thrower jailed over death. On the second photo it’s quoted Craig Harman said he threw …

: 435165 Badgers to blame for the fall of civilisation. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 435165

: Huzzah I just called the credit card company to inform them of what occured over the weeked as I can see …

: Things that make you go OH MY GOD YOURE RIPPING ME A NEW ARSEHOLE Anal Rippage webcam photo contest. I orignally found this on the OutintheUK boards (quickfind on the …

: America America you smell of cheeeeese US Watch: Land of the Not So Free 2004… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 434360

: NEWS UPDATES Kevin Spacey “mugged”. As heard on Radio 4 this morning Kevin fell for the oldest trick …

: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Fucking credit cards pile of ASS. I paid my credit card off (for the final amount) on tuesday, they …

: big news I’ve gone through with it, the letter goes in on monday (some people may already know what I …

: 433277 Ste: you know that post about the Doors for Townies? Kevin: In Chav Pictures? Ste: yeh Ste: i am so …

: 432937 Oops. I missed the mailing today, I promise one for Saturday. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: WOO My handytone arrived HURRAH! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 432862

: OMG Listening to: Vibe: excited LJ ItemID: 432569

: 432160 I’m going to slaughter Baby Jesus. It’s not working. Cunt. Listening to: Vibe: …

: sigh Over the past few days he’s been on MSN and texting whilst in bed. I’m starting to …

: THERES MORE FUCKING MOANING HERE THAN AT A WIFE SWAPPING PARTY The power was out yesterday, all the poxy print servers threw a wobler, it happens. I’m MORE …

: Today I spent cash I got a Handytone ATA-286 which is a analogue VoIP adaptor which I will attach to my DECT handsets …

: Taken from 95735 of my friends list I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. …

: I was going to go out .. but I FORGOT MY FUCKING WALLET AT HOME. Great, now I can’t actuall put the cheque in to the …

: Huzzah I faaaand a paaand Seriously. I’m trying the lotto today. It’s a sign. Listening to: …

: An open letter Dear Internet, Once you were a wonderful place, now you’re full of spam bots, script kiddies …

: 430148 Hurrah! I lost my fucking paying in book. Who the fuck still uses cheques, oh wait, the government …

: 429977 Today has actually turned out to be quite good, I received a cheque in the post from the tax man, …

: You know Dorothy get off your sparkly red shoes and shut the fuck up nobody is interested My eyes are being burned by text on my screen. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 429784

: Ugh It’s only Tuesday and most of the staff here have managed to let their IQs drop to a negative …

: 429297 Here, have some towns and villages too. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 429297

: Counties One day you will require a list of counties, trust me you will, this is where you can find it. SAVE …

: STOOPED OF TEH DAYE Stooped peoplez uze foto fram Teh Onyon und uze eet as fakt. The orignal peice, which of course …

: 100 Fact Right now I’m in a very, very, very bad mood. In fact, the details I shall bring forth will …

: Fucking bollocks pile of wank shit bitch cunt whore vagina face knows, you don’t, lets say we kept it at that. Listening to: Vibe: blank LJ ItemID: 428260

: Today Today I have…. … only received spam. … found out my mobile is calling random …

: YOU SEE THIS All of you are hereby ordered to obtain this film, even if it means killing some old woman because …

: Follow on to last post I actually had planned to have gone out, had the car washed then come back and polish/cover up …

: Hurrah for bank holidays So today, other than vacuuming my car I’ve done fuck all, daytime telly is shit, evening telly …

: Posted using sms_to_lj i’m interweb free today but i’ve vacuumed the car today and i shall be cleaning it at …

: 426638 Logic #304: We pay marketing company to create working website, marketing company build site (with …

: Highway robbery anybody And the winner of the "What the fuck are you smoking to get a figure like that?" award goes to..... …

: Read and comment I have created an updated P45 request form (resignation letter), I require comments. I want this to …

: 425846 M4dSquirrels: S M4dSquirrels: T M4dSquirrels: I M4dSquirrels: N M4dSquirrels: K M4dSquirrels: Y …

: MadSquirrels News 24 More on the ugly green dress controversy on MadSquirrels.com. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 425323 I just carried the heaviest machine I have had the mispleasure to meet in the past 18 months. It …

: Haiku madsquirrel's Accidental LJ Haikumade my way to the toilet i coughed and liquid came flying outFind …

: An open letter Dear Liz 2, What, in the name of the holy one, were you drinking/smoking/injecting whilst you …

: Le weekend I made a few updates this weekend, but to my phlog instead of LiveJournal. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Why fuck you too sir I’ve just been very ill and I haven’t had any drink tonight. I got up not too long ago …

: Oh what fun the joyus times I lead I’ve updated Squirrel Phone (020 7748 3291) so that you can choose where you wish to be …

: ujhfskjshfdjk I’m a bit annoyed, David closed all my ports to babyjesus which I use to access and receive my …

: Randomness Random LJ surfing brings many rewards. has quite interesting photos on the link above, it’s …

: News Summary America jealous of Spain and their rail attacks, so they claim something similar is going to happen …

: 423105 I’ve purchased a VoIP phone (Budge Tone 101) for use with Gradwell’s VoIP phone service. …

: Black and yellow what idiot thought that up I’m wearing a black top (which are corporate issue) for piss stock take, now I’ve also …


: Bitch Today at lunch I walked over to the petrol station, selected food for me to consume then I handed …

: 421976 Do I laugh, do I cry, YOU DECIDE! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 421976

: I H8 WERK RONG TIME Fucking stocktake, pile of fucking wank. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 421774

: 421449 Today was really tiring. I got out of bed really late because my alarm clock has broken and I cannot …

: Because somebody already sussed me out HAPPY BIRTHDAY APRIL FOOLS DAY Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 421305

: Erm Anybody know a good solicitor? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 421004

: 420832 I am 100% British, just like HRH Prince Charles Though you'll never be king you certainly know where …

: 420359 I’m going to have a hard time going through today without hurting somebody. Listening to: …

: Im up for a glassing We’ve just got in two VoIP phones here which we’re hoping to use instead of our BT lines …

: See icon for details And she was such a wholesome girl, none of this dirty sex stuff like that whore Christina. Listening …

: Chernobyl This link explains itself. View it. Listening to: Vibe: curious LJ ItemID: 419748

: Bling BLING RECORDS UK. This is my project thanks to the lovely people at RIP Records (their website is so …

: RIP Brain It’s unfortunate really, I did quite enjoy being here but now I can’t stand it. …

: 418995 Dear Japan, I’m taking away your internet. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 418995

: Where is da love As you can clearly see, I’m not feeling the love. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: How dare you suggest this bank move in to the present I <3 the Royal Bank of Scotland, at work we use HOBS which is provided by them. Now on friday we …

: 418273 I’ve got three of these! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 418273

: A little more sober now So anyways, last night. On our way back from the pub (David was perfectly fine to drive and he …

: TEH POLICE We got stopped by the police. It seems the fuse that took out the internal lights also took out the …

: 417305 #I, I must not, I must not chase the boys# Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 417305

: Jon PLZ READ KTHNX thjorska someday I must obtain your textaphone number. Until then I shall mock the goths alone :o( …

: Wizzo Summary of my day: Signed forms to sell my soul to another financial instution. Read bitchy emails. …

: Justice is a mockery A teenage driver guilty of motoring and drug offences was let off more than £400 fines - because he …

: 416402 Everytime I see I think “Lay-Dee-Oh-Orange”, then I think “Radio 2”, then I …

: Remember when … I washed my passport because I’m a stupid twunt? Well I just finally got around to …

: BEST QUOTE EVAR That’s better than getting into some virgin panties. Context: I was finally setting up his …

: Express yourself candidate urges sign vandals I’d vote for her just based on this article. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 415542

: 415394 credit/debit cards: Blyerkit (B3TA.com) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 415394

: I have received a telephone call … it was from First Direct’s security department, confirming I requested to have an …

: 414878 Kevin, These are still coming to me somehow; please rectify. I cannot believe that the website needs …

: Braaaaaaains Urrrrgh Braaaaaaains arrrrrrrrrrrg urrrrrrrrrrrgh. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 414503

: Single to Hell please This is sure to get things painted on your front door, that is of course if they don’t kick it …

: 414073 I should have bought a Smart Car, this PROVES my car was made from the devil himself in an effort to …

: 100 FACT On a few occasions I’ve come close to ending my own life, then mere seconds before I made an …

: Dirty fucking homogay fag Today I am horny, today I have been updating my website, today I want to be done whilst updating my …

: Ariel Sharon had opened the gates of hell Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, spiritual head of Palestinian militant group Hamas, has been killed in an …

: From the weekend A very brief summary of Saturday. I also have photos which can be found here. Do note that these …

: An open letter Dear Baby Jesus, YOU ARE A PILE OF ASS. Thank you for locking me out of my email, bitch. -Kevin …

: US Unloading WMD in Iraq Truth or fiction? Listening to: Vibe: curious LJ ItemID: 412646

: 412397 Spock just came in again. Secretly I want to laugh at him. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: YAY Today I do not care, I do not care about this fucking excuse for a shit job, I do not care about …

: Manlady Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 411668

: OMG There is a new sales person now, he looks like a Vulcan. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Hurrah Its time for videos Two videos that have TEH FUNNEY. First video is credited to and the second to our lovely (who …

: Hoorah 15 Mar 2004 SKYCO INTERNATIONAL FOCHERTSEY GBR £17.99 Can I have some woo with a side of yay please? …

: Oh boo it comes to an end I’m going to biggify this sign or even bring it down to the sign shop to be made in to a real …

: Hoorah Upon searching for my Sims CD I found my CD player I purchased in Newcastle Airport (during a 6 hour …

: 410281 Blood coming from the inside of a woman’s body through an opening between her legs. This is so …

: Fuck shit cunt Oh Channel 4 how I love you. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 410059

: crazay Both the dogs are asleep and dreaming, they look like they’re possessed, twitching and …

: And now we wait I’ve just applied for a First Direct account online, which if accepted they’ll give me …

: Posted using sms_to_lj I think a glassing is in order tonight. The amount of pure shite that i’m hearing is too much. …

: Posted using sms_to_lj All I can hear is bollocks….. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 408915

: Posted using sms_to_lj I’ve posted a picture of wacky jackie on my moblog goto MadSquirrels.com and look at the …

: Posted using sms_to_lj Here comes wacky jackie! Oh what an exciting sunday this shall be! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Posted using sms_to_lj Three is being a pile of arse again! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 408151

: Poopings If you rent this film I will laugh at you. It’s got all of the qualities you’ll find in …

: Posted using sms_to_lj OMG i just saw a mini chav! Of legal age but at least under 5 foot. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 407410 MTV Dance makes me :o( :o( :o( :o( I texted in “I HEART 419” so they’d show my …

: More things to make you cry Pupil expelled for having scissors in sewing class. I’m not even going to attempt to argue the …

: Hes a what now Hero etches truth in to commons table used by the Cunt. Conservative MP Derek Conway sayz: …

: Ignore this post Testing Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 406580


: Bitchin I am 85.5% LJ ADDICT!Can You Beat Me? View Info In Detail Take the LJ Addict Quiz Today After All, …

: Random Where ever I go the people love me. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 406008

: OMG IT’S THE APOCOLYPSE! America is finally realising you can sue everybody for things that are …

: First Direct Anybody use first direct? I’m contemplating moving across to them mainly because they do …

: Ghetto sex girls euro8 each This is my new mobile background. It looks cool. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 405079

: New carreer for me Kevin: I shall fight to the death to protect my right to buy naff shite from the telly and pile an …

: YAY GOOD NOOZE I received my extra overdraft (thankfully) after being threatened by the bank for going over my …

: WOO etc Me and have a brilliant idea, but I won’t say as you’ll steal it and that would just …

: Hark I’m selling things. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 404106

: 403877 I’m being particularly mean today and I’m not exactly sure why. Listening to: Vibe: …

: NSFW oh wait its completely SFW Work-safe porn! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 403563

: NOOZE OF TEH DAYE 999 warning system blocked. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 403308

: Ive been meaning to post this I’m quite annoyed with work at the moment. I was going to have these two days off (Monday and …

: I H8 TIDDAY Today is an ASS. I need to quickly increase my overdraft limit or they’ll charge me £50 again, …

: WOOOOOO Look, she’s psychic! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 402589

: o I’m fat now. I need to become thin again. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 402401

: I see another Star Wars game in the works Lucasarts is dead Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 402088

: YAY I give up I give up, fully, white flag in the air I’ve lost. There is no point in continuing so …

: WTF Seriously people GET A FUCKING CLUE KTHNX. I was just on the phone and NOT ON HOLD I was speaking …

: This is why I wish to terminate my employment with this company effective immefdatly Hi, I was disappointed to learn that the new mobile phones for Rick etc at London have yet to be …

: PLZ COMMENT This is a filtered post, VERY filtered. Post this anywhere else and I’ll fucking kill you. …

: LOLZ OF THE DAYE LOLZ OF TEH DAYE I have looked several times on the site, and either am blind or it isn’t …

: EVERYBODY I need all of you to do me a HUGE favour and post the following to your journals as I can not miss …

: Im such a fucktard At lunch I was planning to feed and wash HRH Car, which I did in the end. However, getting to that …

: I swear this is the last one MadSquirrels.com showing the love to every script kiddie around. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 399785 CLICK HERE FOR FREE CHIPS. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 399785

: HUZZAH Monday Summary: Stewart loses mobile, receives bollocking for many people including Orange. Orange …

: Dirty Ikea Art Man Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 399321

: No bullshit its the way to be You can really tell that alot of the time I’m not in the mood to play run around games, like …

: I 3 Snow Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 398645

: Oh b3ta how I love you Mad gangsta propz to mozza on the b3ta boards. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 398551

: YAY for bad months I presently only have £99.38 to live on, well, not exactly, I have a big fat £0. This month is …

: Posted using sms_to_lj on the bright side he’s not drinking as the police are on his case. edit: re: this post. …

: Beeb Three The 7 o’clock News on Beeb Three is exactly like the news on Radio 1, but with video. …

: ITS SNOWING YAY It’s all christmasey in February! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 397525

: 100 Fact I once went into caffine shock (which occurs when you consume over 1000mg via any method) and it was …

: Ignore this post as this is just a test. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 396937

: Its a novel idea Watch as I bring the “buy me dis coz ur cool onlyne” whoring to a new level. I’ll …

: Three its the magic number Because I’m too lazy to : View this post, or I’ll kill some orphans. Listening to: …

: OMFG Thanks to B3ta she’s starting to lose the weight by running on the spot. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Oh foreshaddowing I see redundancy in my future. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 395903

: Posted using sms_to_lj Jon, I have got Pirates of the Caribean on dvd. Is it good? (I have no textaphone number for you so …

: pr0n Jelly Babies Pr0n. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 395494

: Woman crushes mans soul with video Woman crushes man’s soul, with video. At this weekend’s Indiana Pacers-Washington …

: When they speak … all I can hear is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, blah, blah, …

: OMG I’m seriously tempted to apply for this job. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 394544

: OMG I just got a new virus through my email today. It’s called the Irish Virus. I’ve just …

: BEST QUOTE EVER RUN SHE’S GOT A BATTON. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 394215

: Posted using sms_to_lj This i think is my first drink in a week. I quite like it, well sort of as it doesn’t have …

: IM TEH SMRT I’m so smrt, so much in fact I left the face plate of my radio on the top of my car. …

: Thats it I can no longer take the legal system seriously, I am writing the Queen to have her execute every …

: Finally I get what I want I think I’ve personalised MadSquirrels.com to fully reflect me. Let us take the as an …

: DOUBLE U TEE EFF I just looked throughly through my pention scheme and is says: This scheme covers: Mr. Kevin …

: Pure class this is Let's get back to Biblical standards of marriage. How much for your daughter? Listening to: Vibe: …

: LOLZ OF TEH DAYE This is your LOLZ OF TEH DAYE for February 19, 2004. Listening to: Vibe: amused LJ ItemID: 392225

: Finally … the Beeb wastes good money on something proper. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: BORG This is what I received last night from Charlie. Now normally I would have had him put down by way …

: Just because it is Marriage is sacred. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 391668

: I knew it I figured this would happen, with the new support ticket system the man above is taking control of …

: Posted using sms_to_lj I obviously play Snood too much as i can buy a three day licence when i’m out of three’s …

: 100 FACT Fact of the day: The reason I haven’t posted that “Marriage is love” thing is …

: New system huzzah So the new ticketing system is making my work load double. Nice. Out of three phone calls this …

: I 3 Mondays First thing Monday morning and he’s being a cunt. Nice. We have this new system SalesLogix …

: SPAM STOOPID Best. Subject. Ever. Kevin Welford-Costelloe this card has no spending limit Yes, what a good idea. …

: LOLZ OF TEH DAYE YESTARDAYE Yesterday, I forgot to post this, but I only found out about the full story by 9:30. Since our new …

: Uneventful night .. well sort of. David is slightly pissed I am sober, now I didn’t feel like drinking so …

: Boredom v1 I’m quite bored, infact so bored I made a custom style to embed my LJ into my website. …

: Fun So today, after waking up and stepping in wet poo I eventually got up. So far today I’ve …

: 388407 I woke up to let the dogs out and I stepped in wet dog poo. Fuck Friday the 13th, Saturday the 14th …

: Too much info There is only water coming from my rear end. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 388096

: I hate fridays now … like last Friday I’m absolutly shattered, huzzam! Anyways, I’m probably going …

: Boo I got a letter this morning, it was from the bank. Important information about borrowing on your …

: Such horror Lets see YOU do that Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr./Rev./Sgt./Etc. SMART PERSON!!! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: err Should I be worried about this: The person I’m with (as in sex, love kind of with) was just on …

: 386990 My right eye is randomly filling up with tear fluid which is not very handy as I can’t see …

: Tosser … He’s chipped the dash and he’s paying for that. I’m sure it’s more …

: Only three more days Only three more days…. Only three more days…. Only three more days…. Only three …

: One thing I hate more than spam … is fucking SPAM notifications due to spam. Example: This is Baby Jesus, You have received a …

: A bit convienent then This is a bit to convienent, infact I suspect it was this lot who hacked me in the first place. I …

: Big poo day A summary: Spent many hours in my car, two of which I was stationary listening to the radio and …

: n0ze Well last night I was absolutly shattered, so much in fact at around 7 when I woke up (before …

: Because Im a mere lemming I've visited the counties in yellow. Which counties have you visited? made by marnanel map …

: Im having one of those days You know when you have one of those days where sex isn’t an option, it’s a requirement? …


: What the fuck I’m fucking furious. I just did a good amount of work setting up a user, emailing him the …

: SCREAM Dear office, I am attempting to go for a poo not just a “I feel like taking a poo” poo, …

: 383888 This company really needs to stop briging in engineers to fix things, this is because THEY ARE ALL …

: OUCH I have a headache, it feels like my brain is being penetrated by a hot metal rod. AND IT IS ALL …

: WOO YAY b3ta makes a wednesday morning wonderful. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 383352

: fuhzt My bank balance is in the negitive and I can’t really be enthusastic about coming to work, …

: Posted using sms_to_lj My body has decided to hate me in a loud way. I’m sure everybody just heard that, Listening …

: YAY I used my LJ code voucher thingy to get many more increadable icons for only $2.50! Huzzah! …

: I had the perfect line I just had the best line that I could have ever done, but this was at work so I was unable to use …

: An open letter Dear cyclists, If you EVER cycle like this muppet I will run you off the road to make a point. …

: An open letter Dear Scotland, From this day forth I shall employ a team of snipers to wait at your borders, when a …

: Look mum Im jumping on the bandwagon Since everybody else on LiveJournal is doing it…. Janet Jackson shows her pleasure ball on …

: snore I rented Feardotcom from LoveFilm.com and it’s as scary as a chimpanzee eating chips, …

: Sneeze Something for everybody to say “oohhh” and “awwwww” over (just ignore me …

: 380833 Dear anti-gay marriage people, Marriage is sacred you say? -Kevin Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 380447 YAY B3ta! Listening to: Vibe: bouncy LJ ItemID: 380447

: LOLZ OF TEH DAYE Probably fake, but it’s amusin' British newspaper report: Four youths from Canberra, Australia …

: NEW DG AT THE BBC THIS JUST IN: The BBC has a new director general.. On another note, this morning I hit a sign. Some …

: BOO HISS So Parcel Farce haven’t been bothered to show. I somewhat expected this as they’re utter …

: 379571 Your item with reference SW[snip]GB is currently progressing through our network sitting in a van …

: Oh look Lets kill innocents WARNING: If your easily offended this will make you want to tear your eyes out. US helicopter …

: I had a bad night Last night I had a VERY bad night, by 10pm my body has disagreed with something to the point that it …

: Woo Parcel Farce is bringing me a gift tomorrow by 12:00pm. If they lose it, I’ll kill them with …

: THANK YOU I’m very thankful I couldn’t be arsed to drive today, right about now I would have been …

: Microoft do us all a favour and die I hate Microsoft, not only is their products utter shit, but their website is a mass of useless …

: 377917 Dear Interweb Network, Stop being utter shite. Love, -Kevin. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Supprised The bug track I sent in to Mambo to inform them that their software had more bugs in it than an ant …

: A quick update Summary: H4x0r5, fucked fixed. Irritating accounts bitch, fixed. Chocolate cravings, fat fixed. …

: Another poll It’s another AFA style poll. PASS IT ON Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 377185

: Fuckers Look what these/this piece of human shit did to my website, yeah HAHA fucking LOLZ you are a CUNT …

: Im so diiiiirty Well who saw this coming: My life has been rated:See what your rating is! Listening to: Vibe: …

: Names I see a distrubing naming theme with me and computers. My mail/proxy/web server is called Baby Jesus …

: I have megasooper plans I have plans to get an Apple laptop, first I’m trying eBay and the most I’m willing to …

: Hurrah Man gets speeding fine for going 406mph in a 60. This is pure class, not only do they realise …

: I feel poorly I feel utterly shit today. My left eye has a big red-ish brown patch which is probably a vein …

: DIE INSURANCE WHORES DIE I hate car insurance, it’s got even more expensive than it was a year back. I’ve been …

: WTF People, I have just seen a post on a community about somebody’s family member being killed and …

: The usual Monday Monday comes around and it’s the usual shit. “Do this.” “I have no idea how …

: YAY FUN I’m so very tempted to get this. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 374386

: WE ALL 3 thjorska thjorska said this earlier, it made me giggle, then I killed the inhabitants of a small nation so I …

: Die bitch They’re doing a fat documentary type thing with Victoria Wood on Beeb 1 and now they are …

: I think Im going to quit Seriously this time. No I fucking well mean it now, this place is going too far now days. On monday, …

: Oops I made Baby Jesus cry :o( Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 373499

: Its a joyus day YAY! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 373062

: Sometimes I wonder Look at me I’m so h4rdc0r3 I do lines of coke and suck people off in the bogs, but I …

: There are dumb people and then there are the really cool people Gemma is cool, even though she’s surounded by idiots. I’m not quite sure how she managed …

: QUIZ This is THE COOLEST QUIZ: What Kind of Petrol Are You? (at 80p a litre and with photos!!!111) Made …

: Because you care Join the MadSquirrels.com mailing list of dooooooooooom. Just remember, if you don’t …

: 371675 YAY Scrabble! I got 329! Pholph's Scrabble Generator My Scrabble© Score is: 329. What is your score? …

: I 3 Destruction Mindless destruction, it’s a beautiful thing. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 371225

: OMFG After was quoted happy I decided to give it a go. I was quoted angry and I’m far from …

: BIG NEWS …. and it’s utter shite. More to come. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 370934

: Hoorah The world is collapsing but Im in style Even though this has to be the most shit day ever, the best thing I can make out of it was that I …


: WTF I just saw an advert for Action Energy where they claim “energy is the life blood of your …

: Things I must do Tomorrow I must have my car cleaned. Unless of course if it rains, then I’m buggered. …

: 369505 YAY! It's time for a name change! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 369505

: Sweet Jesus These people are going to lead me to an early grave…… their grave. Kevin as you are …

: NEVER TRUST VERISIGN I’m going to kill snap names and by kill I mean I shall eat them and their little business …

: 368699 Learn your Ninja Clan at the Ninja Burger website. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 368699

: Fizzurbaltery boog I hate paper based monies (and other forms of paper money-moving) I just got my new three statement, …

: Posted using sms_to_lj Hurrah, my body hates me! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 368155

: I 3 Google I <3 Google. Listening to: Vibe: amused LJ ItemID: 367995

: An open letter Dear Lorry Drivers Of Great Britain, GET YOUR FUCKING HEADS CHECKED It is NOT acceptable to push a …

: YAY My film is shit Madsquirrel in Still Death Does Us PartIn this thrill-per-minute epic, (John Cusack) is a shady …

: LOLZ OF TEH DAYE Man loves women, but not according to NEW AND IMPROVED tattoo. Listening to: Vibe: amused LJ …

: 367053 YAY. I’m starting to lose my MIND. See what this fucking place has done to me? Good. On …

: I AM SO TIRED Either I’m tired because I’m tired, or I’m tired because of the sheer incompitence …

: Posted using sms_to_lj oh dear! My body is not quite right at the moment! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 366417

: YAY I have an official hit list now, in fact I have a black binder-book-type-object that reads …

: I hate you plz die now I really hate it when people say “good morning” and you say “good morning” …

: 365636 From: Andrew Sent: Tue 30/12/2003 08:59 To: Kevin Costelloe Subject: FW: Lost Emails It looks like …

: First day of work …. and I want to go back on holiday. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 365479

: YAY WEBCAM Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 365256

: A word If you haven’t paid your road tax there are new rules now, the DVLA will search their database …

: And another thing Before I forget, I REALLY now hate everybody on this estate, all of them. This is because one of …

: Fun in finance So the trip to the bank went well, much better than I expected. Once I got there we started straight …

: HAHAHAHA LOLZ I’m going to hell for this. Image credit: B3ta. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: YAY It Works Baby Jesus is now fully groovy, this is a sample message of it’s spam murdering powers, …

: HAPPY CHRISTMAS LUV a hrefhttpwwwnatwestcomNatWestA xx I’m feeling the love from my bank this holiday season, they rang me yesterday to have a chat …

: HAPPY CHRISTMAS LUV a hrefhttpwwwnatwestcomNatWestA xx I’m feeling the love from my bank this holiday season, they rang me yesterday to have a chat …

: HAHAHAHAHHAHAH This is you LOLZ OF TEH DAYE: Two idiots nick CDs from BBC Radio Wiltshire and give the CCTV camera …

: HAHAHAHAHHAHAH This is you LOLZ OF TEH DAYE: Two idiots nick CDs from BBC Radio Wiltshire and give the CCTV camera …

: 363059 The new Mambo Server Open Source (MOS) has a RSS feature thingy now! For updated news posties on …

: Hurrah The new Mambo Server Open Source (MOS) has a RSS feature thingy now! For updated news posties on …

: Shit n Stuff Huzzah! The car started, it seems that calling it “A cold hearted bitch” wasn’t …

: Shit n Stuff Huzzah! The car started, it seems that calling it “A cold hearted bitch” wasn’t …

: 362746 Today is shit. Period. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 362746

: Cunt whore bitch slut I get back to have my fucking car not wanting to start, it better not be anything expensive as I …

: Cunt whore bitch slut I get back to have my fucking car not wanting to start, it better not be anything expensive as I …

: 362150 I’ve seen the most EVIL number plate, it ended in AOL! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Posted using sms_to_lj I’ve seen the most EVIL number plate, it ended in AOL! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: THE QUEENS SPEACH Happy Christmas (or other holiday of non-christian origins)! Enjoy the holidays, etc You’d …

: THE QUEENS SPEACH Happy Christmas (or other holiday of non-christian origins)! Enjoy the holidays, etc You’d …

: 361654 I swear some people are just waiting to die, on my trip home I managed to encounter such a person. …

: WTF I swear some people are just waiting to die, on my trip home I managed to encounter such a person. …

: 361329 more tests Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 361329

: Posted using sms_to_lj more tests Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 361329


: utf8BTG9vayBhdCB0aGUga2l0dGVucywgdGhleSdyZSBlYXRpbmcgdGhh utf8BdCBjYXIh I’ve just woke up and i’m utterly amazed on how bright it is, in fact please turn down …

: utf8BVGVzdGluZw Test from three phone Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 360642

: utf8BVGVzdGluZw Test from three phone Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 360642

: Woo I managed to get my msointernet.com email address to forward off to my three phone, so now I can …

: Woo I managed to get my msointernet.com email address to forward off to my three phone, so now I can …

: Christmas Meal things So the christmas meal was great, as some of you may have noticed at one point my state on my website …

: Christmas Meal things So the christmas meal was great, as some of you may have noticed at one point my state on my website …

: 359898 Technology is brilliant, tonight we have the company meal, which of course has loads of £ree …

: HUZZAH Technology is brilliant, tonight we have the company meal, which of course has loads of £ree …

: An Open Letter Dear Cunt Nice Driver, The horn is used for alerting other drivers, people and the occasional flock …

: An Open Letter Dear Cunt Nice Driver, The horn is used for alerting other drivers, people and the occasional flock …

: 359246 City Link Update: Fuck all, why because they’re shit. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: CityLink are fucking cunts I’m seriously annoyed with the fucking cunts who trade as “City Link” who …

: CityLink are fucking cunts I’m seriously annoyed with the fucking cunts who trade as “City Link” who …

: Sweet Jesus Holy shit, I had the scariest moment just a few seconds ago, a Nissan Micra just passed by it was …

: Sweet Jesus Holy shit, I had the scariest moment just a few seconds ago, a Nissan Micra just passed by it was …

: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA UR TEH FUNNEY eBay Scam Spam! Dear valued eBay member, It has come to our attention that your eBay Billing …

: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA UR TEH FUNNEY eBay Scam Spam! Dear valued eBay member, It has come to our attention that your eBay Billing …

: NOOOO In bed and i still can’t sleep :( Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 358267

: NOOOO In bed and i still can’t sleep :( Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 358267

: Body you suck Been in bed, but I was bouncing around so I have decided to watch a bit of telly to get even more …

: Body you suck Been in bed, but I was bouncing around so I have decided to watch a bit of telly to get even more …


: Oh for fucksake I get a call this morning, it’s work and it gets better he calls accusing me of …

: Oh for fucksake I get a call this morning, it’s work and it gets better he calls accusing me of …

: Test Test Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 357240

: I nicked this Answer this if your straight, why, it’ll make me feel you finally have some idea of what I get …

: I nicked this Answer this if your straight, why, it’ll make me feel you finally have some idea of what I get …

: 356616 I’m hungry and on the stella, BRING ON THE VINDALOO! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Posted using sms_to_lj I’m hungry and on the stella, BRING ON THE VINDALOO! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Open letter to America Dear America, WHAT THE FUCK, two words Ford Expedition. I’ve seen buses that are smaller, why …

: Open letter to America Dear America, WHAT THE FUCK, two words Ford Expedition. I’ve seen buses that are smaller, why …

: YAY I think I finally got a piece of software to play OGG Vorbis files correctly! Now to listen to some phone …

: YAY I think I finally got a piece of software to play OGG Vorbis files correctly! Now to listen to some phone …

: 356088 many things, etc. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 356088

: Posted using sms_to_lj many things, etc. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 356088

: I declare war The war of the parking spots has begun, a V reg Audi nicked my spot, not only that they have …

: I declare war The war of the parking spots has begun, a V reg Audi nicked my spot, not only that they have …

: Why dear god why I hate overseas call centres and the companies that use them, why because they always seem to have …

: Why dear god why I hate overseas call centres and the companies that use them, why because they always seem to have …

: Victoria Beckham can eat a monkey I just saw Victoria Beckham’s new video, now if this was a reverse universe I’d be …

: Victoria Beckham can eat a monkey I just saw Victoria Beckham’s new video, now if this was a reverse universe I’d be …

: Woo Yay Houpla Man Milk or Moo Milk? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 354858

: Woo Yay Houpla Man Milk or Moo Milk? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 354858

: 354659 4m4z1||g, h3 sp34k5 t3h pr0p3r 3ngl15h. Many thanks —–Original Message—– …

: Thank you For inventing the “mute” button on telephones so I can slag people off as I speak to …

: Thank you For inventing the “mute” button on telephones so I can slag people off as I speak to …

: U DO TEH ANNOYING PLZ DIE I hate email, I really do. This excessive hate is now brought on by people who either have a god …

: U DO TEH ANNOYING PLZ DIE I hate email, I really do. This excessive hate is now brought on by people who either have a god …

: 354041 Quickly find me some chicken! (getting tipsy) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 354041

: Posted using sms_to_lj Quickly find me some chicken! (getting tipsy) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 354041

: Father Christmas Banned from SA advert South African Advertising Standards Authority bans advert with Father Christmas. Listening to: …

: Father Christmas Banned from SA advert South African Advertising Standards Authority bans advert with Father Christmas. Listening to: …

: Thank you for being A STUPID WHORE At lunch I went in to town, it was fun (well, not really), as I was attempting to reverse out of my …

: Thank you for being A STUPID WHORE At lunch I went in to town, it was fun (well, not really), as I was attempting to reverse out of my …

: Once a little boy met Michael Jackson I was going to make a really exciting post, but then I was distracted and forgot everything I was …

: Once a little boy met Michael Jackson I was going to make a really exciting post, but then I was distracted and forgot everything I was …

: 352776 My trip to Brentford was amazingly long due to Rail Delays(R) from some idiot cutting the wrong wire …

: 352735 Test post. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 352735

: Posted using sms_to_lj Test post. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 352735

: MMail Message Fucking useless rail whores they do have a 0627 train yet on their idiot schedule it fails to …

: MMail Message Fucking useless rail whores they do have a 0627 train yet on their idiot schedule it fails to …

: Bathness Went out to Bath this morning/afternoon to meet up with , I intended to get some clothing for …

: Bathness Went out to Bath this morning/afternoon to meet up with , I intended to get some clothing for …

: Huzzah I got a car kit thingy installed into my car for calling and such. So if you can’t get me on …

: Huzzah I got a car kit thingy installed into my car for calling and such. So if you can’t get me on …

: 351558 A lorry just came into the estate, this is going to be pure comedy to watch it try to get back out. …

: Action films are so cheap Who in their right mind would ever use the following as an excuse to go back into a house with a …

: Action films are so cheap Who in their right mind would ever use the following as an excuse to go back into a house with a …

: I will find my precious I will find where my pens are going, then I will launch a jihad and liberate them. Listening to: …

: I will find my precious I will find where my pens are going, then I will launch a jihad and liberate them. Listening to: …

: For roferg69 Because roferg69 has no idea what Euro plates look like I will provide these examples. That and I …

: For roferg69 Because roferg69 has no idea what Euro plates look like I will provide these examples. That and I …

: 350569 All the housemates have been gathered by big brother…. oh wait, wrong programme. Anyways, day …

: Day 2 All the housemates have been gathered by big brother…. oh wait, wrong programme. Anyways, day …

: LAYMEST EXKUSE EVAR “I need to be in the monday morning meeting” Yeah. I’m sure of that. There …

: LAYMEST EXKUSE EVAR “I need to be in the monday morning meeting” Yeah. I’m sure of that. There …

: Testink lj_spameater_with_mailtolink@spam.sn.cx Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 350162

: Testink lj_spameater_with_mailtolink@spam.sn.cx Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 350162

: Fun with number plates So I replaced my number plates today, it was shit. The front one is just fucked up it won’t …

: Fun with number plates So I replaced my number plates today, it was shit. The front one is just fucked up it won’t …

: Venting post again Ok, so I have to do this shit for Siemens to give them all the user’s email addresses in …

: Venting post again Ok, so I have to do this shit for Siemens to give them all the user’s email addresses in …



: Evil Plan 50052B I have many days to be taken off, so I’m going to see if I can get a whopping 5 days off …

: Evil Plan 50052B I have many days to be taken off, so I’m going to see if I can get a whopping 5 days off …

: Fun in the rain So today as it’s been pissing it down I decided that I wanted to do two tasks, one of them …

: Fun in the rain So today as it’s been pissing it down I decided that I wanted to do two tasks, one of them …

: 348432 You can now email me or sms me via the EvilCheese.com propaganda bot. edit: If you send ECMAIL KEVIN …

: I have many reasons that Im stressed All of you may have noticed I’ve been quite agitated over the past few weeks. This is because …

: hjkzdlfhjkhasdfhjksdfhjkfsdhfhjk I’m going to refrain from posting or all of you will be subjected to my utter rage. Not happy, …

: Annoyance part 2 He was susposed to bring my new laptop home, but “forgot” again. Listening to: Vibe: …

: THATS IT I’m taking the rest of the fucking YEAR off: Christmas arrangements The last working day of …

: Mods MadSquirrels.co.uk will have minor downtime, so to bypass this please visit …

: An open letter to the terrorists Dear Evil Terrorists, Mr. Bush was in Iraq today and he has probably left in one piece. I expected a …

: WOO YAY ETC I finally got a new laptop after too many days, this shall be remembered. It’s a pile of poop, …

: Whatever I hate work, as in I hate this fucking job I hate it so much the only thing keeping me from killing …

: 346278 Fucking foot, the toe I butchered last night with many dropped plates happens to be quite sore, …

: STOOPID OF TEH DAYE Nothing on this planet will make me think you’re more of an idiot when you attempt to trick me …

: 345762 Today I can see my patience running thin, very thin. This morning I had some bitch riding my bumper …

: OMGWTFLOLZBBQ N00Z Michael Jackson has done a runner from the police Good bless b3ta and all who sail her. Listening …

: 345093 My work laptop is still quite fucked (the backlight has decided to stop functioning) needless to say …

: n00z upd4t3 So this BT fiasco isn’t quite BT’s fault now, you see it really isn’t BT’s …

: EYVL BEETEE YAY! BT have lost everything AGAIN. Fuckers. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 344713

: MMail Message Stoopid laptop :-( Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 344328

: 344079 How can BT Openworld be even MORE useless than it is now? Here is an example: We call in a fault …

: WOO YAY ETC Things I have done/will be doing today: SOOPER MAGICAL EMAIL CHANGE OVER!!!111 Changed my email …

: 343577 OMG, SPAM SUBJECT OF TEH DAY: Nrgonline, Free Access To Drunk Sluts RATE. Drunk sluts get a special …

: NOOOOOOOO I’m HORRIBLY UPSET at the Daily Mirror they first plant somebody in the palace then take …

: ONLY TROO PATRITOTS WILL PAYE FAR THIS1one111 Bush is an irritating paranoid man, this probably has alot to do with all those oil fumes he was …

: Mondays sux0rs I’m the only one in today as somebody has opted to take a day off at the wrong fucking time. …

: 342554 David is pissed, however, he’s talking bollocks, but he said something very distrubing. It had …

: amusing subject line here Today has been fairly quiet so far, the only ‘real’ events were that one person tried to …

: News I have set up a new filter on Baby Jesus, this will enable him/it/etc to make a post to my journal …

: WOO SPAM Hello, I have attempted to report spam that has come through your network and quite frankly …

: 341627 I’m really starting to get fucked off with these people: Hi. This is the qmail-send program at …

: 341315 Oh how professional: The original message was received at Tue, 11 Nov 2003 10:24:40 GMT from …

: 341191 I think this time I may just really end up leaving [this shitty job] tomorrow, my manager is off to …

: ATTENTION PLZ The message “THIS IS KIRA!!!!!!” from Dru !, sent at 11/11/2003 06:18 was quarantined …

: 340734 You can feel the angst. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 340734

: MadSquirrelscouk I’ve been adding people to my friends list on MadSquirrels.co.uk. I’m still going at it, …

: Woo Monkey Chips Everybody must try one of my lovely visual chat servers because they are oh-so-cool. /shameless self …

: 339835 I managed to post an entry on the 16th or of November. How silly. Fixed now. edit: I’ve also …

: 339674 Reminder —–Original Message—– From: Jason King Sent: Tuesday, November 04, …

: CRAZY HAPPY NINTENDO DAY I got up early this morning to pick up my Nintendo (NES) from the Postal Whores(TM) who consider …

: 339137 Click Here and all will be explained. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 339137

: HAHAHA LOLZ The Perfect Scam - Australia Australian Police have been unable to recommend a prosecution for the …

: Woop Woop Dats tha sound of da police fig 1a. Community "Safety" Vehicle The police seem to have it in for everybody today, this morning …

: ppl r teh cool At 10:52am a very nice old lady came up to me in the car park, this is how the conversation ensued: …

: 338090 Because you’re all horrible people and not on MSN/AIM/YAHOO/IRC/ETC I must announce this here: …

: 337914 BT ARE FUCKING USELESS That is all. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 337914

: HAPPY FUN JOY TIME YAY! The work RAS server is utterly fucked and refuses to let authorised (or any) users in now. …

: 337219 Last night at exactly 1:39am somebody thought it would be brilliant to set off a fireworks display, …

: MMail Message Joyus fun this working on the weekend is. Thankfully from what I hear we’ll be leaving at one …

: 336814 It’s boy racing night tonight it seems. I really do like boy racers, they’re not capable …

: 336389 Listening to: Sugababes - Hole in the head Vibe: annoyed LJ ItemID: 336389

: 336278 I think I may just have killed my email in one of those really horrific ways, needless to say …

: Watch as I bludgen myself to death with this telephone handset We have a person (by person, I mean “life form with no brain power in the shape of a human) in …

: 335812 My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulmadsquirrel goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as President of AOL …

: Now I have had enough So my manager has started this “forwarding all my calls to you cos I’m an ass and why …

: sigh Upon checking my online banking to view my present state of poverty I come across this …

: 334900 Supposed to put in my new battery sometime this evening but thats all dependant on my next pint. …

: 334670 Bah Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 334670

: 334537 Woo! Yay! I’m making a random post. Btw, _angelfuck is the queen of, um, something. Listening …

: DIE CAR BITCH DIE So my car, who will now be refered to as “The Bitch”, has now decided that within a week …

: 334043 Test post with pin in body Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 334043

: OMG NEW FEATURE Groovy, I may now post via email. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 333694

: Stupid Conversation Of The DayTM This is an enlightening conversation I had with, well, lets call her “Anna”, bollocks, …

: 333266 On the roads there are only two things that scare me, stupid animals (inc birds) and taxis. Well, …

: 332936 Just a reminder who this jumbo-sized fuck ball of lard is. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Random Madness Dear Orange, One of my friends has an Orange handset which is quite convinced my number is not …

: 332501 My day is slowly becoming very shit. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 332501

: QotD What is the most cunty thing you can do on eBay: Only seconds before the end of an auction cancel …

: Addon to last post David Blaine was just taken to hospital and I seriously hope HE is paying for his treatment. If not, …

: David Lame David Blaine speaking makes me want to commit suicide, this is probably because HIS VOICE IS …

: 331471 He’s off my insurance as of tomorrow if Direct Line have no major problems with it. roferg69 …

: Rules of Business 300293846633B When a manager asks (see: orders) you to be completely annoying by harassing somebody who is …

: DIE Some people in this fucking building really have issues, I’ve been trying to get 200 things …

: OH EM EFF GEE _angelfuck has teh luv for me! We will get married and have hit children in our American Style …

: Changes Gallore Well, it’s happened, Brie has now become Elvis (elvis.mso.cx). Now Baby Jesus …

: Announcement of DOOM Ladies, Gentlemen and Solicitors from Microsoft, I present to you Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Sweet Jesus I’m going to have this: Jesus! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 329813

: OMFGEEE After about 6 months I finally found the thingy to make my chair go up instead of back, so now I am …

: TEH INTARNET IS BADDDD Today I had somebody from this office in the Sheffield office, he needed to send an important email …

: 328980 Summary of this morning: 1 - Was attacked by my car boot, which scraped off a small layer of skin …

: HAHAHALOLZ cries of sorrow In teh n00z: Vatican claims that condoms don’t prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. In a statement …

: insert witty subject here The sales manager should die. Quickly. He wanders in says something about email not working and …

: sigh I’m seriously starting to get sick of his shit, we shall start from this morning: I’m …

: 328116 One of these days I’m going to lose it and hit him with a fucking brick, I received two phone …

: 327925 Last night headed out with Neil and David to the pub, had a fairly late night (we left about 1:30am) …

: KILL THEM AND EAT THEIR SOULS Some people are really fucking stupid, last night heading from Hungerford to Devizes I had the joy …

: I LUV TEH PPL LOTS The bloke in the stationary shop’s delivery van has made up for all the fucking cunt bastards …

: 326987 Yesterday, I get on MSN to chat and I find my eyes being assulted by this: Listening to: Vibe: …

: 326884 I am infinity You may worship me, but from afar _ what number are you?this quiz by orsa Listening …

: R U TEH GAYE This is what happens when you allow a 12 year old to make a quiz. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: OMFGEEE Thank sweet Jesus it's pay day tomorrow. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 326390

: n00z3 Some fucker nicked my front L plate today. I’m finding a gypsy to curse him. Updated my …

: 325873 The London office have once again misplaced the communal brain cell. I know this because of the …

: YurgheeeohGAH Transcript from this morning’s drive: Him: You should have gone. Him: You’re clear go …

: Lovely Great way to end the week Listening to: Vibe: bitchy LJ ItemID: 325297

: 324941 Seeing as thjorska is poorly today this post is here for his amusement ONLY, if anybody laughs other …

: 324797 If you truly love me you’ll add this interest to your listy. If you don’t, I’ll …

: Good golly Still. Bored. Purchased. New. Cheap. CD Player. Or. I. Would. Have. Claimed. Souls. Calm. Their. £3. …

: 324222 OMFG you are all going to LOLZ at this… BT’s intermaweb phone box crashed in a glorious …

: SleezyJet So, now I’m stuck in Newcastle Airport as SleezyJet has delayed my flight until….. …

: Damn Mrs Jenkins I will most likely have to go up to Durham tomorrow and if I know this company’s flight …

: OMFG TEH RING The US version of The Ring is a bit shit, in the Japanese version you see the crazy killer telly …

: Question of mass distruction Why when some famous person dies does liveJournal explode in a number of “OMFG [Name] has died …

: Sweet Jesus Look kids, this is where your TV Licence money is going: Hopefully it wasn’t one of their …

: Last night So last night we ended up going out to the pub, big mistake on my part. At first I had thought he …

: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT KTHNX I HAVE LOST THE FUCKING PLOT NOW I ask: Shall we go out to dinner? He says: rude tone must we, no, I …

: 322075 At some point I’m really going to lose the plot, everytime I offer to take him out to dinner I …

: LOLZ TO THE MAX I like Charlie he’s a really good dog, infact so good that he’s dispensed some good old …

: Phlogger is fun I’ve had a phlogger for a bit now, but I’ve FINALLY tested out the MMS feature. …

: 321315 After getting home we chacked the cars, thankfully David’s isn’t too bad (just minor …

: Bad fucking day Today is a really shit day. Why, this is how it started: Got in my car, shifted it in to gear and …

: 320777 What Is Your Battle Cry? Lo! Who is that, prowling amidst the terrain! It is Madsquirrel, hands …

: 320629 Greetings from Wales Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 320629

: 320402 BEST. SPAM. EVER. ethics tearful creases postoffices telegraphic scoffs adulterers scissor bowline …

: Uhhuh How form-letterish: Dear Kevin Welfordcostelloe, Thank you for contacting Register.com. This email …

: FUCKIN HELL Generally bad shit is happening, first of all I’m having “relationship issues” …

: Oh yes before I purge this from my mind I failed my driving test yesterday Was going too slow in the first half of it, thats why. So I …

: Im such a geek I’m buying myself one of these, then I shall find myself a crew, we will then find a ship, we …

: 319025 Goths Circle I Limbo General asshats Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind Parents who bring …

: Oh Bollocks Had a very scary moment today, went to collect my documents for my driving practical and place them …

: DONT SPAM ME KTHNX I’m going to kill Sky, I registered for news alerts ages ago and unsubscribed shortly after …

: thjorska and lj usermadsquirrel present TEH TARRARISTZ ATTAK!!!!!11111 Kevin says: OMG IT IZ NYNE ELEVAN AGAEN! THE TARRARISTZ ARE ATTAKINK! …

: TEH TARRARESTS HAVE ONE111 Power Outage effects bits of Canada and Americaland In related news President Bush is expected to …

: LOLZ of the Day I saw the funniest thing today, I wish I had taken a quick photo of it, but I didn’t :o( …

: OMFG111 IM PH070 WHOARING Finally after the constant stream of death threats O2 has decided it’s in their interest to …

: Bloody RIAA The RIAA are a bunch of fucking wankers, I’m attempting to get the full version of a song I …

: SPAM of the day Pulled from the depths of my pending mail queue: Subject: Have some Kool-Aid. From: …

: 316778 Keep up with Baby Jesus - Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 316778

: OMFG ITS HAWT It is too hot today, so hot infact my L plates almost became perminantly affixed to my car, you see …

: 316362 I seriously don’t know who the fuck he thinks he is sometimes, all I get all fucking day is …

: 316044 There is this programme on BBC One with deaf people debating various topics, this evening it’s …

: 315895 I offically own the following bits of my car: driver’s side door. a portion of a seat. three …

: 315414 OMFG VICTORIA BROUGHT LOLLIES! Listening to: Vibe: excited LJ ItemID: 315414

: 315138 I’ve told O2 Hello, I’ve requested to have MMS about a week or so ago, however, my …

: sigh It’s so very hot in the office again, we’re hitting about 29C to 30C which is not very …

: Yurgh LISTEN TO WHAT I AM SAYING, KTHNX I do enjoy being blatiantly ignored, you know, I say these things …

: 314557 Ohh, it’s there! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 314557

: Hurrah Today was fun. This morning was the first morning of the new lock, this new lock on the backdoor is …

: Im attention whoring Oh look at me I’ve changed my style to a generic LJ paid style. (hurrah) Listening to: Vibe: …

: 313629 This is why I love Spam Assasin: Content analysis details: (6.30 points, 5 required) …

: Some people Child kills cat in dryer. If the poster deletes it an archived copy may be located here. edit: links …

: Hurrah It’s so close now: Listening to: Vibe: happy LJ ItemID: 312958

: SPAM IS EEEVIL Gah, Spam really gets on my tits. Some arsehole spam twat sent an email to sales (at) …

: OMFG The Big Brother people should take notes from BB4 USA if their going to pull a Big Brother 5, why? …

: OMFG H4X0R5 473 MY 50X0R511111 I just upgraded my handset to a new V200 (MMS enabled) phone, c’est mucho groovy, I shall …

: 311937 Sould I even be remotely concerned that “O2” rang me up to ask if I was on a contract …

: Were all criminals YAY The RIAA launches a jihad against evil P2P users by suing them. if the link happens not to work, try …

: Todays Yoof I was walking to the petrol station when two boys (to be a “man” you have to be mature …

: 311122 Sorry, database temporarily unavailable. Listening to: Vibe: irate LJ ItemID: 311122

: and on the subject of pr0n Kid finds porn, parent bitches, shop tells her to bog off. if the other link is bugg3r3d. Listening …

: Bot Fun Session Start (Yahoo! - Energy1079:acmevibratorcustormer): Thu Jul 17 23:19:53 2003 …

: breathe slowly and calmly I’m seriously about to lose the plot, there is an “issue” (by issue I mean …

: Weekend Fun Went up to Cambridge this weekend, had a fairly good time did many things. On the friday I drove …

: 309920 Sometimes people steal stupid shit, but really this has to be pretty dumb. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 309609 You know, karma is a bitch Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 309609

: Ameriquote of the day Ameriquote of the Day(tm) Is this an overseas news feed? ‘Cause otherwise, I mean… the …

: Im far from impressed Today a certain program called “SETI@HOME” caused our mail server to slow down to a …

: OMFG KOOL Baby Jesus is processing LJ Code requests on my behalf. If you have an urge to request a LJ code …

: Photos Gallore I have Car photos and photos from Southampton. View and enjoy. Listening to: Vibe: geeky LJ ItemID: …

: LJ Code Spam First time I’ve received one of these: Hello, not so it is not pleasant for me to ask you …

: Hurrah for Southampton So I’m here in Southampton for the Balloon and Flower festival, so far it’s been good, …

: Syndication thingy I’ve created the feed which pulls from my other blog (powered by Movable Type). So if you want …

: 307563 My desk is haunted, shit keeps on falling off of it for no reason at all. Listening to: Vibe: …

: OMG NAME OUR BAYBEE eBay brings such joy to my life: Name our baby You can bid to name their fucktrophy for a small …

: Yarg The DSA should really add “How To Tax Your Fucking Car” to their theory tests, why …

: Somebody please remind me when “Comic Relief” took place. 01 Jul 2003 POS XXXX 27JUN03 1200 , COMIC RELIEF , …

: Joy Had another driving lesson, this time we went around Malborough (oh such fun), dodged some posh …

: Comment as you want Riiiiight, THANK YOU VICTORIA —–Original Message—– From: Kevin …

: Hurrah The joys of cow You all may spam my guestbook with your love. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 306081

: 305873 Spam bots, I bring you a feast of shite email addresses! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Hurrah I’ve got car now :o) Went to a few places in Swindon and had a bit of shouting in the car due …

: 305248 I’m one step closer to owning a car now :o) I was approved for the loan, although the bloke …

: 305125 I’m off to the bank at 13:30 for an appointment to see if they want to assist me in purchasing …

: JUST A REMINDER A child like the one shown above is obviously more competent than I am, so please if you require …

: 304454 1998 S Reg Suzuki Swift Swift 1.3 GLX Petrol, Manual 5 speed, Blue, Hatchback, 12,000 miles , 5 …

: 304339 Been looking at purchasing a car today had a chat with which was quite helpful as I haven’t …

: 304101 Found these “Pod” things on O2, not a fucking clue how to work them but hey, give it a …

: 303735 Just took a mock driving test with my instructor guy and I managed to do fairly well, just caught me …

: 303417 I’m scheduled to fail take my practical driving test on Tuesday, 19th of August, 2003 at 15:27 …

: BloodyLiveGerbil I just got my Harry Potter book and now I know what is going to happen, great, I might as well burn …

: 1M 50 1337 I’ve appearently done something to upset the insect community, as I was walking to the petrol …

: More driving fun I’ve got to book my practical test today before 6pm (as they close then) but I can’t …

: Monday Update All my writing devices are missing and all somebody left in trade was a blue pen that was somewhere …

: 302178 21:56 BST on Saturday June 21st, 2003 nrgonline has died. 21:57 BST on Saturday June 21st, 2003 …


: 301748 Baby Jesus can now speak. Add GroovyBabyJesus to your AIM list, currently he has only one relivant …

: 301314 Either Baby Jesus is withholding half of the intermaweb from me, or something is wrong with El Jay …

: 301098 CALL NOW: 090 1121 4403 Calls cost 25p Nevermind, he’s gone now. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 300927 I passed my driving theory test….. K3V1N 0WNZ J00 D54! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Baby Jesus Lives I have a new server, it’s called “Baby Jesus”. I called it Baby Jesus because if …

: 300510 From : Caught on Film: The Bush Credibility Gap Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 300510

: 300219 Today our server in London died in a glorious display of power supply failure, which means all hell …

: OMFG Instant Internet Girl Friend! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 299778

: 299678 _angelfuck has been added to the cult. _angelfuck your cult introduction schedule is as follows: …

: Brilliant We all know what happens when a Smart car takes on a tank on one of those tank crossings right? …

: 299070 Session Start (AIM - nrgagainto:CuteOlyBoi69): Sat Jun 14 01:25:36 2003 NRGagainTO: OI matey *** …

: 298863 (cross posted to OS X and Seattle communities) Mac people in Seattle with OS X experience, email me, …

: OFFICAL ANNOUNCEMENT is a member of the cult my friends list. Say hello or I’ll issue the command to take the …

: Joyus fun of the nether years Last night was fairly interesting, went out to the pub with Neil & Amy had a few pints and then …

: Diplomacy I had to send an email to our marketing company (whom I dislike more than dislikes ntl) I wanted to …

: 297823 As most of you have heard David Beckham could possibly be sold to Barcelona, I for one say Good …

: 297504 All is not well with my body. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 297504

: OMFG a reason why you lot should switch to gradwell dot com: I sent an email via their sms2email gateway …

: 297194 added me to his friends list at some point. This is groovy. Say hello to my minions everybody! edit: …

: 296754 MONKEY! Listening to: t.A.T.u - 30 Minutes Vibe: drunk LJ ItemID: 296754

: 296459 Elijah Wood looks like the creature from Alien, those crazy popping out eyes and oddly shaped head …

: 296299 After yesterday’s move around I took photos, they are here: Listening to: Lisa Scott-Lee - …

: Things have been moved Had a big move around with various bits of computer and computer products so now all the machines …

: 295799 Somebody forgot to give me the memo about companies not wanting my money in return for services. …

: 295573 thjorska gave me an idea. Listening to: Vibe: satisfied LJ ItemID: 295573

: Godfuckingdamit I’m again deciding if unemployment would be the better option for me at this present time, not …

: Banking oh such fun I’ve got two mystery charges which won’t be detailed on my statement until Tomorrow. …

: sigh Ever have one of those days where you know it’s going to end in tears bloodshed, well …

: Update I’ve got my three statement today, it’s £5.75 for this month. However I’m not too …

: OMFG ABOUT FUCKING TIME Do you know what playing Yoshi’s Island 3: Super Mario Advance for the SECOND TIME AROUND can …

: 293971 Another interesting call via the auto-attendant: “Hi, I don' think I have the right department …

: 293747 O2 are fucking twats, I received this text message today: Mmail will be withdrawn from your tariff …

: 293500 LJ BarcodeLJ username: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 293500

: 293371 I found my USB cable for my three phone, here is a short video of my brother from when I was in …

: 293040 I’m just listening to this Sean Paul track and it’s brought a few memories from my …

: Post banking Trauma I’ve been traumatised by money! First off I did my monthly money move, which found my current …

: 292398 Blair receives warm greeting in Iraq I’m sure there is a law against that Listening to: Vibe: …

: 292297 It’s offical, today is a warm day. Signs: Fit blokes remove shirts Shorts become revealing …

: DiscoveryThings to do I’ve discovered one thing today, without Direct Debits I’d probably never pay bills. …

: Quizzery How Would YOU Take Over the World? Listening to: Vibe: bored LJ ItemID: 291768

: 291346 I can be a real arsehole at times to some people but most of them deserve it. I’ve been sick …

: 291254 If any of you reader people work at Orange can you please go up to Manufacturing and find a lady …

: 290841 The kids on tonight’s Home on Their Own are going to be crucified when their parents return …

: CITV After watching an episode of BoohBah for the first time I realised ITV should invest in random drug …

: 290523 One of the two resident arseholes seems to have this idea that I care about every little thing he …

: 290164 Just had an HOUR of phone tag with BT, appearently acording to their customer service people one of …

: 289895 Stolen Borrowed without consent from : Jebana Listening to: Vibe: tired LJ ItemID: 289895

: London I’ve been in London since Saturday and until Tuesday at exactly 19:33 (or later if the trusty …

: Pink Pants I’ve done a bit of scripting and managed to get all users to say this (see image) when they …

: What in gods name Today I received a call from an agency, not just any agency, an agency that somehow obtained my name …

: New toy I’ve been working on my new palace for the last few days and I’ve got a really good idea …

: Fun with mobiles I’m clearing out an old Nokia and there are a 104 messages (after I deleted 30) on it. …

: 288318 This happens to be the prefect example of a shit bot attempting to sell me porn: Session Start …

: Reasons why you shouldnt eat from vendors at festivals While I was at the Oxford Balloon Fiesta I had the pleasure to view this lovely event. Listening to: …

: Pants I’m out in a park in Oxford at the moment using up precious cash because my bloody GPRS has …

: Stolen Ideas Darian has been doing a section called “Ask Darian” on his website for a fair bit of …

: 287351 will probably enjoy this as much as I do: member gets told! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 287199 I was going to post about my general incompitence but We're not going to even touch the fucking …

: More office stories More stories of our resident arseholes Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 286829

: 286695 I had enough, I want to go home now. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 286695

: 286418 Today is slowly turning into one of those “in 10 minutes I’m going to start screaming …

: STOP THE RIDE I WANT TO GET OFF NOW OK, I am RIGHT-FUCKING-PISSED-OFF now, I’ve been asked (read: demanded) to move numbers from …

: 285603 finally got into LJ Drama, somehow I’m not supprised at all. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Alarm problems Todays car related events. I do apologise for the lack of correct spacing and paragraphs, but …

: Car fun The Jimny’s alarm has been binned, seriously it’s in the rubbish bin outside, more …

: Update I’ve remembered that the cake was still in the car (mind you missing bits) so I pulled it out …

: Birthday Photos Well I checked the camera and it seems that somebody when browsing the photos ended up deleting …

: HEY SHORTIE ITS YOUR BIRFDAY set-up a birthday supprise at the pub last night, I was quite impressed because I didn’t even …

: Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ve got the day off meaning I have another 4 day weekend to do things in (hurrah for …

: 283899 There is a god Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 283899

: 283605 I think I just traded my chair… if so I’ll be upset, it goes well with my non-table …

: 283148 Hurrah my first driving lesson in the rain…. yes, this will be interesting…. …

: I love wrong numbers I received a call on my mobile tonight from a random number I’ve never seen from a girl …

: Weekend I’ve had a computer free weekend, mainly because on firday night I could no longer look at a …

: 282430 Last night I received a text from Neil telling me to call a London number asking for …

: Update your address books again I’ve changed my email address again, the welford.costelloe.name email address was a good idea, …

: 281964 I think I’m going to be ill…. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 281964

: I AM THE KING Just now I managed to spill coke all over the front of my shirt while in the process of drinking …

: Gallery I finally got “Gallery” to work on my webserver (read: too fucking lazy to install it …

: 281237 HOT or NOT 9.9 12345678910 10,946 votes Rate me! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 280937 I thought of something really important I needed to do this afternoon, however my (work) phone rang, …

: Email Joy I just got this back Dear Kevin, Our server experienced a problem this morning (at approximately …

: HURRAH My email is completely FUCKED today. Oh thank god for technology. (ps. I’m bouncing emails …

: AntiTheift device Just watching Reality TV on cable, this American programme is going on about crime and various crime …

: 279908 Brilliant Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 279908

: 279719 Is this even worth the 40p a minute (plus 20p connection fee), I doubt there is any difference to …

: Why me Everybody knows I have a co-worker who is an arsehole, well today in all his wisdom he asked me to …

: 279111 Easter has hit MadSquirrels.co.uk, infact I’ve even added a new module for the easter season. …

: 279036 Hurrah! I’ve won! yay :o) THANK YOU ! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 279036

: 278723 (deleted) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 278723

: 278278 Facts of life: Oral sex makes your day and anal sex makes your hole weak Listening to: Vibe: …

: Quiz betcha saw that commin jason What Slasher Movie Killer Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 277890 I had a driving lession, didn’t make a mess of the bonnet, another sucessful day. Listening …

: Somebody got PLAYED Complaints.com received the following consumer message on April 11, 2003: From: Arika …

: Whyohwhy …. must they flock to me (strange people who I don’t know): Session Start (Yahoo! - …

: More joyus joy I heard on BBC Radio Five Live* a brief discussion about the military and how the wife of a soldier …

: 276867 p.s. this is some freaky shit Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 276867

: 276613 After hearing Bush on the tee vee this morning I’ve determined and will publicly announce the …

: 276474 With that my ego has now grown to the size of Spain. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Joyus when the bot first signs on it says "I am online" to me, so I just started from there. edit: …

: I hate the human body can I be a cyborg Woke up this morning at 6:00am, why because my useless lob of human flesh decided that it was going …

: Idiocy The Americans have asked the REGIMES OWN Police force back, well thats a good idea, why don’t …

: 275203 Americans, Fear Google! Try searching Google.com for a random New York number (ie 212-XXX-XXXX) so …

: HOLD UP Is it just me or did the Western Media bitch endlessly when Al Jeezera showed footage of DEAD US …

: 274860 Don’t you love those cold-related coughing sessions that make you turn PURPLE? Oh look, there …

: 274488 Checking my whitelist for valid emails I come to the conclusion I get some strange shit: Is it just …

: 274271 Today on the Gay.TV Chart a butch Italian bloke Satelite is amazing innit? Listening to: Vibe: …

: 274133 READ NOW So far trigger happy cowboys have killed: British Soliders Other American Soliders …

: Gahhhhh I have some form of infection or likeness that has given me a stuffed head and a nose that …

: 273513 At one point this afternoon I pulled the following maneuver. Edit: I just drove on the wrong side of …

: 273180 There are some people in this office who give HUMAN SCUM a BAD NAME. This individual who will remain …

: 273030 Lets see the Americans explain this off. Listening to: Vibe: horrified LJ ItemID: 273030

: 272861 If you check my ph log you can see exerpts from last night :o) Listening to: Vibe: content LJ …

: 272457 L0LZ I 4M L00K1NG 4 PHR13NDZ 3V3RY1 I L0VE 4VR1L L4VIGN3 + M4R1LYN M4N50N B/C TH3Y R S0 D33P + STUFF …

: Website Updated my website so you must visit. Listening to: Vibe: calm LJ ItemID: 272152

: Lies LIES LIES Remember how NatWest has advertised that you can directly call your bank? Well you can’t or at …

: 271669 posted a list of people and why they are on his friends list. I’m quite tempted to do that …

: Bloody body I want an EXCHANGE Yesterday whilst going up a hill (on the back of ’s quad) with various and large holes in it I …

: Bath FUN Went into Bath today orignally just for measure-thingys for alcohol, but ended up going shopping. I …

: America Only in America: Listening to: Vibe: lethargic LJ ItemID: 271006

: UJ I’ve got a uJournal now along with my blurty and NeedlessPanic account. kapow or try …

: 270583 Kevin Costelloeis aCoconut-Eating Disco Monkey...with a Battle Rating of 8.0To see if your …

: Note to self Personal Note: Never post ANYTHING to livejournal at 7:56am. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Post Bitch Why is the non-gender specific post delivery person ALWAYS late on Thursdays and Fridays? Never on …

: Drinking Games Want to play some drinking games? Go here and turn on News 24! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Support the Kevin Fund Indirectly support my savings account in an effort to purchase a Sony PD150. Go here and get a free …

: Shizzolator Isn’t ‘Freeview’ misleading because I has buy new equipment? Freeview is called that because that …

: 268948 I finally got an email back from O2 and it seems they have a filter on the word “OFTEL” …

: 268721 The Guinness is again going down well. Kevin 1 Liver 0. I win, you loose. Listening to: Vibe: …

: TRAY UP BITCH TRAY UP BITCH! An airline’s passenger cabin was being served by an obviously gay flight …

: 268099 For those with bad emissions Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 268099

: 267797 Fuck, I just lost £5 in the void that is my paper tray. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 267708 It’s propiganda-rific! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 267708

: OMFG I just found a Sony PD150 (which I’ve had experience with at a television station) it’s …

: 267206 I have REALLY got to get back into videoing, I haven’t seriously done it for a good few years …

: To the American Forces Note to US Military: RAF does not stand for iRaqi Air Force. Listening to: Vibe: annoyed LJ ItemID: …

: OMG WTF I NEED A GAS MASK And you just know 100% of AOL subscribers have bought a mask off of these people. Listening to: …

: 266441 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 266441

: 266152 O2 has sucessfully ignored my latest email, I’ve re-sent it and if I receive no reply in the …

: 265968 If you have any intention of linking directly to this image don’t be to supprised if I demand …

: Canada I was reading CBC News Online and found these stories: PM says Canada won’t fight in Iraq. and …

: a hrefhttpwwwchickenheadcomstuffmoviepitchindexaspTeen Movie PitchA Hey Michael! It’s me, Kevin! Remember? We met at Mariah Carey’s coke dealer’s …

: a hrefhttpwwwchickenheadcomstuffoscarresultsaspOscar SpeechA Kevin’s Acceptance Speech for the Most Over-Produced Victorian Epic Oscar: Thank you! Oh! …

: 264834 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 264834

: 264521 Read This Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 264521

: 264339 I’ve found ANOTHER mis-spelling of my surname. I think it may win the award for corporate …

: Updates Update: Driving went well, he was 30 minutes late so it was a short session, however I got two free …

: Driving There is about a little over an hour to go before I start my lesson tonight and I’m nervous …

: Offical Notice ATTENTION RESIDENCE OF THE DEVIZES AREA. During the times of 17:30 and 18:30 on Monday, 17th March, …

: 263318 and I are proving one thing in this post it’s the most important thing on earth and I’ll …

: More a hrefhttpwwwo2coukO2A This month I got a shock when I saw my mobile bill, because O2 had again fucked up my tariff. I …

: Personal note I’m not as smart as I think I am sometimes. My (work) laptop screen flickers, so I use another …

: 262596 I’m greatly annoyed with B(itch)T(elecom) we have a number of ADSL lines in a number of …

: 262239 I was so told! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 262239

: 262049 The TV Licence folk are at it again! Listening to: Vibe: amused LJ ItemID: 262049

: 261805 I hate computers, there is NO REASON it should take 5 hours to copy 1 GB worth of data across a …

: So Ive changed it a little Kevin is ________. Kevin thinks a lot about _______ using only a plastic tube and coloured mice. …

: 261278 I’ve just counted all my 10p, 20p, 50p and £1 pieces and guess what the total came to…. …

: 260996 Anybody want to see ’s shaved cock? Listening to: Vibe: ditzy LJ ItemID: 260996

: Servers Today one of our servers is up and down like a hookers panties. So far the longest uptime has been …

: 260441 Today I’m just sitting at home alone as and the dog objects are up in Solihull with his …

: 260220 I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. I drink Guiness because the Irish have …

: 259899 If anybody is on Blurty feel free to be friend myself (nrgonline) and such. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Monkey I just donated £30 to the DEC Crisis Appeal today. I think I may make it a monthly ritual. Listening …

: 259436 I’m not very impressed with myself today, I was on the phone with about a network problem and …

: 259177 I managed to save the company from being scammed out of £95. I’m quite impressed with myself. …

: oh dear Which Unwanted Sexual Gesture Are You? Made by the fine folks at daylighttwilight.com Listening to: …

: 258741 Since when did “IT Department” stand for “Moving your office around”? …

: Notice NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, FOR IMMEDATE RELEASE I am only one person with two arms and two legs, I can …

: 258094 Calm……. mellow………….. …

: NatWest I just saw an advert for NatWest, this advert shows how this bloke can actually ring his own branch, …

: 257596 Whatever. I give up. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 257596

: 257367 I’ve! got! Yahoo! Instant! Messenger! on! my! mobile! IM! me! on! touchladygodiva Listening …

: Hurrah It’s Saturday, I’m actually awake this weekend (as I’ve had two weeks of late …

: 256933 I have that song from Tatu stuck in my head, the only thing that is going through my head is #all …

: Shit Have you seen UK’s Worst on BBC One? Thats completely FUCKED UP who they bought a lioness for …

: Quotes From last night’s Rail Cops on BBC One: Yank: How do I get to St. Pancreas station Officer: …

: 256054 Bah, pinkypuffyfluff warned my bot a number of times. Bitch, just wait until I get a hold of them. …

: Logs gallore This just made me giggle, somebody attempted to have cyber sex with my bot. 02/18/03 04:51:23 …

: DutchessKev I’ve modified the responses to “who made you” and “who is your owner” …

: 255373 Shit, I’ve been through LJ clients like a hooker goes through condoms. Mac-Phoenix: 1.6.5, …

: DutchessKev Somebody was very intrested to find out who owned my bot: 02/14/03 02:25:12 PM:llamarobot911: hi …

: Can I say anymore I saw this on the feed, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: Stir Fry I’m going to attempt to do a stir fry tonight, with any luck the Fire Brigade won’t show …

: 254318 You want to read this. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 254318

: British Telecom “Thank you for calling BT, we’re now diverting your call to a random department only to …

: Bristol Went out to Bristol again, hit up Makro, ASDA, The Mall (specifically the Virgin Megastore, WH Smith …

: NationStatesnet My South Pacific island state of Nancy Island is going to hell in a handbasket. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 253331 One’s made of plastic and dangerous for kids to play with, the other one you take your …

: 252959 O2 update: I rang the “new” number, it told me to call the “old” number. I …

: 252815 FUCKING O2, they’ve changed me over to a FUCKING MMS package which means I’m not longer …

: 252641 I’ve made another wallpaper for my Samsung S100, here is what it looks like. *** warning crap …

: Children If this hadn’t come from a 14 year old who is practically stalking Avril Lavigne out of all …

: Booze I’m starting to get a taste for Guinness now this is very odd for me as Guinness is, well, not …

: An open letter to Orange cutomers Dear People Who Pay Orange money, Have you noticed that all your friends take 3 days to reply to …

: 251493 How evil are you? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 251493

: 251385 sparkle.gif has had 911 requests, all of which failed. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 251131 120 seconds to lunch. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 251131

: New logos Here are the two new wallpapers for my Samsung S100: This one will be used if I leave the network …

: AIM Won’t you IM me? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 250389

: Avril Latrine Burn the witch! Don’t let those smileing eyes and outreached palms fool you. She means to take …

: 250095 More spam about fighting spam! This time look at the TO: line Subject: Say goodbye to SPAM! From: …

: 249790 Total count of Guinness I’ve drunk in my life 5 Pints. Coming up on my 6th. Listening to: …

: 249425 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 249425

: 249127 Here is a very good reason not to drink drive. Click Here Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 248945 In the last few weeks I’ve lost the ability to spell correctly. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 248601 This CD (Monty Python Sings) was worth the €13.99 :o) Listening to: Monty Python Sings - Every Sperm …

: 248454 I have HUGE black lines under my eyes. Yet nobody has got the hint. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 248287 Aunti B modifies 404 page to speak out to the yoof. Done with asksnoop.com Listening to: Vibe: …

: 247957 I have that “I’m going to rip off your leg and beat you to death with it” …

: 247588 Another o2 post… I’m now convinced O2 are just stupid, not because they’ve …

: North Korea North Korea has warned the United States that any decision to send more troops to the region could …

: 247152 I’ve murdered sparkle.gif. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 247152

: Post limitations (* leechers notice: don't fucking directly link to this image or else *) Read this: …

: Humanity Some people should just learn when to shut up. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 246579

: 246443 Actual Ads seen in newspapers: Illiterate? Write today for free help. Auto Repair Service. Free …

: Dear John Generate your own “Dear John” letter! Dear John, By the time you read this, I’ll …

: There My journal/website layout is now “Ghetto booty display settings” enabled. Now, to break …

: Bullocks The tables are fixed. If you have a resolution under 1024x768 you can sod off until I make it more …

: Weyhey Whoo-hoo, I’ve sucessfully created my new layout (again) and yes I’m quite aware my lj …

: Testing I’m designing a new layout. Test Listening to: BBC News Vibe: amused LJ ItemID: 245063

: 244842 Uh, ok, this was a SPAM message sent to me: Because blocking SPAM should be easy! Fully integrated …

: 244501 In Dublin, story to tell, remind me tomorrow (this call is costing me 56p a minute). btw, I spent …

: New Mobile My mobile has a language, it is as follows (mind you this is the ‘service light’ …

: 244045 Maybe this is what Bush is aiming for Unsanctioned war in Iraq could lead to end of UN: former …

: Fun Just to cause complete confusion I’ve had this translated into …

: 243631 I must be a very evil individual. Session Start (MSN - Kevin Costelloe:Super Tape Girl): Wed Jan 29 …


: 243122 !! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 243122

: 242757 After hearing what happened to I sent him this text: Confirmation #: [EXCISED FOR PRIVACY] From: …

: Updates Driving: The AA is *STILL* fully booked. BSM is sending me a information packet. Hair: Sucessfully …

: 242211 The doglets Harry Hound Charlie Dog Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 242211

: 242124 What Kinky Sexual Activity Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Stop the ride I want to get off Steve & Claire came over last night for dinner. We drank 5 1/2 bottles of wine between myself, …

: Poll Do you consider President Bush a terrorist for launching an unprovoked “war” on Iraq? To …

: Things I’ve just bought a 250mb Zip drive from PC World for my mac. I’m quite proud of this …

: 240924 Listening to: Vibe: satisfied LJ ItemID: 240924

: 240673 asks where is your bliss? Third door to the left in the pink basket. asks Did you ever post a …

: 240633 asks What is your primary goal in life? To one day take over a small country in the south pacific …

: 240325 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 240325

: 239915 I got a very odd call. Anybody out there with a mobile number containing 07949 180 as the first 6 …

: Email from God I got this email this morning, although it’s sent in Binary. From: God & Son …

: 239525 The government is odd. I received my NHS number today, only about 3 weeks after I registered with my …

: O2 My god, this fool hasn’t even read my orignal email! Check out the O2 online Help Centre: …

: 238958 Btw, Look at me I’m Cherie Blair! (new lj icon) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Today I shall start this post with some words of wisdom (provided by the Pot Noodle Company): Love makes …

: 238559 For gods sake people, I’m on my way NOT ALREADY THERE! nigeybracknell: That wanky time of …

: 238294 It’s offical, I’m getting pissed. I’ve started to icq/msn/Y!/aim anybody and …

: IT Hairstyles Me and Jon are discussing IT Hairstyles on Out. If you’ve sat infront of a computer for more …

: Hurrah ohhh….errr…. it lost my post! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 237697

: Hurrah I’ve updated my layout and such, but since it’s using frames I had to create a public …

: Leech I got this off of one of the leechers: You left me a message in my guestbook at XXXXX.com and …

: 236825 I’ve unintentionally changed my LJ look. However, this is a good thing as I’m going to …

: 236679 FUCK YOU Bush, You’ve fucked us all. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 236679

: Holy fucking shit Ive won I’ve won against a spammer! Dear Sir/Madam, Please be informed that the misbehaving …

: See what you cant do O2 Is it just me, or does o2 seem not to want your 50p a minute for client “care” today? …

: Present From Amazon So I got my Anti-Virus software today and I’ve just installed it. I’ve also added the …

: 235673 After quite a bit of time and have been added to my friends list, however since I keep no …

: New toy New toy to be purchased soon: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 235360

: TiVO I told you TiVO is evil ;o) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 235182

: Harry Potter I just pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix from Amazon.co.uk for only £8.49. I …

: Amazing Amazoncouk If amazon sucessfully deliver this today I’ll be impressed. (note I ordered this about 7/8pm …

: Personal Note Kevin, Tomorrow you must ring Bernice! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 234426

: Finally I’ve finally done something good, I’ve purchased a copy of Norton Anti-Virus for Mac OS …

: 233746 New LJ Icons, now featuring men. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 233746

: 233513 This is the desktop on my iMac. It is under used, however when my other mac (assuming it works …

: International Telecoms Upon ringing 001 905 271 (XXXX) I receive the following message from the Canadian telecom: …

: 233186 nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo …

: 232919 There is £12.20 missing from my bank account, I have to wait a few days to find out if it’s a …

: Im forshamed Yes, I admit it, I set-up an LJ for my beloved Zazie (a Macintosh PowerPC who managed to run three …

: 232324 Note to self: Unattended £10 notes and wallets are usually borrowed and not returned. Additional …

: Last night Last night after work me and went to Argos to get a replacement kettle because the dog things …

: Photoshopping I wonder if the DVLA would sell me this registration: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 231644 Normally I frown on websites like the one I’m about to advertise, but hey the girl who runs …

: 231373 Ohh ohh America has a new Economic plan!* * unlike most people I’m quite aware whitehouse.org …

: 231122 I’m angry at the dogs, they distroyed the quick boil kettle, it now takes FOREVER to boil …

: 230664 What Fucked Up Disney Princess Are you? brought to you by Quizilla Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 230520 Today I’ve learned the following: O2's answerphone service thinks I don't exist. They hate me. …

: 230343 It’s SNOWING! The country will come to a complete standstill in the next 2 hours, hurrah! …

: 230009 I guess I don’t understand the logic of the gun control movement. Did anyone really expect …

: The gun issue from BBC News Online It should be a basic right in this country for everyone to own a firearm (except for machine guns or …

: Gah There is a small problem with our exchange server at work, it has issues with people who are running …

: Its Bacardi Dear Kevin Thanks for your email regarding the Bacardi Breezer Celebrity Lifestyle Instant Win …

: 228869 Somebody in this building has lead one of our suppliers/customers to believe my DDI number is a fax …

: Joy This is the best way to sell ringtones: Listening to: Vibe: creative LJ ItemID: 228784

: 228591 The following are phrases I’m most likely to use in the next 5 years: Bullocks, I’m …

: 228129 Email address change has been successful. kevin@nrgmedia.org.uk is now live. Listening to: Vibe: …

: shreak I’m going to update my email address again (yes I know) but this is because of technical …

: 227813 Click Here. You know you want to. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 227813

: Hotness I’ve added the following people to my friends list. And yes, mostly because they’re …

: 227229 Bullocks, I should have posted the former post that resided here in , and I just moved it. Hurrah. …

: O2 Were quite dumb I just got this from O2: Dear Kevin, Thank you for contacting O2 Customer Care. I can inform you as …

: 226605 I just emailed o2 in regards to Bacardi’s little theift-a-thon with my mobile, with any luck …

: 226521 I thought this was stupid enough to make it onto my journal: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 226233 Until sometime next year (tomorrow) I will be only availble via text. If you want to text me then …

: 225870 I just got my fixed licence today. Hurrah! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 225870

: 225752 I’m a tad irate at Bacardi, they charged me 13 times when I should have been billed twice in …

: Hurrah I’ve just created my first standing order to have £50 deposited into my eSavings account every …

: Joy Recent things: Was sent a package on December 1st, which Royal Mail has of course lost it in a …

: 225008 I know who gave me the ‘1’, the same person who gave me a ‘7’ ;o) (btw, it …

: 224649 Who’s the bastard who gave my site a ‘1’? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Realisation I realised about 20 minutes ago I hate this office, what I hate most about it is the colour or lack …

: 224129 I am so going to get one of these when they come out. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: New Toy Look, I have a new toy! O2 Pocket Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 223847

: Boredom again Today has been a farly eventful, I went into Melksham to get David a christmas present, I …

: Fog It’s quite foggy now, although it’s kinda groovy. I don’t feel like lunch today, …

: 223170 This is some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Damn NatWest taken from NatWest Online Banking @ 0857GMT. Online banking my ass, last time I checked my balance …

: 222551 I forgot this: I want those fuckwits at NatWest to get a clue. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 222271 Things I want in the upcoming year: A Samsung S100 My fixed licence back. To pass my test. My D10. A …

: PeePee I forgot to urinate in some form of clean object earlier today, so to avoid buying a coffee for …

: More America I can’t believe this crap even exists, it seems the Bush brainwashing campaign has been more …

: Mwahahahahahahaha EVILCHEESE.COM IS ALIVE! I've got it working, well, kinda, PostNuke hasn't blown up yet and my …

: Problem I have a problem on my hands, I’ve been thinking of Christmas and I’ve stumbled on a …

: 220959 I just called the DVLA and complained about this licence, it’s one thing to make an error in a …

: 220901 I found another error on my licence, it says my birthdate is May 3rd, 1943. Now i’m extremely …

: 220643 I’ve just been told I’m gaining a Wiltshire accent. Kill me now. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Three Things I got my provisional licence, but the DVLA buggered it up, I’m now Kevin Welford-Costellos, …

: from a hrefhttpwwwchickenheadcomstuffsantaindexaspSanta Letter GeneratorA Dear Pagan Troll, This year, I have been a very Ritalin-addled little boy. I have compulsively …

: 219650 It’s time for LUNCH! I’ll be walking up to the petrol station shortly. It’s cold, …

: 219622 I am soooooooooo tired today! I need to get to sleep sometime soon, I dunno maybe around 6pm or …

: 219165 Sparkling Text, Hurrah! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 219165

: a thought Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. Listening to: Vibe: tired LJ ItemID: 219067

: More complaints Another idiot: From: Paul Herr [peherr@chorus.net] RE: Epson Stylus Color 800 Printer - 2 minute …

: Two things I found £6 in one of my pockets this morning the following person is incompitent/whiney: RE: Mrs. …

: 218261 David has come through, when he said he was going to eat at Steve’s I almost had a break down, …

: 217895 16:17 - Emotionally slapped Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 217895

: 217832 Why am I feeling this way over NOTHING AT ALL, really it’s nothing but why is it doing this, …

: 217586 I just made a martyr out of a pen and no I’m still not handling this well. Listening to: …

: 217277 I just threw out my lunch that I only had two bites of. No I’m not dealing with this well am I …

: 216671 It’s silent in here. I fear silence like people fear death, silence is death, I’m alone …

: 216494 I’m all alone in this office lit with flourecent lights and it’s white walls. It’s …

: Bad sign Within the last 20 minutes I’ve become vicious, very very vicious. I figured this would …

: 215886 For all who haven’t yet figured this out: I AM NOT FREESERVE TECHNICAL SUPPORT Listening to: …

: 215598 I need to buy something, expensive things make me feel better. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Misjudgement I think I made a misjudgement in this post, I feel like shit today. I feel isolated, like I’m …

: O2 It’s been a slow month: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 215250

: America again I’ve been reading this then found to my horror these replies to it: “My wife and I were …

: 214569 The weirdest thing just happened, when I was on my calling spree last weekish I got another …

: Update David is going to the ‘Tuesday’ thing tomorrow. I don’t care. I’ve won the …

: a letter Dear America, “Colour” not “Color”. -Kevin Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 213907 The taxi bloke knows me to the spot, I called to book a taxi for friday at my usual time and he said …

: Doctor fun I registered with a doctor today, about time I did it too, eh? Anyways, I have to fill in a form and …

: 213463 I just (finally) called Stephanie in Eire and she has two children, which is cool and she said if …

: Webcam There is an on/off webcam running on my laptop now, so you can now see what I’m doing when …

: 212798 New icon! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 212798

: 212516 No matter what anybody says, this IS snow weather! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 212516

: Watch again I discovered a new interesting feature on my watch, I can change the colour of any day I feel, so …

: 212087 I forgot to call Stephanie last night, darr, not good, I must do it tonight though along with …

: 211769 I just noticed this…. but will be missed. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 211769

: 211695 I’ve had a good day today, firstly I got an email from Bernice today (regarding our phone …

: 211359 I just called my aunt(?) in Co. Sligo in Ireland, they live on a hill :o) Listening to: Vibe: …

: 211017 I’ve got a dumb look on my face, I just received an email from Laura with a handfull of …

: 210828 On the bright side of life, it’s evil cheese! (I’m still not on the bright side of life …

: Thought provoking post again I think I should explain the ‘Tuesday’ thing, first off it’s not the fault of any …

: 210395 I suspect I will be the follwing for the next week: Angry, Hurt, Sad, Raged, Left Out, Depressed and …

: 210024 What I want for christmas depends on a single email, if I get it well then I want money for …

: Holy Shit This is a bit scary: Subject: (no subject) From: “YASAR” [babarsharif62@(EXCISED).com] …

: 209600 After having a slight breakdown I decided to make this webpage, it looks utterly pants but design …

: 209330 Dear Kevin, In the event this causes increadible madness in the future, the word you’re …

: Death to mobiles O2 are bastards, their GPRS and the 915000 service is FUCKED, I can’t even make an outbound …

: 208687 Just finishing off in Calais, queued to board, and i just realised i haven’t ate anything at …

: See what you can do for a 50p a minute call O2 So I got in contact with O2 as a so rarely do as their ‘customer service’ is highly over …

: Next Tuesday This is a brief run down of Tuesday December the 3rd: CHIPPENHAM to BRENTFORD: Chippenham 3.12.02 …

: 207904 Personal note, I should really learn to use the ‘post to journal’ option when wanting to …

: 207834 Bloody BACC Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 207834

: 207552 (another buggered entry – ignore) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 207552

: 207340 I just got off the phone with the DVLA in Bristol and they’re going to send me a handfull of …

: 206860 Not a good day at all. I went to the post office to send in my drivers licence application, I used …

: 206760 Anyody want a new nose? not actual auction. not actual auction site. get the drift? Listening to: …

: DEAR GOD I’ve got a Sophie Ellis-Bitch Cow Bexter song caught in my head, And IT WONT STOP LOOPING! …

: 206313 (re-edited due to fuck up – I should really learn how to use the web client correctly) …

: SMS Spam Anybody else get this junk on your mobile? Congrats yr claim num 74[EXCISED] £1000max £10mn value …

: Savings So, I’ve just registered for a savings account with my bank, which is good because I now have …

: 205399 Get free junk, like free email and free uk internet access at: MadSquirrels.net Listening to: Vibe: …

: Its the police Well just had another one of those run ins with the police. We had a quad on the back so that was a …

: Testing Just seeing he i can post via wap Listening to: Vibe: Test LJ ItemID: 204996

: 204735 I just had to help that poor fool out with some new material. Dear Sir, I have received your highly …

: 204510 As fun as this routine is getting, heres another account you can close knowing 15 more idiots will …

: A letter Dear Webserver, DIE. Love -Kevin Listening to: Vibe: cranky LJ ItemID: 204212

: Bush a Moron A canadian offical states what the world has known for a very long time PRAGUE - An offhand comment …

: 203584 GO HERE NOW! It makes you fink dunit? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 203584

: 203426 Just when I though it couldn’t get better Complaints.com received the following consumer …

: 203224 All I have to say is, sucks to be you. Complaints.com received the following consumer message on …

: Checklist Things to do today (tick when completed): Wake Up. Have Lunch. Listen to voicemail messages. …

: First LJ Entry ever I stole this off of who stole it off of . In the comments thingy post the first ever LJ entry …

: 202403 It seems the bulding across the street is on fire or something, which could possibly explain why the …

: 202231 I just noticed that my email address that receives sooo much spam hasn’t received anything …

: 201857 Bullocks Subject: RE: Samsung S100 Tri-band GSM/GPRS From: “Kathryn Levy” Date: Thu, …

: 201553 has posted one of our convos on AIM. look see! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 201553

: 201449 ewwww Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 201449

: 201054 Dear Auntie B, When is the 2nd season of the US Queer as Folk airing? I would have looked it up but …

: 200952 If you live in the UK and you’re over the age of 18, you must click here in a desperate chance …

: 200598 I have to save £536.09. I’m going to start on my upcoming paycheque. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 200246 Holy….. fucking….. shit! IWANTONENOW Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 200246

: 200081 To the spammer(s) that have been harvesting email addresses from my journal please pick up the …

: 199743 If you’ve ever received one of those windows messenger pop-up ads go here this is the company …

: 199525 I also had to share this one: Why Can’t Everything Orange Be Anal Intercourse? Listening to: …

: Solgan I’ve sloganised Anal Intercourse and here is what I got: Anal Intercourse - The Freshmaker! …

: fun sort of Look, look I’ve started a new venture! The Mad Squirrels Corporation Listening to: Vibe: …

: Same weekly shit If I were in a better mood today I’d probly give a fuck, but I don’t so here is the …

: First ever filtered friends post So this is the first time I’ve done this, and you’ll know why in a moment. Today at work …

: 198162 I NEED to talk to somebody on ICQ/MSN/AOL/Y! whatever, I don’t care who you are but I NEED to …

: 198057 Wow, Instant de-humanisation, I never knew that was apart of my contract. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 197716 (generic entry due to fuck up) Listening to: Vibe: irate LJ ItemID: 197716

: 197395 kevin is ready for the storm kevin is free kevin is leaving kevin is someone kevin is getting ready …

: 197362 Somebody nicked my yoghurt. I’m going to fucking kill them. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 197095 Dear people, In the event I may one day insult you feel free to call up the FrequentlyDrunk.com …

: 196610 After yesterday’s deleted journal scare I have obtained a court order to stop from ever …

: 196513 It seems there is a weight loss patch out there! Just look! Listening to: Vibe: giggly LJ ItemID: …

: 196206 Somebody please inform my hosting company that they are OPEN, because it seems they’ve …

: 196066 fucking hell, my web hosting company’s ftp server is rejecting my password. It only does that …

: 195628 has deleted his journal! I’m upset now. And another thing, my friends page has been -free for …

: 195366 Hurrah! My games have arrived! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 195366

: 195204 I’d give my ENTIRE yearly salary to Tony Blair to have 5 minutes alone with this man, an axe, …

: Join My Mailing List Can you tell Im a promo whore Subscribe! Enter your email to join MadSquirrels! today!   </TD> </TR> …

: 194759 I just ordered The Sims Hot Date, The Sims Vacation and SimCity 3000 from Amazon.co.uk hopefully …

: 194436 America’s Worst Air Disaster occurred today when a small two-seater Cessna 152 plane crashed …

: Strange things I just downloaded a few images off my watch and decided I should show everybody my complete …

: 194022 How Horny Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 194022

: 193560 Has anybody else noticed the new DVLA road tax adverts? Well I have, I can’t believe the …

: 193409 Quote of the day: Humanity is bullshit -Me Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 193409

: 193093 some people should die. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 193093

: 192822 You're a LiveJournal Crackhead! No need to smoke rock, you've got an addiction that gives you enough …

: Grill So I was going to make some food, so seeing as there is a minor gas problem the hobs aren’t an …

: 192408 I am so fucking angry now, last night I was going to see the new Harry Potter movie, I was waiting …

: 192011 YOM Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 192011

: 191753 I’m under the impression either A) NatWest are a bunch of fools or B) NatWest has got so fed …

: 191565 It’s time for a real thought provoking post… or not. Anyways, Recently I have been …

: Good Old America I’m glad to hear that over a year later America is still being overly paranoid. A Muslim …

: 191096 The Planet Is Fucked Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 191096

: The Weekly eStat a day late Of 197 page views by 66 visitors in 96 visits (avg 1.45 visits per visitor/avg 2.80 page views per …

: 190486 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 190486

: 190220 Hurrah! Another one of my mad moments is going around Livejournal like a cheap whore on a tuesday …

: Youve all wanted it well maybe just lj userbarcis For : <h1>Es gibt Nonnen in meinem Wandschrank!</h1> <font size="1"There are nuns in …

: 189729 Ok, for those who are wondering I’m trying to get an image thingy to stop unauthorised …

: 189628 Blimey, does this work?!!?! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 189628

: 189325 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 189325

: 189163 Only one way to find out if this new bandwith script works: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 188680 Es gibt Nonnen in meinem Wandschrank! There are nuns in my closet! …

: 188472 drool (thats all I need to say for now) Listening to: Vibe: horny LJ ItemID: 188472

: Grandma (scary, innit?) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 188257

: 187971 To make EVERYBODY jelous: I’ve got tickets to Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets BEFORE …

: Groovy new toy Phoar! I just found a new online toy! After downloading the Alexa bar thingy I followed a few links …

: 187588 Again, all is not well in my stomache. I’m trying to keep the £2.30 of food I bought for lunch …

: 187153 This is so Jigganess!* may be made up word, check with your dictionary for details. Listening …

: 187033 I have a sneeze stain now Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 187033

: 186693 I lost my doughnut… So I looked for it…. Then I thought somebody had nicked …

: 186380 Hundreds maybe thousands of you may have got this, but for those who haven’t… try …

: 186301 I’m starting to get a bit dizzy for some reason. I think I want to go home now. Listening to: …

: 185874 heh, my last post amuses me greatly, I did it only because I could ;o) Listening to: Vibe: …

: 185621 abcdeFUCKINGfghijklmCUNTnopqrsSHITtuvwxyBULLOCKSz Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 185621

: I think Im ill Last night I: Thew up in a car park, fell asleep in the downstairs toilet and threw up again in the …

: 185143 “192, How can I help?” Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 185143

: 184873 Hurrah! We have shipped the following items in your order XXXXXXX on 2002-10-29: 1 CD VA PURE …

: 184689 I think karma is giving America a big kick in the ass, just look at everything that is/has been …

: 184513 I think I’m a bit of a dunce, I was convinced Virgin forgot to charge me for an order I made …

: bling bling The details of your order are listed below. Order No: XXXXXXX 1 CD VA PURE TRANCE: 2CD GBP 15.99 …

: 183953 Gah, I’m having so much fun with the work website, the company that designed it for us made it …

: 183801 But Manitoba lawyer Robert Tapper says in a free market, marketers have the right to spam all they …

: 183390 eww… my baby finger on my right hand has a slight crack in it (you may remember a certian dog …

: A sign Heres a sign that you picked a perfect password to protect an SQL database: If you can’t …

: 183009 “An award winning spam message” says the Daily Mail “I nearly cried when I read …

: 182748 This is so fucking halarious! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 182748

: 182374 Inregards to my last post, here is the reason why: An upload to ‘(livejournal posting …

: 182250 I’ll explain the last message later. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 182250

: 181825 testing… testing 123 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 181825

: 181695 My text messaging has gone down recently, I know this because o2 have just called me to see if I was …

: 181375 Monkey Boy: poke. i called your friend Monkey Boy: he told me to get lost Monkey Boy: and that he …

: 181207 I’ve received a gift… the company loves me…. but they’ll take it back when …

: 180763 My new email address is kevin@nrgmedia.org Abuse it wisely, btw, the Whitelist is still active on it …

: Today These are the things I saw today: The morning. When I got into work. Most of the morning and …

: more eStat fun Between 14 October to 20 October this is who has been enjoying my journal. Of 149 page views by 89 …

: 180004 Oh look its raining….. still Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 180004

: 179787 Discovery: Most of my online time is spent between porn and LiveJournal. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 179494 NEW TELLY!!!! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 179494

: 179442 My laptop has turned into an expensive paper weight, Windows eXtremely Pathetic Home Edition has …

: 179132 I got a new camera watch (colour) and it cost me £204 (with warentee) anyways, I just realised my …

: 178749 Good news, we’ve cleared 2,000 spam messages from the server. Bad news, there is 5,000 to go. …

: 178458 Fuck there is a fly caught in the light here Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 178458

: 178354 What’s your brand of sexy? brought to you by Quizilla Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 178107 C’mon, they can’t even breed! What pisses you off? Created by ptocheia Listening to: …

: 177720 Whats with the children band on ITV2?! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 177720

: 177560 This bit nicked from ’s livejournal: WITH THE OPPOSITE SAME SEX what do u notice first?: The …

: 177281 I’m Pinky Linky, who are you? My name is…. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 177142 All is not right in my stomache. Listening to: Vibe: sick LJ ItemID: 177142

: 176662 Playing phone tag at the national rate is a fun game. Listening to: Vibe: apathetic LJ ItemID: …

: 176528 If anybody wants a laugh feel free to ring 00 1 514 493 7425 and ask for Mr. Seuriano. Once he comes …

: 176265 National Rate Sex Line(tm) 0870 080 1699 (again, not actual sex line, I own this number) and if you …

: 176085 Local Rate Sex Line(tm) 0845 020 4200 (I own this number, not actual sex line) Listening to: Vibe: …

: 175749 Funny how NatWest can proccess a weeks worth of transactions on my switch with in… ohh 3 …

: 175506 Look my new background (it’s slightly large, but nice except the o2 bit) Listening to: Vibe: …

: 175159 I wish I had a….. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 175159

: 174909 Today I went into the Virgin Megastore in Bristol and I found something very intresting, it’s …

: 174717 I’d like to appologise to and for buggering off so quickly earlier. But I had to quickly …

: 174471 It's National Speeding Day! Listening to: Vibe: excited LJ ItemID: 174471

: 174319 Pray for me because I said so. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 174319

: 173957 I enjoy this person’s icon so. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 173957

: 173815 If you remember yesterday that I went to NatWest and was told I was going to get £35 back, well …

: 173425 My ‘sexy men who add me to their friends list’ list is growing rapidly these days as you …

: 173174 is going to jail… FREE MISS CLEO! START A RIOT!* * = in the event you start a riot the Kevin …

: 172806 I got £35 back from NatWest. How very unexpected! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 172806

: 172706 NatWest has again fucked me off. I’m going to demand the £25 I paid them back, they sent the …

: 172515 My webcam can be found on my webpage. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 172515

: 172235 David is absolutly rubbish at “Wrecked!”. I’ve never laughed this hard before :o) …

: 171867 What kind of porno would you star in? brought to you by Quizilla Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 171545 More fun reading. Oh yes, I have no hair. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 171545

: 171440 I heard a new saying today “Somebody is going to drop a blame grenade.” As you can tell …

: 171247 GraydonLocke: well bitch, time for me to study before lecture GraydonLocke: take care!!! …

: 170756 “Chiggy Boom Chiggy Boom” said the broom, “Chiggy Dee Chiggy Dee” said the …

: 170546 This is an interesting read. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 170546

: 170326 If I had that rash, this would make me worry! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 170326

: 170208 btw, I’ve repaired MadSquirrels if your interested. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 169922 Report web sinners! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 169922

: 169626 The companies say the settlement does not mean they have admitted any wrongdoing in their treatment …

: 169429 My lunch hour just started, but I’m not going to leave here, I’m just going to sit and …

: 168981 My head is killing me. If I move it to one side on a slant I feel tipsy, and it sucks! Listening to: …

: 168916 Supprise, just as I predicted, I feel ill again. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 168916

: 168551 This morning was wonderful I threw up at 7:16am, I threw up at 8:16am and I may just throw up again …

: 168363 Tomrrow during lunch I’m going to have a nice long convo with my bank about credit. Not about …

: 168146 Oh look, Somebody who makes a six digit figure finally learns what kind of shit it is to live on the …

: 167872 I wish I had a disease that I could yell out “Penis assface chilli bob!” and everybody …

: 167644 Gah! I’m slowly going through the web use logs for our other company-type-place and I’m …

: 167213 Last weeks stats from eStat: Out of 112 page views from 84 visits from 67 visitors 27.68% of you are …

: 166974 I’ve had a good weekend so far, on friday night me and David went off to the pub, had some …

: 166894 listening to music & cooking all on a wireless connection and a laptop! ;o) Listening to: Vibe: …

: 166416 added “chilli cheese cake” to his intrests. I urge others to do the same, I’d like …

: 166319 The following people are cool Trinster, Lil Girl Lost, Barcis, and ktm. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 166141 I’ve got one of those poof beats* in my head now….. May day has just got much better. …

: 165639 Time for one of my pre-receptionist posts: I demand all who read my journal shall post this in their …

: 165607 Today is oddly more quiet today than yesterday… could this be ‘the eye of the …

: 165173 Bloody Inland Revenue it’s been three months and I still have a rubbish tax code. But, they …

: 165063 my laptop is blowing scalding hot air onto my arm. It’s nice. Anyways, this is my day so far: …

: 164798 shreaks Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 164798

: 164489 Two Engineers showing up at the same time to work in the same room, what are the chances of that? …

: 164257 Today is going to be a bad day. I know this because I had only 3 minutes of hot water for my shower. …

: 164060 Somebody set off the fire alarm when they burnt toast….. but thats not this issue, was it …

: 163773 It’s a miracle! NatWest didn’t fuck it up again! Although I suspect this will be a short …

: 163329 Anybody want to translate this into English? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 163329

: US Politics again In his first major speech on Iraq, former vice-president Al Gore has harshly criticized the Bush …

: 162833 Anybody want to fund me? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 162833

: 162802 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 162802

: 162324 Oh look, Somebody has finally realised the new american foreign policy is something to be worried …

: 162268 Oops, I was doing reception for an hour and I hit the wrong button and put the phone down on an …

: 161919 It’s easy to mistake Bush for Hitler, so why are the Americans getting so upset? The furore …

: Drunken Stickman Remember when I said I was bored at work and doodling? Well I’ve bought an £86.99 scanner at …

: 161469 That sugar babes song is playing over and over in my head. Shoot me now. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 161181 In the last hour it’s only gone up by 0.2 degrees. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: This weeks stats eStat tells me this about last week: Of 187 page views (made by 115 visitors in 140 visits) 35.83% …

: 160652 ASP is my worst enemy. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 160652

: 160259 wrote an entry, it is here …

: 160243 now has a new domain for his livejournal. at time of posting the domain wasn’t active, well at …

: 159905 was pulled over by the police for a random stop, they breathilised him and some how he passed. …

: 159535 I got me wireless optical mouse working again! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 159535

: 159401 The scam artists are getting more creative ASSISTANCE REQUIRED FOR ACQUISITION OF ESTATES. Dear sir, …

: 159150 I could have sworn I saw a bush walk across that carriage way…. Listening to: Vibe: …

: 158853 My fingers hurt, and they’re still bleeding. ouch. Listening to: Vibe: numb LJ ItemID: 158853

: 158603 It’s official, I’m utterly amazing and I can perform miracles with photoshop. …

: 158372 I stole this idea from for those who want to know I got these for £6 each at Ikea Bristol. Listening …

: 157981 I think I’ve got to call a taxi to get to work tomrrow….. anybody have £300 I can …

: 157793 I just charged up my work mobile after 2 months of it sitting there collecting dust and wasting the …

: 157461 Update on last post It seems people think I read minds, granted I’ve got amazing powers such …

: 157235 I’ve realised one thing today, some people expect you to be their personal support group and …

: 157118 I got a freeserve cd today… yay. I also forgot my iPAQ at work, I doubt I’ll ever see …

: Boredom Still drawing little stick men dans ma papier because were waiting for computer related …

: stick men I’m drawing little stick men on my notepad, I’ll scan them in when I can for …

: ahhhh standard rate calls amuse me. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 156187

: 156062 I see dead people lesbians. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 156062

: 155667 Should I buy the Amstrad Email Phone? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 155667

: 155585 For some odd reason I’m watching the Disney Channel. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 155247 I’ve been using eStat for the last 4 years, so why can’t I fucking remember how to get …

: 155002 said I have a nice condom. Listening to: Vibe: happy LJ ItemID: 155002

: 154834 ktm1977: i like to drink ktm1977: but i’m not addicted or anything NRGagainTO: (as he says …

: 154503 Those gosh darn good christian right wing freaks are at it again! CBC News Story The CA (formerly …

: 154360 Gah, I’m trying to order an analog line for our Glasgow office from B(itch)T(elecom) some how …

: 154093 zzzzz…. huh? puhzzt-a-frablat zzzzzzzzz…. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 153799 I swear if I see one of these commercials for the NCDL I’m going to call 0845 7 400 600 …

: 153424 Prime Minister Jean Chrétien told CBC-TV in an interview Tuesday night that the United States must …

: 153138 this is this month’s O2 bill: If you want to be nice, you could always Pay it for me. …

: 153063 …Lets level the middle east… -Fat American Wanker, BBC News (Breakfast) Yes, …

: Lunch break update So things that I’ve done today: Flown up to Glasgow Tried to understand the Scotish Tried (and …

: 152566 Maths question! If Rosa slept with 10 men and John slept with 24 men, how many goats did farmer Jack …

: 152203 It’s been a fun day so far, I’m burning CDs to play over the hold queue (and I forgot to …

: 152007 At work we’re trying to get licence for hold music from the PRS and it’s going to cost …

: 151648 Today I: Rented an 0870 number for six months. Dug a hole. Mysteriously cut myself. Watched Channel …

: 151539 fuck, even Sainsbury’s is offering mobile services Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 151094 my computer is a totaly wanker, fucking thing just crashed. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 151028 O2 unbilled calls is at 8 pages…. if I’m not mistaken I’m fucked like a cheap …

: 150768 My ntl: digital cordless phone is convinced I’ve had 5 callers when I’ve only had four, …

: 150482 I got so drunk tonight when I got change at the pub I and they gave me two £2 coins, I though they …

: 150114 I’m going to spend some (more) cash at Maplin, what should I buy? Listening to: Vibe: …

: 149957 Telewest is fucked…… again. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 149957

: 149568 Blow Job? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 149568

: 149459 web cam url! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 149459

: 149128 My webcam is back up, unfortunatly due to a hardware crash on my web host my website is… …

: 148786 As you can see from above, nobody has donated anything to me.... but I've lowered my standards and …

: 148698 Make me a happy boy, donate £5 to me (pwetty pweaze). Listening to: Vibe: bored LJ ItemID: …

: 148305 “The committee asked the federal government to respond to the recommendations within 150 …

: Contest I’ve got a silly contest for anybody who wants it. The FIRST person to make a sensable post to …

: 147844 Soon thanks to NoChex.com I hope to be taking donations for the ‘Kevin Fund’, for those …

: 147677 The following people must post something to make me happy: , , , and If you lot don’t post …

: 147422 Bugger, eric deleted his journal……… again. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 147078 Gah! Fucking NatWest, you cheap bastards, all you gave me in intrest was 2p!?!?! I don’t think …

: 146766 I was visited by somebody at qldbar.asn.au and I’m hoping it was some ‘during work …

: 146450 Someone just refered to the printer as a ‘cheeky bugger’. That made my day :o) Listening …

: 146237 Tonight’s Challenge: Spend Cash. Funds required: £100+ Materials: Switch Card. Chances of …

: 146024 I was going to post about last night, but it’s a bit hazy. So if anybody knows what I did last …

: 145748 bad sign, I’ve mixed smirnoff ice, absolut vodka and some form of orange shooter in one pint …

: 145546 I probably can’t stand right now, but I’ve been able to ring BOTH of ’s numbers …

: 145367 Tonights Challenge: Get trashed. Funds required: £50 Materials: Vodka, Vokda like drink, Rum and/or …

: A story from the bible In Kevin 20:02 in the bible of me, the passage reads: “And on then from the word of his …

: 144891 Yay, I’ve got tomrrow off and it’s a payday so I’m hitting the high street :o) …

: Llama Help! Help! I’m being attacked by a llama. Listening to: Vibe: mischievous LJ ItemID: 144596

: 144278 Don’t I look all posh in my big yellow jacket? Listening to: Vibe: hungry LJ ItemID: 144278

: 143947 If it was to all end tomrrow, I’m pretty sure my last words would be “Bugger”. …

: 143865 Some advice for when you’re in Scotland, put EVERYTHING on plastic, sure a Scottish £ Note is …

: Its a miracle The most amazing thing happened today, I still own my mobile. You might wonder why this is so …

: LJ Trading Card LiveJournal Trading Cards Early Adopter Edition User Number: 5992 Date Created:2000-06-24 …

: 142611 Signs that you’ve over used your card: LONDON TRANS MFM PADDINGTON (B) £1.90 I admit it, I …

: 142512 I think I’m in a very shady part of Birmingham right now. I’m scared. Listening to: …

: 142248 Cows are fucking creepy, when you say ‘mooo mooo mooo’ they’ll just stand there …

: 141919 I’ve been meaning to add , and to my ever growing friends list, which includes the likes of , …

: oooerr I just checked my email and this showed up: Hi, I just came across your images on the Internet, at: …

: 141346 Some people are fucking dumb, especially little american girls with new credit cards, who rack up …

: 141143 There is a very good reason I don’t drink lager, this morning those reasons came back to me. …

: 140902 Today I found I really really hate microsoft more than I have ever hated them before Listening to: …

: sigh I got my Switch card replaced today after that first great western ticket machine melted the …

: 140341 Amazing how companies insist on telling you the same shit three times when your paying for a …

: More spam I got another one of those fucking spam messages trying to scam me out of my money, so I spammed him …

: 139994 If your up for a bit, well maybe alot of reading check this out Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 139763 I feel like McDonalds soon, and I’ve been on this computer for about an hour, I think I should …

: 139485 I’m in London today visiting Olly (I stopped in last night and stayed over) which is cool, but …

: 139185 You Are a Cyberslut! You orgasm online, and you come back for more. When it comes to internet sex, …

: Slut Bunny Get your free voucher for one act of sexual based pleasure by sending an email to: …

: 138536 For anybody who ever wanted to know what Harry looked like, this is him. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Supprise I got this sent to me from my virus checker thing Our viruschecker found the 'W32/Klez-H' …

: 138168 in about 24 hours I’m getting on a train to visit Olly again (last time I visited him was in …

: 137901 Darr the O2 cell over here is shagged senseless, the GPRS on it is up and down, mostly down, kinda …

: 137572 I’m finally on O2 gprs, ah yes wonderful O2, none of that Vodafone rubbish anymore ;op …

: 137286 I had to buy a new phone, it cost me £192… I also got my O2 statement today, that cost me …

: 137157 It’s offical, my mobile is shagged, and I need to spring about £200 for a new one. All I have …

: Darr Harr Harr So yeah, I’m using my laptop to connect to virgin (again) but this time I’m dialing up …

: 136498 I thought i should menting that my posts are not at 3am it says they are because i’m using one …

: Fun in Manchester Last night was fairly nice, we went out to an indian restaurant for dinner which was good, but when …

: 136001 I’m near Manchester in the car again, using VodaCRAP GPRS and the laptop to post strange …

: 135901 The Royal Mail looses half a million letters and parcels a week, mine was one of them. Listening to: …

: 135571 Yet another reply Dear friend, I got your email and sympatise with the disconnection of your phone. …

: 135225 seems to enjoy living without clothing (in his photos). I suggest you oggle at his photos on his …

: 135045 I WAS A STRANGE CHILD there are no words to describe you. except maybe: strange. unique. different. …

: 134755 Notice to all, Today I finally added to my friends list. Why it took so long, well I’m slow …

: 134478 Sign my guestmap, you know you want to :o) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 134478

: Mobile phone post I’m posting this from my mobile (over wap) and it’s cool, but you see this post …

: 133895 I got a reply Dear Stephanie Swanson, Thank you very much for your mail and I appologise for my late …

: 133644 I think my mobile is FUCKED everytime i press the ‘2’ key the tone is all fucked …

: 133017 Harry is having a doggy dream, i know this because he’s twitching and he only twitches while …

: 132686 gah, fucking telewest is starting to get on my nerves! First tonight (like wednesday and thursday) …

: 132367 I’ve just watched the video from Romeo Dunn on Smash hits and all I’ve got to say is …

: Mints from Bootys Anybody want a O\ZON mint? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 132207

: 131921 I’m gonna go see 8 legged freaks at a cinema in Swindon, but thats not the entire point of …

: 131799 ohhh I found a new feature on my whitelisted email account… it seems when I send a message …

: 131136 Signs that a content-filtering-proxy has gone mad: Thankfully it’s still being tested by and …

: 130941 I’m a porn addict! Take the Porn addict test! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 130941

: 130665 I finally received one of those ‘send us your bank details’ messages into my hotmail …

: 130313 My new offical email address is: mail@nrg-online.net Use it wisely and spread it around coz …

: 130051 yay, my new email provider has set-up my account! But my domains are slowly moving on to it, so this …

: 129913 nrgonlineprobability that nrgonline has masturbated today:10%nrgonline's lucky number is:-2nrgonline …

: Sickness I’m sick and in pain again! The problem is in my lower back, it hurts like a bitch right now …

: 129308 The letter I posted earlier is appearently a huge fraud-type-deal from West Africa, check out the …

: Shopping list Sainsbury's Melksham Bath Road SN12 6LL Telephone: 01225 791727 Kinder Supprise, 0.45 Kinder …

: 128963 oh yeah, I also rebought nrg-online.net, which I owned years ago so that was £10, so yeah, …

: 128743 I’ve just got into a 12 month contract with a company that will supply my email for …

: 128481 Has anybody else ever received one of these Dr. ABUBAKAR HAMIDU E-MAIL: ahamidu@africamail.com Attn: …

: 128049 grrr…. fucking o2 says I’ve got no unbilled calls OR statements, thats a bit dumb if …

: 127914 it worked!!!! I’m dialed up to virgin…. and no comments on the whole virgin thing …

: 127600 So yeah, it’s time to post, I’m in jolly old Basingstoke. Why do you ask, well I’m …

: 127365 One day in the land Of Bristol in the county of Avon, Kevin nearly had his switch card removed and …

: 127114 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 127114

: 126759 I just had to steal that from 's journal! Listening to: Vibe: bouncy LJ ItemID: 126759

: 126528 This is actually what is going through my head as I sit here writing this post: “Monster …

: 126244 Found on the o2 onemail page: Registration to this service is temporarily unavailable. Due to major …

: 126017 You Are a Size Queen! You are a Size Queen. You love big dick, and you aren't afraid to let the …

: ohhh thats a shocker op How Will You Die? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 125911

: 125481 This is a small snippet of my unbilled calls, can you tell how many texts I send? Listening to: …

: 125421 Email subject of the day: “Unreal and Amazing Monster C–k Penetrations!” My email …

: 124933 has added me as a friend, I hope she’ll bring my wisdomless words to all the people of …

: 124760 SPAM Bots, steal this email address! Listening to: Vibe: angry LJ ItemID: 124760

: 124511 Stolen From ’s (whoo-hoo got it right this time) journal of mass textery: Nrgonline Oh take …

: Dumbass I got this today: Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It’s very dangerous by …

: 124041 My new 901 Voicemail Message Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 124041

: 123769 Le rire aux conducteurs français sur des ronds-points m’amuse énormément. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Bored Ok, so my phone is silent and it irritates me so, I know quite a few people back in T.O. and of …

: Leichfield So I’m in/near a place called Leichfield, quite a nice place although I’ve got to be up …

: Cha So now I’m on a laptop in the car connected by VodaDrone GPRS and listening to Radio 1. How …

: 122863 I started to feel a bit home sick, so I bought a CD online for £15.99 (plus £1.00 P&P) and now I …

: 122613 Guess how much I’ve been paid… no go on…. ok then £973.50…. now guess how …

: 122165 What ever you do Don’t eat the vindaloo! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 122165

: 121961 I’ve found my quicken deluxe 2000 and I’m now using it for my finances, but it’s …

: 121710 I feel quite sick right now, I don’t think the Chicken Balti and Lemon Meringue pie are …

: 121457 I swear if Jade wins the £70,000 I’ll end my life as then she’ll be on EVERY FUCKING …

: 121259 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 121259

: Fun online work I forgot to post this yesterday, but I got this link from ’s LJ and I wasted my entire …

: On friday I get this Just thought I should share that Listening to: Vibe: bored LJ ItemID: 120696

: Just a reminder Just a simple reminder that is still around and she wants your money … I mean your questions, …

: ohhhhhhhhhhh I’ve got a new design!!! I’ve spent most of my work day doing it too. I’m also …

: 119886 Be a psychic for Shela’s now! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 119886

: 119756 03:28.00, alarm still going - police a no show. 03:28.30, alarm stopped for 1 second and is …

: 119450 Follow up: I just rang the police and appearently the alarms are susposed to stop after 20 …

: Shat I think a neighbours house is being burgled/in the proccess of burning down then again the alarm is …

: 118935 oh look, a shitty photo of my coin piles :o) Listening to: Vibe: bored LJ ItemID: 118935

: Dang A bug just comited bugicide in my coke, poor little guy, was his buggy existance that bad? Listening …

: Supprise I am 100% CANADIAN!!! (Take the Canadian-ness test) Listening to: Vibe: bored LJ ItemID: 118511

: 118216 is here to “ansa all yo tarot questions, mammah!” :o) Listening to: Vibe: amused LJ …

: 118010 Random Though: I’ve always prefered to have 50p coins, but until today I’ve only had …

: 117519 AhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhH! Anita, I closed the AIM window and lost your Username, IM me again or email it to …

: 117320 I’ve just called my way around the UK, and it was fab…. then again I’m sitting at …

: 117075 The right clothes, the right hair, and the right sports makes you ever more accepted in the …

: Ack Jade’s mouth is bigger than her ass, My god, I want to pitch a brick through my telly. On …

: 116645 Oh dear, I just visited ' journal and as I was scrolling down (mind you I’m at work) I saw …

: 116239 I can’t log in to my o2 mail, which is irritating coz I wanna check for some texts, but o2 …

: 116130 Mwahahaha, Tim from Big Brother can’t mack out it seems…. His Personal Ad Listening to: …

: Views The Road to Swindon Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 115752

: 115535 New Motto for the US Navy: “When we ain’t blowin' up dem Afghanis weez kickin' some fag …

: 115240 If you’ve got Living TV you can watch The Matthew Shepard Story on Monday July 22nd, 2002 at …

: 115172 I’ve done something stupid…. My mouse and mobile were in the same general area, and …

: Evilness Ok, so I just bought FrequentlyDrunk.com for about £10.80 and in the next 24 hours or so it will …

: 114587 A plea for help! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 114587

: 114344 This is a stupid ass banner: It’s like saying “Get your .US domain for €19.95 a …

: Updates from beyond As you can probably tell I’ve been quite busy with my journal, first off I’ve pointed …

: 113771 It’s offical, my NatWest account has only £4.52. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Help Help I’m being attacked by small insects that arn’t mosquitos! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 113186 I need to fucking leave this fucking office or I’ll fucking go mental, I’ve been here …

: 113063 My bumper sticker reads: Kinky.Take the quiz. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 113063

: 112688 What’s Your Inner Demon? this quiz was made by Melissa Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 112628 Soon vodka.nrgmedia.biz will point here! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 112628

: 112268 Oh, I forgot to mention, I got me free Rubber Johnnies from Radio 1 today! Listening to: Vibe: …

: 112004 Just another sign that israel is a nasty country that has nothing better to do but repress a group …

: 111733 I think is dead, he hasn’t returned from his trip and his mobile is off, but then again thats …

: 111508 Fuzzzt, I’m sooooo tried, I’m now sitting at work (after going thru some accounting …

: 111179 Today was fab, Jon picked me up at around 12:30, we got a bit lost between Melksham & Yate, but …

: 111003 Whoo-hoo! I’m going out with Jon (not going out going out, but going out to a shop kind of …

: Darr harr harr Well now I’m out at Pyromania @ Cruz 101 (who supply these nifty computers!) and I’m …

: 110588 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 110588

: Oi Anybody up for some text sex*? If so text 07734 653 877 (or +447734653887 from a non-uk gsm mobile) …

: 110040 I…. Can’t….. fucking…. get…. that….. stupid…. …

: 109637 What kind of LJer are you? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 109637

: Supprised Are you supprised to see this: "... Judicial Watch chairman Larry Klayman says the accounting …

: Office gossip Kevin Costelloe says: I heard Sharron in accounting shagged Stephanie with a two way dildo…. …

: One the lines on the lines of free condoms here’s somewhere that you can get lube and femidoms too! …

: 108789 I’ve got Polo, Refreshers and Fizzy Jerkz from the garage down the road, and it only cost me …

: 108397 Get Free Condoms! (UK & NI only -- I assume) Listening to: Vibe: bouncy LJ ItemID: 108397

: 108241 There is a bird outside the office window that is trying to fly against the wind and it isn’t …

: 107796 Theres been a nice bloke who just came by, he’s quite shaggable! Listening to: Vibe: horny LJ …

: Shit I got a £100 Cheque Guarentee Card…. shit, how’d I pull that one off? Listening to: …

: I got Spaced hehehehe, I got Spaced at Heaven last night. Listening to: Vibe: amused LJ ItemID: 107421

: 107010 So bored, work deadly, snoozing…. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 107010

: 106889 Check This Out Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 106889

: 106535 wanna go clubbin' in Cardiff and Paris in September? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 106472 ohh ohh ohh! I am so applying for this! BBC Jobs Listening to: Vibe: bouncy LJ ItemID: 106472

: 106083 I’m doing ‘data entry’, its just as fun as listening to Radio 4 or watching BBC 2 …

: 105786 I got plastercene for £1.50… I think I have to be the saddest person on earth. Listening to: …

: Fun in Cardiff Last night me and went out to Cardiff (Wales for those who don’t know) and we had a blast. …

: 105471 My Favorite Male Part Is: The Pecs: Strength, power, and form. Hey! His boobs are bigger then …

: Two new links I’ve got two new links in my “Favourites” menu, both at the top… first one …

: 104821 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 104821

: Press Release Just a reminder by midnight tonight my current mobile number 416 839 5075 will go out of service, …

: 104374 It seems I can’t move my post… fuck Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 104374

: Update I just noticed 60p that I didn’t count, that brings the total to: £52.25 Listening to: Vibe: …

: Whoo hoo Cash Flow at 1209 ET: £51.65 Listening to: Vibe: excited LJ ItemID: 103768

: 103608 I’m almost leaving tomrrow night is my LAST full night here in the Tee Dot and I’m going …

: The Incomptience of America Oh look, are you supprised to hear this? CBC News: U.S. pilot who bombed Canadians broke …

: Its Born I’ve created for the MadSquirrels website (my homepage) but not for the main site, no no, …

: Time Remaining Click Here to see how much time I’ll be in Canada for. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: hm Well tonight was interesting, first off I should mention I’m ticked off at and this is why, I …

: Dammit Dammit! I wanna goto Paris on June 21st! Listening to: Vibe: annoyed LJ ItemID: 102354

: 101960 Well I just had a chat w/on AIM…. He’s totally cool and a total hottie grin anyways has …

: 101786 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 101786

: Stock Price Kevin Costelloe’s Present Stock Rate: CODE: KEV.C EXCHNG: LONDON PPS*: £320.00 (* Price Per …

: Youll Never Guess Well I was standing in an endless queue at McDonalds @ Spadina & Queen sts, and as my turn is …

: 100866 there is bacardi rum on my keyboard Listening to: Vibe: drunk LJ ItemID: 100866

: oh la la So i just got back from the Molson Amplatheatre at ontario place w/we were @ the blue rodeo constert …

: 100371 You know you’re an idiot when you order a “Large Chicker Caesar Salad” Listening …

: Sittin Chillin So I got the iMac back to my step father’s place by taking a GO train and a cab from Exibition …

: saugga My mother has moved out into missisaugga now and I’m staying w/my step father for the next two …

: I lurve COGECO o This is HALARIOUS, I sent this email to COGECO’s abuse dept: Hello, I received a returned …

: 99451 I took a v.cold shower today….. it was the best shower ever… seeing as woke up not …

: 99096 I’M 96.5% X-rated. HOW HORNY ARE YOU? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 99096

: 98965 We have no scissors. I can not cut things. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 98965

: Ive got a reputation I'm SUCH a whore Listening to: Pink - Dont Let Me Get Me (Ernie Lake Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Me south park style Listening to: Vibe: artistic LJ ItemID: 98483

: 98062 Take the test, by Emily. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 98062

: 97863 Congratulations! Your Live Journal is NOT annoying! You probably have lots of friends and write cool …

: 97559 I ran across this: may I suggest reading his userinfo b4 reading his journal….. userinfo …

: 97378 How dumb are you? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 97378

: 97087 Seeing as this worked for …. anybody want to give little kevy a paid account, please with …

: 96849 Take this quiz or visit survey.JUNKIE for more surveys! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: 96669 17 I act like I'm 17. This test was brought to you by James - Part of the David and James …

: 96391 malibu and coke is fab…. it’s got alcohol, caffine, sugar and a coconut after taste! …

: 96089 I feel like beating my neighbours to death with their own body parts… why must they ALYWAYS …

: 95838 You get the EXOTIC DANCER BARBIE! You're a real slut, but nobody ever said there's anything wrong …

: And god said blow thy enemies brains against yonder wall Some people ask me why the shotgun is a gift from god, this is why it is. Listening to: Vibe: irate …

: Bus drivers are cunts If you already haven’t figured it out TTC bus drivers (and streetcar drivers) are fucking …

: me and nick Me and went out to woody’s to see the ‘best chest’ contest and appearently after …

: 94899 They're sex addicts. What are your characters? Quiz made by Zarah. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag …

: 94567 you are a slut and a cheap cunt Take the web's most accurate personality test now! Listening to: …

: Awwww Listening to: Vibe: horny LJ ItemID: 94245

: 94049 Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: 93849 Check this out! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 93849

: Euro I just counted my euro coins and I still have €10.80 or CAD$15.24 or £6.82 or US$9.93 or R98.82 or …

: horny down the street I’m walking down Harbourd Street listening to Mousse T after getting fish and chips at …

: waiting I’m just chillin' here in my empty classroom waiting for the guy incharge of credits and stuff …

: 92697 How Gay Are YOU? [?] Listening to: Tweet - Oops Oh My (Liquid 360 Club mix) Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Grrr Sometimes my friends/co-workers and humanity in general forget I’m a big poofy queen and it …

: 92164 Wanna Add it on your Journal? brought to you by of Sarkie Git Listening to: Mousse T vs Mr Bishi - …

: 91728 I’m considering applying for this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/jobs/e55467.shtml Listening to: Vibe: …

: Photos from London This is a photo of myself and Jon taken by Olly on the London Eye..... Isn't Jon sexy? :o) Listening …

: the film fest I’m writing to my journal from the film festival I’m now sitting in cinema 1 waiting for …

: waiting is sooooo boring since i was early to the cumberland cinema I have to wait outside untill 1230 and that blows. …

: I feel like Japanese So I am sitting here in my favourite Japanese Restaurant (Asahi Sushi Zone - 60 Church Street) and …

: Back in town and 5ive So last night I got back into Toronto at 11am and of course when I get back I had to goto 5ive so I …

: Pros and Cons of being back Pro: The coca-cola tastes normal Con: Can’t Get Fanta Pro: Haven’t almost got my self …

: Leaving Well thats it, I’m leaving London (totally against my will) and it sucks, I dun wanna leave …

: 89668 Just spent €25 on a 2cd pack, but I didn’t bring a stupid cd player…. anyways, …

: Dublin Fun Well I’m in Dublin right now and it’s been… err…. entertaining! last night …

: Leeds So now I have seen Leeds and all I have to say is it’s a DUMP what a shit hole….. …

: in london i am in london now and i am watching ‘So Graham Norton’ on channel four and thats about …

: 88783 i can’t sleep and i have to be up at 5!!!!!! fuck Listening to: Vibe: awake LJ ItemID: 88783

: 88443 I am 79% evil. Take the test :: koolplace.com Listening to: Infinity - Take control (D I G I T A …

: Now for a more coherent post Ok, I noticed that I did post last night and in my state that was a bit fucked up….. anyways …

: frunk hey people type people. guess what… if you have not figured i am quite drunk and i figured i …

: 87618 Which Firearm are you?brought to you byStan Ryker Listening to: Unknown Artist - Air Supply All Out …

: I will survive Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She’s Crafty Listening to: Tweet - Oops Oh My …

: tired i am sooo tired! Listening to: Vibe: tired LJ ItemID: 87145

: 86933 The peeing sheep shall invade Livejournal! All hail the peeing sheep! blame for this! Listening to: …

: hmm WITHOUT PREJUDICE Mr. Costelloe, I note correspondence was sent to you today from Ms. Dix, our …

: 86368 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 86368

: Letter To Telus Hello, In our earlier conversation you said that You would have the information by the end of the …

: Stupid Telus On Friday May 3rd, 2002 I sent a reply to your email requesting to have the information to change …

: grrr I just realised wht fun I have to look forward today: some fucking courrier bringing that fucking …

: Stupid People My neighbours stomped AGAIN as the music was still ‘too loud’ but wait a minute the …

: hmmm Going to 5ive again on Friday (May 10, 2002) anybody wanna come along give me a call or email me at …

: Neighbours I hate my fucking neighbours. I hope they leave (the planet). Listening to: Moonman - First light …

: 84718 me and david went to 5ive last night and i got totally smashed…. at about 1:30 i walked up to …

: 84286 You know what you want, when you want it, and your mate had better damned well give it to you, or …

: Street car fun I am waiting for a street Car With my Mother on Queen and yonge streets and it Sucks Because the …

: Happy Birthday From TELUS TELUS Corporation Floor 32S 10020 - 100 Street EDMONTON, Alberta T5J ON5 WITHOUT PREJUDICE May 3, …

: work now i’m sitting here at work on my ipaq i am so sad Listening to: Vibe: chipper LJ ItemID: …

: bus thoughts i am on a bus heading to work chillin' on icq and lj…. how sad am i? Listening to: the sounds …

: zzzzzz i am tired, but i wanted to play with the iPAQ again ;o) Listening to: Vibe: sleepy LJ ItemID: …

: testing well I am testing This new live journal Client for my Ipaq and I hope I Can read this post later. …

: yay well i am in david’s hotel room and we’re watching cbc news…. btw, did i mention …

: The Joys of May 2nd Well it’s thursday may 2nd @ 08:45 heres whats susposed to happen: Wake up and goto school …

: Arg a few days ago I emailed the eBay seller who I sent my payment to for the Ericsson Chatboard and I …

: Before Bed Post Well I just got back from Kyle and Jeremy’s place (actually between this post and my actual …

: You have too much time when look at all the wonderful things on my bed! Listening to: B*Witched - C’est La Vie (D-Bop Club …

: Fools When I say this I was amazed how stupid people are: [quote] (comment from …

: Thats some freaky shit I am 81-100% Ghetto I am GHETTO FABULOUS. Listening to: Thunderpuss - JanetJackson All4U …

: Just thought I should show you This is a snipet of my mobile account. Listening to: Amanda Ghost - Filthy Mind (Peter Rauhofer Club …

: Good News And Bad News Good News: I found out how to manage my Sprint Canada account online. Bad News: I don’t have …

: People are arseholes Normally I’m semi-anti-humanity, but after reading some comments on ’s journal I thought …

: I cant stop hicuping I can’t stop hicuping!!!! It sucks…. btw, I found a temporary solution to my poorness …

: Im not bored Listening to: Vibe: bored LJ ItemID: 79852

: Im sooo proud I got an email from Governor Jeb Bush! —–Original Message—– From: Governor …

: Mobile Bills I just got my mobile bill today and I decided to point out some intresting facts…. I used a …

: Oops I did it again It seems I’m lates again, meh Listening to: Felix Da Housecat - Madame Hollywood Vibe: awake …

: Drug Test Listening to: Frankie Knuckles - Essential mix 30/6/2001 Live from Turnmills London. 1hr Vibe: …

: Eyecarumbia Holy shite, my mobile bill is about $231.00!!!!!!!! Listening to: Family Foundation - We Are Family …

: Its not fair This picture was taken days (actually today) after all the wonderful sunny and warm weather we had …

: 77921 Take the “How slutty are you” Test created by sami Listening to: Five - If Ya Gettin' …

: Shipments Well At Least I know it’s in Toronto….. somewhere. April 17, 2002 16:40 Location : …

: FUCKING TELUS As Internet services and messaging options continue to evolve, so doesTELUS. Our mission is to …

: America Made A Mistake 4 Canadian Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan Listening to: Jessica Folker - To be able to love …

: I HATE CANADA I hate this country, what the hell is with this weather, a week ago is was FREEZING cold, then it …

: 76764 You're a Clubber! You're a total scene queen who loves to shake her groove thang topless and pick up …

: 76423 I do not like this person he is the bastard who out bid me on the chatboard….. Listening to: …

: 76130 Oooo futurey! You kick ass and everybody is waiting for 2 and 3 to come out. You are "The One." What …

: eBay I think I’m an eBay addict, I just bit on a ericsson chatboard (CHA-10) this only days after …

: Question Why does the human body require sleep…. why can’t it regenerate by doing something fun …

: 75448 Take the What Sex Position Are You? test by Ley Ley Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 75448

: 75139 I arrived home ok Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 75139

: 74866 going to get pizza (closest food source) if I don’t get back call 911. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Holy shit After I got back from picking David up from Pearson and dropping hm off at his hotel, I went home, …

: Workie I’m working tomrrow and Friday on newsshifts… I love newsshifts…. btw, …

: Rates These are the Roaming rates for four companies, two in the UK and two in Ireland: (all in Canadian …

: A reply Dear Kevin: Thank you for your e-mail letter of March 28, 2002 and expressing concernregarding the …

: Snow I hate when it snows in April Listening to: masters at work - Work (MAW Feat. Nasty & Denise) …

: Welcome to the New Ontario were all fucked Deregulation For Dummies Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 73432

: Admission of guilt I've just received my invoice for my onebox service on myto.com (this is automatically debited out …

: Fun night in paradise Tonight was quite intresting, first off Scott called me up sometime in the day and left a message on …

: CityTV I (for some unknown reason) am watching “Three Ninjas Strike Back” on CityTV and I was …

: 72440 The kitty loaf shall invade Livejournal! Long Live Kitty Loaf! Listening to: Shannon - Let The Music …

: SMS Me: “Je voudrais sortir et manger quelque alimentation japonaise.” Olly: “Moi …

: Japonaise Je voudrais sortir et manger quelque alimentation japonaise. Listening to: jennifer lopez - Play …

: Humpf I just found out I can only use BT Cellnet and Vodafone when I’m in the UK. This is because I …

: 71262 Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 71262

: Letter to Mayor Mel Lastman Hello Mr. Mayor, I am an 18 year old student who has been living in Toronto all my life, recently I …

: 70737 You're the 80's Man! No, you're not a cross-dresser. You're just the odd-shaped 80's lego man! You …

: The Kevin Tour 2002 Listening to: Headphone Magic - Take My Hand (Dj Donut & Friddo) Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Whoohoo So I’ve just installed my security camera to my wall which is covering 87% of my room which is …

: Ohh Walk For some reason I decided to walk from school to my house (map below - not actual route, but close …

: grr I can’t fucking get to sleep… I don’t know why, but the assholes upstairs …

: Testing 123 Just trying LJ client 1.4.7 (Beta)….. lets hope it doesn’t do anything weird ;) …

: 69321 nrgonline Now you know what I’m doing Listening to: Mel C. vs. Dj Putte - I Turn To You (A A F …

: Snow What the fuck is up with this country, it’s almost April and NOW it snows, oh no it …

: Oshawa Wots dat So I went out to Oshawa (map below post) with Darian, although we were about an hour late (no thanks …

: 68596 Oh wait… myto works, but only if I use my proxy server on the same fucking isp as me…. …

: Retraction of earlier statement I retract the previous statement of “MyTO.com” works, I disabled my proxy server and …

: Telus Oh supprise, supprise MyTO.com is mysterously fixed, I though “everyhing was working …

: Logo Jesus Either I’m really fucking drunk, or I’m seeing what I think I see: The Brick Testiment …

: 67559 I put WAY too much vodka in this glass of ice tea….. Listening to: inaya day - Can’t …

: 67325 Don’t I have school today? Listening to: Britney Spears - I’m A Slave 4 U (Thunderpuss …

: Vodka yum yum yum I’m drinking vodka and ice tea whilst planning against Telus…. how me Listening to: …

: Dear Telus Dear Telus, I and everybody I have requested to visit myTO.com are having problems accessing it due …

: sigh I’m on the phone again with telus and they are still arguing that myto.com works, but they are …

: Telus Listening to: (.oO( Radio FG )Oo. live techno radio from France) Vibe: touched LJ ItemID: 66258

: WTF What the fuck is up with MyTO.com, I haven’t been able to pick up my email all day, or receive …

: Have you seen him I think I’ve lost ! I can’t find him (although I’ve only rang his mobile once …

: 65398 I wonder if my head phones are too loud for the folks upstairs Listening to: /mp3.voila.fr:8000 - …

: Oops I think I just pissed off somebody upstairs, ironically my music isn’t that loud, so what the …

: 65009 take free enneagram test Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 65009

: 64608 Crack that whip, baby. You don't take no for an answer unless that's what you tell your slave to …

: Fun in the big city Well today was quite intresting…. First I wake up at 14:45(?) and I slowly get dressed, until …

: Fuck Jason was voted off U8TV!!! Annie should have gone, she’s a twat and does fuck all and …

: SPAM is FUN I’ll save my $9.95 and die of a tumor thank you very much —- drmarshall@masrawy.com …

: Royal Bank makes a feeble attempt to validate their reasons Dear Mr. Welford-Costelloe: We have received your message regarding the convenience fee charged to …

: How sad am I I’ve just noticed france2.fr and france3.fr look exactly the same except for colour …

: Ugh Being poor sucks, you can’t do anything including taking out books froma Library coz you owe …

: 62848 LiveJournal Connect! Enter your username in the left box, someone else's username (or a * for a …

: Royal Bank Sayz Dear Mr. Welford-Costelloe: RBC Royal Bank has made a business decision to introduce this new …

: No Mo Bell As of April 18th, 2002 I will be switching from Bell Canada to Sprint Canada for my local phone …

: DIE WINDOWS DIE Windows can kiss my shiny metal ass Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 62092

: Addiction I think I’m becoming addicted to U8TV! Listening to: Vibe: content LJ ItemID: 61878

: 61495 Not only did Brandy completely miss the point of my message but she can’t spell …

: 61240 Must watch this Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 61240

: Fucking DrLaura Not only is Mrs. Holly H a racist bitch, but she’s much better than you because she’s …

: Me obsessed No way If you have a peek in my Live Journal User Pictures thing you’ll notice I’ve added the …

: Oh la la I have a new hero…… the Red Queen from Resident Evil (The Movie). Why is she my new …

: Cybercafe I’m @ this cyber café at Queen and McCaul(?) Sts and theres something wrong with this fucking …

: Nevermind just found it in the garbage…. damn cat! Listening to: Vibe: ditzy LJ ItemID: 60146

: Oops It seems I lost my passport, and I’ve never taken it outside! Silly, eh? on the other …

: Strike Appearently all Ontario civial servants have gone on strike, I can truthfully say I can’t …

: TV If you live in the Seattle, WA area or at least have time shifting with Q13 FOX you may have seen …

: Rogers Appearently I have the highest cable bill this one customer service rep has seen in his entire time …

: PS Now I think I’m going to goto bed, and don’t worry I’m not crying, I have no …

: One of those days Well it’s official I’m having one of those days today, you know the one where all those …

: 58346 The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 58346

: 57890 Are you Addicted to the Internet? 36% Newbie (21% - 40%)You've started to learn that there is more …

: Fun I went to see Monsoon Wedding last night at the Alliance Atlantis Cinema (Cumberland) last night and …

: Ohhhh Take the High Yield Killing Method Test Now!! Listening to: The sultery sounds of Chapters crap …

: PS You better visit the fucking websites coz I did alot of research! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Tonight on BBC Kevin Me and went out to Yuk Yuk’s then we went to Silver City on Yonge and Eglington to see Time …

: Cunt Some people are fuckers (clipped from the Toronto Sun): Friday, March 8, 2002 Her? Poor? …

: Royal Bank Sayz (For faster service, please do not delete this ID/Afin d’obtenir un service plus rapide, …

: TTC So I reported the bus, they are submitting it to the supervisor who’s responsable for that …

: CIBC Sayz Given the nature of your correspondence and the special attention it deserves, I’ve forwarded …

: Banks I just sent this to the major three who are now charging extra to use bank machines to get more …

: DEATH TO BANKS AND THE TTC Ok, tonight I’m really fucking angry, first off my bus decides to take a detour out an …

: Evil Goat Buy your evil goat today! Listening to: Nurega - Organic Audio Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 55156

: Duh Like the new theme of the Journal? Listening to: the ones - Flawless Vibe: accomplished LJ ItemID: …

: Realisation time I’ve come to some of the following realisations: I must start support LiveJournal, coz …

: Fred Phelps The Movie If anybody is remotely intrested in getting their hands on a copy of Fred The Movie, it’s …

: Oh dear Ive done it again Which Angelina Are You? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 54151

: Ooooerrrr Which Winona Are You? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 53804

: Stupid Shop I hate this shop software, it’s not working at all…. I think it’s personal, so I …

: Scam artists Toronto scam artists are totally loosing their touch, like the two dollar lady (she demands/begs you …

: Arg My body is getting revenge on me for last night by making me cough and cough for no reason…. …

: wholy crap i just realised me and have had 375 ml of absloute vodka at 40% alch. were really drunk right now …

: phzt i’m like totally seeing dubble here, i fink me had too much drink Listening to: Vibe: drunk …

: Movie and booze night I’m sitting here with and I’m bit tipsy, I think I’ve had too much vodka! anyways, …

: TVOKidscom It’s amazing how things like this grab my attention! My TVO Kids.com studio Yes, I know …

: Just when you thought America couldnt get more fucked up it did: Fred (Phelps) The Movie Listening to: Vibe: blah LJ ItemID: 51870

: Thought The human body is fucking useless, all it does is get sick just to piss me off. Listening to: Vibe: …

: Phuzt You know your drunk when….. you attach the European adapter to your mobile charger and try …

: One Word CANADA! The Americans saw gold, but we gave them silver… take that America :) Anyways, I just …

: Death to gas companies WHO is the arse hole who sent out this really LOUD gas truck just to wake me up at 8am!?!?!?! …

: duh it seems my mobile bill is only $103.00 this month, where did I go wrong? Really, how did I save …

: 5ive Sunday I’ve been meaning to post about this all week, but I’ve not been able to coz I’m a …

: Death to Global Fucking Global television and Mayor Mel lASSman have been going nuts over this stupid Simpsons …

: John Q I saw John Q today and I must say what a generic american film, really. Heres the plot summary: …

: Collateral Damage I decided to see Collateral Damage last night at 22:20 although I did have some reservations from …

: Re Your email to godhatesfagscom This is what happens when you ask a logical question to the God Hates Fags people. You may notice …

: ros hetties breedersbreeder scum take your pick I’ve come to the conclusion that heterosexuals (now defined as hetties) are sick immoral …

: Grr I’m going to kill the fucker who decided it was funny to hide a library book Listening to: …

: You know its so true remember: “a href” is not used to call up images Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: I dont know if I should be insulted Which drink are you? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 48293

: Im such a bitch Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 48017

: 5ive 5ive SUCKED, there was like one person on the floor…. AND SHE WORKED THERE! really, …

: Pre5ive It’s 2218, I’m waiting for and to arrive so we can be off to 5ive, but in the meantime I …

: Telus Mobility Some how I don’t feel threatened by the following line on this “overdue” notice: …

: Undercovers If you heard about a chatter on PridevisionTV’s Undercovers named “Kevin” that was …

: Carebear quiz It seems I’m more than one! See what Care Bear you are. See what Care Bear you are./a> See …

: oooerrr You answered all questions in a gay way. You must be gay. If not, you are extremely okay with gay …

: Err Take the What animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz Is this a acomplishment, or am I in …

: VMan Whats with that crazy Viagra man? Why must he prance around some city just because he poped a woody, …

: Hrm Appearently I’m: find your queer as folk personality! Listening to: Vibe: tired LJ ItemID: …

: AHHHHHHHHHHHH <beats head against computer rapidly> Listening to: Vibe: frustrated LJ ItemID: 45566

: Essay Update 2002 20:00 - Arrived Home from appointment w/Mother & Brother, Essay can wait 20:30 - TV Sucks, might …

: Strange folks See what I got in my email box: …

: Song Quote [quote] I use booze to unlock me [/quote] If anybody has the key I’m willing to open (my legs) …

: 5ive 5ive was fab… but only after I forced to come. btw, , Scott and Sean were also there ;) …

: Rogers HAHAHAHA now you can’t disconnect my cable! “Jan.18/02 Agent Assisted Bill Payment - …

: Python The acting in this movie is that of a porno. Listening to: DVD Movie Vibe: amused LJ ItemID: 43933

: Pizza and a phone call I just ordered the ‘pizza lovers’ deal @ Doubble Doubble and appearently I get two …

: Erm Take the Online BULLSHIT fucktard tests:How good are you in bed test by dr jo0lie Listening to: …

: Grrr Theres been a minor leek in my room since this morning, of course I found this out when I woke up to …

: Three Words ALIEN MOUSE PAD Edited: 2 May 2011 - re-added photo (taken again, still the same mousemat though!) …

: AHHHHHH It’s 4:10am, fido said my account will be activated at midnight, yet I have no call display, …

: Things I Hate Today update list Lloyds Bank (UK) Canada Post Toronto Dominion-Canada Trust * Beck Taxi - 416-751-5555 * = is already …

: Grrr again Appearently it was Lloyds bank who think that they are better than every other bank and won’t …

: Grrr “Hi Kevin, unfortunately the Lloyds bank has returned your money order to me as they …

: grin take this quiz to see what character or personality you’re most like! by divachop Listening …

: ohhh The text message should tell all Listening to: Vibe: geeky LJ ItemID: 41244

: Shit I just locked my self out of my own phone, now I have to call fido and get the PUK code! Listening …

: Durr Durr, I have to leave the warmth of my apt to get nourishment at 3:00am… what a bitch …

: MDK Pladium can burn in hell, first they close down their Toronto location, then take away all my player …

: Come on be nosey Here’s my longdistance section of my phonebill… I know you just had to see it! …

: FYI Did you know, I saved $10.63 by using Bell Long Distance this month? Listening to: Vibe: naughty LJ …

: energyfm 1079errr953 It seems energyfm is still playing the exact same songs now, that they were playing when I stopped …

: Yarr Anybody upto killing that Old Navy tart, if so call now! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Harry Potter Update I’m done books 3 & 4, i now have to read the first two…. after that I stalk down …

: hrm I have condoms and lube on my keyboard, I have a feeling the cable guy thought I was a complete tart …

: oh my I just found this poem on my New Grounds profile: “If I only had one quarter, i’d give …

: Osama I knew something was up with that crazy Osama: courtesy: new grounds Listening to: that crazy osama …

: Photos and tarting about in Rogers Video I’ve got new photos, but if my web host had their (blanked out) who the hell added …

: Message to onebox hi, I contacted you about a problem I was having with your onebox thinking I’m using the basic …

: Onebox update It seems my Onebox thinks I’m not paying-sorta…. I’m getting the “free …

: Is this normal I’m having cyber sex in french on KaZaA, heres a small clipping: 17 cm nrgonline@KaZaA: 8 …

: Caffine btw, it’s now been 3 days without caffine (pop) Listening to: Vibe: accomplished LJ ItemID: …

: Insanity Signs that the far right are completely mad: Watch Harry Potter (Mediard - Religion) Listening to: …

: Update I’ve been a bit over 24 hours without caffine and I haven’t killed …

: Yarr It’s 0819 and I should have left to drop off stuff at school at 0800 and I’m not ready …

: Problem This is what my MyTO login page says: And this is what it says when I log in: Can you spot the …

: Rom 208 I forgot to mention she’s not as fab as: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 35942

: Room 208 Although she’s fab, she can’t lipsync: Listening to: Channel [V]’s Room 208 Vibe: …

: Oh Look It seems this is my third post today…. anyways seeing as I don’t care I’ll …

: 35084 “You come out of little room with hangers?” Listening to: De nada / Love You Anyway …

: Ooh I just downloaded Sonique which is 400 times better than WM coz it don’t hog all me resources, …

: Though Of Rage Stupidity should be punished with a long slow death Listening to: Vibe: angry LJ ItemID: 34668

: Ramblings Dear Live Journal Reader Person Silly Guy, It’s now 0446 on Saturday morning, I have about …

: Hrm Proof that any idiot can have his own webpage: www.canadasucks.com Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: No Subjekt There I paid The Fucking Bill: Nov.23/01 Agent Assisted Bill Payment - Bell CDA Res $182.00 …

: Weird Today at around 1605 there was a fire on the west end of my building on the 2nd floor (I’m on …

: Phone Fuck I forgot to pay the phone bill, now I owe them $181!!!! I’m hoping they don’t take …

: Telus This is what I think of Telus: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 33209

: Question How long does it take to send a registered package? November 07, 2001 17:51 TORONTO ON The item has …

: re dirty email I just used systran to translate it for no appearent reason and this is how it came out: Hello my …

: Email You know your in Canada when you receive SPAM in English and French! ex: “Salut mon chou!! …

: Bell “You have reached the Bell Canada billing department, we are aware that there is a …

: Updates from beyond Today I have come to the sudden realization that I’m a ditzy queen, why you ask because I …

: PayPerView For only $3.99 you can watch endless hours of black! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 31726

: Help Help! Help! I’m stuck in an endless hold queue! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: …

: Thought Instant Realization: The TTC Still owes me a token from Aug. Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ …

: Daily Update 09:37 - I’m late for school, but the lack of subways are no help…. then again there is …

: ICQ Somebody just messaged me with an icq uin starting with ‘9’ if this was you MESSAGE …

: Camera 6 I thought I should mention, I was attacked by camera 6 again today during Z Ukosa. Listening to: …

: Cest Groovy I’m watching this show on MusiquePlus (The sister station of MuchMusic, just in french) called …

: School I fucking hate math, I’ve spent way too much time just looking at it and not understanding it …

: RogersHome Remember kids, although hacking is illegal Rogers@Home couldn’t give two shits if somebody is …

: Rogers It seems it’s normal practace at Rogers to never pick up the phones Listening to: Vibe: …

: Regarding Camera 6 and the D6 Why the hell did that post twice? Listening to: Vibe: bouncy LJ ItemID: 29036

: Tokens By Mail Last night after Chinese Newsline, I took the 509 to Union Staion, the driver who shall be refered …

: Phone I am considering changing my number from a 416 number to a 647 number (647 is the new Toronto area …

: Death To Telus It seems Telus Mobility is completely stupid as they decide to do “network maintinance” …

: Camera 6 and the D6 Well this morning I have an odd and somewhat intresting story, when I was doing camera 1 (D6) for …

: Camera 6 and the D6 Well this morning I have an odd and somewhat intresting story, when I was doing camera 1 (D6) for …

: Stupid Rich White Suburbans Today I had to goto this horriable rich hick town called Oakville, so of course I had to use the …

: Bell I just scanned in the Bell Canada Logo from my bill and made this: Feel free to comment. Listening …

: Numbers I’ve had some strange calls lately, first from Primus Communications Telemarketers who call …

: NewsweekNewsline Update: South Asian Newsweek: S.A. Newsweek is Punjabi for “fiasco”, as we had some of …

: Cameras again I just realized, duh take the BW cam on top of the computer your using right now, connect it to the …

: Cameras I’m thinking of buying another computer (I can find a mac LC for $10) and another webcam to …

: Reason To Hate Rogers Cable 458657 Some how the sentance “I’d like to have a pin number required to order Pay-Per-View …

: Strange Car There is a strange black car parked out infront of my bedroom window. Just thought I should post …

: People Well it’s 03:17 EST and I’m sitting in an internet café on Younge and Irwin Sts. Why, …

: 25199 I am pissed off because somebody or something deleted my mulitmedia folder removing ALL my videos …

: Spanky Guess what I just learned something totally cool today, Caribana+Younge Street=Chaos. Anyways, if …

: kamakazze tiny flies from hell It seems toronto isunder attack by evil kamakazze tiny flies. They travel in big swarms or about …

: 24521 You know local television sucks when you’ve been flipping through TV5 Internationale, Deutsche …

: 24221 I think I’ve gone mad, this is what I’ve been surfing for the past 30 minutes! If you …

: 24003 Music way too lound, eyes now crossing, brain can’t handle party in the ears, laser thing …

: 23722 so it’s been awhile since I posted something, anyways I’ve been working news shifts …

: 23510 I forgot to post this a long time back, but this is a card I got on my birthday, it looks/reads: …

: 23149 Listening to: Z103.5 Vibe: naughty LJ ItemID: 23149

: Ahhhh Yes, nothing says “healthy meal” like mike’s hard lemonade (it’s lemonade …

: 22660 I forgot to mention….. die WS_FTP LE die! UPDATED: Internet Explorer may also die Listening …

: 22455 This is my actual photo on my OHIP card (Ontario Health Card), as you can see I look like i'm on …

: 22128 It seems I’m helping friends of a friend move tomrrow at 08:00! Listening to: Z103 (103.5FM) …

: 21860 Well finally the @home service was finally installed, and so was the digital cable…. but …

: Ahhhh Real Monsters Well it’s sunday night and I am loving the new place! Although I have no furniture of any kind …

: Yay Change Of Address Well it seems this Saturday I will be moving into a new location, well not really it’s in my …

: Old People Suck Why Do Old People Suck? Answer here Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 21128

: ohhh look at all that monkey It’s early morning on a monday, why am I up at 03:56? I have no idea I should really be in …

: 20535 It’s 03:04 on a sunday and I am watching Halloween which I rented at Blockbuster for about …

: 20397 MY COUNTER IS BROKEN!!!!!!!!!! It now says I only have had one visitor!!!! what a piece of crap! …

: 20089 The webcam is now tapped to the television set: Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag LJ ItemID: 20089

: Oooopppppsssss It seems I might be a bit sunburned! I didn’t notice but I’m a bit more on the red side, …

: That old cow If you have a look at my webcam the old bitch moved it, why because she a… (all together …

: 19387 Notice: This is the offical restaurant of NRG Online Listening to: CD: Queer As Folk (US) Vibe: …

: Odd night on the city Last night I was walking past Pizza Pizza on College and Younge and I was window shopping (checking …

: Z Ukosa Btw, ROCKS! Listening to: Vibe: sleepy LJ ItemID: 18819

: Spring Cleaning It seems I have deleted all the old and useless messages in my email box, this is good because the …

: Grrr It seems my server (zazie/www.mmn.on.ca) keeps on going down on weekends due to “power …

: 17938 ohhhh nasty hatemail time: My Motorola i1000plus (to now be refered to as “Piece Of …

: 17856 Somebody better look into my damn mobile it seems there is ALWAYS something wrong with it, like it …

: Dixit pronounced dick shit It seems somebody has unplugged my computer (Zazie) so expect anything located on mmn.on.ca to not …

: Ohhhhh It seems I feel like some form of asian food. speaking of people/things of the world… this is …

: 16982 I’ll be up until 3am tonight…. it’s amazing how much work you can do when you …

: 16878 Things I’ve done since I turned 18 @ 0:00: -applied for a credit card (with a low limit to …

: 16561 dammit, now I’m locked out of my FTP account, and I am doing a major overhaul….. …

: 16189 It seems I can not get to sleep, or will not for that matter, so it seems I’ll be having …

: 16026 Anybody want to goto Helium? Listening to: Vibe: tired

: IRHS Where The People Suck It seems that I am always wrong here, you know with certain things like finances for a class …

: 15470 I feel like crap right now, I don’t know why, but it better end soon! Listening to: Vibe: …

: New photos taken on the offical NRG Online iCam Some Intresting Photos: The Park With Two Names The Inside of a GO Train (I was board) The Toronto …

: 14956 Last night @ Digital (19 Mercer St., Toronto - between King and Front, just off of John St) was kick …

: Strange Folk I was walking up younge street to my usual hangout (Internetco) and some guy asks me “Do you …

: Click Click Bling Bling My fortune for today: Try Yoga Listening to: Vibe: confused

: And God Rained Apon The Ignorant With The Hand Of Death Some stupid f—king dumbass mother f—ker decided to take it upon them self and delete …

: MeowMeowMeow Last night wasd nuts, the party at Meow Lounge (1900 Lakshore Blvd. West) was soooo cool, we got …

: The Joys Of Chinese Cooking It seems that I will be on a future episode of Wai Wai Wide (Japanese) on CFMT so check your local …

: Its Like Christmas All Over Again Well I am skipping TAG (Teacher Advisory Group) as it has to be the dumbest thing the board could …

: Monkies From Nigeria Just a note have a stop by: community.nrg-online.org Listening to: Vibe: mellow

: 12820 I’m sitting here watching BootCamp on CHtv (www.chtv.ca), why I am I watching this, I do not …

: 12708 oops… forgot to set the time ahead on this computer :P Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag


: 11795 I should really start making these posts much bigger than I usually do, I say this because I am …

: Food and Other Kitchen Horrors It seems I have taken this laptop upstairs and started to cook (the horror!), for those who really …

: 11740 I’ve spent way too much time working on www.nrgmedia.org Listening to: Kardinal Offishal - …

: 11437 I should have downloaded WinAMP sooner, this is so cool (and slightly irritating too). Listening to: …

: 11085 I found something cool! type in: nrgonline.livejournal.com and get here faster! Listening to: …

: 10830 it seems somebody at CityTV needs a kick in the ass, I stay up to watch QT and theres NO Audio! Now …

: 10566 I should probably start watching what I’m doing at all times, because today walking down …

: 10465 Personal Note: Thursday - 4pm-6/7pm (FIRM) Friday - 2p-7pm (FIRM) Saturday - 8:30-XX:XX (Call back) …

: 10227 Why must this real player do hicky crash all the time????? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 9758 28 more days to moving….. I have started early on the boxes and the stuff so there is a huge …

: 9593 Its 3.21am, I can’t get to sleep…. I may not get to sleep if it turns 6.30am sometime …

: 9294 ohhh…. I just remembered to do this!!!! my cam is down due tot technical problems BUT …

: 9114 It seems somebody forgot to tell me that daylight savings time has come to an end, so all my clocks …

: 8844 Why must old people be so stupid? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 8547 something made me laugh this morning… walking into school I saw a poster “Unmasking …

: 8288 #what the….. jam# Listening to: Kardinal Offishall - Bakardi Slang Vibe: mischievous

: 8188 Attention: I have my mobile on vibrate… please send messages to: sms@nrg-online.org Listening …

: fa la la la la I’m in bed, with my laptop watching a ricky martin video on MuchMusic, anybody want to join? …

: 7679 Why does “high speed” internet go really slow? Listening to: HX Project Vibe: aggravated

: AOL Why must this stupid program do the exact opposite of what I tell it to do?%3 Listening to: Vibe: …

: 6957 It’s about 03:23 in the morning, so why am I still up???? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 6806 It seems monkies have taken over my computer in nigeria, what ever can I do? Listening to: Vibe: …

: 6547 I’m very angry towards my mac & my crappy PC today, coz they both don’t feel like …

: 6395 nighty night world Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 6103 Less than 24 hours before napster gets shutdown and now the “send” light on my modem is …

: 5748 snore I’m sooooo tired! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 5520 oops! didn’t finish my last entry!!! anyways continuing on, it was around 10:30/11:00…. …

: 5162 Appologies to all the webcam watchers, there was a power outtage at Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 4966 Ah, the joys of essay writing Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 4840 Yay UFO shows on A&E Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 4407 sleepy time! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 4114 In bed w/the laptop (yay!) Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 4014 windows: HIGHLY over rated… Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 3745 Ack! Cogeco you suck! My service is so slow tonight, I’m trying to load up …

: 3346 Why must old people open every window and door in the house when its freezing cold outside? cos now …

: 3117 Theres these little bugs that like to stay on my screen for no appearent reason I’d like to …

: 2945 My bed is so very empty, anybody wanna join me? Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 2808 I like Dutch, it sounds cool, it would also be cool if somebody called me up and said erotic things …

: 2494 I don’t like old people Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 2255 I need caffine, this is too early Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 1925 Is it just me or does everybody have to clear thier choices with a legal dept.? Listening to: Vibe: …

: 1650 There is something VERY wrong with my server (F2S) in my FTP all the files vanished into thin air, …

: 1458 ohh its all warm and sticky! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 1074 Still waiting for Martin to page me back (if he’s reading this its a hint to page me back) …

: 1002 now its in my site (yay) no more NewsPro (or maybe I should keep a copy of that hanging around) …

: 605 Ohh it looks more NRG Ønline-ish than before, I love this thing! Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

: 350 ohhh its like working ‘n’ stuff Listening to: Vibe: NoMoodTag

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